
    301: When Orb Witnesses Die

    enJanuary 05, 2021
    What ancient beliefs relate to order and chaos?
    How does the speaker connect 'Re' and 'Set'?
    What supernatural encounter did the speaker's friend have?
    How does the speaker feel about UFO sightings?
    What is implied by the term 'Great Reset' in the text?

    • Ancient beliefs of order and chaos in the Great ResetModern elites may unconsciously blend ancient pagan beliefs with scientific rhetoric, creating an 'alchemy' of order and chaos in the Great Reset.

      The concept of "order out of chaos" has been a recurring theme in various ancient beliefs, including the Egyptian gods Re (order) and Set (chaos). The speaker noticed an intentional use of a colon to separate "re" from "set" in the context of the Great Reset discussion, leading them to explore this connection. Modern elites, who claim to be rational and scientific, may be influenced by ancient pagan beliefs, as evidenced by the use of symbols and practices that suggest a belief in gods and the supernatural. The speaker suggests that this apparent contradiction can be seen as an example of alchemy, where science and the supernatural are combined. The Great Reset, with its promises of order amidst chaos, can be seen as an attempt to impose order from the chaos created by the elites themselves. The speaker encourages critical thinking and questioning the narratives presented to us, especially when they seem to contradict the stated beliefs of those promoting them.

    • Paranormal encounters and UFO experiencesTony's podcast episode featured Michael's paranormal encounters and UFO experiences, with an additional 'overtime' segment revealing more about mysterious deaths and disappearances.

      The speaker, Tony Merkel, had a paranormal encounter involving a monster and two small gray entities, which led him to create an additional segment called "overtime" exclusively for members of his podcast. During the public episode, he interviewed Michael about his own UFO experiences and the mysterious deaths of people who had witnessed these events with him. In the overtime segment, Michael shared more about his UFO encounters and the disappearance of puppies from his property, which he found near a pile of sawdust and mushrooms. Tony believes that these experiences and the strange coincidence of the deaths of those involved, raise important questions and help connect dots that might not be apparent otherwise. Tony also encourages listeners to prepare for emergencies and invites them to follow his new Instagram page, "rage against dystopia," for his perspectives on current events and the potential dystopic future.

    • Childhood UFO sighting and friend's factory experiencesMichael and his friend had unexplained experiences that left a lasting impact on them, involving UFO sightings and other strange occurrences.

      Michael shared a compelling story about unexplained experiences he and his friend had in the same area, involving UFO sightings and other strange occurrences. These experiences, which took place at different times and involved various people, left a lasting impact on Michael and his friend. The first experience Michael recounted was a UFO sighting he had as a child, which left him feeling scared and speechless. Later, when Michael was older, his friend Bill shared with him his own strange experiences at his factory job, which also left him disturbed. Michael trusted Bill and felt comfortable sharing these experiences with him, as they had a close bond. The connection between these experiences and the possible existence of something unusual in the area is intriguing and will be explored further in the conversation.

    • Friend's Unexplained Encounters with Supernatural EntitiesA friend's encounters with dark entities and an angel-like figure left him feeling uncertain and questioning his own sanity, adding a new dimension to their shared religious beliefs.

      The speaker's friend described experiencing unexplained encounters with dark entities at his job, which left him feeling disturbed and compelled to leave. Later, the friend had another encounter, this time with an angel-like figure, while on a date with the speaker's cousin. The friend kept these experiences to himself, unsure of what to make of them. Growing up in a Christian household, these supernatural encounters were not entirely unfamiliar, but the friend's personal experiences added a new dimension to their shared beliefs. The encounters left the friend feeling uncertain and questioning his own sanity. Despite the fear and confusion, the friend continued to keep these experiences to himself, unsure of how to process them.

    • Friend's encounter with an angel and UFOFriend experienced an encounter with an angel and saw a UFO, leaving a lasting impression on the speaker

      The speaker's friend claimed to have had a supernatural encounter involving an angel named Michael, who showed him disturbing images of his cousin being possessed by dark figures. The encounter took place near Elk Creek, and was followed by a strange sighting of a UFO or orb in the night sky. The friend was deeply affected by these experiences and kept them a secret. Later, the speaker and his friend went fishing on the lake, and as they looked up to investigate a flash of light, they saw the orb hovering over the water. The encounter left a lasting impression on the speaker and reinforced his belief in the supernatural.

    • A camping trip encounter leaves the speaker in aweAn unexplained nighttime encounter during a camping trip left the speaker feeling both excited and frightened, and his friend critically ill, but they both recovered with a renewed appreciation for life and a sense of awe.

      An unexplained encounter in the wild left a lasting impact on the speaker and his friend. They witnessed an inexplicable object in the night sky during a camping trip, which left them feeling both excited and frightened. The experience stayed with the speaker throughout the night, preventing him from sleeping. The next day, he returned home to find numerous messages on his answering machine informing him that his friend was in the hospital and critically ill. Despite the doctors' inability to explain what had caused his friend's sudden illness, he miraculously recovered. The incident left the speaker and his friend with a profound sense of wonder and a renewed appreciation for life. The unexplained event remained a mystery, but it brought the friends closer together and left them with a sense of awe and gratitude.

