
    278 | Mysterious Monsters that HUNT People and National Forest HORROR Stories

    enSeptember 09, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • A camping trip in Huron Manistee National Forest reveals hidden dangers and mysteriesNatural beauty can conceal terrifying phenomena, making even serene places potentially dangerous and mysterious

      The natural beauty of forest reserves, national parks, and protected lands can hide terrifying and unexplained phenomena. In this story, a couple's camping trip in Huron Manistee National Forest is interrupted by strange occurrences, including eerie screams and mysterious flying creatures. Despite their initial dismissal of these events, the couple's fear escalates as the night progresses, leaving them questioning the unknown entities in the forest. The story serves as a reminder that even in the most beautiful and serene places, there can be hidden dangers and mysteries. If you have your own scary forest story to share, consider submitting it to The Darkness Prevails podcast.

    • An encounter with the unknown in the woodsAn unexpected run-in with a mysterious creature strengthened a couple's bond, reminding them of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of companionship during challenging times.

      An unexpected encounter with the unknown can be both terrifying and bonding. The speaker and their partner came across a mysterious creature in the woods, which left them shaken but ultimately brought them closer together. The creature, described as a large, feathered humanoid with glowing red eyes and the ability to fly, took the life of a fawn without feeding on it. The speaker and their partner were unable to identify the creature, but based on its behavior and appearance, they believe it may have been the Mothman, a cryptid known for appearing before major disasters. Despite the traumatic experience, the couple found solace in each other and continue to use the encounter as a way to process their emotions and connect with one another. They have been living together since then and plan to marry in the future. The encounter served as a reminder of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of companionship during challenging times.

    • A cry for help in the nightBeing alert and responsive to the needs of others can save lives, even in unexpected circumstances.

      The quiet stillness of nature can be disrupted by unexpected dangers, and in this case, a child in distress. The author, woken up by a strange cry in the night, found herself in a race against time to find the source of the sound and help the child before it was too late. Despite the initial fear and uncertainty, she was able to overcome her fear and act quickly to save the child from the cold and potential harm. The experience served as a reminder of the importance of being alert and responsive to the needs of those around us, even in the most unexpected circumstances.

    • The silence in a burnt-out area leaves the protagonist uneasySilence can be as unsettling as danger, and the absence of sound can leave us feeling uneasy or haunted.

      The silence and desolation of a place can evoke feelings of unease and fear. In the story, the protagonist and his cousin entered a burnt-out area called Paradise, which was starkly different from the lush and green surroundings. The immediate area was filled with the deathly silence that struck both of them, and L, the cousin, suddenly asked Shiv if he could hear anything. This moment of silence made them both feel uneasy, and it was during this moment that the protagonist encountered a strange boy who appeared to be a corpse. The encounter left the protagonist dumbfounded and haunted, and the silence of the place added to the eerie feeling of the situation. The experience serves as a reminder that sometimes, the absence of sound can be just as unsettling as the presence of danger.

    • Childhood memories tainted by dark discoveries and haunting talesThe idyllic memories of the narrator and Elle's childhood were marred by unsettling discoveries and chilling stories, leaving a lasting impression on them.

      The paradise the narrator and Elle visited as children was not as idyllic as it seemed. They discovered small animal skeletons and skulls charred into the ground, leading to an uneasy feeling every time they recall the memory. Meanwhile, in a different context, an old water house on the heath was believed to be haunted due to a gruesome history involving bank robbers and their violent crimes. The water house, once a perfect hideaway for the criminals, was now rumored to be haunted by their spirits. Both the eerie silence and discoveries of their childhood and the haunting stories of the water house left lasting impressions on the narrator and Elle.

    • Unexplained events leave lasting impactUnexplained phenomena can create a sense of unease and fear, shaping experiences and perceptions.

      Mysterious and unexplained events can leave a lasting impact on people and places. In the first story, the water house's dark history and creepy reputation led to a terrifying encounter for a group of kids, leaving them with a deep-seated fear of the area. In the second story, the appearance of a stranger in the campground sparked curiosity and concern, leading the group to discover a missing friend. Both stories illustrate how unexplained phenomena can create a sense of unease and fear, shaping the experiences and perceptions of those involved.

    • Encounter with a catatonic girl and a strange smell during camping tripCampers experienced unexplained events, including a catatonic girl following one of them and a mysterious foul smell, leaving them feeling uneasy and unable to fully explain what had happened, and adding to their concerns when one person went missing.

      The group of campers experienced two strange and inexplicable events during their camping trip. The first was an encounter with a seemingly catatonic girl who followed one of the campers, despite his efforts to lose her. The second was the sudden appearance and disappearance of a foul smell, which caused fear and confusion among the group. Both incidents left the campers feeling uneasy and unable to fully explain what had happened. Despite their attempts to rationalize the events, they remained a mystery. The group's size also became a concern when they realized one person was missing from their tents, adding to the overall sense of unease.

