
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Showing Up and Seizing OpportunitiesBy stepping out of your comfort zone, joining communities of like-minded individuals, and being open to new experiences, you can form valuable connections and gain insider knowledge to achieve great things.

      Showing up and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected and valuable connections. Despite initial skepticism, Shaan Puri decided to host Sam Parr's speaker dinner, which ultimately led to a strong and lasting friendship. This experience taught them the importance of simply showing up and putting themselves out there. Additionally, they formed a Junto, a group of like-minded individuals who provided both therapy and strategy discussions. Through their network, they gained insider knowledge and access to influential people. The key message here is that by taking risks, being open to new experiences, and surrounding oneself with supportive and knowledgeable individuals, great things can happen.

    • Reasons for Blab's failure: maintaining high-quality live content and association with controversial figure Martin Shkreli created challenges and a hostile environment, leading to its downfall.Consistently delivering high-quality live content and carefully considering associations can greatly impact the success and reputation of a platform or business.

      The failure of Blab can be attributed to two main reasons. Firstly, unlike pre-recorded content on platforms like YouTube or blogs, live content must consistently deliver high-quality entertainment to keep the audience engaged. This became a significant challenge for Blab as the good content only lasted as long as it was live, making it exponentially harder to maintain quality consistently. Secondly, the association with controversial figure Martin Shkreli proved to be detrimental to the platform's reputation. While Shkreli attracted a large audience, his presence led to targeted attacks from online groups who disagreed with his actions. These continuous DDoS attacks created a hostile environment and affected Blab's ability to operate smoothly. Ultimately, the combination of these factors contributed to the downfall of Blab.

    • Balancing Comfort and Motivation in BusinessFinding the right balance between security and drive is crucial for business success. Too much comfort can lead to complacency, while too much pressure can stifle motivation.

      Having a sense of security and comfort can sometimes hinder the success of a business. This is exemplified by Shaan Puri's experience at Monkey Inferno, where they had a lavish setup with a private chef and a bar in the office. While these amenities may seem impressive, they created a sense of complacency and a lack of urgency. There was no constant pressure to make the business succeed because there was always a safety net. In contrast, many successful entrepreneurs have experienced the pressure of their backs being against the wall, which drives them to work harder and make their companies succeed. It's important to strike a balance between comfort and motivation to ensure that the drive to succeed remains strong.

    • Balancing Work and Personal Life for EntrepreneursPrioritizing personal interests and finding inspiration outside of work can lead to innovative ideas and business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

      Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, especially for entrepreneurs. Both Shaan Puri and Sam Parr admit to struggling with being good employees and prioritizing their own projects and passions. They value the time they allocate for family, personal health, and other interests outside of work. This highlights the trade-offs individuals have to make when pursuing entrepreneurship within a traditional work setup. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of training your brain to constantly look for new ideas and opportunities, even if you're not actively engaged in a creative project. This practice of consistently seeking inspiration and jotting down notes can lead to innovative thinking and potential business ventures.

    • The rise of green powder supplements: a convenient and efficient way to incorporate nutrient-rich greens into your diet.Green powder supplements offer a faster and easier way to get the benefits of consuming greens, catering to the vegan market and presenting a profitable opportunity for entrepreneurs. Careful consideration of product quality is necessary.

      There is a growing trend in the health and fitness market for green powder supplements, similar to athletic greens. These supplements offer a convenient and efficient way to incorporate nutrient-rich greens into your diet. They are becoming increasingly popular and have the potential to become a staple in the same way protein powder has for those looking to bulk up. What sets these green powders apart is that they are catering to the vegan market and offer a faster and easier way to get all the benefits of consuming greens. Despite their less-than-pleasant taste, the fact that they are not a sugary product adds to their credibility and efficacy. With the rise of direct-to-consumer brands, green powders like this present a profitable opportunity for entrepreneurs, as they appeal to the health-conscious market and can be easily marketed through channels like Facebook and Instagram. However, it is important to carefully consider the quality and value of the product being offered to avoid falling into the trap of soulless marketing.

