
    30 - Demo Swears ft. DEMOLITION RANCH

    enNovember 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Demolition Ranch's candid conversation with the podcast hostDemolition Ranch discussed his discomfort with recording, past podcast experiences, and his new role on the unsubscribe podcast. He shared his candid opinions and anecdotes, and the conversation was lighthearted and humorous.

      The conversation between Demolition Ranch and the podcast host covered various topics, including Demolition Ranch's discomfort with recording, his past experiences on podcasts, and his role as the new host on the unsubscribe podcast. Demolition Ranch also mentioned his dislike for podcasts but agreed to appear on this one due to his fondness for the podcast's team. The conversation also touched upon Demolition Ranch's mustache, his background as a veterinarian, and his aversion to kittens. The tone of the conversation was lighthearted and humorous, with Demolition Ranch expressing his candid opinions and sharing anecdotes. The podcast also discussed the idea of a power hour, where they take a shot of beer every minute for an hour, and joked about recording the podcast in Kendall County Jail. Overall, the conversation showcased Demolition Ranch's personality and sense of humor, providing an entertaining listen for the audience.

    • Judging Matti by AppearancesPerceptions can be deceiving. Don't judge someone's worth based on their appearance or initial impressions.

      The perception of someone's living situation can be drastically different from reality. During a visit to Matti's home, which initially appeared simple, the group discovered that Matti was the owner of an armored vehicle and had various valuable possessions. This encounter challenged their assumptions about Matti's financial situation and demonstrated the importance of not judging a book by its cover. The group then discussed a business opportunity to purchase an armored vehicle together and entertained the idea of using their collectibles, such as swords and Pokemon cards, as potential trade-ins. Despite their current financial circumstances, they saw potential in this investment and were open to exploring creative solutions.

    • The complex interplay of security, control, impulse, and curiosityThe speaker's actions demonstrate the potential consequences of giving in to impulsiveness and curiosity, even when driven by a desire for security and control.

      The speaker's desire for a sense of security and control led him to purchase an armored vehicle, but his curiosity and impulsiveness eventually resulted in its destruction. He had initially planned to use it as a bug out vehicle, fully equipped with his gear, but after feeling pressured by others to shoot it, he made several videos destroying it and milking its popularity for views. The experience left him without an armored vehicle and with the itch to get another one. The speaker's actions demonstrate the complex interplay between impulse, curiosity, and the desire for security, and the potential consequences of giving in to these impulses. Additionally, the conversation touched on the speaker's past ownership of an armored Suburban, which was destroyed, and his plans for a survival vehicle. The conversation also included references to a Gurkha knife, a sub-300 bike, and a Barrett rifle, suggesting a fascination with weapons and tactical gear. The speaker's comments were interspersed with humor and a casual tone, but the underlying themes of security, control, and curiosity were present throughout the conversation.

    • Importance of clear communication and self-awarenessMisunderstandings can lead to hurt feelings and conflicts, so it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly and be aware of one's words and actions.

      Communication and awareness are crucial in avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts. In the discussion, Eli shared an incident from a year ago where he unintentionally offended his wife, Mara, during a gathering with friends. He used a term that was offensive to her, and everyone present was taken aback. Eli was confused about the reaction, as he thought it was a common term in their circle. However, he quickly realized his mistake and apologized. The incident highlights the importance of being aware of one's words and actions, especially in the presence of others. Misunderstandings can lead to hurt feelings and unnecessary conflicts. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly to avoid such situations. Additionally, the conversation touched upon various other topics, including running, marathons, and alcohol consumption. The group shared their experiences and humorously bantered with each other, showcasing the camaraderie and bond they shared. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of clear communication, self-awareness, and the ability to laugh at oneself.

    • Friends discover unreturned borrowed items during podcast planningUnexpected discoveries during project planning can lead to conflicts, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and returning borrowed items promptly.

      During a conversation about starting a podcast, one person realized they had unknowingly lent out several of their belongings to another person over an extended period of time. The conversation revealed that the borrowed items included a plate carrier, an MDR, and a thermal scope. The person was surprised and felt they wanted their belongings back, leading to a potential conflict. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea of naming the podcast after someone, and the importance of preparation and communication in starting a new project. The conversation also showcased the friends' banter and light-hearted teasing.

    • Lost Firearms and Unexpected Discoveries in Gun OwnershipGun ownership can bring unexpected challenges like losing track of firearms or discovering duplicates. Understanding gun specifications and meeting fellow enthusiasts can help address these issues.

