
    3/21/22: Russia-Ukraine Escalation, China's Shift, Hunter Biden Coverup, Fauci Returns, Indian Geopolitics, Saudi-US Relations, & More!

    enMarch 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Reliving Childhood Memories through PodcastsMagical Rewind invites listeners to revisit beloved childhood TV movies and chat with cast and crew, sponsored by State Farm and Cheapo Air. Breaking Points offers in-depth news analysis, emphasizing independence through premium subscriptions.

      Magical Rewind, a new podcast hosted by Wilfordel and Sabrina Brian, invites listeners to revisit beloved childhood TV movies and chat with cast and crew. State Farm sponsors the podcast, emphasizing their commitment to being a good neighbor. Cheapo Air, an affordable travel booking platform, is another sponsor, offering listeners great prices and double points for app bookings. The news landscape is challenging, with increasing censorship and difficult-to-navigate information. Breaking Points encourages premium subscriptions to maintain independence and resist mainstream pressure. In Ukraine, Russian forces have made progress but have not encircled Ukrainian forces in the eastern part of the country. Michael Kaufman, a Russian analyst, predicts that Moscow may be searching for a victory in the Donbas region to declare a diplomatic stalemate or escalate the conflict. The podcast Magical Rewind offers a fun and nostalgic journey, while Breaking Points provides in-depth news analysis. Both podcasts are supported by trusted sponsors.

    • The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not at a stalemateDespite reports of a stalemate, the situation in Ukraine could potentially escalate into a civilian bombing campaign if diplomatic efforts fail. Ukrainian forces have made progress but are not close to a military victory, and Russia still holds significant military capabilities.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not at a stalemate as some news outlets are reporting, and the situation could potentially escalate into a civilian bombing campaign if diplomatic efforts fail. While the Ukrainian forces have made progress, they are not close to a military victory, and Russia still has significant military capabilities that could be deployed. It's important to be skeptical of the "stalemate" narrative and understand the ideological biases of organizations promoting it, as they may be advocating for increased military intervention. The Institute for the Study of War, for instance, has a known hawkish stance on foreign policy. Additionally, reports of a stalemate are based on limited information, as they primarily rely on Ukrainian government statements and social media posts. The potential escalation of the conflict could lead to devastating consequences for civilians, making diplomatic efforts crucial to prevent further violence.

    • Russia's military capabilities used as diplomatic tool in Ukraine conflictRussia's use of advanced military technology in Ukraine serves as a reminder of potential consequences of continued conflict and a warning to NATO and the US.

      The Ukrainian military is not on the verge of outright victory against Russia, and the conflict is likely to continue with Russia using its military capabilities as a diplomatic tool. The recent claimed use of a hypersonic Kinzhal missile by Russia in Ukraine serves as a clear warning to NATO and the United States, demonstrating Russia's advanced military technology and its ability to escalate the conflict further. The Biden administration is downplaying the significance of this event, but the use of such a weapon is a significant escalation and a reminder of the potential consequences of continued conflict. The Ukrainians are fighting to the death, but the Russians have the capability to inflict significant damage, and the political will to continue the war may still be in question. The conflict is likely to continue, and all parties involved should be aware of the potential for further escalation.

    • Russia's use of Kinzhal missile in Ukraine as a deterrent to NATORussia showcases advanced military capabilities to deter NATO, increasing risks of unintended escalation

      Russia's use of the Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Ukraine is a clear deterrent signal to NATO, showcasing Russia's advanced military capabilities. It's not a response to a military need but a demonstration of strength meant to discourage further intervention from NATO countries. The potential for escalation is high, as the use of such advanced technology near NATO borders could lead to unintended consequences. The Biden administration's actions in Ukraine are carefully calculated to avoid provoking further conflict, as the risks of a larger war are significant. The proxy media war surrounding the use of this technology is an essential aspect of the conflict, with both sides trying to shape public perception. The display of military power is not only aimed at Ukraine but also serves as a warning to NATO countries, emphasizing the immense destructive potential of modern weaponry and the risks of unintended escalation.

