
    281: I'd Like to Buy a Vow

    enNovember 08, 2022
    What experiences did Mike Rinder share about Scientology?
    How does Rinder describe his escape from Scientology?
    What is the purpose of the Aftermath Foundation?
    How does Scientology manipulate search results online?
    What are the consequences of personal responsibility in Scientology?

    Podcast Summary

    • An Insightful Interview with a Former High-Ranking Member of the Church of ScientologyMike Rinder's firsthand experiences and insights into the Church of Scientology offer a cautionary tale about belief systems, cults, and the human experience. Despite the challenges, Rinder managed to escape and now uses his experiences to raise awareness and challenge the status quo.

      The interview with Mike Rinder, a former high-ranking member of the Church of Scientology, was particularly noteworthy due to his firsthand experiences and insights into the inner workings of the organization. Rinder, who spent most of his life in Scientology and was once closely connected to its leader, David Miscavige, shared his story in his memoir "A Billion Years," which serves as a cautionary tale about belief systems, cults, and the gradual process of being drawn into such organizations. Despite the challenges and hardships he faced, Rinder managed to escape and now uses his experiences to raise awareness and challenge the status quo. The conversation between Rinder, Chuck, and the podcast hosts brought together various connections and perspectives, making for a compelling and engaging discussion. Overall, the interview provided valuable insights into the complexities of belief systems and the human experience.

    • Scientology as a Prison of BeliefScientology, based on L. Ron Hubbard's writings, functions as a controlling belief system, preventing individuals from acting in their best interests, causing harm that continues due to unchangeable foundational texts. Mike Rinder's book and public appearances offer a path to break free.

      Scientology, as described by Mike Rinder and Leah Remini, functions as a prison of belief. This prison is built on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, and the control exerted over individuals' minds prevents them from acting in their best interests. The tragic consequence of this is that the harm inflicted by the organization continues to this day, as it cannot change without altering its foundational texts. Mike Rinder's book "A 1000000000 Years" and his public appearances serve as a path for people to break free from this controlling belief system. The parallels between Scientology and a cult or high-control group were emphasized, as these entities manipulate individuals into doing things that are not in their best interest. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for recognizing the impact and continuation of such harmful organizations.

    • People in extreme belief systems are not necessarily weak-mindedDespite their seemingly noble intentions, extreme belief systems can be manipulated by sociopathic leaders for power and control.

      People involved in cults or belief systems that may seem extreme from the outside are not necessarily stupid or incapacitated. Instead, they are often driven by a strong desire to help others and improve the world. This is a powerful and persuasive message that can be appealing to many. However, it's important to remember that while the majority of members may believe they are doing good, there are also sociopathic individuals who rise to the top and manipulate this desire for the sake of power and control. These leaders may see themselves as saviors, but they have no conscience and use their position to enslave and deceive others. It's crucial to be mindful of this dynamic and avoid passing judgment based on appearances alone.

    • A mother's journey to expose Scientology's harmful practicesThrough her personal experience and the validation from The Sociopath Next Door, a mother shares her story to give her children freedom and expose a tax-exempt organization's harmful tactics.

      The author's personal experience working in the upper echelons of Scientology and her estrangement from her children led her to write a book exposing the organization's harmful practices. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout was a revelation to her, validating her experiences and showing that she was not alone. The book, which is addressed to her children, aims to give them the freedom to think for themselves and ultimately "blow up the prison" of Scientology. The author's decision to share her story publicly, despite the personal ramifications, is significant as it sheds light on the micro and macro issues of individual estrangement and the larger problem of a tax-exempt organization using resources to harass and attack its critics. The author's unique perspective, as someone who has been under the microscope while discussing such a sensitive and personal topic, adds to the urgency and importance of her message.

    • Leah Remini's dedication to exposing Scientology's abusesBelief in Scientology's teachings guarantees spiritual salvation and planet saving, but unwillingness to engage with critics perpetuates its harmful effects

      The responsibility and satisfaction of exposing the abuses of Scientology outweighs the burden of representing victims and making them feel heard. Leah Remini's dedication to uncovering the truth about Scientology comes from her belief that she is saving people from its harmful effects. The defining characteristic of Scientology is the absolute certainty of its followers, who believe that only by following L. Ron Hubbard's teachings can they achieve spiritual salvation and save the planet. Hubbard promised guaranteed results from his technology, and failure to adhere to his teachings would not yield the promised outcomes. The unwillingness to engage with those who don't share this certainty is a significant aspect of Scientology, and it informs every conversation about the organization.

