
    #3 - Christine Erickson, LCMHC (Part 1)

    enMay 05, 2019

    About this Episode

    I sat down with Christine Erickson, LCMHC for a great discussion. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology. She uses an individual approach combining principles of neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and mindfulness. She has done additional extensive training, receiving a Certificate in Mindfulness in Psychotherapy in 2014. Christine's practice is in St. George, UT. She helps patients with a variety of mental health related issues as well as dealing with bullying and past trauma.

    I split our hour long interview into two parts. This is part 1 where we discuss dealing with anxiety, depression and suicidality. She talks about how someone struggling with this can reach out but also how people can help those they care about struggling with mental health. She talks about how people can consistently show up and keep those loved ones safe when battling suicidal ideation.

    We discuss the huge jump in depression and anxiety over the past decade and how social media contributes to that. 

    Christine specializes in doing mindfulness mediation which she incorporates into her practice. Part 2 is where we discuss more fully what is Mindfulness and how to implement it into your mental health lifestyle. We end part 2 with Christine doing a guided mindfulness session. Here's the video link to that.  https://vimeo.com/334089250

    Christine has a 5wk mindfulness program being released on May 14th that will give everyone access to this helpful practice that has been beneficial to so many. 

    I'm really excited for this episode and the next cause I feel like there's something for everyone in the content we discussed. Christine is such a kind person and I had a great time talking with her. Please welcome Christine Erickson

    Christine's Website: https://emotionalhealingtoday.com

    Christine's FB: https://www.facebook.com/ChristineEricksonEmotionalHealing/


    We'd love to hear from you! Contact us at:

    IG/Twitter: @InMyHeadPodcast

    Facebook: @TheInMyHeadPodcast 

    Recent Episodes from In My Head

    #43 - I'm trying Carnivore diet for 30 days!

    #43 - I'm trying Carnivore diet for 30 days!
    I'm trying the Carnivore diet which goes against everything I've believed about diet and health my whole life. I used to see videos on the Carnivore diet and I'd immediately either turn it off or just think they were idiots. Now I'm here with 10+ yrs of chronic pain, anxiety, depression having tried multiple diets which put me right here. 

    I figured, what better way to see if this works for me then running a very strict test on myself. 

    So here's the gist of it:

    ***Only organic grass fed meats, range free chicken/turkey, bone broth and LOTS OF WATER. Pairing this with
    16:8 intermittent fasting (11am - 7pm eating window).
    No caffeine, no alcohol, no carbs, no dairy, no sugars, no veggies no processed foods. Daily exercise at least 30min / 8hrs sleep 

    This isn't to lose weight. This is simply to see how my mind and body respond to this. These are the main issues of mine that I want to track if this diet effects them at all. 

    Anxiety / depression / Overall Mood


    Throat issues (Globus sensation/lump in throat)


    Body and joint pain tingling

    Neuropathy sensations


    Ringing in ears


    I completely understand if this is just downright offensive to some of you but hopefully you'll watch the video and see why I've come to this decision to try the Carnivore diet. Here's to good physical and mental health that I wish for all of you.

    #42 - Hitting Pause

    #42 - Hitting Pause

    I’ve decided to hit pause on our podcast, social media and Patreon for 3-6 months. I said from the beginning my goal is to create a place for open discussions on mental health and that I wanted to consistently put out quality audio, video and more than anything discussions and resources. That has gotten harder and harder over the past 9 months with COVID etc. I feel it’s most fair to our listeners that we take a pause, restructure some things and find a way to put out consistent weekly podcasts for you all. I believe in doing things 100%, and that’s just not possible for me right now with so much going on. 


    I want to thank you all for being a part of this community and I hope I’ve been able to share some content that has been beneficial for you. The podcast will remain available on YouTube and all podcast platforms but I just need to step away from it for a time to re-group, take a breather and come back at a better time. 


    Thank you to all of you for listening and we’ll be back soon. 

    #41 - Migraine Tips

    #41 - Migraine Tips

    In this episode Kavin discusses a whole host of tools to prevent and/or reduce the number of migraines you're having. Like most things, finding the source to your mental illness, migraines, chronic pain vs just treating the symptoms is always a better approach. We're lucky that we have medication as a tool to help us get to a place that we can do the necessary deeper work, but it shouldn't be looked at as the only solution to our issues. 

