
    290 | Horrifying Encounters in the Deep South, Scary Hunting Stories and More True Horror Stories!

    enDecember 05, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Kroger's meal options, telehealth services, and thrilling podcastsKroger offers affordable meals and savings, PlushCare provides telehealth services for weight loss medications, and The Darkness Prevails podcast offers ghost stories for thrills

      Kroger offers a wide variety of delicious meal options along with everyday low prices and extra savings through digital coupons and fuel points. For those struggling with weight loss, PlushCare provides telehealth services with doctors who can prescribe FDA-approved weight loss medications and accept most insurance plans. Meanwhile, for those seeking thrills and chills, The Darkness Prevails podcast offers ghost stories and unsettling encounters. On a personal note, a listener shares a chilling experience of feeling an entity's presence in a motel room, which turned out to have a disturbing history. In another story, a family's discovery of an old Ouija board leads to a dangerous attempt to dispose of it. These tales serve as reminders of the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Encountering the unknown: Seeking guidance from a higher powerWhen encountering the supernatural, seek comfort and guidance from a higher power for peace of mind and safety

      Sometimes, even when we try to explain the unexplainable, the events that defy logic and reason, the only thing left to do is to seek help and guidance from a higher power. The story shared above is an account of a family's encounter with the supernatural after an attempt to use an Ouija board. Despite their efforts to fix the issue with the board, they were met with strange and terrifying occurrences. The father, a believer in prayer, turned to faith in the face of the unknown. The events that followed were inexplicable, leaving the family to deal with the aftermath for years to come. While some may dismiss these experiences as mere coincidence or even hoaxes, for those who lived through them, the fear and trauma remained long after the supernatural occurrences ceased. Ultimately, the takeaway is that when we encounter the unknown, it's important to seek comfort and guidance from a higher power, whether that be through prayer, meditation, or seeking the help of spiritual advisors. The supernatural world is vast and complex, and it's important to approach it with caution and respect.

    • Childhood home filled with unexplained eventsThe narrator and his brother experienced sleep paralysis and moving objects in their childhood home, leaving a lasting impact despite the family's decision to stay.

      The narrator experienced a series of strange and unexplained events in his childhood home, including moving objects, mysterious noises, and sleep paralysis. Despite these occurrences, the family continued to live in the house for several years. The narrator's brother was also targeted by these events, and they both experienced sleep paralysis. The family eventually moved away, but the narrator remained for a while longer. The experiences left a lasting impact on the narrator, who described the events as overwhelming and frightening. It's unclear what caused these occurrences, but they added to a sense of unease and discomfort in the household.

    • Childhood experiences with paranormal activityThe speaker's childhood home in Powder Springs, GA, was the site of recurring paranormal activity that has stayed with her throughout her life, including seeing shadowy figures, hearing voices and sounds, and sensing the presence of children, despite moving out and selling the house.

      The speaker's experiences with paranormal activity in her childhood home in Powder Springs, Georgia, have stayed with her throughout her life. Despite moving out when she was a young girl and selling the house, the events continue to impact her, leading to recurring dreams and encounters with strange phenomena. The speaker's descriptions of these experiences include seeing shadowy figures, hearing voices and sounds, and sensing the presence of children. The occurrences seemed to increase with each passing year, affecting various friends who spent the night at her house. The speaker's accounts remain vivid in her memory, and she shares them with a sense of unease, acknowledging the disbelief and skepticism that others might have but unable to dismiss her own experiences. Despite becoming a clergyman, she continues to grapple with the unexplained events that have marked her past.

    • Encounter with an otherworldly entity in the basementThe narrator and his cousins had an unexplained encounter with a man who appeared as a large dog, leaving them feeling frightened and uncertain of the supernatural presence in their basement.

      The narrator experienced an unexplained encounter with an entity in his basement, which left him feeling uneasy and unable to be alone there at night. The incident involved the appearance of a large, unfamiliar dog that turned out to be a man, who spoke in a deep, menacing voice. The event left the narrator and his cousins feeling frightened and unsure of what they had witnessed. Despite their initial attempts to explain the situation to others, they kept the incident a secret due to the unusual and inexplicable nature of the experience. The event continued to leave a lasting impact on the narrator, who felt a sense of unease and the presence of something otherworldly in his basement.

    • Encounter with the Urban Legend Leu GarreuxUrban legend Leu Garreux can manipulate fear to enter homes and is a real entity, not just a scare tactic used by mothers.