    • Russia and Ukraine peace talks face challenges due to both sides' belief they're winningDespite reported progress, irreconcilable positions and unwillingness to back down make a lasting peace deal uncertain for Russia and Ukraine

      The ongoing peace talks between Russia and Ukraine are facing significant challenges due to both sides' belief that they are winning the conflict. The Russians, with their superior military capabilities, may be using the negotiations as a PR exercise while continuing their assault on Ukrainian cities. On the other hand, Ukraine, with 90% of its population believing in an outright victory, is unwilling to make painful concessions for a peace deal. Despite some hopeful signs of a potential agreement, such as reported progress on neutrality and language issues, the dynamic of the conflict and the unwillingness of both sides to back down make a lasting peace deal uncertain. This situation has only been ongoing for less than a month, and the history of military campaigns shows that such irreconcilable positions often lead to prolonged conflicts.

    • Historical pattern of offensive warfare between Russia and UkraineThe conflict between Russia and Ukraine follows a pattern of smaller state resistance against larger power, leading to stalemate and significant loss of life. Recent developments, like President Zelensky's suspension of political parties, highlight the complexity and potential for further escalation.

      The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine follows a historical pattern of offensive warfare, where a smaller state puts up heroic resistance against a larger power. This dynamic can lead to a false sense of hope for the smaller state, but ultimately results in a stalemate and significant loss of life. A recent development in Ukraine, with President Zelensky suspending 11 political parties under martial law, highlights the complexity of the situation and the need for a nuanced understanding of the interests at play. This suspension, which affects mostly leftist and socialist parties, raises concerns about the suppression of political opposition and the potential for further escalation. It's crucial to remember that the interests of the United States and Ukraine may not always align, and diplomacy and negotiation remain the best options for avoiding a prolonged and devastating conflict.

    • Understanding the complexities of the Ukraine-Russia conflictThe Ukraine-Russia conflict involves more than just democracy vs. authoritarianism. Acknowledging the complexities does not diminish Russia's aggression, but it's crucial for nuanced understanding and dialogue.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not as simple as a democracy versus an authoritarian state. While Ukraine is democratic, it has its own issues, and the Russian government uses this to portray their invasion as a fight for Russian peoples. The complexities of the situation should not diminish the fact that Russia is the aggressor, but it's essential to acknowledge the gray areas and potential echoes of our own politics. Zelensky's actions, such as unifying all national TV channels, aim to maintain a unified message but can be seen as silencing dissenting voices. In Israel, Zelensky's comments about Ukrainians helping Jews during the Holocaust faced criticism for minimizing the role of Ukrainians in the Holocaust. These complexities underscore the need for nuanced understanding and dialogue.

    • Zelensky's reference to the Holocaust in speeches sparks Israeli backlashIsraeli politicians criticized Zelensky for invoking the Holocaust during speeches, as Israel pursues its own foreign policy and doesn't want to take a significant side in the conflict. China's vice foreign minister criticized NATO's role in the war and warned against using sanctions, potentially signaling no pressure on Russia to end the conflict.

      Zelensky's attempt to invoke the Holocaust during his speeches to appeal to various national audiences, particularly in Israel, was a significant error that led to a significant backlash from Israeli politicians. Israel, as a sovereign country, is pursuing its own strategic foreign policy and is not wanting to take a significant side in the conflict. This has rankled the US, which has given Israel unconditional support in the past. Meanwhile, China's vice foreign minister has taken Russia's side in the conflict and criticized NATO for its role in the war and the use of sanctions against Russia. He warned that sanctions cannot solve problems and will harm ordinary people and the global economy. China, as the country with the most power to force concessions on Russia, could play a significant role in ending the conflict. However, its recent comments indicate it may not be pressuring Russia to come to the table.

    • China's Political Neutrality in Russia-Ukraine ConflictChina maintains neutrality amidst economic, diplomatic challenges, keeping open lines with all parties. US warns potential consequences for aiding Russia, but China's alliance, image, and oil imports bind it.

      China is trying to maintain political neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine conflict despite the economic and diplomatic challenges it presents. China's position is that condemnation alone won't solve the problem and they are keeping open lines of communication with all parties involved. However, the US has warned China of potential consequences if they aid Russia in the war. China's strategic bind lies in its alliance with Russia, its image on the world stage, and the potential for sanctions from the west for continuing to buy Russian oil. Despite this, at least for now, China appears to be sticking with Russia. The implications of a major geopolitical realignment, such as China's potential sanctioning, would be significant.

