
    3/28/23: Trans Suspect Behind Christian Mass Shooting, Netanyahu Caves to Protests, Peter Beinart on Israeli Hypocrisy, Top SVB Accounts 13 Billion, American Patriotism Plummets, IRS Targets Matt Taibbi, US Military Shortages, Binance Sued

    enMarch 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Recent Significant News Stories: Mass Shooting in Nashville, Ongoing Chaos in Israel, Trump's Comments, IRS Visit, and Elon Musk's PaywallA former student identified as transgender is suspected of a mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu paused judicial reforms, Trump commented on the Federal Reserve and SVB bailout, a friend of the show faced an IRS visit, and Elon Musk implemented a paywall on Twitter.

      There have been several significant news stories breaking recently, including a mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, where a former student identified as transgender is believed to have left a manifesto behind. The suspect was killed by police and two AR-style weapons, one rifle and one pistol, were recovered at the scene. The investigation is ongoing and the contents of the manifesto have not been released yet. Another notable story is the ongoing chaos in Israel, where Benjamin Netanyahu has paused judicial reforms that sparked protests. Additionally, former President Trump weighed in on both the Federal Reserve and the SVB bailout. A friend of the show, Matt Taibbi, had an IRS agent show up at his doorstep during his Congress testimony, and Elon Musk is paywalling Twitter. It's a critical election year and independent coverage is important, so consider supporting your favorite podcasts or news outlets for the best possible coverage.

    • Covenant School shooting: Gun control vs mental health careThe Covenant School shooting highlights the urgent need to address gun access and mental health care, rather than politicizing the issue based on the shooter's identity.

      The Covenant School shooting in Nashville, which resulted in the death of six people including three young students and three faculty members, has once again brought the issue of gun control and access to mental health care to the forefront of the national conversation. The shooting has been politicized, with some focusing on the shooter's potential identity and others on gun access and the lack of mental health resources. While the motive of the shooter is still unclear, it is important to acknowledge the deep-rooted issues that contribute to such tragic events. The availability and culture of guns in the US, as well as the lack of access to mental health care, are significant factors that need to be addressed. The immediate politicization of the shooting, regardless of the shooter's identity, only serves to distract from the urgent need for action on these issues. It's crucial to remember that these shootings are not a regular occurrence in other countries and require a comprehensive approach to prevent them. The ongoing debate around gun control and mental health care accessibility should not be a "grab bag of everything," but a focused and urgent conversation to keep our communities safe.

    • Exploring the complexities of tragedy aftermathsUnderstanding gun control is only one aspect of addressing tragedy aftermaths. Mental health, law enforcement, and potential red flags are also crucial factors to consider. Approach discussions with compassion and empathy, and avoid jumping to conclusions based on initial reactions.

      The aftermath of a tragic shooting incident like the one that occurred, brings forth complex issues that require compassionate and open-minded discussions. Gun control is just one piece of the puzzle, as there are many factors at play, including mental health, law enforcement, and potential red flags. It's essential to approach each other with understanding and empathy, especially during difficult times. Additionally, there are often many unknowns in the aftermath of such incidents, and it's crucial to look beyond initial reactions and investigate thoroughly. In the recent shooting, questions remain about how the firearms were acquired, the shooter's past interactions with law enforcement, and potential warning signs. Furthermore, there's ongoing controversy in Israel regarding proposed judicial reforms, leading to widespread protests and a call for dialogue to avoid further conflict.

    • Israeli Judicial Reforms Spark Protests Among JewsIsraeli judicial reforms causing controversy, leading to protests, strikes, and diplomatic fallout; societal divisions over welfare, military service, and religious beliefs fueling unrest.

      The ongoing judicial reforms in Israel, which were paused due to a deal between the prime minister and the coalition government, have sparked intense protests among Israeli Jews, particularly the secular elite. The proposed reforms aimed to give the Knesset the power to overrule the courts, which some politicians believe have too much power in land disputes favoring Palestinians. However, this move was met with significant opposition from various factions within Israeli society, leading to widespread protests, strikes, and even the closure of Israeli embassies and consulates around the world. The Biden administration's response to the situation has been complex, with initial condemnation followed by an invitation to Netanyahu to visit the White House, indicating a potential thaw in relations. The protests go beyond the judicial reform issue and highlight deep divisions within Israeli society, with tensions over welfare, military service, and religious beliefs.

    • Strained Relationship between Biden and Netanyahu, Domestic Issues in Israel, and Protests Against CorruptionDespite strained U.S.-Israel relations and Israeli domestic issues, including a culture war and protests against corruption, the U.S. has extended an invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, raising concerns over human rights and democracy.