      The creature Jack encountered was not what he expected and was actually an urban legend called Leu Garreux, which can mimic human voices and manipulate people's fear to enter their homes. Jack's grandmother confirmed the legend and shared her own encounter with it. Despite living an hour apart, the creature was able to move quickly from Jack's house to his grandmother's in one night. The legend is used by mothers to scare teenagers into not sneaking out, but it is a very real and terrifying entity. Jack and Brad were left in shock and stayed up the rest of the night after their encounter.

    • A terrifying encounter in the wildernessLife in the wilderness is beautiful yet dangerous, and past decisions can have lasting consequences.

      The wilderness can be both beautiful and terrifying, and the decisions we make in the past can haunt us. The speaker grew up in the Appalachian Mountains, learning valuable life lessons from his grandfather, including the importance of hard work and wildlife management. They went raccoon hunting in the Daniel Boone National Forest as part of their lifestyle, but one night, the speaker had an encounter with a creature that left him feeling dread and uncertainty. Despite taking precautions, the creature disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. The experience left a deep impact on the speaker, and they learned to appreciate the dangers and beauty of the wilderness. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that life is not always easy, and the decisions we make can have lasting consequences.

    • Encountering a pack of coyotes during a raccoon huntTeamwork, bravery, and quick thinking saved us from a pack of coyotes. Unexpected allies can turn the tide in a dangerous situation.

      During a raccoon hunting trip with my grandfather in Kentucky's Daniel Boone National Forest, we encountered a life-threatening situation when our hounds were attacked by a pack of coyotes. Old Jake, our brave hound, held his ground and fought bravely, but Beau ran away. My grandfather and I were in communication via radio, and he urged me to get to the dogs as soon as possible to protect them from the coyotes. However, I arrived too late and found a massive fight in progress. Old Jake was holding off the coyotes, but was getting overwhelmed. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Beau returned and joined the fight, turning the tide in our favor. We were relieved, but then a surprise awaited us: a mysterious, massive dog appeared, having killed one of the coyotes. This encounter underscored the importance of teamwork, bravery, and quick thinking in the face of danger.

    • An Encounter with a Terrifying WerewolfThe unknown dangers of the world and the vulnerability of even the strongest bonds were brought to light after the narrator's trusted companion was killed by a powerful werewolf.

      The encounter with the werewolf was a terrifying experience, leaving the narrator in a state of shock and despair after losing his trusted companion, old Jake. The creature's size, strength, and ferocity were unlike anything the narrator had ever seen before, making it impossible for him or old Jake to defend against it. Despite their best efforts, old Jake was ultimately killed by the monster, leaving the narrator alone and defenseless. The event instilled an overwhelming sense of dread and fear, with the narrator's only option being to run for his life. The experience served as a reminder of the unknown dangers that exist in the world and the vulnerability of even the strongest bonds.

    • Encountering the Unpredictable: A Hunter's Tale of Survival and LossThe wilderness can be unpredictable, and hunters face risks and challenges. The bond between hunter and hound is invaluable and worth fighting for.

      The wilderness can be unpredictable and dangerous, and sometimes, the line between hunter and hunted blurs. During a hunting trip, the narrator encountered a coyote that attacked them and their dog, Jake. Jake bravely fought the coyote, but ultimately sacrificed himself to save the narrator. The narrator was left traumatized by the experience and struggled to come to terms with the loss of their beloved dog. Despite his grief, the narrator's grandfather urged them to return to the forest to search for the remaining hounds. When they did, they found Jake alive but severely injured. The grandfather carried Jake back to the truck, showing compassion and care for the injured dog. The experience taught the narrator the importance of accepting the risks and challenges that come with living in the wilderness and the value of the bond between hunter and hound.

    • A dog's unwavering loyalty saves its human's lifeA dog's love and loyalty can save lives and provide crucial support during dangerous encounters. Cherish these bonds deeply.

      The bond between a human and their pet can be unbreakable, even in the face of danger. The speaker's dog, old Jake, saved his life during a terrifying encounter with an unknown creature. Despite being severely injured, old Jake fought to protect his human, leaving a lasting impact on their relationship. The experience also highlights the importance of having support in difficult situations, as the speaker's grandfather's wisdom played a crucial role in their survival. The encounter was a traumatic one, leaving the speaker with an uncertainty about what they had encountered, but the tangible evidence of the creature's injury confirmed its reality. The incident was a reminder of the depths of love and loyalty that animals can provide, and the importance of cherishing these bonds.