    • Campers Encounter the 'Goatman' in the WoodsCampers experienced strange occurrences and encountered a terrifying entity called the 'Goatman'. Despite fear, they stayed another night due to a friend's connection. They were eventually saved by Jeremiah's father's bravery.

      The group of campers had an unsettling encounter with an unknown entity in the woods, which they came to call the "Goatman." The experience left them shaken and unsure of what to believe. Despite their initial plan to leave the area, they ended up staying another night due to a friend's connection to the supposed Goatman's territory. The group moved campsites but continued to experience strange occurrences, including a copper and blood smell and eerie noises. When they saw the Goatman, they were terrified and sought refuge in a nearby RV. Jeremiah's father defended the group by shooting at the entity, which resulted in a terrifying scream and the Goatman's retreat. The group spent the rest of the night in the RV, too frightened to sleep properly. The sun eventually brought an end to the ordeal, and the group left the area, shaken but grateful for their survival.

    • Encountering the mysterious and forbidding woodsBe cautious when venturing into unfamiliar territories and respect the natural world. The woods can be beautiful but also dangerous, and sometimes it's best to leave certain mysteries unsolved.

      The woods of Washington state, as described by the narrator, have an ominous and forbidding feel, especially at night. This was evident during a hike when the group of campers encountered strange occurrences, including the disappearance and reappearance of a quiet kid, and the destruction of their tents. The events left them confused and shaken, with the quiet kid revealing his fear of an unidentified entity that seemed to have a connection to the woods. The campers' experience serves as a reminder to be cautious when venturing into unfamiliar territories and respecting the natural world. The woods can be beautiful but also dangerous, and sometimes it's best to leave certain mysteries unsolved.

    • An unsettling experience in the woodsThe woods trip left the group feeling uneasy and shaken, reminding them of the unknown and unexplained forces in nature and the importance of staying alert and aware.

      The woods trip turned out to be a strange and unsettling experience for the group. The encounter with the unusual sounds, the feeling of being watched, and the sense of malevolent presence left them feeling uneasy and shaken. Despite their initial dismissal of the strange occurrences, the events left a lasting impression on them, with some unexplained phenomena remaining a mystery. The experience served as a reminder of the unknown and unexplained forces that exist in nature and the importance of staying alert and aware of one's surroundings. The group's shared experience brought them closer, but also left them with a sense of unease and a feeling that they were not in control. The hatred they sensed towards one of them was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the potential dangers that lurk in the unknown. The events of the trip served as a reminder to respect the natural world and the unknown, and to be aware of the potential dangers that come with exploring it.

    • Unexpected danger in the woodsBeing prepared and aware of surroundings is crucial for survival, even in idyllic settings.

      The woods, while beautiful and serene, can be unpredictable and even dangerous. The narrator, who had grown up in the woods and never experienced any harm, found himself face to face with a terrifying creature during a peaceful walk to the lake. Despite his familiarity with the area and his preparation, he was caught off guard and had to use all his wits and instincts to escape. The encounter served as a reminder that even in the most idyllic settings, danger can lurk and that being prepared and aware of one's surroundings is crucial for survival.

    • The importance of navigation skills in unfamiliar or dangerous territoriesKnowing how to read a map and navigate can save lives in unfamiliar or dangerous territories. Without these skills, even experienced individuals can get lost and face challenges in reaching safety.

      Having the ability to navigate and read a map is crucial, especially when in unfamiliar or dangerous territories. This was exemplified in the story of a man who, despite being a skilled army scout, got lost in the forest due to a hurt ankle and lack of a shoe. He was able to use his knowledge of the sun's position and the direction of the lake to determine his general direction, but the forest's complexities and his injury made it challenging for him to reach safety. This experience left him feeling uneasy and unsafe, leading him to seek protection and guidance from his family and a shaman. The importance of navigation skills was further emphasized in the man's description of his role as a cavalry scout in the army, where he was responsible for gathering intelligence behind enemy lines. The ability to navigate and read a map allowed him to successfully complete his missions and stay alive in dangerous situations. The experience in the forest served as a reminder of the importance of this skill and the potential consequences of not having it.

    • Navigating through a forest to find enemy positionsScouts relied on their map, compass, and heightened senses to locate enemy positions in a dark forest, avoiding detection and staying focused to ensure mission success.