    • Unleashing the Power of Chrome Plugins: From Ideas to SuccessChrome plugins offer businesses a unique opportunity to tap into a loyal user base and drive consistent daily usage, leading to substantial success and growth.

      Chrome plugins have significant value and should not be dismissed as silly or dumb ideas. They can be powerful delivery mechanisms for services and products. The stickiness of Chrome plugins is remarkable, with users remaining active even years after the initial launch. This level of engagement makes them a valuable tool for businesses looking to drive consistent daily usage. Examples like Grammarly and Honey demonstrate the immense potential of Chrome plugins for growth and monetization. By considering distribution channels first and then developing a product, businesses can tap into the vast opportunities offered by Chrome plugins. Overall, Chrome plugins should be recognized as valuable assets that can drive substantial success.

    • The importance of distribution in business successA great product alone is not enough for success; businesses must also have a wide reach and easy access to their target audience through effective distribution channels.

      Distribution plays a crucial role in the success of a business. While having a great product is important, it is equally important to have a wide reach and easy access to the target audience. Many examples exist of inferior products thriving solely because of their widespread distribution. On the other hand, exceptional products can fail if they lack effective distribution channels. The ability to acquire and engage an audience is a challenging task, and it should be considered as an integral part of the customer acquisition process. However, when a business combines excellent distribution with a great product, it creates a winning formula that can lead to exponential growth.

    • The Growing Trend of Turnkey Outdoor Experiences and Instagramable MomentsPeople are increasingly looking for effortless outdoor experiences that disconnect them from their digital lives, emphasizing the need for visually appealing and convenient options.

      The idea of turnkey outdoor experiences with Instagramable moments is a growing trend. People are seeking experiences that require zero effort but allow them to disconnect from their digital lives and be in nature. This trend is reflected in the success of companies like Auto Camp, which offers glamorous camping experiences and has raised significant funding from private equity. The popularity of festivals and outdoor activities like Spartan races also aligns with this desire for turnkey experiences and Instagram-worthy moments. This trend underscores the importance of creating unique and visually appealing experiences that cater to the need for convenience and escape from the digital world.

    • The Value and Success of Offline Retail in the Digital AgeStuds, a startup in New York, demonstrates the importance of targeting specific demographics and providing unique offline services in the face of online competition.

      There is still value in tapping into offline retail and reaching a specific demographic. Studs, a startup based in New York, is a great example of this. By reimagining the outdated mall experience and creating an Instagram-worthy store, Studs has found success in offering a physical location for ear piercing. While many retail businesses are struggling in the digital age, there is a small segment, like Studs, that remains thriving by offering unique services that cannot be easily replicated online. This highlights the importance of understanding and targeting a specific audience, as well as considering offline opportunities even in a predominantly online world.

    • Successful businesses thrive with affordable and culturally relevant products, while others face challenges in scaling up and relying solely on user contributions.Offering affordable and culturally relevant products and utilizing influencer marketing can lead to business success, while relying solely on user contributions may not be sustainable in the long run.

      Fashion Nova and Gymshark are examples of successful businesses that cater to regular consumers by offering affordable, funny, and culturally relevant products. These companies have capitalized on the influencer marketing trend, utilizing social media platforms like Instagram to promote their brands and reach a wide audience. On the other hand, Patreon, a platform that allows indie creators to receive direct fan support, may not be a viable long-term business. Despite its noble concept, Patreon faces challenges in scaling up to meet high revenue expectations and competing with similar, commoditized models already established in the market. Additionally, past experiences with media companies seeking donations suggest that relying solely on user contributions may not be a sustainable business strategy.

    • The Risk of Building Business on a Single PlatformBuilding a direct relationship with your audience is crucial to avoid platform risks and ensure long-term sustainability for your business.

