
    #275 - Andy Ngo - Unmasking Antifa: Inside America's Anarchy

    enJanuary 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Antifa's True Intentions: Anarchist Communism and ChaosAntifa, despite claiming to be antifascists, are actually anarchist communists aiming to overthrow the US government and establish a world without borders or capitalism. Their actions in Seattle and Portland led to violence and chaos, revealing their true intentions.

      Antifa, despite claiming to be antifascists, are actually anarchist communists who aim to destabilize governments and ultimately overthrow the US. They took advantage of the unrest following George Floyd's death in 2020 to claim sovereign territory in Seattle and received the support of the city council and mayor. However, this supposed "autonomous zone" quickly turned into a violent area with shootings and murders. Antifa's ultimate goal is a world without nation states, borders, or capitalism, based on old left-wing theories of interlocking systems of oppression. The ideology gained significant momentum in 2020, leading to widespread violence and chaos in cities like Portland, where journalist Andy Ngo had to flee due to death threats. Despite attempts to ban his book, "Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destabilize America," the goal is to inform the public about Antifa's ideology, history, and tactics.

    • Antifa's Radical Agenda: Delegitimizing Western Liberal DemocraciesAntifa, a far-left radical group, views the US as a fascist imperialistic state, delegitimizes Western liberal democracies, and uses political violence and property destruction against perceived fascists or white supremacists, with networks and systems to maintain their activities, and continues to oppose US administrations, viewing them as illegitimate.

      Antifa, a far-left radical group, views the United States as a fascist imperialistic state and seeks to delegitimize and attack the ideas that make up Western liberal democracies. They go to extremes, including political violence and property destruction, against those they label as fascists or white supremacists. This is because, in their minds, having the "wrong idea" is a form of violence. Antifa has been able to establish networks and systems to maintain their activities, and they have been successful in exporting these methods to other cities. Despite Joe Biden's election, Antifa continues to carry out riots and opposes any U.S. administration, viewing the U.S. government as illegitimate and in need of overthrow. Mainstream leftists who once saw Antifa as a mutual enemy have unwittingly contributed to the group's growth, but now face a beast that is too big to slay, as the group continues to act with impunity.

    • Normalization and emboldening of extremist groups like AntifaAntifa's violent and extremist behavior, masked by intellectualized arguments, poses a serious threat to society and the rule of law, leading to lawlessness and violence in certain parts of America.

      The normalization and emboldening of extremist groups like Antifa, coupled with weak law enforcement and political leadership, has led to a breakdown of the rule of law and an increase in violence and lawlessness in certain parts of America. This is not an exaggeration, as evidenced by the decriminalization of felony rioting in some jurisdictions and the rise in shootings and gun-related homicides in cities like Portland. Antifa's goal is to replace law enforcement with their own paramilitary groups, and they openly engage in violent and extremist behavior. The intellectualizing of their arguments tries to mask the ruthlessness of their worldview, but the reality is that they are exploiting civil rights and human rights to carry out wanton violence in the name of free speech and protest. This is a serious threat to the fabric of society and the rule of law, and it's important that we acknowledge and address it.

    • Decentralized Network of Antifa GroupsAntifa is a complex, decentralized network of ideologically-aligned groups promoting political violence through easily digestible pamphlets, with secretive recruitment, training, and interconnected communication.

      Antifa is a decentralized network of groups with a shared ideology, making it challenging for law enforcement to address. The groups, which include anarchists and communists, compress complex philosophies into easily digestible pamphlets to radicalize members and promote political violence. These ideologies, rooted in 19th and 20th-century thinkers, can be contradictory and self-defeating. Antifa groups operate both openly, engaging in criminal activities, and covertly, with secretive recruitment, training, and curriculum. Despite the lack of a single leader or organization, Antifa groups are connected through networks and encrypted communications, allowing them to coordinate actions across vast distances. The FBI has acknowledged Antifa's existence but has not fully recognized the extent of their interconnectedness. The federal law enforcement response under both the Trump and Biden administrations has been criticized for not adequately addressing this issue.

    • Antifa's Inability to Build Productive SystemsAntifa's actions result in destruction and misery, despite their desire for a utopia. Their violent tactics include rioting, arson attacks, and political violence, which are often overlooked by the media.

      Despite Antifa's claims of wanting to establish a utopia and their ideological opposition to centralized systems, they are unable to effectively run communities or build productive systems. Instead, they excel in destruction and creating misery. This was evident in the failed commune of Charles Manson and is also seen in their frequent acts of political violence, rioting, and arson attacks. The media's response to their actions varies greatly, with condemnation for the Capitol Hill riots but omission for Antifa's violent activities. The double standard is particularly noticeable when comparing the coverage of the Capitol Hill siege and Antifa's attacks on federal properties, such as the federal courthouse in Portland. The media's portrayal of Antifa as compassionate and the right as bigoted further complicates the issue. However, it's essential to acknowledge and condemn all acts of political violence, regardless of political affiliation.