      Navigating through a dense, dark forest to find enemy positions was a challenging and individual training event. Each scout was given unique points to locate, with the help of only a map and compass, while avoiding enemy soldiers and staying focused in the pitch-black environment. The importance of accurately plotting points on the map and being aware of the terrain cannot be overstated. Scouts had to navigate streams, hills, and valleys while avoiding detection and using their senses to stay alert. The absence of insect noises added to the eerie atmosphere, increasing the tension and requiring heightened awareness. The success of the mission relied on the scout's ability to stay focused, be precise, and remain undetected.

    • Soldier's Instincts Save LivesExperienced soldiers rely on instincts to sense danger, but constant vigilance can be mentally and physically taxing. Quick thinking and adaptability are crucial for mission success.

      Experienced soldiers develop a "warning radar" that helps them sense danger in their surroundings. This instinct can save lives, but it also means constantly being on edge and dealing with the stress of potential threats. During a mission, the soldier in this story encountered an enemy soldier and had to use stealth and caution to avoid being detected. He also had to navigate through the forest to find important points while avoiding enemy patrols and avoiding being detected himself. The soldier's instincts and quick thinking helped him stay alive and complete his mission, but the experience was also physically and mentally challenging. The soldier learned to trust his instincts, but also to adapt and adjust his strategy when necessary. Overall, the story highlights the importance of situational awareness, quick thinking, and adaptability in military operations.

    • Navigating in the dark with NVGs presents challengesAccurate planning, attention to detail, and situational awareness are crucial for successful navigation in unfamiliar and potentially dangerous environments, even with NVGs.

      Navigation in the dark, even with Night Vision Goggles (NVGs), can be challenging and error-prone. The speaker encountered difficulties in finding his third and fourth points due to a detour, loss of pace count, and limited depth perception with NVGs. He also faced unexpected obstacles, such as a large, smelly enemy soldier. Despite finding the necessary points, the speaker had to be cautious in returning to the start point to avoid being caught. The experience highlighted the importance of accurate planning, attention to detail, and situational awareness in navigation, especially in unfamiliar and potentially dangerous environments.

    • Unexpected challenges can lead to personal growthUnexpected obstacles can test our abilities, resilience and problem-solving skills, leading to valuable lessons and new discoveries.

      Unexpected obstacles and challenges can occur in unexpected places, and can change our perspective on things. The author's experience of stalking a Bigfoot during a military training exercise and the chilling discovery of an empty log pile during a New Year's Eve celebration at her cousin's home, both presented unexpected challenges that tested the author's abilities and resilience. Despite the initial annoyance and fear, the author was able to overcome these challenges and learn valuable lessons from them. The military training exercise not only tested the author's physical abilities but also her problem-solving skills, as she had to navigate through unfamiliar terrain and complete the required tasks within a tight timeframe. The discovery of the empty log pile during New Year's Eve celebration required the author to step out of her comfort zone and face her fear of the unknown, ultimately leading her to a deeper appreciation for her father's support and her own abilities. Overall, these experiences served as reminders that unexpected challenges can lead to personal growth and new discoveries.

    • Encountering the unknown leads to personal growthAn unexpected encounter with a terrifying creature led to a significant step forward in the speaker's life through creativity and personal growth.

      Our experiences, even the most frightening ones, can lead us to unexpected places and opportunities. The speaker in this story was stalked by a werewolf-like creature in the woods, an encounter that initially left him both excited and scared. However, when the creature lost interest and left, the speaker was left with a lingering memory that he couldn't shake. He tried various ways to express the experience, from drawing to writing, but it wasn't until he started a screenwriting project that he was able to fully explore and make sense of the encounter. This experience led him to create a series called "Shift," which could potentially be a significant step forward in his life. The encounter with the creature, although terrifying, ultimately served as a catalyst for creativity and personal growth.

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    474 | 7 UNEXPLAINED Creature Attacks!
    These eye-witness accounts portray people who have allegedly been attacked or pursued by aggressive and unexplained monsters or spirits! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Shadow Creature in my Closet from Unidentified Creature 9:13 A Third Stinker Story from RD in Hull 18:00 I Am Truly Scared from NG_lovesspooky 27:18 Shadow Creature from Chira 39:13 The Thing in the Fog from TheDruid 45:04 Something in the Woods of Pennsylvania from WildmanTim 49:19 Not So Skeptical Anymore from Druid_Folk Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 26, 2024


