
    Podcast Summary

    • WinRAR password recoveryThree effective methods to recover forgotten WinRAR passwords include trying common passwords, using Notepad, and employing brute force attacks with tools like John the Ripper.

      Even if you forget the password for your WinRAR protected files, there are effective methods to recover them without the need for specialized software. This article by Amir on Hacker Noon explains three such methods. The first method suggests trying common passwords like "password," "123456," or your date of birth, and extracting the file to a new location without password protection. The second method involves using Notepad to recover the password. This method has been successful for many users but may not work in all cases. The third method, which is not covered in detail in this article, involves using a brute force attack with a tool like John the Ripper. While these methods can help recover WinRAR passwords, it's always a good idea to keep your passwords securely stored to avoid the need for recovery in the first place.

    • RAR file password recoveryTwo methods to recover a forgotten password for a RAR file: editing the file in Notepad and using online RAR password unlockers, but ensure legitimacy of websites used.

      If you have a password-protected RAR file and cannot remember the password, there are methods to recover it. The first method involves using Notepad to edit the RAR file and make certain changes. The second step is to save the file as a new one and try opening it with WinRAR without a password. The second method suggests using online RAR password unlockers to recover the password. This involves uploading the RAR file to the website, initiating the unlocking process, and downloading the file back to your PC. The bottom line is that recovering a password-protected RAR file can be a challenging task, but with the methods outlined above, you can increase your chances of gaining access to your files. Remember, always ensure you are using reputable websites when attempting to recover passwords online. The first method is a simple trick that might work, but if it doesn't, the online method is a reliable alternative. Keep in mind that attempting to recover passwords without authorization is against the law, so use these methods only for your personal files. Additionally, consider implementing strong passwords and secure storage methods to prevent the need for password recovery in the future. For more information on managing databases, listen to our podcast on Hackernoon.com.

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Using Quantum Annealing: Grid Based Application

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/load-balancing-for-high-performance-computing-using-quantum-annealing-grid-based-application.
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    This story was written by: @loadbalancing. Learn more about this writer by checking @loadbalancing's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

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    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/load-balancing-for-high-performance-computing-using-quantum-annealing-adaptive-mesh-refinement.
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    This story was written by: @loadbalancing. Learn more about this writer by checking @loadbalancing's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

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    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/elevate-your-python-advanced-techniques-for-code-optimization.
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    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/from-zero-to-ai-image-analyzer-in-5-minutes-a-beginners-guide.
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    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/finding-the-stinky-parts-of-your-code-code-smell-256-mutable-getters.
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