    • Stories of Danger in the Suffolk WoodsExploring unfamiliar territories can be dangerous. Be prepared, stay aware, and be cautious to avoid potential encounters with unknown threats.

      The woods of Suffolk hold unimaginable dangers, whether it's a mutilated deer, a mysterious wolf-like creature, or even an encounter with extraterrestrial beings. The story of John 897 serves as a chilling reminder of the importance of safety and being prepared. The fear and uncertainty experienced by the hunters underscore the potential risks of venturing into unknown territories alone. The encounter with the "wolf man" highlights the potential for life-threatening encounters, while the alien abduction story adds an element of the unknown and unexplained. Overall, these stories emphasize the importance of caution and being aware of one's surroundings, especially when in unfamiliar environments.

    • A doctor's encounter with extraterrestrial beingsA doctor shares her extraordinary experience with extraterrestrial beings who expressed concern for Earth's technologies and animals, leaving her with a profound sense of the importance of addressing planetary issues.

      The speaker, a medical doctor, had an extraordinary experience encountering beings from another planet during which they communicated telepathically. The beings were interested in Earth's technologies and animals, and they came from a dying planet. The doctor was left with a profound sense of the potential consequences of not addressing planetary issues. Despite the incredible nature of the event, the doctor asks for an open-minded consideration of the facts. The encounter began on a Friday night when the doctor, working late at a grocery store, returned home to find her dog, Athena, missing. After finding Athena under the bed, the doctor prepared for bed but grew concerned when Athena remained hidden and unresponsive. The doctor's experience took a turn towards the extraordinary when she encountered the beings and learned of their origins and intentions.

    • Strange Sleep Experiences Leave Narrator Concerned for Her HealthRecurring sleep paralysis and vivid dreams, along with physical symptoms, led a woman to seek medical help for unexplained experiences impacting her daily life.

      The narrator experienced a series of strange and disturbing events, including sleep paralysis and vivid dreams, which left her feeling disoriented and concerned for her health. Despite her initial attempts to explain the incidents away as dreams, the recurring experiences and physical symptoms, such as a rash on her wrists and ankles, led her to consider seeking medical help. The exact nature of these experiences remains unclear, but they left the narrator feeling worried and unsure of what was happening to her. The events also impacted her daily life, causing sleep deprivation and interfering with her ability to function normally. Overall, the narrator's experiences highlight the mysterious and sometimes unsettling nature of sleep and the importance of addressing any unusual health symptoms.

    • Encounters with the UnexplainedUnusual experiences with unexplained phenomena can leave lasting impacts and serve as reminders of the mysteries of the universe

      The experiences described in these stories involve unexplained phenomena that left those involved feeling frightened and confused. In the first story, Trey's friend Hunter had an encounter with a glowing object that may have been an alien spacecraft, resulting in his disappearance for a short time. In the second story, Trey's mother and her friends had a strange encounter while traveling, which left them shaken but ultimately unharmed. Despite the lack of concrete evidence or explanation, these events have left lasting impacts on those involved and serve as reminders of the unexplored mysteries of the universe. These stories illustrate the power of the unknown and the impact it can have on our lives. Whether these events were truly paranormal or the result of some other explanation, they serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to explore the unexplained.

    • An Unsettling Encounter with an Unknown EntityDuring a camping trip, two women had a strange encounter with an unidentified entity, described as having big black eyes and gray skin, leaving them shaken and carrying weapons for safety.

      An unexpected and eerie encounter with an unidentified entity occurred during a camping trip. The mother and her friend were staying in an SUV while helping with a family matter. After falling asleep, the friend requested to join her in the vehicle due to lack of space inside the trailer. They engaged in a conversation, but the mother was tired and wanted to rest. Suddenly, the friend was awakened by a bad dream and frightened both of them with claims of someone or something outside. Despite their fear, they couldn't find anyone or anything upon investigation. They eventually drove away, shaken and frightened, and described the entity as having big black eyes and gray skin, resembling an alien. The guards at the nearby adult detention center confirmed that others had reported similar sightings. Though they couldn't explain the encounter, they advised carrying weapons for safety. Ultimately, the mother and her friend returned home, left the area, and continued their lives with the unsettling memory of the unknown entity.

    • An Unexplained EncounterUnexplained events can leave us feeling uneasy, but it's important to keep an open mind and continue seeking answers.