    Kavin also shares a stretching and deep breathing program that he purchased years ago. You can find that here https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3m8lgfc43q1vmt/Migraine%20Program.pdf?dl=0

    Ways you can support our podcast (thank you in advance!)

    YouTube: Please Like & Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3lZ47u0_D-X1ZH1v3nknw/videos

    Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast

    CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx 

    Better Help: betterhelp.com/inmyhead

    Thanks for your support!

    #40 - Effect of Social Media on Mental Health

    #40 - Effect of Social Media on Mental Health

    This is one I've wanted to do since I started the podcast. Social Media is an interesting subject to study as it's still so new to humanity. But one thing is clear that while so many great things have come from social media, a lot of negative effects have been detrimental for peoples' mental health. There is a clear increase in depression, anxiety and suicide with the invention of the iPhone in 2007.

    Social Media was suppose to connect us to people and while it does that in so many great ways, it also ironically disconnects us with people. It's not a coincidence that a lot of the heads of these social media giants refuse to let their own children have social media accounts.

    This episode isn't about everyone getting off (while that might be necessary for some), it's more about learning how to have a healthy relationship with it. For some social media is about growing businesses and making new connections in industry, for others it's about honing in on a talent of theirs and sharing it with the world, yet for many it's a place they go that makes them feel bullied, less than, terrible parents, spouses or that they're worthless.

    Social media has caused problems with my mental health in the past as I had an unhealthy habit of comparing myself to other people. I took over a year off completely disconnected from it and it was fantastic, but also hard when trying to run businesses. I did a complete overhaul and found ways to make it a place that makes me laugh, grow business and strive to put out positivity.

    If we're going to social media to troll, degrade, constantly debate and shame people with different ideas than you, then it's probably time to take a break from it. It can be a very positive thing for you as you use it mindfully.

    How to support our podcast:

    YouTube: Like/Subscribe

    Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast .

    CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx a portion of the sales go to support our podcast.

    Better Help: BetterHelp.com/inmyhead to get a free week of online therapy

    #39 - Men's mental health w/ Chad Brown

    #39 - Men's mental health w/ Chad Brown

    I enjoyed sitting down with Chad Brown who's a practicing life coach. We talked all about men's mental health. There are so many topics within mental health and this one in particular is so important because the statistics show that men die by suicide 3 to 4 times more than women. Something is going on where men don't feel like they can open up when they're struggling.

    In this episode we cover a lot on the stereotypes about male masculinity and the unproductive ways that men see themselves as people that can't ever show their vulnerabilities Chad and his partner Drew Renner have started a retreat endeavor called "Epic Man Trips". They go on a trip with a group of men which often involves mountain biking, dirt bike riding, climbing etc. They're usually staying in a cabin in a remote spot and dig into what is stopping men from being their best selves as individuals, husbands, dads, employees etc. They've reported lots of success stories from these men that feel stuck in their lives and are able to meet in a group to understand they aren't alone and talk about the tools to break out of those unhelpful ways of thinking.

    You can check them out at EpicManTrips.com and simpleepicactions.com

    Here's how you can support the podcast:

    1. YouTube: Like/Subscribe
    2. Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast
    3. CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx a portion of the sales go to support our podcast.
    4. Better Help: BetterHelp.com/inmyhead to get a free week of online therapy. Thanks so much for watching!

    #38 - Owning your anxiety w/ Alexia (@NotSoSecretDiaryofAnxiety)

    #38 - Owning your anxiety w/ Alexia (@NotSoSecretDiaryofAnxiety)

    I had such a great time chatting with Alexia! She runs an awesome Instagram account called Not So Secret Diary of Anxiety. She shares education on mental health, tips when you’re feeling anxious or having a panic attack, tips on anxiety prevention and much more. I’ve enjoyed learning from her page and was inspired by her story.

    Alexia has dealt with anxiety most of her life and is using social media for something positive! Hope you like this episode!

    Here are ways you can support the podcast! 

    YouTube: Like/Subscribe  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3lZ47u0_D-X1ZH1v3nknw?view_as=subscriber

    Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast

    CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx a portion of the sales go to support our podcast.

    Thanks for listening!

    #37 - 30 days no sugar & caffeine

    #37 - 30 days no sugar & caffeine

    I love doing challenges that really push me out of my comfort zone. Caffeine and sugar are two of my biggest weaknesses that I crave and love and often have a hard time using them in moderation. So every year or so, I'll get off of it and I see enormous benefits. Starting Oct 15, 2020 I'm doing 30 days and would love for you to join me.