    • China may not intervene to help broker peace in Russia-Ukraine conflictChina may not intervene in the Russia-Ukraine conflict due to US and NATO's previous actions, while intelligence experts and media failed to retract earlier dismissals of Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation

      Despite warnings from the US, China may not intervene to help broker peace in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This stance was reportedly communicated to President Biden by Xi Jinping, who allegedly told him "let he who tied the bell on the tiger take it off," implying that the US and NATO's previous actions in the region are responsible for the current crisis. Meanwhile, the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was initially dismissed as Russian disinformation by numerous intelligence experts and the media, has since been confirmed as authentic. Despite this, those same experts have yet to issue any apologies or retractions for their earlier statements. This raises questions about the reliability and impartiality of intelligence experts and the media, and the potential political motivations behind their actions.

    • Media and intelligence collaboration to suppress Biden family corruption allegationsDespite the authenticity of Biden family corruption emails being confirmed, media and intelligence entities continued to suppress the story, eroding their credibility further.

      During the 2020 presidential election, there were allegations of corruption involving the Biden family. However, the more significant story was the collaboration between big tech, former government officials, and the media to suppress this information and create a false narrative. This suppression effort continued even after the authenticity of the emails was confirmed. The New York Times, which is considered the paper of record, eventually acknowledged the authenticity of the emails, but other mainstream media outlets remained silent. Even intelligence officials who had previously expressed concern about the emails disappeared after the truth came to light. The lack of contrition from these entities for their role in misleading the public is a disgraceful act and further erodes their credibility. This incident is a hangover effect from the media and intelligence apparatus's previous blame for helping Trump get elected by reporting on Hillary Clinton's emails and WikiLeaks.

    • Media Prioritizing Political Agendas Over Journalistic DutiesA study conducted on Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment showed no reduction in hospitalizations, yet the debate around its effectiveness continues due to prioritized political agendas over journalistic duties.

      Media organizations are prioritizing their political agendas over their journalistic duties, leading to a lack of accurate information for the public. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci, a key figure in the COVID-19 response, has reemerged to suggest a potential return of mask mandates. In other news, the largest trial to date on the use of Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment has shown no reduction in hospitalizations for patients taking the drug. The controversy surrounding Ivermectin's use was unwarranted, and a legitimate investigation into its effectiveness was necessary. Despite this new study, the debate around various COVID-19 treatments and mandates continues.

    • COVID-19 cases in US wastewater could signal new spike, but vaccines remain effectiveWastewater data shows potential COVID-19 surge, but existing vaccines are believed to work against new variants, including BA.2

      The increase in COVID-19 cases detected in US wastewater systems could indicate a potential new spike, possibly due to the more infectious BA.2 variant. However, it's important to note that existing vaccines, particularly mRNA ones, are believed to remain effective against this variant. Meanwhile, the media's coverage of international affairs, specifically towards India and its decision to explore Russian oil purchases, often overlooks the hypocrisy of Western nations, like Germany, who are also buying Russian energy resources. The Western press's biased narrative could have significant geopolitical consequences. India's historical non-alignment policy and strategic interests, as well as its large Russian population and deep ties with both Russia and Pakistan, contribute to its stance on the ongoing crisis. The assumption that other countries' elites share the same deranged behavior as Western elites often leads to misunderstandings and tensions in international relations.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Implications for US InterestsThe US should allow Europeans to lead in addressing the Russia-Ukraine conflict while balancing its outrage with long-term interests, considering potential impact on America's position abroad.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has significant implications for global politics, potentially overshadowing US interests in the Asia Pacific. While a stable Europe is important, the US should allow Europeans to lead in addressing the situation. The use of advanced weapons by Russia in Ukraine serves as a reminder of their military superiority and could escalate the conflict further. The belief in outright victory on both sides makes a peaceful settlement difficult. Obama's concerns about arming Ukraine in 2014 have been disregarded, leading to a dangerous situation. The key is for the US to balance its outrage with its long-term interests, avoiding being pulled into a conflict that may not serve its purpose. The potential impact on America's position abroad should be carefully considered.

    • Ukraine's pursuit of diplomacy meets resistanceUkraine's diplomatic efforts for peace face resistance from Zelensky, US, NATO, and powerful interests in the US. Irreversible guarantees for peace may not align with Ukrainian interests, prolonging conflict and bringing WW3 closer.