    • The power of shared experiencesShared experiences can bring people closer together, even in unexplained or mysterious circumstances, but unexpected events can sometimes disrupt these connections.

      Shared experiences and unexpected connections can bring people closer together, even in the most unlikely circumstances. The speaker in this text had an unexplained encounter with an orb-like object, which he later discovered another man named Kenny had also experienced. Their shared experience brought them closer, and they bonded over their shared story. However, their connection was short-lived when Kenny took his own life a few weeks later. The speaker was left puzzled by Kenny's death, as he seemed happy and content at the time. Later, the speaker's cousin, who was also involved in the strange occurrences, went missing and was later discovered to be involved with unsavory people, further adding to the sense of unease and mystery surrounding these experiences. Despite the unsettling turn of events, the text highlights the power of shared experiences and the connections that can be formed through them.

    • Friends and Family Tragedies: Unraveling the Mysterious ConnectionA series of unexplained deaths among friends and family, marked by the presence of black figures and orbs, leaves the speaker questioning if there's a supernatural connection.

      A series of mysterious and tragic events occurred in a specific area involving the speaker's friend, cousin, and friend's father, all leading to their untimely deaths. The speaker believes that these incidents may have been connected, with possible supernatural elements such as black figures and orbs being present before each death. The speaker's friend believed that seeing these figures was a warning, and the way his cousin died matched this belief. The speaker's cousin's death was suspected to be not a natural death, and the speaker and his friend had shared experiences of seeing black figures and orbs. Later, the friend's father and the speaker both had encounters with orbs in the same area. The speaker expresses concern about the possibility of him or his wife being next, as they have also been connected to these events. The speaker acknowledges that it could all be a coincidence or his mind connecting the dots, but the frequency and nature of the events are hard to ignore.

    • Friend's strange experiences and mysterious deathThe speaker and his friend experienced unexplained events, including an angel encounter, orb appearance, and friend's mysterious illness and death, leaving the speaker with lingering questions and suspicions.

      Within a few years, a series of unexplained events unfolded for the speaker and his friend. These events included the friend's encounter with an angel, the appearance of an orb, and the friend's sudden and mysterious illness. The speaker believes their prayers for his friend during his illness may have played a role in his recovery. However, the friend eventually died, and the circumstances surrounding his death were unclear. The friend's death was the odd one out, as he had a medical emergency that left doctors puzzled, but he recovered only to die suddenly a year or so later. The speaker finds the sequence of events suspicious and cannot shake the feeling that there may be more to the story.

    • Strange experiences of a friend before his deathA friend's unexplained experiences, including seeing angels and shadow figures, and suspicious death of his cousin, led the speaker to question official explanations

      The speaker's friend, who was a few years older than them and passed away in his late twenties, had strange experiences before his death, including seeing angels and shadow figures. The friend was skeptical of UFOs and aliens but more inclined to believe in the supernatural. The friend's cousin, who was living with him at the time, was found dead in her apartment, and the circumstances surrounding her death were suspicious. The speaker believes she did not commit suicide but was possibly a victim of something else, as there were signs of injection marks on her body that the speaker doesn't think are typical of a drug addict. The friend himself was not in the best of health and seemed to get sick easily. The friend and the speaker had lost contact towards the end of the friend's life. The speaker's skepticism towards the official explanation of the cousin's death led them to suspect that something else was going on.

    • Signs of addiction can be subtle and hiddenBe aware of friends' struggles with addiction, signs can be subtle and hidden even among close relationships

      The signs of drug addiction can be subtle and hidden, even from close family and friends. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of losing touch with a friend who eventually succumbed to heroin addiction. Despite their close age and history, he was unaware of her struggle until it was too late. The speaker also speculated that she may have experienced spiritual or demonic experiences while using drugs. He believed that an encounter with an angel, specifically Michael, may have warned him to end their relationship before things got worse. However, it's important to note that the validity of this interpretation is uncertain. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of being aware of the signs of addiction and the potential for hidden struggles, even among those closest to us.

    • Mysterious figure encounter may not be an angel experienceThe appearance of a divine figure doesn't always equate to an angelic encounter, as telepathic communication and towering height are common traits but lack of explicit identification and emotional description raise questions.

      The encounter between your friend and the mysterious figure could not be definitively labeled as an angel experience. Although the figure was described as having a divine appearance, the lack of explicit identification as an angel and the absence of typical angelic behaviors leave room for alternative interpretations. The figure's ability to communicate telepathically and its towering height were common traits mentioned in other accounts of supposed angelic encounters. However, the lack of emotional description from your friend about the experience and the ethereal quality of the figure's appearance raise questions about its true nature. Further investigation or discussion with your friend may provide more clarity.