      Gun collections and ownership can come with unexpected challenges, such as losing track of specific firearms or discovering duplicate purchases. The discussion highlights the experience of someone who has lost a plate carrier and an MDR (Multi-caliber Designated Rifle) in a divorce, and the subsequent purchase of a new gun only to discover the original was already in possession. The conversation also touches upon the importance of understanding gun specifications, such as caliber and ejection ports, and the availability of modifications to address specific issues. Additionally, the conversation showcases the unexpected joy of meeting fellow gun enthusiasts and discovering their true identities beyond online personas.

    • Friends and Old Video GamesSpeakers shared their love for old video games and their experiences playing them with friends. They also discussed their current gaming preferences, highlighting the camaraderie and shared passion for gaming among the speakers.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including Twitch alerts, donations, old video games, and gaming experiences. A common theme was the mention of friends and their gaming habits. The speakers expressed their love for old video games and shared their experiences playing them. They also discussed their current gaming preferences, with some mentioning games like Tarkov, Destiny 2, and Halo. The conversation also included some humor and banter, with the speakers joking around and making light-hearted comments. Overall, the discussion showcased the camaraderie and shared passion for gaming among the speakers.

    • Handling technical issues and sharing personal experiences in podcast productionThe team manages technical challenges in podcast production with humor and professionalism while discussing their YouTube strategies and personal experiences with video games, showcasing generational differences.

      The production of their podcast involves dealing with technical issues, such as having to reset cameras every 30 minutes for color correction due to using different brands. The team, including their editor Fleck, handles these challenges professionally and humorously. Another key point is their discussion about their YouTube strategies, including potential racism allegations and the use of multiple channels. They also share their experiences growing up with video games, highlighting generational differences. Despite the occasional drunken mishaps and off-topic conversations, they maintain a strong bond and a sense of humor throughout their podcast.

    • Building a barn and sharing resourcesMembers are collaborating on a barn project, contributing resources and skills, and considering alternative currencies for economic instability.

      The group is in the process of building a barn on their property, which has sparked excitement and various contributions towards the project. The barn, which is described as huge and having garage doors, is expected to house several armored vehicles and potentially co-owned by one of the members. The discussion also touched on past experiences at the gun range and the potential use of alternative forms of currency like crypto and Pokemon cards during economic instability. Despite some playful banter and teasing among the group, the overall mood was positive and focused on the shared project.

    • Sharing old memories and favorite video gamesThey reminisced about their past, sharing stories of old pictures, weight loss, and favorite Nintendo 64 games like Star Fox, GoldenEye, and Perfect Dark. They also talked about using cheat codes and hacking tools to enhance their gaming experience.

      The conversation revolves around reminiscing about old memories, weight loss, favorite video games, and teasing a friend named Operator Druski. The speakers share stories about their past, including an old picture where one of them appeared heavier, and how they got into gaming, specifically the Nintendo 64 console and games like Star Fox, GoldenEye, and Perfect Dark. They also recall using cheat codes and hacking tools to enhance their gaming experience. The conversation takes a playful turn as they tease Operator Druski for being skinny and making a living playing video games. Overall, the conversation is filled with nostalgia, humor, and camaraderie.

    • Drew's gaming dominance and heated exchanges with brotherYoung gamer's use of cheat codes led to frustration among friends and heated exchanges with brother, fueled by desire to be the best and sibling rivalry.

      Drew, a young gamer, became notorious for using cheat codes to easily dominate video games, much to the frustration of his older brother and friends. Despite their taunts and attempts to make the games more challenging, Drew continued to enjoy his invincibility and endless ammo, often playing for hours against simple opponents. This behavior, fueled by his desire to be the best and his brother's presence in his shadow, led to a lot of swearing and heated exchanges. The conversation frequently involved cussing, which the speakers tried to bleep out for the podcast. The discussion also touched on their shared experiences with classic video games, particularly those from the Nintendo console, and the nostalgia they felt for their childhoods. The brothers had different versions of popular games, leading to some friendly competition and reminiscing.

    • A conversation about childhood gaming experiencesThey shared stories about specific games they played during the transition from Nintendo 64 to Xbox or PlayStation, showcasing their shared passion for gaming and ability to connect over their experiences.

      Despite the conversation starting with a lighthearted and seemingly unrelated topic about Michelangelo using nunchucks, it eventually led to a discussion about their experiences with video games growing up, particularly during the transition from Nintendo 64 to Xbox or PlayStation. They shared stories about specific games they played, such as Metroid, Super Monkey Ball, and Oregon Trail, and reminisced about the nostalgia these games brought them. They also mentioned how these games were a part of their childhood and helped shape their gaming experiences. The conversation showcased their shared passion for gaming and their ability to connect over their shared experiences.

