
    275. Navy SEAL on suffering or struggle

    enJune 22, 2023

    About this Episode

    Suffering is when you think things should be different.  When you think the struggle isn't what you need to do.


    Recent Episodes from Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

    277. Navy SEAL Independence Day: Earn Your Freedom

    277. Navy SEAL Independence Day:  Earn Your Freedom


    Few of us even know freedom anymore. Teach your kids to earn it.




    1.  The condition of not being in prison or captivity.

    2.  The condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance.

    3.  The condition of not being controlled by another nation or political power; political independence.

    276. Three Points of Authentic Communications

    276. Three Points of Authentic Communications

    We all misunderstand what happens during any type of communications.  The first misunderstanding is we always believe what we hear.  The ears are designed to only think what they hear are true.  However, you need to have another sense back up that notion.  

    That is how media dupes us all.  Nothing in the media is actually true, if you research it for facts.

    That is important to realize.

    True authentic communication first requires you to 

    1.  Listen without judgement (listen not believing in order to free them up from their past so they can be present)
    2. Speak without drama (drama is uncommitted words that cause both people to lose interest and not be present)
    3. Get clarity (that means interrupt if you don't know what they are saying and to ask them to repeat what you said)

    Those three points are authentic communications