      Building a business solely on top of one platform, such as Uber or Facebook, can be risky and unsafe. This is evident in the case of Firefly, an ad platform on Uber cars, which may face platform risk if Uber decides to take over the revenue stream. Another example is a media company affected by changes in Facebook's algorithm, causing it to go out of business. It is essential to have a direct relationship with your audience instead of relying heavily on a single platform. Sam Parr's decision to focus on building an email-based community for The Hustle, rather than depending on platforms like Facebook or Snapchat, shows the importance of owning your community.

    • The future of advertising lies in digital platforms like Facebook and Instagram, while traditional methods may decline in effectiveness.Companies should leverage their existing assets and explore new opportunities in order to adapt to changing market dynamics and succeed in the long run.

      Advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are likely to continue growing and make more money. However, the traditional method of advertising, such as taxi advertising, may become less effective and decrease in value. Companies like Facebook and Instagram have the potential to pivot successfully by utilizing their existing assets, such as a network of drivers, to explore new opportunities. For example, they could leverage the data they have on where cars are going and potentially expand into driverless transportation services or other related ventures. Additionally, it is crucial for companies to understand the different types of platforms, with some focusing on the value of the apps built on their platform, while others prioritize user growth and enthusiasm. It is important for businesses to diversify and adapt to changing market dynamics to succeed in the long run, as accessing customers and building brand equity becomes more expensive over time.

    • The Importance of Branding and Diversification in Platform UsageBuilding a strong brand and diversifying platform usage are essential for long-term success. Companies should have a plan in place to transition away from relying solely on platforms like Google and Facebook, and should leverage emerging platforms and channels to reach customers more effectively. Adaptability and innovation are crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of advertising.

      Building a brand and diversifying your platform usage is crucial for long-term survival and growth. While platforms like Google and Facebook can offer easy growth, relying solely on them can be risky. It's important to have an "escape velocity" plan in place to transition away from these platforms when necessary. Companies like Zynga and Native have successfully diversified their customer reach through various channels, such as email marketing and physical stores. Additionally, leveraging emerging platforms like Facebook groups can provide cost-effective customer acquisition opportunities. However, it's essential to stay adaptable and continually innovate as platforms evolve and ad product costs fluctuate. Ultimately, a balanced approach that combines branding, diversification, and cost-effective platform usage is key.

    • Leveraging Facebook Groups for Audience Segmentation and Value CreationBuilding a Facebook group and understanding your customers' interests allows for targeted segmentation. Asking for value and finding a balance between learning from others and forming your own beliefs is key.

      Starting with a large Facebook group can be as valuable as starting with a large email list. By leveraging a Facebook group, you can segment your audience based on different interest groups, similar to email lists. Additionally, it is important to understand your customers and their interests within the group. Many people underestimate the power of asking for value and charging for it. Being transparent about what you offer and asking if people are interested is an easy way to start. However, it's crucial to find the right balance between absorbing information from others and forming your own beliefs. Don't blindly accept everything someone says, but carefully evaluate and incorporate what resonates with you.

    • Unconventional Approaches to Faster Business SuccessSuccess can be achieved more quickly by exploring underrated business opportunities, buying existing businesses, and investing in assets that generate passive income. Don't limit yourself to traditional methods.

      There are underrated business opportunities that can lead to faster success than traditional methods. Starting a new business is often glorified, but buying an existing business can increase its value and bring about financial success more quickly. Working at a job is viewed as a flawed way to achieve financial freedom, as even the most productive employees are limited in their earnings compared to others in their peer group. The best ways to become wealthy are through luck (such as winning the lottery), starting a business, or becoming a successful salesperson. The book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" emphasizes the importance of financial intelligence and investing in assets that generate passive income. It is important to consider unconventional approaches and not solely rely on traditional paths to success.

    • Solving problems, providing value, and engaging with target audiences are key to business success.Genuine passion, adaptation to new platforms, and authenticity are crucial for business success in solving problems and providing value to others.