    • Nostalgia for Physical Game Cartridges in the Gaming IndustryNintendo continues to sell physical game cartridges while others offer digital downloads. Nostalgia plays a role in the appeal of owning a tangible game.

      The gaming industry has seen significant changes in how games are accessed and purchased over the years. While some companies offer digital downloads and subscriptions, Nintendo still holds onto the tradition of selling physical game cartridges for their consoles like the Switch. This conversation also revealed that some classic games from the past, like Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark, are still fondly remembered and appreciated by gamers. Despite the advancements in technology, the nostalgia and joy of owning a physical game remain an important aspect of the gaming experience for many.

    • Guessing Classic Video GamesThe hosts displayed their gaming knowledge and passion while attempting to guess classic video games based on clues.

      The conversation between the podcast hosts revolved around their attempts to identify various classic video games based on clues given. Despite some missteps and explicit language, they managed to guess most of them correctly, showcasing their knowledge and passion for gaming. The conversation also revealed that some of them didn't own certain games growing up due to financial constraints. The podcast had a unique blend of gaming discussion and humor, with the hosts expressing their love-hate relationship with their audience. They joked about their viewers' expectations and even made light of their own ignorance at times. Overall, the conversation highlighted the hosts' camaraderie and their shared love for video games.

    • Discussing the Painful Experience of Shooting the Lynx 50 BMGDespite its intimidating appearance, the Lynx 50 BMG's unique recoil makes it a challenging and painful gun to shoot. The speaker expresses his desire to acquire it, but struggles to remember where he left his friend's ammunition links.

      The speaker and his friend are discussing the terrifying experience of shooting a specific gun called the Lynx, a bullpup 50 BMG, and their attempts to acquire it. The Lynx is described as having a unique recoil that makes it a challenging and painful gun to shoot, despite its impressive appearance. The speaker expresses his desire to obtain the Lynx and his frustration with not being able to remember where he left his friend's links (ammunition) for the gun. The conversation also touches on the speaker's past experiences with borrowing guns and losing track of them. The discussion ends with the speaker jokingly offering to trade his friend's links for a chance to shoot the Lynx, if they reach a certain number of likes on a YouTube video. Overall, the conversation highlights the excitement and challenge of handling powerful firearms, as well as the potential inconvenience and forgetfulness that can come with borrowing and storing them.

    • A Tale of a Super Fan: Batty's Viral EnthusiasmA dedicated fan's enthusiasm can leave a lasting impression and inspire creators to continue engaging with their audience.

      The podcast features two friends, Eli and Matt, engaging in a humorous and unfiltered conversation. Eli shares a story about their encounter with a fan named Batty, who has been a dedicated follower of their community since their early days. Batty's enthusiasm and persistence have left a lasting impression on Eli, who describes him as a "super fan" and a "viral human." The conversation also includes light-hearted banter about earning engagement on their podcast and YouTube channels, as well as a comparison of different YouTube influencers. Despite some confusion and tangents, the overall tone of the podcast is friendly and entertaining, showcasing the camaraderie between the two hosts.

    • Meeting new people: memories and emotionsMeeting new people can bring a mix of emotions, from falling in love to feeling uncomfortable, but these experiences shape our relationships and create memorable moments.

      The speakers in this conversation shared various experiences of meeting new people and the impact those encounters had on them. Some reactions were positive, like falling in love, while others were negative, such as feeling uncomfortable or even vomiting. Despite the mixed emotions, they all agreed that these experiences shaped their relationships and created memorable moments. For instance, they recalled a time when they met a friend named Freddie and he acted like a "girl," just like they did when they first met him. Another friend, Donut, made them vomit after they drank too much at his house. The speakers also mentioned an incident where they all went to a gas station to buy more alcohol and cigarettes, and one of them, Betty, leaned on a propane tank to ash her cigarette, disregarding the warnings from her friends. These experiences, both good and bad, brought them closer together and created lasting memories.

    • Miscommunication and unclear rules hinder team dynamics during competitive eventsFocus on understanding rules, accepting responsibility, and maintaining a positive attitude for successful outcomes in competitive events and everyday life. Utilize social media effectively to expand reach and engagement.