    • Intense hatred towards Trump and his supporters fuels polarization and violenceThe hatred towards Trump and his supporters by some Democrats has led to a dangerous cycle of polarization and violence between Antifa and far-right groups, putting both at risk of deadly confrontations.

      The intense hatred towards former President Trump and his supporters by some Democrats has overshadowed their commitment to upholding the rule of law and American institutions. This hatred has legitimized acts of extremism and created a dangerous precedent. Both Antifa and the far-right groups radicalize each other in a never-ending cycle of polarization. Antifa acknowledges the threat from the far-right but responds with violence and preparation for war, further escalating the situation. The far-right, which includes some ex-military individuals, is also armed and dangerous. Antifa's actions do not aim to end the cycle of polarization but instead fuel it, putting both groups at risk of a potentially deadly confrontation. It's crucial to recognize the danger of this cycle and work towards de-escalation and understanding to prevent further radicalization and violence.

    • Media bias towards reporting right-wing extremism overlooks Antifa and BLM actionsMedia bias towards reporting right-wing extremism can create a context for political violence, as the media often falls short in accurately reporting on extremist actions of groups like Antifa and BLM, leading to dangerous situations and potential harm to those who seek to expose the truth.

      The media's myopic focus on reporting right-wing extremism overlooks the extremist actions of groups like Antifa and BLM. This bias creates a context for political violence to thrive, and when it comes to reporting accurately on their extremism, the media often falls short. The speaker shared personal experiences of being in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the fear and danger that came with it. Despite the media portraying CHAZ as a harmless "block party," it was a territory claimed by Antifa and BLM as separate from the US. The speaker wore their uniform to blend in but was eventually outed and had to flee for their life. The media's failure to accurately report on these situations allows for the perpetuation of violence and the continued danger for those who seek to expose the truth.

    • Seattle Riots: Chaos and Violence by Night, Racial Segregation and Targeting by AntifaThe 2020 Seattle riots were marked by chaos and violence, racial segregation, and targeted attacks on individuals by Antifa, leading to a dangerous and confusing environment for journalists and residents alike.

      The 2020 Seattle riots were marked by chaos and violence during the nighttime hours, with different ideological groups, such as Antifa and BLM, engaging in property destruction and territorial disputes. Warlord-like figures and individuals with criminal backgrounds roamed the area, leading to widespread fighting and racial segregation. Independent journalists faced significant danger while trying to cover the events. Despite claiming to promote anti-racism and social justice, the area experienced a 100% black homicide and shooting victim rate. Individuals, including the author, faced intense efforts from anti-fascist activists to identify and target them. The author's experiences led him to change tactics and adopt creative methods to evade detection. Despite their self-proclaimed anti-racist stance, Antifa members mistakenly targeted individuals based on race, further highlighting the chaos and confusion of the situation.

    • Intellectually privileged and economically vulnerable join AntifaAntifa attracts both intellectually privileged and economically vulnerable, exploiting their vulnerabilities to recruit violent henchmen

      The Antifa movement attracts two distinct groups of people: the intellectually privileged and the economically and socially vulnerable. The former, including professors, academics, journalists, and medical professionals, are drawn to radical left-wing ideologies through their education. The latter, including the homeless, vagrants, and those dealing with mental health issues, are seeking a sense of belonging and purpose in the face of personal grievances. Antifa exploits this vulnerability, promising to give them a community and a new identity, while also making wickedness seem virtuous. This dangerous dynamic allows Antifa to recruit and use these vulnerable individuals as henchmen to carry out criminal violence.

    • Antifa and BLM's Merged Ideologies and CollaborationAntifa and BLM, despite differences, collaborate due to shared enemies and goals, but their destructive ideologies can harm their own community. Future political violence is predicted, and a comprehensive approach including law enforcement, community engagement, and policy changes is needed.

      Antifa and BLM, two seemingly distinct movements, have merged ideologies and have been working together due to their common opposition to law enforcement, rule of law, property rights, and conservative values. Despite their differences, such as BLM's goal of taking power with the state while Antifa seeks to abolish it, they share enough common enemies and goals to collaborate. However, their ideologies can be destructive even within their own community, as seen when they prioritize deferring to black militant figures over challenging them, even if they are "warlords." Looking ahead, the next year is predicted to bring continued political violence in the streets, with law enforcement struggling to respond and few convictions. To address this issue, the federal government could draw inspiration from past efforts to combat criminal networks and adopt a comprehensive approach that includes law enforcement, community engagement, and policy changes to address the root causes of unrest.

    • Addressing far-left extremist groups like AntifaA multi-faceted approach is needed to address far-left extremist groups like Antifa, including enforcing existing laws and challenging their destructive actions, but the left's attachment to these groups and their use of misleading labels complicates the situation.