      The relationship between U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently strained, with deep suspicion from the Israeli government due to past actions during the Obama administration. Simultaneously, there are complex domestic issues in Israel, including a culture war and a deeply divided society along religious and secular lines. Protests against a corrupt prime minister trying to influence the judicial system have brought up questions of democracy and human rights. In the political reality of Washington, the U.S. extending an invitation to Netanyahu after a pause in judicial reforms is not surprising, despite concerns over Israel's human rights record. However, it's important to note that Israeli Jews are fighting for their democratic rights while the Palestinian majority population lacks such rights, leading to a hypocrisy in the situation.

    • Protests in Israel sparks larger conversation about democracy and rights for PalestiniansIsraelis fight for democratic rights, while Palestinians feel excluded and insulted, highlighting the urgent need for a more inclusive and equitable approach to democracy in Israel and Palestine, with concerns over potential human rights abuses from a new civil national guard.

      The ongoing protests in Israel against Prime Minister Netanyahu's judicial overhaul plans have sparked a larger conversation about democracy and rights for Palestinians. Israeli Jews are fighting for their democratic rights, but many Palestinians feel excluded and insulted, as they are denied basic democratic rights under Israeli control. The Palestinian reaction has been one of perplexity and disappointment. The coalition government, which includes religious and ultranationalist elements, may not fall due to its unpopularity and the pause in the judicial overhaul plans. However, a new development involves creating a civil national guard, which will be led by a far-right politician. This move is being met with concerns about potential human rights abuses and further entrenchment of inequality. Overall, the protests highlight the urgent need for a more inclusive and equitable approach to democracy in Israel and Palestine.

    • Israel's Controversial Appointment and Banking DevelopmentIsrael's appointment of a controversial figure to head a private security force raises concerns for Palestinian safety and equality under the law. Simultaneously, the sale of Silicon Valley Bank to First Citizens Bank marks a significant development in the banking industry, but leaves some uncertainty for the future.

      The appointment of a controversial figure like Ben Gavir to head a private security force in Israel raises serious concerns for Palestinian safety and equality under the law. Gavir's history of extremist views and associations with violent acts against Palestinians contradicts the fundamental principles of liberal democracy. The sale of Silicon Valley Bank to First Citizens Bank marks a significant development in the banking industry, with the FDIC brokering the deal to protect depositors. However, the sale did not include all of the bank's assets, leaving some uncertainty for the future. The ongoing struggle between the ideas of equality under the law and ethno-states is a global issue, with Israel serving as a model for those threatening liberal democracy. Ultimately, the hope is for Israel to become a state for all its citizens, treating everyone equally under the law, irrespective of religion.

    • Fed identified SVB's risks before crisis, but didn't actDespite Fed's knowledge of SVB's risks, the crisis occurred, leading to gov't deposit guarantee and concerns over large deposits and risk management

      Regulatory bodies, including the Federal Reserve, were aware of the vulnerabilities of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) before the crisis but did not take sufficient action to prevent the bank run. The Fed had specifically identified SVB's interest rate and liquidity risks in a February presentation. Despite this knowledge, the full extent of the bank's vulnerability was not apparent until the crisis occurred on March 9th. The government's subsequent guarantee of deposits at SVB and large banks set a precedent with significant political implications. The largest deposit accounts at SVB held over $13 billion, and the questionable decision-making of those holding such large sums in uninsured accounts is a concern. Wall Street viewed this as a case of irresponsible financial management. The industry-specific focus of SVB, which had made many of its clients extremely wealthy, may have contributed to the concentration of large deposits in the bank. The regulatory response and the behavior of some depositors highlight the importance of diversifying assets and being aware of potential risks.

    • Silicon Valley Bank's Bailout Raises Regulatory QuestionsThe Silicon Valley Bank's bailout highlights the need for effective regulation, potential consequences of inaction, and the importance of considering alternative solutions to manage inflation and interest rates. It also sets a precedent for other banks, potentially making them all 'too big to fail' and putting taxpayers on the hook for their actions.

      The Silicon Valley Bank's receipt of a bailout, despite having wealthy depositors, raises questions about the role of regulators and the potential implications for other banks. The bank's risky practices, including holding long-term treasuries, were exacerbated by rising interest rates. Former President Trump criticized the bailout, arguing that the bank could have weathered the financial storm with lower interest rates or a bridge loan. This incident underscores the need for effective regulation and the potential consequences of inaction, as well as the importance of considering alternative solutions to manage inflation and interest rates. The broader issue is that the bailout sets a precedent for other banks, potentially making all of them "too big to fail" and putting taxpayers on the hook for their actions. Trump's policy critique aligns with that of Elizabeth Warren, highlighting the bipartisan concern over Jerome Powell's interest rate policies and their impact on the banking sector.