      Communication and clarity are crucial in team dynamics, especially during competitive events. The discussion between the individuals involved in a donut racing event revealed frustration and confusion due to miscommunication and unclear rules. The use of offensive language and blame-shifting did not contribute to a productive resolution. Instead, it is essential to focus on understanding the rules, accepting responsibility for mistakes, and maintaining a positive attitude to ensure a successful outcome. Additionally, utilizing various social media platforms effectively can help expand reach and engagement. For instance, promoting channels like Demolition Ranch, Batty Streams, and Faddie Streams on Twitter and YouTube can increase visibility and interaction with the audience. Ultimately, clear communication, accountability, and a positive attitude are essential elements for success, both in competitive events and in everyday life.

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    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160

    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160
    ADMIN IS BACK!! This time the boys talk bows, zombie apocalypses and how to get away with murder. Plus Admin discovers it's really fun to trigger Nic. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE Featuring  @AdministrativeResults   @the_fat_electrician   @DonutOperator   @EliDoubletap  ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe ADAM AND EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ADMIN https://www.youtube.com/@AdministrativeResults https://www.youtube.com/@Managerialoutcomes https://www.instagram.com/administrativeresults FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@king_trout BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 05:31 Tiny Guns 3 14:23 AD 15:28 The Old Bastards & Audie Murphy 27:18 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 32:35 World War Z & Zombies 44:44 AD 46:07 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 47:09 Weight Lifters vs Gym Bros 49:55 Bow Tism Time 58:22 The Comanches 1:01:39 Genghis Khan 1:09:22 Nic Pitches Pepperbox Shows 1:11:14 Admin’s Ancient Rome Theory 1:12:48 AD 1:14:01 Morals & Right Vs Wrong 1:20:29 China’s Hidden Secrets & Ancient Civilizations 1:29:23 The Heart Attack Gun 1:31:53 Getting Away With M*rder & Police Stories 1:48:13 Admin Triggers Nic For Fun 1:50:29 Karate vs Jiu Jitsu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159
    THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN!! Nic gets kidnapped by Delta, King Trout returns & Brandon finally makes the AK-50! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! EXPRESSVPN Take back your online privacy today and use our code to get 3 extra months free. Go to https://ExpressVPN.com/unsub FUM Head to https://www.tryfum.com/UNSUB and use code UNSUB to save an additional 10% off your order today. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@King_Trout BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 6:47 AD 7:55 Autism Charity Month 12:13 The AK-50 21:29 AD 22:42 Pepperbox Launch 27:24 VFW Drama 37:33 AD 38:38 Cody Bought A House + Police Do A Stupid Again 42:12 World War 2 Rants With Nic 1:03:08 Police Do A Dumb 1:05:45 Jiu JitsuTalk 1:15:22 Nic’s Drunk Star Wars Theory 1:16:35 Trout’s Unsub Ads 1:19:19 Garage Beers 1:20:19 Nic’s Getting A Hilux 1:24:08 Trout’s Trip To LA 1:35:43 Would You Rather 1:40:43 Vegas Stories 1:44:41 Demetrious Johnson & Fighting Talk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158
    Soup & Ethan are here to talk gaming, swatting and getting robbed by crackheads. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.com/unsub TODAY to get 20% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW SOUP https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCifRgVk-GEo1_vvf8x53t6A https://www.twitch.tv/snipingsoup https://twitter.com/Sniping_Soup https://www.instagram.com/dallas_soup FOLLOW ETHAN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMk1p0CKn-9kM_epaEAYXWQ https://www.twitch.tv/ethantwitching https://www.instagram.com/ethernet_yt/ https://twitter.com/ethantweetin BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Autism Charity Update! 3:30 Welcome To Unsub 5:40 Meet Our Guests 14:47 AD 16:01 Ethan Got Robbed By Crackheads 17:58 Donut Got Swatted On Christmas 21:50 Soup’s FBI Story 28:56 Acorn Cop 36:26 AD 37:31 The Boys Talk Gaming 38:57 Soup Got Scammed On Xbox 43:34 Donut’s Old Gamer Name 44:45 NERD TIME 55:31 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:12:00 AD 1:13:04 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:17:02 Eli Trolled Cody At Unsub Live 1:23:01 Soup’s Band 1:25:22 BACK TO VIDEO GAMES 1:37:11 Soup’s Stop Motion Videos 1:40:32 Our Parents Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157
    Obi Wan Nairobi himself, Christian Craighead is here to talk military experiences, joining the SAS & the aftermath of the Nairobi terror attack. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast All Pepperbox Memberships begin with a 14-Day Free Trail and are $7.99/month after that. No Ads. No Censorship. No BS. FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MYBOOKIE Signup to claim a 50% sign up bonus up to $1000 for new customers. Use code UNSUB to start playing with house money, today. TUSHY Stop wiping until you bleed. Join the 2 million butts who have already made the switch to TUSHY! For a limited time get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That’s 10% off your order at https://hellotushy.com with promo code UNSUB. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW CHRISTIAN https://www.instagram.com/christian_craighead https://twitter.com/one_man_in https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-wrong-wolf https://theministryofdefence.com BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! 2:16 Welcome To Unsub 10:33 Meet Our Guest 11:11 Christian Is A Texan Now 13:34 AD 14:26 Mike Tyson 18:13 The New Roadhouse Movie 20:58 Congressman Herrera 22:32 How Christian Joined The Military 37:58 AD 39:06 Christian’s Military Experiences & Joining The SAS 56:09 Christian’s Bible 59:25 Christian’s Driving 1:12:46 The Well Dressed Hitchhiker 1:18:01 The Nairobi Terrorist Attack 1:31:55 Christian’s Hobbies 1:38:35 AD 1:39:40 Responses To The Nairobi Incident 1:47:40 Christian’s Children’s Book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156
    You guys have been requesting this one - Fat & Angry has now been upgraded to HABITUALLY FAT & ANGRY!!! Featuring the legendary trio  @the_fat_electrician   @AngryCops  &  @habitual_linecrosser . Grab the limited edition Autism Awareness Month shirts and support Autism charities! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON! (NO AFTERSHOW THIS WEEK) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! ADAM & EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ANGRYCOPS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3rhkHmloHwqgat8LHk2yg https://angry-cops.com/ https://twitter.com/AngryCops https://www.instagram.com/angrycops FOLLOW HABITUAL LINECROSSER https://www.youtube.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.tiktok.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.instagram.com/habitual_line_crosser BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 A Message From Eli 1:02 Welcome To Unsub 3:44 Rich Failed SWAT Tryouts 7:22 Range Day Aftermath 9:31 Dune 2 & Boomers 12:04 20th Group Controversy 16:18 Vasectomies 17:34 Rich’s Jewish Accent 21:38 German Vasectomies 24:16 AD 25:15 Unsub Live Shows 35:08 Rich’s New Superpower 37:00 AD 38:05 Our Favorite Aircrafts 45:34 Neil Degrasse Tyson 49:08 AD 50:22 The Hellfire Missile 53:54 The Japanese Bombs & World War 2 1:00:39 How America Won Vietnam 1:05:51 Afghanistan & Iraq 1:12:35 Elon Musk 1:15:27 Tyler Grey 1:16:35 Plane Nerds 1:20:56 Our Military Deployments 1:22:44 Russia 1:23:55 The Lone Japanese Soldier 1:26:42 Leon Is Here! 1:28:32 Habitual’s Upcoming Content 1:29:11 The Fake Basic Training Controversy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    155 - Veteran Sniper & Navy Diver - The History of GrndpaGaming - Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 155