      Unexplained events can occur in our lives, leaving us feeling confused and frightened. In this story, a woman and her friend had an unexplained encounter that left them shaken and unsure of what had happened. They spent the night at the woman's house, only to be startled by strange occurrences outside their home. They saw footprints and finger smudges, and their friends claimed they had no knowledge of the events. The friends had also experienced similar strange occurrences, adding to the mystery. The woman passed away in 2017, but the story of this unexplained event remained a topic of conversation between her and her friend. This experience serves as a reminder that there are sometimes things in life that defy explanation and can leave us feeling uneasy, but it's important to keep an open mind and continue seeking answers.

    Recent Episodes from Unexplained Encounters

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    474 | 7 UNEXPLAINED Creature Attacks!
    These eye-witness accounts portray people who have allegedly been attacked or pursued by aggressive and unexplained monsters or spirits! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Shadow Creature in my Closet from Unidentified Creature 9:13 A Third Stinker Story from RD in Hull 18:00 I Am Truly Scared from NG_lovesspooky 27:18 Shadow Creature from Chira 39:13 The Thing in the Fog from TheDruid 45:04 Something in the Woods of Pennsylvania from WildmanTim 49:19 Not So Skeptical Anymore from Druid_Folk Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 26, 2024


    MP3 DOWNLOAD (click triple-dots, download/save as): https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/95538/traffic.megaphone.fm/ADL9065475753.mp3?updated=1715548529 Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak When was the last time we had a massive 12 hour compilation of skinwalker stories? Um, never! Let's go! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 19, 2024

    472 | 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips

    472 | 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips
    Fishers of men are what they call these monsters and demons that haunt rivers, lakes and the ocean! Enjoy these 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:53 If You See Anything, Say NOTHING from Petrichor 12:06 It Changed Us Forever from Mryeetusfeys 17:14 Out of Place from Redscarecrow99 20:31 Tree Stalker from Wesley G. 23:40 Hellhound from Lillyrunawaystar 30:25 Fire on the Mountain from Anonymous 33:00 Umbagog Occurrence from Larrence 37:43 A Cajun’s Encounter from backwoods_fisher 43:22 The Umpqua Thing from 3_GAR_3 48:16 The Man by the River from JayneJ89 53:41 Attacked at Quetico Provincial Park from Rapsconion Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 12, 2024

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    471 | DO NOT APPROACH THE WELL IN THE WOODS - 6 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    The well with the chain in the woods is worse than any horror film you've ever seen. Enjoy these 6 new true scary stories of the unexplained! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:56 Rude Awakening from Spookyguy556 12:33 Invisible Assault from Victree 20:09 Ghosts of the Past from Laura V. 27:17 The Well from TheRibbedOne 36:17 Too Much Energy from Mryeetusfeys 42:13 The Chicken and the Devil from JustAnotherCreeeepppppp Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 05, 2024