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    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak What happens in the woods, stays in the woods. Especially if it kills you. Enjoy these allegedly true horror stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:05 Adirondacks Mystery Monster from Anonymous 6:11 Possible Cryptid in the Woods from Lori 911 10:23 Seeing is Believing from K_Bar the Donkey 18:54 Lynda from PumpkinMama2022 23:43 Letchworth State Park from TJB 26:16 I Don’t Believe it, Why Should You? From CoffeeQueen 37:55 Encounter on the Hill from The Dark Knight 44:50 A Presence from a stranger Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Do you believe in ghosts? You might after this compilation of 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: Intro 0:43 The Cat Saw It Too from TheWoo 1:40 I Call Him Jerry from Josh 10:12 It Came with the Fog from Double D 16:44 Yellow Eyes from Zax 27:13 The Basement from Martin 43:10 Faint Bernard and the Warbling Man from X99X 51:24 The Drench from mariscully 57:54 Just Getting Started from N00N3 1:03:34 The Skwentna AK Happenings from Quillback 1:09:11 Quiet Nights from TeaFox 1:23:59 Terror in the Chapel from Jack 9053 1:31:24 Late Night at the Park from 1314RECON 1:35:09 The Other Girl in the Room from Mavie Wavy 1:41:35 Hospital Terror from Lady Blue 1:47:33 It Got Inside My House from Anonymous 1:57:41 Never Sleep with the Closet Door Open from Crystal_hawley22 2:02:23 The Ghost in my Basement from Papigallo22 2:05:42 Creature Near the Old Oak from HotChocolate 2:13:26 The Mounds from bekka 2:19:18 Sleeping with the Ghost from Auntie TT 2:27:50 Shadow Island Drive from EvansFiance 2:31:43 My Haunted Doll from Smileyalby 2:34:25 The Many Voices in my Ears from Darkvoice 2:41:33 My Friend's Experiences As A Police Officer 2:46:17 Demon Pretending to be a Skinwalker or Wendigo from CountryMama87 2:52:50 Haunted Old Brothel Above Restaurant from April 3:04:44 Shadows Plague from Celestial 3:11:01 My Weird Childhood Poltergeist from JollyJello 3:16:43 The Haunting on the Roof from paranormal.pk 3:21:19 Ya I’m Here from Laurie Means Me 3:26:50 Shape from Casket 3:34:59 My Terrifying Home Alone Experience from OhNoItsAGhost52 3:42:01 I Felt like the Ghost's Plaything from PennyB2203 3:47:34 Specter Brume from WhiteChapel 3:54:07 Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak NaturesTemper joins me today in telling some very SCARY stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Jeremy from Wanderlust Jojo 8:05 The Gargoyle Man of the Graveyard Shift from Nyxolotl 18:22 I Think a Skinwalker is Stalking Me from Scout 22:35 Two Sets of Eyes from B.W. Newman read by NaturesTemper 33:43 The Locked Doll from Mnm_974 37:29 Creature in the Cave from Mr. Instrument and Sensor read by NaturesTemper 48:55 The Shadow with Teeth from thatgirlzed Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak If you get lost in the woods, don't worry - something will find you. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:36 Not All Monsters are Monsters from Very Mean Jelly Beans 14:55 The Dogman Talked to my Dog from Wolfenstein572 20:20 Wendigo Encounter While Zoinked from Shnitzel 29:55 It Followed Me from spartan_thorn9 35:27 Never Alone from Meg 43:09 What Was In The House from Robert117 50:17 What’s in my House? From Sleepless Nights  Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained
    HEADS UP: This episode was made when I was bedridden and sick. So, I had someone use an AI version of my voice. Sorry, but I'd rather my family have food on the table and my fans have stories to enjoy. You might hear some mispronunciations. Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Something evil lurks in the Appalachian mountains, and you DON'T want to meet it! SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:10 Bridge Water Triangle in Massachusets Story; from DanTheMan 4:13 I move, it moves, we all move; from N00N3 10:28 Be Careful Hiking in the Bighorn Mountains; from Colter Morgan 13:22 The Woman in the Bathroom Mirror; from SpookyGuy556 30:50 The Morning I'll Never Forget; from TruthFinder16 35:08 Paranormal Happenings; from PaigeH92 48:14 Oconee Spirits; from Swampfox 57:31 Uncle Johnny; from Leahbeah Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #206 - Jim Chesnar

    #206 - Jim Chesnar
    Interview starts 27:50
    Jim Chesnar, Probably the worlds foremost expert on the The Bock Saga joins us to chat about the oldest genesis mythology handed down for thousands of years, maybe even millions… 
    Jim sat with Ior Bock and the generational story has been passed down. There are many documentaries coming out about this and Jim has been a large part of this reveal. 
    We chat about the correlations between this myth and actual geological events, and about the inner earth/hole in the pole underneath a museum the Russians built. Jim chats about the root language, Atlantis being a time and a place, and how the solar system might have been.
    Bock saga 
    In the intro, it’s just Darren and Graham chating about the UFO footage released by the Chilean Navy and some listener feedback on a past episode.
    Links below to stuff we chat about during the show and the intro:
    Pro mix
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    http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ link to Napolean Duheme's site
    Something Elated - Broke For Free

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