    • Scientology's Claim to Life Answers and Technological CommunicationScientology offers practical techniques for communication and claims to have effective technology. Small improvements can lead to trust and bigger transformations, despite confirmation bias and pressure for remarkable gains.

      Scientology believes L. Ron Hubbard holds the answers to life's problems, and joining Scientology means studying and learning these answers. Hubbard presented workable ideas from various sources, and even small, practical techniques can lead to involvement and trust. Communication is one such area where Scientology claims to have developed effective technology. While there is confirmation bias and pressure to experience remarkable gains, small improvements can serve as stepping stones to bigger transformations, which may eventually involve spending money and undergoing deeper spiritual processes.

    • Consistency and Language in Contracts with L. Ron HubbardWorking directly with L. Ron Hubbard revealed his inconsistent stories and importance of clear language in contracts. Rare experiences with him provide valuable insights.

      The use of language and consistency in contracts is important, as seen in the discussion about signing contracts with L. Ron Hubbard for a supposed 1,000,000,000-year tenure. Additionally, the speaker's experiences working directly with Hubbard revealed him to be a larger-than-life character and a prolific storyteller, whose inconsistent stories raised questions about the truthfulness of his claims and the foundations of Scientology. The speaker also noted the rarity of individuals who worked directly with Hubbard, making their experiences and perspectives valuable.

    • Exposing L. Ron Hubbard's FabricationsThough L. Ron Hubbard was a skilled storyteller, his claims of supernatural abilities and external causes for accomplishments crossed the line into deceitful conmanship, as exposed in 'A Piece of Blue Sky' and 'Bare-Faced Messiah'.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was a master storyteller who used his abilities to create self-help organizations and eventually a religion, securing tax-exempt status along the way. However, when individuals claim supernatural abilities or external causes for their accomplishments, they cross the line from bullshitter to con man. The impactful books "A Piece of Blue Sky" by Larry Wright and "Bare-Faced Messiah" by Russell Miller exposed Hubbard's fabrications while acknowledging his storytelling prowess. It's essential to distinguish between harmless bullshitting and deceitful conmanship, especially when it comes to influential figures and organizations.

    • Ensuring transparency in supplementsRitual's commitment to transparency in supplement industry, sharing science and sourcing for every ingredient.

      Transparency is essential, especially when it comes to what we put in our bodies. Kat, the founder of Ritual, was driven to create a company that ensures traceability in the supplement industry after discovering the presence of harmful additives and lack of essential nutrients in many multivitamins. Ritual shares the science and sourcing for every single ingredient, ensuring consumers know exactly what they're getting. Meanwhile, in a different context, the discussion touched upon the power and influence of organizations like Scientology. The organization's tax-exempt status in the United States, which confers religious protection, allows it to operate without government oversight and subsidized by taxpayers. This status enables Scientology to engage in activities such as kidnapping, illegal surveillance, and destruction of enemies, as outlined in L. Ron Hubbard's writings. The speaker, a former high-ranking member, urges for government action against these abuses. The takeaway is that transparency and accountability are crucial in all aspects of life, from our personal health to the organizations we fund.

    • IRS regulations and public policyThe IRS regulations' interpretation of public policy has led to confusion and potential misuse of tax-exempt status, particularly in cases of discrimination against marginalized communities.

      The IRS regulations state that tax-exempt organizations must not be in violation of public policy, which is a vague term. The Supreme Court case Bob Jones University v. Commissioner defined public policy as discrimination against certain races, leading to a misinterpretation that discrimination against other groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community, is acceptable for tax-exempt status. However, this interpretation is problematic and can justify abuse and discrimination. Mike Rinder, a former high-ranking Scientology executive, shared his personal experience of physical and emotional abuse within the organization, highlighting the need for accountability and oversight to prevent such abuses and ensure that tax-exempt status is not misused. It is crucial for policymakers to address this issue and ensure that public policy is interpreted and applied fairly and equitably for all.

    • Personal responsibility manipulated for controlScientology's extreme focus on personal responsibility is used to justify harsh disciplinary measures, hindering progress towards addressing issues and perpetuating a culture of fear and manipulation.