    If you're like me, when you get off caffeine and sugar there are bad withdrawal symptoms that come with it like fatigue, headaches/migraines, irritability, severe cravings etc. I'm going to try various things along the way to lower the intensity of all that like drinking plenty of water, drinking celery juice every morning, coconut water, eating plenty of food especially whole foods, getting plenty of sleep and more. Always good to try something hard for yourself that pushes you so we'll see how it goes.

    Here are ways you can support our podcast:

    YouTube: Please Like & Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3lZ47u0_D-X1ZH1v3nknw/videos

    Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast

    CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx

    Better Help: betterhelp.com/inmyhead

    Thanks for your support!

    #36 - Mental & Emotional Abuse w/ Sharesa Cancino

    #36 - Mental & Emotional Abuse w/ Sharesa Cancino

    What started as Sharesa messaging me on Instagram turned into inviting her to do an episode on the podcast. I'm really inspired by her strength through dealing with mental illness most of her life and then living in a marriage with mental and emotional abuse for years. We discuss how she dealt with not only anxiety and suicidal ideation but living in a toxic marriage and being a parent. While there are really sad parts to Sharesa's story, I view it as a hero story as she's been able to move on as well as find strength in her journey. I was really inspired listening how she developed the necessary tools to take control of her mental health, find a supportive partner, and continue to be a positive light in her daughter's life. Thank you so much for listening and for your support. 

    Here are ways you can support our podcast:

    YouTube: Like/Subscribe  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3lZ47u0_D-X1ZH1v3nknw?view_as=subscriber

    Patreon: Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast (become a monthly donor to our podcast)

    CBDmd: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/zLKZx a portion of the sales go to support our podcast.

    Thanks so much!

    In My Head
    enOctober 12, 2020

    #35 - Dealing with mental illness in a relationship w/ My wife Ali Lindgren

    #35 - Dealing with mental illness in a relationship w/ My wife Ali Lindgren

    My wife joined me for the first time on the podcast and we talked all about dealing with mental illness in our marriage. I shared from my perspective as the one who deals with anxiety, depression and OCD and she shared from the perspective of not having it and being married to someone who does.

    We share tips on communication, getting out of the house, letting each other thrive together and independently of each other. We talked supporting each others goals, therapy and trying to understand each others differences and needs.

    To any of you dealing with this mental illness in a relationship, I really hope our perspective helps you. We don't claim to know everything, just that we've dealt with it for almost 12yrs together and we've come along way. It's worth the work.


    Here are the best ways you can support our podcast:

    Patreon: Consider becoming a monthly donor on our Patron page. Patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast . You can donate as little as $1/month and 100% goes to the production of the podcast and YouTube channel.

    YouTube: Go to our YouTube Channel and Subscribe and hit the bell to receive notifications when we post a new video.

    CBDmd: We've partnered with CBDmd and they've given us a custom link where a portion of the sales go to support our podcast. 

    Better Help: We don't receive any funds from Better Help but it's a cause we really want to support. Go to this link and get a free week of online therapy in the comfort of your own home.

    #34 - Support us on Patreon

    #34 - Support us on Patreon

    We're really wanting to grow the podcast and YouTube channel. In order to do that we need a bit of help from our awesome listeners. We're now on Patreon which is a monthly donation website. We've decided to go this route to avoid having our listeners listening to paid advertisements throughout the podcast episodes. 

    A lot of work and time goes into each episode with finding and scheduling a guest, research, filming/recording, editing, uploading and posting to social media, not to mention the costs of running the website and domain fees as well as podcasting equipment. Up to this point, I've covered that all myself but as time goes on it gets harder to put out an episode every week. Your donations will help us be able to greatly streamline this process by purchasing equipment as well as hiring some help. 

    100% of your donation will go to the production of the podcast and YouTube channel. Just go to www.patreon.com/inmyheadpodcast and you can donate as little as $1/month. Thank you so much for your support. I've been so grateful for all your support and the important conversations we've been able to have to remove the stigma of mental illness. With your help we'll be able to extend the reach and provide more resources to those in need and education for those wanting to help their loved ones. Thanks so much!

    In My Head
    enSeptember 08, 2020