      Addressing the issue of far-left extremist groups like Antifa requires a multi-faceted approach. While existing laws can help dismantle their networks, it's crucial for the left to detach themselves from these extremists and challenge their destructive and violent actions. However, this seems unlikely given the mainstreaming of such behavior in the name of racial justice. The far-left's claims, which can't be falsified in their minds, continue to fuel their protests and riots. The name "Antifa," which presents them as anti-fascist, is a clever tactic that frames their actions positively, making it challenging for opposition to condemn them openly. This situation has led to a devolution of peaceful protests into violent riots and mass looting events. It's essential to recognize and challenge their ideology and actions, regardless of what they call themselves.

    • Understanding Antifa's Threats to DemocracyStay informed about potential threats to democracy, learn about Antifa's radical plans, and promote open dialogue and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

      It's important for people to be informed about the potential threats to democracy, such as those associated with Antifa. During the discussion, the importance of understanding Antifa's radical plans was emphasized. For those interested in learning more, Andy Ng's website, andy.ng0.com, is a valuable resource. The conversation also touched on the importance of staying informed and being aware of the current political landscape. It's crucial that we all do our part to promote open dialogue and peaceful resolution of conflicts, rather than resorting to destructive tactics. In summary, being informed and engaged in the political process is key to preserving democracy.

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    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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    Who are the Alt-Right, Really? (Special Guest - @Ali)

    Who are the Alt-Right, Really? (Special Guest - @Ali)

    My guest this episode is Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar. He's a political consultant and digital media strategist for the Republican party.

    He joins me to talk about the origins of the Alt-Right and the New Right, and the differences between the two. We also talk about a bunch of related topics ranging from Donald Trump to postmodernism, to 4Chan. 

    Highlights from the Show

    • [00:25] What is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect and why it is screwing up the way we Muslims understand reality?
    • [04:10] How does someone with a name like Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar end up a) a Southern Baptist Christian and b) a Republican political consultant?
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    • [13:36] How Ali went from actively opposing Donald Trump's entry into Republican politics in 2011, to meeting and hanging out with him in 2014, to not supporting him in the 2016 Republican primaries, to finally becoming a Trump supporter
    • [21:48] Why Ali thinks Feminism and other postmodernist movements are a greater threat to America than terrorism
    • [23:00] Ali and I take a deep dive into the origins of the Alt-Right...Where did it come from? Who coined the term? What is its ideological or political make-up?
    • [25:30] Who are the major Alt-Right public figures?
    • [28:35] How are Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan etc. connected to the Alt-Right?
    • Why do Neo-Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacists in the Alt-Right reject Donald Trump?
    • [35:00] Why do the Alt-Right have a love-hate relationship with Jews and Muslims?
    • [37:06] Who are the "New Right"? Are they an off-shoot of the Alt-Right or are they something completely different?
    • [43:10] Why did some New Right figures associate with the Alt-Right before distancing themselves from the group?
    • [49:15] Branding is everything...the media is everything...why no one cares if the Alt-Right really are Neo-Nazis
    • [53:10] If reality is a social construct, whoever controls the media controls reality
    • [55:45] Who are the major New Right public figures?
    • [59:05] Why are foreigners (non-Americans) like Milo Yiannopolous, Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux, and Lauren Southern so influential in the New Right and Alt-Right?
    • [1:03:50] Ali and I break down the meaning and significance of memes, memetic warfare, and meme magic
    • [1:07:30] Was Hillary Clinton really sick or did Trump supporters give her the Evil Eye? 
    • [1:10:10] Where does /pol/ (4chan) fit into all of this?
    • [1:15:00] The grand social experiment being conducted by /pol/
    • [1:15:53] Why Ali and I are agents of controlled chaos, and how we operate as interdimensional travelers on the internet.
    • [1:18:46] Why are living in the era of "based" thinking - the great mistake of believing Nationalism is spreading around the world
    • [1:20:45] Where can you find Ali online?

    You can find complete show notes here: http://becomingthealphamuslim.com/new-right-vs-alt-right

    Episode 4: "Not Even Babies Get a Free Lunch"

    Episode 4: "Not Even Babies Get a Free Lunch"

    On the latest episode of Coffee with Comrades, Bree and Pearson explore late-stage capitalism’s neoliberal paradigms.

    Today’s News:

    So, what is neoliberalism? After providing a brief history of economics, Bree and Pearson unpack their definition:

    neoliberalism (n): a twentieth century update of classic economics generally characterized by deregulation, open markets, privatization, globalization, financialization, and fiscal austerity.

    Upcoming Actions:

    If you like what you hear, please take 5 minutes to Rate & Review the show on your podcasting platform of choice. This is a DIY podcast run entirely by workers and community-organizers.

    Poor yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the episode!


    • Intro: Woody Guthrie, “I Ain’t Got No Home in this World”
    • Outro: Killer Mike, “Reagan”