    • Encounter with a Mysterious Orb on a LakeA witness encountered a large, orb-shaped object that followed their car on a lake, emitting a bright light. The encounter left them feeling intrigued and unsettled, and raised questions about the spiritual or supernatural significance of orbs.

      The witness encountered a mysterious orb while on a lake, which followed their car and appeared to hover alongside it. This orb was described as being large, similar in size to a car or an SUV, and emitting a bright light. The witness had initially seen a figure named Michael near the lake, and later encountered the orb in the same location. The encounter left the witness feeling intrigued and unsettled, as the orb's significance was unclear, and some believe orbs may be related to spiritual or supernatural beings. The witness's limited viewpoint while driving the boat prevented him from seeing the orb as clearly as his passengers, who reported seeing the orb light up the area before disappearing. The encounter raises many questions, including whether orbs are related to angelic or demonic beings, and adds to the intrigue surrounding these mysterious phenomena.

    • Childhood UFO encounter and local sightingsThe speaker shares his personal experience of witnessing a UFO as a child and discusses local reports of similar sightings, questioning the origins of circular UFO depictions in art and the possibility of extraterrestrial or supernatural explanations.

      The speaker encountered an unexplained aerial phenomenon as a child, which he described as having a V-shaped appearance with lights and resembling a Pontiac symbol. He also mentioned seeing other UFOs and people reporting similar sightings in the same area. The speaker then shared an intriguing story about an old painting depicting a circular UFO with a pilot, raising questions about the origins of such depictions and the possible existence of extraterrestrial life or supernatural entities. The speaker expressed uncertainty about the truth behind these phenomena but acknowledged their intrigue.

    • Michael's intriguing story of UFO sightings and strange phenomena in Southern IndianaListeners are left wondering about the interconnectedness and timeliness of unusual occurrences in Southern Indiana, including UFO sightings and strange phenomena surrounding people's deaths. Michael's story warrants further exploration and is available as an overtime segment for members.

      Michael shared a fascinating and complex story about unusual occurrences in Southern Indiana, including UFO sightings and strange phenomena surrounding people's deaths. The timeliness and interconnectedness of these events have left many questioning what's really going on. Michael's story is so intriguing that it warrants further exploration, which is why the interview will be continued as an overtime segment for members. For those who want to delve deeper into Michael's experiences, they can access the extended conversation on the membership website. Overall, Michael's story is a captivating and mysterious one that leaves listeners with a sense of wonder and intrigue.

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    Joel Thomas - Joel's Psalm
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    enSeptember 19, 2024

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    688: The Ultimate Assassin
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    Nathan Reynolds

    YouTube: @NathanReynolds
    Website: snatchedfromtheflames.com

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    Joel Thomas - Plato’s Cave
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 17, 2024

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    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 16, 2024

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    Images discussed in this episode can be found HERE 

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    The Confessionals
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - 30 Hours To Utah
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 10, 2024

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    RELOADED | 146: A Touch of Mystery
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    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 09, 2024

    Members Preview | 685: Surviving Satanic Sacrifice

    Members Preview | 685: Surviving Satanic Sacrifice
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    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer


    Joel Thomas - "Rose In A Cage"

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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    684: The Bunny Man

    684: The Bunny Man
    In episode 684: The Bunny Man, Jeremy and Derek join to share chilling experiences rooted in East Tennessee's mysterious folklore. As Jeremy unravels the eerie legends surrounding his own home, the story takes a dark turn when they discuss the infamous Bunny Man, that he had encountered as a child, and other supernatural encounters that have haunted the region for generations. Jeremy then goes through a deep dive into spine-tingling tales of faceless entities, cryptic messages, and the unsettling connection between ancient legends and modern-day sightings. 

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
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    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Adiós
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    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    RELOADED | 412: Reservation Alien Abduction

    RELOADED | 412: Reservation Alien Abduction
    In Episode 412: Reservation Alien Abduction, we are joined by Jamaal for a third time to tell his stories from the reservation. He previously joined us on Episode 315: Skinwalkers On The Reservation and on Episode 339: Goatman Found Us. Now on Episode 412, he tells us stories about little people on the reservation, more skinwalker accounts, and seeing a five-foot-tall alien through his window when he was just a kid. After waking up with marks on his body, Jamaal began to think he had possibly become part of an abduction scenario.

    9/4 - 9/7 - PhenomeCon: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enSeptember 02, 2024

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    BECOME A MEMBER AND GET ADDITIONAL SHOWS: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcast

    Twitter: @TConfessionals

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOADhttps://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

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    We are manifestation tools. Biotech, super apes, MK ultra on steroids, reality split, chaos magic, hermetic and shamanic traditions, and the ever present now are also discussed. They are just getting their socials and website up, so please see the links to their Instagram's below.
    In the intro we chat about Grimerica Outlawed and our further challenges at the moment. Help support the show.
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    Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - SSU Revisited

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