      While personal responsibility is a valuable concept, it can be manipulated and taken to extremes, creating a culture where individuals are isolated and controlled. In the case of Scientology, the emphasis on personal responsibility is used to justify harsh internal disciplinary measures, which keep members trapped in a cycle of suffering and blame. The organization's response to external challenges, such as criticism or investigations, is to double down on this mentality, denying any wrongdoing and deflecting accountability. This was evident in the CBS interview with the author, where the church's attorney flatly denied the existence of any issues, despite evidence to the contrary. This tactic not only hinders progress towards addressing any issues but also perpetuates a culture of fear and manipulation.

    • Author's personal experiences with Scientology and interview with CBSThe author, a practicing Catholic, shared his experiences with Scientology, including leaving the organization and the challenges that came with it. He emphasized the importance of recording interviews for an unedited version and highlighted the diversity of experiences within Scientology, from wealth to abuse.

      The discussion revolved around the author's personal experiences with Scientology and an interview he gave to CBS. The interview was not an attack on Scientology as some may claim, but rather an open and informative conversation. The author emphasized that he is a practicing Catholic and not a Scientologist. He also mentioned that some individuals, like Monique Yingling, have made significant wealth from Scientology, while others, like himself, have left and share their experiences. The author expressed his preference for recording interviews himself to ensure having an unedited version of the conversation. The conversation with Jim Axelrod was described as challenging and thought-provoking, with the author expressing his desire to learn and explore. One observation made during the discussion was that despite being physically and verbally abused by the chairman of the board, the author still identified as a Scientologist at the time. The author's perspective provides a unique insight into the complexities of leaving Scientology and sharing one's experiences.

    • A speaker's commitment to Scientology was driven by belief in Hubbard and obligation to family, but leaving the organization allowed for critical evaluation.Leaving Scientology allowed a speaker to gain perspective and critically evaluate L. Ron Hubbard and the organization, recognizing him as a storyteller rather than a godlike figure.

      The speaker's commitment to Scientology was largely due to their belief in L. Ron Hubbard and the organization, rather than any personal doubt or issues with David Myskiewicz. However, a turning point came when the speaker was forced to leave the organization, which allowed them to gain enough distance to critically evaluate Hubbard and ultimately recognize him as a storyteller rather than a godlike figure. The speaker's continued belief in Scientology despite its issues was driven by their sense of obligation to their family and the belief that it was the only hope for mankind, but this was taken away when they were effectively exiled from the US. It was only through the perspective gained from outside the organization that the speaker was able to break free from their "bubble think" and fully understand the nature of Hubbard and Scientology.

    • Scientology's Founder's Claimed Past Lives and Compelling Narrative Led to Significant WealthL. Ron Hubbard's belief in past lives and storytelling ability created a compelling narrative for Scientology, leading to significant wealth through practices like the $5,000 cause resurgence rundown and tax-exempt status thanks to Monique Yingling's legal expertise.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, claimed to have perfect recall of his past lives and used this belief to justify his expertise on various subjects and the development of practices within Scientology. One such practice is the $5,000 cause resurgence rundown, which involves running around a pole. Hubbard's background as a science fiction writer allowed him to create a compelling narrative around Scientology, which people were willing to pay significant sums of money for. However, the organization has amassed a large amount of wealth, with an estimated net worth of $3-4 billion, much of which is tied up in real estate. Monique Yingling, Scientology's tax attorney, played a key role in the organization's ability to accumulate this wealth by helping it maintain its tax-exempt status. Critics argue that Scientology functions more like a business or a criminal organization than a religion.

    • Tax-exempt religious organizations like Scientology can accumulate vast assets while maintaining their tax-exempt statusTax-exempt religious organizations, such as Scientology, can amass significant assets without giving them away or using them for their intended purpose, due to the IRS's inability to interfere with their building needs under the First Amendment.

      Tax-exempt religious organizations like Scientology can accumulate vast amounts of property without giving it away or using it for their intended purpose, as the IRS cannot interfere with their building needs under the First Amendment. This loophole allows Scientology to amass significant assets while maintaining their tax-exempt status. The public perception of Scientology is changing due to increased exposure from media and the internet, and it's becoming a politically viable issue for federal politicians to address. The mayoral race in Los Angeles is an example of this trend, with candidates using Scientology as a campaign issue. This could lead to potential reforms that save people from abuse and recover money for the US Treasury. The unique relationship between Scientology and celebrities is a significant factor in its appeal, offering a new and better way to communicate that resonates with many people in the communications industry.

    • Celebrities and Scientology's Past AttractionDecreasing number of celebrities joining Scientology, potential loss of tax-exempt status, internal loss of confidence, and exposure of questionable practices could impact the organization's future.