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    470 | Beware the CRAWLER of West Virginia | 8 True Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Don't let that rifle make you think you're safe, Mr. Hunter... Enjoy these True scary stories of the unexplained! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:51 What’s Wrong with Grandpa? From Loremaster93 11:08 Boy in the Deer Stand from Gamecock711 19:43 The Odd One Out from Peanut Butta Thugga 27:10 My Encounter with a Moehau Man from ash 35:07 Skinwalker in West Palm Beach from Angela T. 38:30 West Virginia Crawler from Appetite_4_Fight 44:39 While We Were Alone from Shady_german 52:54 Am I Haunted from Bethie555 Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak What happens in the woods, stays in the woods. Especially if it kills you. Enjoy these allegedly true horror stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:05 Adirondacks Mystery Monster from Anonymous 6:11 Possible Cryptid in the Woods from Lori 911 10:23 Seeing is Believing from K_Bar the Donkey 18:54 Lynda from PumpkinMama2022 23:43 Letchworth State Park from TJB 26:16 I Don’t Believe it, Why Should You? From CoffeeQueen 37:55 Encounter on the Hill from The Dark Knight 44:50 A Presence from a stranger Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Do you believe in ghosts? You might after this compilation of 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: Intro 0:43 The Cat Saw It Too from TheWoo 1:40 I Call Him Jerry from Josh 10:12 It Came with the Fog from Double D 16:44 Yellow Eyes from Zax 27:13 The Basement from Martin 43:10 Faint Bernard and the Warbling Man from X99X 51:24 The Drench from mariscully 57:54 Just Getting Started from N00N3 1:03:34 The Skwentna AK Happenings from Quillback 1:09:11 Quiet Nights from TeaFox 1:23:59 Terror in the Chapel from Jack 9053 1:31:24 Late Night at the Park from 1314RECON 1:35:09 The Other Girl in the Room from Mavie Wavy 1:41:35 Hospital Terror from Lady Blue 1:47:33 It Got Inside My House from Anonymous 1:57:41 Never Sleep with the Closet Door Open from Crystal_hawley22 2:02:23 The Ghost in my Basement from Papigallo22 2:05:42 Creature Near the Old Oak from HotChocolate 2:13:26 The Mounds from bekka 2:19:18 Sleeping with the Ghost from Auntie TT 2:27:50 Shadow Island Drive from EvansFiance 2:31:43 My Haunted Doll from Smileyalby 2:34:25 The Many Voices in my Ears from Darkvoice 2:41:33 My Friend's Experiences As A Police Officer 2:46:17 Demon Pretending to be a Skinwalker or Wendigo from CountryMama87 2:52:50 Haunted Old Brothel Above Restaurant from April 3:04:44 Shadows Plague from Celestial 3:11:01 My Weird Childhood Poltergeist from JollyJello 3:16:43 The Haunting on the Roof from paranormal.pk 3:21:19 Ya I’m Here from Laurie Means Me 3:26:50 Shape from Casket 3:34:59 My Terrifying Home Alone Experience from OhNoItsAGhost52 3:42:01 I Felt like the Ghost's Plaything from PennyB2203 3:47:34 Specter Brume from WhiteChapel 3:54:07 Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak NaturesTemper joins me today in telling some very SCARY stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Jeremy from Wanderlust Jojo 8:05 The Gargoyle Man of the Graveyard Shift from Nyxolotl 18:22 I Think a Skinwalker is Stalking Me from Scout 22:35 Two Sets of Eyes from B.W. Newman read by NaturesTemper 33:43 The Locked Doll from Mnm_974 37:29 Creature in the Cave from Mr. Instrument and Sensor read by NaturesTemper 48:55 The Shadow with Teeth from thatgirlzed Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak If you get lost in the woods, don't worry - something will find you. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:36 Not All Monsters are Monsters from Very Mean Jelly Beans 14:55 The Dogman Talked to my Dog from Wolfenstein572 20:20 Wendigo Encounter While Zoinked from Shnitzel 29:55 It Followed Me from spartan_thorn9 35:27 Never Alone from Meg 43:09 What Was In The House from Robert117 50:17 What’s in my House? From Sleepless Nights  Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained
    HEADS UP: This episode was made when I was bedridden and sick. So, I had someone use an AI version of my voice. Sorry, but I'd rather my family have food on the table and my fans have stories to enjoy. You might hear some mispronunciations. Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Something evil lurks in the Appalachian mountains, and you DON'T want to meet it! SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:10 Bridge Water Triangle in Massachusets Story; from DanTheMan 4:13 I move, it moves, we all move; from N00N3 10:28 Be Careful Hiking in the Bighorn Mountains; from Colter Morgan 13:22 The Woman in the Bathroom Mirror; from SpookyGuy556 30:50 The Morning I'll Never Forget; from TruthFinder16 35:08 Paranormal Happenings; from PaigeH92 48:14 Oconee Spirits; from Swampfox 57:31 Uncle Johnny; from Leahbeah Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    328 | "We Found the WITCH of the Colorado Backroads, and She Tried to TAKE US" - 12 TRUE Horror Stories
    A disturbingly tall witch has been seen on the Colorado Backroads near Boulder, Colorado. If you ever find yourself on Riverdale Road, SHE MIGHT TAKE YOU. Subscribe to the Darkness Prevails Podcast and Leave us a Review on iTunes! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Subscribe to Freaky Folklore and Leave us a Review on iTunes! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0uiX155WEJnN7QVRfo3aQY iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/idhttps-podcasts-apple-com-us-podcast-freaky-folklore/id1550361184 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Music used in the Darkness Prevails Podcast has or may have been provided/created by:  CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast MrBlackPasta: https://twitter.com/MrBlackPasta Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheConfessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcast

    Twitter: @TConfessionals

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOADhttps://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Outro Music : ONLAP - "Everywhere I Go"

    ITUNES : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/artist/onlap/id339918784 (also on 


    SPOTIFY : https://open.spotify.com/album/6cdhj56E1MF3azjkmu7Gv0 (also on 


    YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/user/OnlapMusik

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ONLAP.Official

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    Tonight we bring on Ben to share his experiences with a haunted church he worked at and then later we have Zach share his out of body experiences, night hag experience and the ouija board that started it all.  Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheConfessionals Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcast Twitter: @TConfessionals Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3