      To truly succeed in business and make money, you need to focus on solving problems and providing value to others. Merely starting a business to make money is not enough. It's important to have a genuine passion for finding solutions and addressing needs in the market. Additionally, finding where the attention of your target audience is and learning how to effectively engage them is crucial for success. This might mean adapting to new platforms like TikTok or finding unique ways to capture people's attention. It's also worth noting that authenticity and honesty are increasingly important, as younger generations have a strong bullshit detector and are less likely to tolerate scams or insincere advertising.

    • Uncertain Future for TikTok: Challenges in User Retention and Competition in the MarketTo succeed on TikTok, understand its unique characteristics and design content accordingly. Also, analyze people's beliefs to gain insights into their mindset and potential challenges in interpersonal relationships.

      TikTok's long-term success is uncertain due to its heavy reliance on buying users and the challenge of retaining them. While the app has gained critical mass in just eighteen months, the amount of user churn remains unclear. Additionally, products that center around connecting with friends tend to have better staying power compared to entertainment-focused platforms like Vine. Therefore, it is not a given that TikTok will continue to dominate the market in the next four to five years. To navigate the platform effectively, it is crucial to understand its native characteristics and design content that aligns with its unique features. Lastly, analyzing people's default beliefs about others, life, and themselves can provide valuable insights into their mindset and potential challenges they may face in interpersonal relationships.

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    The Simple Newsletter Making $20M+ A Year With 1 Employee
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    My First Million
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    Business Tricks We've Learned From Gamblers, Pickup Artists, & Feynman

    Business Tricks We've Learned From Gamblers, Pickup Artists, & Feynman
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    My First Million
    enJune 22, 2024

    Listen To These 40 Minutes To Unf*ck Your Life

    Listen To These 40 Minutes To Unf*ck Your Life
    Episode 598: Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) talk about which path is worth pursuing: money or passion? — Show Notes: (0:00) The rise and fall of the Lehman Brothers (4:56) The life we live vs the unlived life (9:13) How Jerry Seinfeld puts in the work (12:54) You don't have to save the world (21:45) “What would I work on if I wasn't afraid?” (23:27) Sylvester Stallone and the wolf at the door (30:10) Low Key Billy of the Week: Michael Pryor (39:29) Sam reflects on being popular (40:58) Sam and Shaan's "number" to walk away — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • The War of Art - https://tinyurl.com/4w9evyk8 • Fog Bugz - https://ignitetech.com/softwarelibrary/fogbugz • Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/ • Joel on Software - https://www.joelonsoftware.com/ • Wander - https://www.wander.com/mfm (Enter to win a free trip and use code MFM300 at checkout for $300 off your booking) • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 19, 2024

    EXCLUSIVE: $3B Founder Reveals His Next Big Idea

    EXCLUSIVE: $3B Founder Reveals His Next Big Idea
    Episode 597: Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to Brett Adcock ( https://x.com/adcock_brett ) about his next big idea, his checklist for entrepreneurs, and his framework for learning new things and moving fast.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Solving school shootings (3:15) Cold calling NASA (6:14) Spotting the mega-trend (8:37) "Thinking big is easier" (12:42) Brett's philosophy on company names (16:22) Brett's ideas note app: genetics, super-sonic travel, synthetic foods (19:45) "I just want to win" (21:46) Brett's checklist for entrepreneurs (25:17) Being fast in hardware (30:15) Brett's framework for learning new things (33:00) Who does Brett admire — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • Brett Adcock - https://www.brettadcock.com/ • Cover - https://www.cover.ai/ • Figure - https://figure.ai/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 17, 2024