    155 - Veteran Sniper & Navy Diver - The History of GrndpaGaming - Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 155
    The LEGENDARY  @grndpagaming  is here to talk sniping in real life, diving school and how he met Grandma! Grab the limited edition Autism Awareness Month shirts and support Autism charities! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON! (NO AFTERSHOW THIS WEEK) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Try Ghostbed today and save 50% using code UNSUBSCRIBE! https://ghostbed.com FUM Head to https://www.tryfum.com/UNSUB and use code UNSUB to save an additional 10% off your order today. EXPRESSVPN Take back your online privacy today and use my code to get 3 extra months free. Go to https://ExpressVPN.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW GRANDPA! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQWVmYZE-JtI7BimgasRzTg https://www.instagram.com/grndpagaming https://www.tiktok.com/@grndpagaming https://www.grndpagaming.gg BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub 11:40 Grandpa’s Family History 16:19 AD 17:31 Grandpa’s Family History 18:40 The Offenders 27:06 Grandpa's Napoleonics 30:25 Grandpa's Video Game History 32:51 AD 33:55 Grandpa's Video Game History 35:56 Grandpa's Military Background 38:09 Grandpa's Diving Training 51:09 AD 52:23 Grandpa's Injuries 57:07 Clint Trial 1:00:15 Clint Romesha 1:03:22 AD 1:04:29 Grandpa's Gaming Experiences 1:12:47 Grandpa's Streaming Journey 1:16:41 Grandpa’s Miniatures 1:18:27 Nic’s Battleship History Lesson 1:23:18 Grandpa's First Range Day 1:27:45 Gramps Is A Survivor 1:28:44 How Grandpa Met Grandma Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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