      The recruitment of celebrities into Scientology was a strategic move in the past, as their involvement could attract a large following. However, in recent times, the number of prominent celebrities joining Scientology has significantly decreased, with Elizabeth Moss being the most notable recent addition who was raised in the faith. Tom Cruise, a former high-profile Scientologist, no longer openly discusses his involvement in the organization due to potential negative impact on his career. The financial transparency of Scientology, which could be achieved through the revocation of its tax-exempt status, is identified as a potential tipping point for the organization's downfall. Internal loss of confidence within Scientology and exposure of its questionable practices could also contribute to its eventual dismantling. It's important to note that the courage of individuals, both within and outside the organization, plays a significant role in bringing about change.

    • Recognizing and Escaping Harmful OrganizationsFormer Scientologist shares personal journey leaving cult, starts foundation to help others, encourages listeners to never give up hope for change.

      That the speaker, a former member of Scientology, emphasizes the importance of recognizing and escaping from potentially harmful organizations or situations, be it a cult or a bad relationship. He shares his personal experience of leaving Scientology at an older age with no resources and starting an organization, the Aftermath Foundation, to help others in similar situations. He encourages listeners that no matter the circumstance, it's never too late to change and improve one's life. The speaker also highlights the issue of organizations like Scientology buying ads online to manipulate search results and spread their propaganda. He concludes by expressing hope that his book can inform and inspire people to make positive changes in their lives.

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    Follow Jennifer on social media at:
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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifer.french.jfh/

    If you would like to be on the PH Podcast or have any inquiries regarding the show, please email, projecthopepodcast@jennifer-french.com.

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    Jennifer is a mental health counselor located in the Los Angeles area, using Internal Family Systems (IFS) as the primary modality of psychotherapy that she uses with clients. Jennifer will graduate with her second Masters degree in 2021 in the Psychology of Coercive Control. She works both across the US and internationally with those seeking insight and healing. For more information, please visit her website, Jennifer-French.com.

    Follow Jennifer on social media at:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennifermonica.holcomb
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifer.french.jfh/

    If you would like to be on the PH Podcast or have any inquiries regarding the show, please email, projecthopepodcast@jennifer-french.com.

    To check out Pure Haven: https://purehaven.com/jenniferfrench

    The Business of Cults Part 2

    The Business of Cults Part 2
    The Business of Cults is a three-part series hosted by Rebekah Sebastian with the DIE-ALOGUE Podcast and Javier Leiva of PRETEND podcast. Over the next three episodes, you will hear from; cult experts Rick Alan Ross and Dr. Janja Lalich, author and linguist, Amanda Montell, ABC Correspondent, Rebecca Jarvis, Cult Survivors, Frank Lyford, and Sarah Edmondson.

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    The Cult Startup

    Like businesses, cults go through different phases. First, there's a startup phase where an entrepreneurial cult leader leads a movement and brings new innovative and revolutionary ideas. Take, for example, , leader of the People's Temple. In the beginning, he integrated his congregation during the Civil Rights Movement. After that, he was heavily involved in politics and social activism. The allure was undeniable. But in the end, Jones ordered 909 commune members to end their lives.

    Part one focuses on The C Suite: Chief Cult Executives. Part two features an interview with former NXIVM member Sarah Edmondson. And Part three explores the question, can a cult survive without its leader?

    Listen to part one of the Business of Cults on either the PRETEND or DIE-ALOGUE Podcast feeds.

    Join us as we explore the evolution of cults; from start up to succession plan, and everything in between, we want to know what practices cults take from businesses — and perhaps even scarier, what tactics businesses borrow from cults. Javier and I also take it out of the studio and into the field for some on the ground research in businesses that have active ties to known cults.

    Listen along and find out more about The Business of Cults.

    Part 3 drops on Feb. 23

    If you enjoy this episode and series, please leave a five star rating and review on Apple + Spotify!

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    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/64IHCryN2jFaswrVIzMV8w

    Speaking of cults, follow us:
    Rebekah Sebastian DIE-ALOGUE PODCAST @diealoguepod | https://www.rebekahsebastian.com/
    Javier Leiva PRETEND PODCAST @pretendpod | https://pretendradio.org/

    Can’t wait for the next episode? Our Patrons are receiving The Business of Cults early and ad- free! Consider becoming a DIE-HARD on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/creator-home




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