    • Understanding the Limits of the Fed's Control Over InflationThe expert highlights that while the Fed can adjust interest rates to help combat inflation, the root causes like corporate price gouging, supply chain issues, and rising food and energy prices are beyond their control. Additionally, economic instability and lack of faith in institutions have contributed to a decline in American values.

      The expert is emphasizing that while interest rates can help address a part of inflation, the root causes such as corporate price gouging, supply chain issues, and spiking food and energy prices are beyond the Fed's control. He also agrees with the expert's criticism of Silicon Valley Bank and is curious if this will become a core issue in his campaign. Furthermore, a recent poll showing a decline in American values like patriotism, religion, and community involvement, is attributed by the expert to the economic instability and lack of faith in institutions from both the right and left, as well as the increasing importance of money due to rising costs of living.

    • The high cost of living and societal letdowns fuel individualism and decrease patriotismThe rising cost of living and societal institutions' failure to provide security and stability have led Americans to prioritize money and individualism over patriotism, contributing to a decline in faith in the American dream.

      The rising cost of living and declining societal institutions have contributed to a decrease in patriotism and an increase in individualism among Americans. The high cost of having a family, education, and even buying a house has made money a top priority for many people. This sense of being let down by societal institutions, including the economy and government, has led to a "get mine" mentality and a loss of faith in the American dream. Additionally, the lack of stability and security experienced by many Americans, particularly the working class, has further fueled this disillusionment and a decrease in patriotism. The interconnectedness of these issues is evident in the correlation between declining life expectancy and decreasing patriotism in the United States.

    • The Late 1990s vs Now: Housing, Wealth Gap, and the American DreamThe American dream of affordable housing and a stable middle class life is increasingly out of reach due to escalating costs and a widening wealth gap, leading to economic instability, disillusionment, and radicalization.

      The economic landscape of the late 1990s, with its more attainable housing market and smaller wealth gap between rich and poor, stands in stark contrast to the present day. Housing, a fundamental aspect of the American dream, has become increasingly unaffordable for many, leading to a widening wealth gap and economic instability. This instability, coupled with escalating costs for essentials like education and healthcare, has put a stable, non-precarious middle class life out of reach for the majority of Americans. The recognition of these failures has led to a decline in patriotism and community involvement, particularly among younger generations who have never known a different world. The situation has resulted in a rational response of radicalization. An intriguing coincidence occurred during a recent congressional hearing when journalist Matt Taibbi, who was testifying on government weaponization, had an IRS agent show up at his house on the same day. This event serves as a reminder of the complex and interconnected nature of our current political and economic issues.

    • IRS visits journalist's home over identity theft concernsIRS unexpectedly visited journalist Matt Taibbi's home demanding answers about identity theft concerns in his tax returns, despite documentation showing accepted returns and lack of communication with Taibbi or his tax counsel.

      House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan is demanding answers from the IRS regarding an unprecedented and unannounced visit to journalist Matt Taibbi's home, where an IRS agent demanded answers about identity theft concerns in his tax returns. Taibbi has provided documentation showing that his 2018 return was already electronically accepted and the IRS never notified him of any issues. The IRS initially rejected his 2021 return, even with a provided PIN number, and owes him a considerable amount of money. The sudden and unexpected visit raises concerns about potential political motivations and the IRS's recent practices, as well as the challenges small businesses face in getting timely responses from the IRS. The situation recalls historical instances of the government targeting journalists and political enemies. The circumstances surrounding the identity theft concerns and the rejection of old returns are questionable, and the IRS's lack of communication with Taibbi and his professional tax counsel adds to the mystery.

    • Concerns over corruption and pay-to-play modelsChanges to Twitter's blue check mark system and ongoing tax system issues raise concerns for transparency and accountability, potentially leading to a Wild West scenario where it's harder to distinguish real from fake information

      There are concerns about potential corruption and fishy dealings in the tax system, as highlighted by the ongoing issues with journalist Matt Taibbi. Elon Musk's recent changes to Twitter's blue check mark system have also raised eyebrows, as it appears to be shifting towards a pay-to-play model. This could lead to a Wild West scenario where it becomes harder to distinguish between real and fake accounts, potentially making it more difficult for users to access timely and reliable information. Additionally, there are concerns that this change could favor certain types of content and potentially marginalize others. Overall, these developments highlight the need for transparency and accountability in both the tax system and social media platforms.

