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    Day trading strategies are typically patterns or have to do with some type of indicator, however, in today's episode you will find a whole new way to find and define a strategy. GLITCHES, as what Dave calls them, are everywhere, you just need to learn how to look for them. Dave and I dive deep into many examples of multiple trading Glitches with the hope that you can understand how to find them for yourself in the future! Also you may find that some of these glitches still exist and trade them! Happy Trading!

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    Recent Episodes from B The Trader

    This Trader Makes $100K in 30 minutes/day

    This Trader Makes $100K in 30 minutes/day

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    Trading success can be broken down into a few pillars. Jay, a trader for over 20 years explains what those pillars are and how you should approach trading in order to find success. Jay is a OTC trader who has been successful for many years. What is so cool about Jay is that he only trades the last 30 mins of the day. Yes, he is a full-time trader but, with this type of time commitment, you could easily do this while working a full-time job too!

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    USE THIS Millionaire Trading Trick or Stay BROKE

    USE THIS Millionaire Trading Trick or Stay BROKE

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    Long bias strategies can be much easier when you understand the WHY behind the move and that way you can position yourself preferably before the move happens. No we are not talking predicting, well its more so of really stacking the odds in your favor because you understand the process of the move itself. Roland Wolf is a friend of mine and great long-bias trader who knows when to buy and where! He dives deep into where to buy in today's episode, so enjoy!

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    B The Trader
    en-usJanuary 29, 2024

    The Secret to Finding a REAL Trading Mentor

    The Secret to Finding a REAL Trading Mentor

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    Finding a real trading mentor can be difficult especially when tons of traders are reaching out to these traders asking for help. How do you stand out from the crowd? How can you find a trading mentor yourself? Follow Brian Lee's process and I believe you will be able to stand out from the crowd.

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    He made 40 million breaking all trading rules

    He made 40 million breaking all trading rules

    1 Free Month of Software & 33% off commissions with Cobra now!

    Chris Camillo is a great trader who has been verified on many different channels. I was so excited to bring him in because his story is way different then most traders. He doesn't care about price, stop losses, and in fact maybe even likes adding to losers...yeah the exact opposite of what most say or what you might hear. I hope you enjoy today's episode as much as I did making it.

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    3 trading glitches that will 10x your gains

    3 trading glitches that will 10x your gains

    1 Free Month of Software & 33% off commissions with Cobra now!

    Day trading strategies are typically patterns or have to do with some type of indicator, however, in today's episode you will find a whole new way to find and define a strategy. GLITCHES, as what Dave calls them, are everywhere, you just need to learn how to look for them. Dave and I dive deep into many examples of multiple trading Glitches with the hope that you can understand how to find them for yourself in the future! Also you may find that some of these glitches still exist and trade them! Happy Trading!

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    How to build a $100k trading strategy

    How to build a $100k trading strategy

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    Goshawk Free back testing guide

    Building a $100k strategy takes a process. A process we will be diving into today in detail with my good friend and trader who actually has 3 algo's running by themselves and also trades with his own discretion with systematized back tested results. The great news is, I was also able to convince him to release a free guide to help you get started right away.

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    B The Trader
    en-usNovember 20, 2023

    How this self-taught trader made 667k in one trade

    How this self-taught trader made 667k in one trade

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    Jay is a full-time OTC long-bias day trader who has been trading for 20 years. He has gone through many different markets where his plays disappear and come back from time to time which is why I wanted to bring this veteran trader on today. So many of us find a strategy and then can't stay patient when it gets slow. You must learn patience if you want to succeed and become a profitable trader. The best traders learn how to wait and sit on their hands until their EDGE is PRESENT.

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