    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire

    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire
    Episode 596: Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to Craig Fuller ( https://x.com/FreightAlley ) about how he turned dying hobby magazines into a cash flow machine.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (2:45) Economics of long-haul trucking (3:36) Getting fired from the family business (5:30) Fuel cards for truck drivers (6:40) How FreightWaves hit $20M ARR in 2 years (9:08) Acquiring FLYING for $3.5M (12:14) Opportunity: Depressed media properties (16:02) From losing $8 per subscriber to profitability in 1 year (20:31) A media side hustle becomes a real estate main hustle (22:55) Craig's tolerance for being leveraged (25:32) Pre-selling $28M units pre-construction (28:51) Diversity, Asymmetrical risk, and generational security (31:11) Teams to diversify your time (34:21) Building a portfolio of hobby magazines (37:20) Content to commerce playbook (47:03) The story of William Randolph Hearst (51:32) What's the chase? (53:15) "The best thing to give a founder is an enemy" — Links: • FreightWaves - https://www.freightwaves.com/ • Knight-Swift - https://knight-swift.com/ • Firecrown - https://firecrown.com/ • The Chief - https://tinyurl.com/36khrt8y — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 13, 2024

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable
    Episode 595: Anand Sanwal ( https://x.com/asanwal ) joins Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) to reveal his playbook for building an insanely profitable data business.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Anand’s data arbitrage playbook (9:51) Starting weird as Chubby Brain (12:03) Don't run 100mph in the wrong direction (14:53) Edge, Collection, and Opportunity (19:24) IDEA: High-end Glassdoor (27:00) IDEA: C-Suite Head Hunting Service (28:57) IDEA: HomeOptions for Founder Exits (32:17) Anand's School of Entrepreneuring (36:03) Learn how to think, not what to think (38:18) The Die-At-Your-Desk Life Philosophy (39:26) Competency-based curriculum (42:47) IDEA: Slime Museums (46:40) IDEA: Autonomous HOA Convenience Stores (51:32) IDEA: Online Addiction Centers (58:51) Leadership lessons from legendary coaches — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • CB Insights - https://www.cbinsights.com/ • Bloomberg article - https://tinyurl.com/32ns9beu • Blackbaud - https://www.blackbaud.com/solutions/total-fundraising-solutions • HomeOptions - https://www.homeoptions.com/ • IMG Academy - https://www.imgacademy.com/ • American Addiction Centers - https://americanaddictioncenters.org/ • Weapons of Mass Instruction - https://tinyurl.com/49s6xhpk • Chasing Perfection - https://tinyurl.com/46hc5zxj • The Score Takes Care of Itself - https://tinyurl.com/4v6k72h3 • The Talent Code - https://tinyurl.com/4h2z9yer • The Learner Lab - https://thelearnerlab.com/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 11, 2024

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)
    Episode 594:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) explain what’s happening with GameStop AGAIN and how Keith Gill turned $56k into $210M with memes.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Roaring Kitty's $200M GameStop holding (8:41) Is Keith Gill the most genius creator behind a brand? (14:53) Where did the $65M come from? (17:44) The 7 Stages of GameStop FOMO (20:00) Ryan Cohen's activist investments in GameStop, Bed Bath and Beyond  (26:34) Shaan's honest take on paternity leave (31:53) Painting the windows black (35:42) Zach Pogrob's The Year of Obsession (37:03) What's the deal with run clubs right now? (39:19) Sexy faces and sexy paces (42:04) Endurance event businesses (45:06) Opportunity: The suburban Iron Man (51:19) Scott Harrison gives Shaan unsolicited feedback — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • wallstreetbets - https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ • Unusual Whales - https://unusualwhales.com/ • WSJ on Ryan Cohen - https://tinyurl.com/4zue9xps • Wander - https://www.wander.com/ • The Lehman Trilogy - https://thelehmantrilogy.com/ • The Year of Obsession - https://tinyurl.com/4nsrh689 • Nick Bare - https://www.instagram.com/nickbarefitness • RAWDAWG - https://www.instagram.com/rawdawgrunclub • River - https://www.getriver.io/ • 29029 Everesting - https://29029everesting.com/ • Rock n Roll Running - https://www.runrocknroll.com/ • thespeedproject - https://www.instagram.com/thespeedproject • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Enter to win a free trip at https://www.wander.com/mfm and use code MFM300 at checkout for $300 off your booking. — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 07, 2024

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