    • Twitter's Blue Checkmark and Its Impact on Fairness and News CreationTwitter's blue checkmark requirement limits new journalists and content creators, raises concerns about platform fairness and news reliability, and highlights the importance of transparency and fairness on social media platforms. Military aid to Ukraine also discussed, revealing potential consequences of misallocated resources in national security.

      The requirement for a blue checkmark on Twitter to gain amplification poses a significant problem for new journalists and content creators, making the platform less fair and potentially less useful for everyone. The speaker also expressed concerns about the usefulness of Twitter for generating stories and finding news due to algorithmic changes, and voiced principled opposition to paying for a blue checkmark. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the issue of military aid to Ukraine and its impact on US defense readiness, revealing that the aid has made the US less prepared for potential conflicts and that the money spent on military equipment is often a boondoggle. Overall, these issues highlight the importance of transparency and fairness on social media platforms and the potential consequences of misallocated resources in national security.

    • Military vulnerabilities and crypto regulationsThe US military's dependence on a few companies for missile systems and inefficiencies in the military-industrial complex leaves the country vulnerable in conflicts. Meanwhile, the crypto industry faces regulatory challenges, as seen with Binance's legal troubles.

      The US military's reliance on a few key companies for missile systems, coupled with inefficiencies and corruption within the military-industrial complex, leaves the country vulnerable in times of conflict. The example of Ukraine's weapons needs during the war and South Korea's ability to meet demand highlights the importance of a robust industrial base and technical know-how. Additionally, the crypto world has seen major developments with Binance, the largest crypto trading platform, being sued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for allegedly selling commodities to US customers without registration, covering up the activity, and engaging in insider trading and self-dealing. These issues underscore the need for regulation and transparency in the crypto industry.

    • Binance Executives' Contempt for Laws and Criminal ActivitiesBinance's top executives reportedly had contempt for laws and knowingly allowed criminal activities on the platform, while evading US regulatory scrutiny by hopscotching the globe.

      Binance, a major digital trading platform, has been operating with significant regulatory evasion and disregard for compliance, as evidenced by top executives' messages revealing contempt for laws and admission of knowing criminal activities on the platform. Binance, which lacks a traditional corporate structure and board of directors, is seemingly run solely by CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ), who has been reported to evade regulatory scrutiny by hopscotching the globe. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) alleges that Binance executives were aware of having a large US customer base, despite publicly claiming no US users, and even provided instructions on how to use VPNs to hide their locations. These findings suggest a blatant disregard for US law and a culture of deceit within Binance.

    • Binance CEO under investigation for insider trading allegationsThe crypto industry's lack of regulations and guardrails can allow select individuals to manipulate markets and benefit at the expense of the masses, highlighting the importance of ethical conduct and transparency.

      The Binance CEO, CZ, is under investigation for alleged insider trading and self-dealing, despite the company's efforts to hide US users and lack of disclosure. The CEO is accused of controlling 300 accounts on the platform, which were exempted from new insider trading rules and had no anti-fraud or anti-manipulation controls. This incident highlights how crypto markets can resemble traditional white-collar crimes with fewer regulations and guardrails, benefiting a select few at the expense of the masses. The crypto industry's advanced technology and jargon can obscure the underlying issues, but ultimately, it comes down to ethical conduct and transparency. It's crucial for regulatory bodies to ensure that these markets operate fairly and honestly for all participants.

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    Topics in this episode:

    • Our objectives (0:10)
    • Personal experiences (15:00)
    • First steps  (19:54)
    • Basic needs (35:11)
    • Social media (41:34)
    • Resources (44:42)
    • Pause, Reset, and Nourish (48:19)
    • Q&A (51:56)


    Melissa Brymer, Ph.D., Psy.D., director of the Terrorism and Disaster Program at UCLA/Duke University’s National Center for Child Traumatic Stress

    Angela Moreland, Ph.D., associate professor of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center at MUSC and associate director of the National Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center

    Vision 21

    Melissa Sommerville, LMHC, project director of the Mobile Child and Family Trauma Treatment Team at Best Self Behavioral Health

    National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

    National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD)

    Psychological First Aid

    Skills for Psychological Recovery

    Child Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI)

    Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

    Trauma and Grief Component Therapy

    Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) grant

    Transcend NMVC app

    For more information about National Children’s Alliance and the work of Children’s Advocacy Centers, visit our website at NationalChildrensAlliance.org. Or visit our podcast website at OneInTenPodcast.org. And join us on Facebook at One in Ten podcast.

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