      Despite Ukraine's public pursuit of diplomacy, there seems to be little movement behind the scenes. Ukrainian President Zelensky reportedly showed little interest in a negotiated settlement and expressed the need to keep fighting until Putin alters his demands. The US and NATO have not empowered Zelensky to negotiate a peace deal, and any potential deal would require the rollback of draconian sanctions imposed on Russia. However, the US is demanding irreversible guarantees for peace, which may not align with Ukrainian interests. Meanwhile, powerful interests in the US push for war, and the US's relationship with Saudi Arabia remains unequal, with the US providing security guarantees and goodwill gestures without reciprocity. These complex geopolitical dynamics risk prolonged devastation for civilians in conflict zones and bring the threat of World War 3 closer every day.

    • Saudi Arabia Ignores US President's Call and Refuses to SpeakSaudi Arabia's disregard for US leadership and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen raises moral and geostrategic concerns, as the US reevaluates its relationship with Saudi Arabia and considers long-term implications.

      The Saudi Arabian conference's decision to ignore a US president's call and refusal to speak to them is a significant slight against US leadership and the American electorate. This behavior, which is also contributing to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, raises moral and geostrategic concerns. The US has been supporting Saudi Arabia militarily and politically, but the war in Yemen is far from over, and the situation is getting worse. From a moral perspective, the US is complicit in the decimation of Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. From a geostrategic perspective, the US-Saudi relationship, built on oil and security, is changing as Saudi Arabia looks for alternatives, such as China. While Saudi oil is still important to the global markets, its indispensable role is decreasing with the rise of alternative energy sources. The US needs to reevaluate its relationship with Saudi Arabia and consider the long-term implications of its actions in the region.

    • US-Saudi Relationship: From Transactional Bargains to Rivalry?The US-Saudi relationship, built on transactional deals, may evolve into a rivalry if the US doesn't address human rights abuses and enforce accountability. Saudi Arabia's attempts to influence US politics are undemocratic and concerning.

      The US-Saudi relationship, built largely on transactional bargains, risks becoming a rivalry or antagonism if it doesn't move beyond this. The US administration's indecisive policy, which includes transferring Patriot missile systems to Saudi Arabia, may not be enough to appease the Saudis. A harder line, such as enforcing human rights abuses, could be more effective. Saudi Arabia, along with a few other countries, has grown accustomed to getting what they want from the US through various means, and they are unhappy with the current administration's policies. They may be actively trying to influence US politics to favor Republicans and potentially reinstate Trump. This transactional relationship, which can result in de facto interference in US politics, is undemocratic and outrageous.

    • Saudi Arabia's influence on US politics and electionsSaudi Arabia's interference in US politics, such as manipulating oil prices, could impact elections and American people. Despite challenges, independent media outlets continue to report on these issues.

      Saudi Arabia's interference in US politics, including manipulating oil prices, could have significant consequences for US elections and the American people. This was discussed during a podcast interview, where it was suggested that Americans might suffer in the short term if help isn't given to current President Biden to keep oil prices stable. However, it was also noted that Saudi Arabia lacks a strong support base in the US and that such interference should not cross certain lines. Additionally, the podcast hosts emphasized the importance of their audience's support to keep their operation going, as they face challenges with censorship and demonetization on various platforms. They also shared personal experiences of having their content taken down or labeled as misinformation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of reporting on political and social issues in the current media landscape.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    Putin's spy plane blown up by Belarusian partisans & interview with charity supplying Ukraine's frontline soldiers

    Putin's spy plane blown up by Belarusian partisans & interview with charity supplying Ukraine's frontline soldiers

    Day 369.

    Today, we bring you updates from across Ukraine and the world and we interview Dimko Zhluktenko, the 24-year old founder of Ukrainian charity Dzyga's Paw. The organisation supplies the Ukrainian military with equipment for the front lines. We discuss his experiences in the past year, the challenges he’s faced and the emotional impact of his work where many of the soldiers he’s helping are friends.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Dimko Zhluktenko. @dim0kq on Twitter.

    Find out more about Dygas Paw Charity: https://dzygaspaw.com

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Day 345.

    Today, we hear from Roland Oliphant who’s on the ground in Donbas as well as exploring Russia's relationship with the history of the Second World War.

    Plus, Francis Dearnley interviews French journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet in a deep-dive on the role of France in this war.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

    Nataliya Vasilyeva (Russia Correspondent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

    With thanks to Anne-Elisabeth Moutet

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Geopolitical Tensions Just Got A Whole LOT WORSE...

    Geopolitical Tensions Just Got A Whole LOT WORSE...


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