
    #309 - The Fitness Chef - The Biggest Myths About Fat Loss

    enApril 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Starting with calorie awareness for weight lossAcknowledge the necessity of a calorie deficit and avoid overly aggressive weight loss methods for long-term success

      Understanding the fundamental principle of creating a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Many people make mistakes by not grasping this concept or making their weight loss attempts unsustainable. Graeme Tomlinson, also known as the Fitness Chef, emphasizes the importance of starting with a solid foundation of calorie awareness before trying restrictive diets like low carb or keto. By acknowledging the necessity of a calorie deficit and avoiding overly aggressive weight loss methods, individuals can set themselves up for long-term success.

    • Avoid extreme weight loss goalsAim for 1 pound (or half a kilo) of weight loss per week for sustainable results. Consistently adhere to a calorie deficit for fat loss, not the size of it. Food is neither good nor bad, focus on calories and nutritional value.

      When using calorie counting apps for weight loss, selecting a large weight loss goal per week can lead to an unsustainable and extreme calorie deficit. Instead, aiming for a minimum of 1 pound (or half a kilo) of weight loss per week is more achievable and sustainable. It's essential to understand that adhering to a calorie deficit consistently is the key to fat loss, rather than the size of the calorie deficit itself. Additionally, food is not inherently good or bad, but rather, it provides different amounts of energy (calories) and nutritional value. Focusing on both aspects can help make healthier choices and promote long-term weight loss success.

    • Understanding individual food choicesIndividual food choices don't have to be all-or-nothing events. The concept of 'good' or 'bad' food is pedantic, and understanding this can help reduce feelings of guilt and make informed decisions. Consider the whole picture rather than cherry-picking specific parts.

      While there can be good or bad overall diets, individual food choices, like occasional treats, don't have to be all-or-nothing events. The concept of "good" or "bad" food is pedantic, and understanding this can help reduce feelings of guilt and make informed decisions. As for popular diet trends like keto and intermittent fasting, they may have originated for specific health reasons but have since been repackaged for weight loss. The idea that "it's any calories, bro" is a simplistic approach, but the importance of macronutrients, especially protein, should not be ignored. The insulin hypothesis, which suggests hormones dictate fat loss, is a part of the process, but total energy in versus out is the ultimate determinant. It's essential to consider the whole picture rather than cherry-picking specific parts.

    • Low-carb vs high-carb diets: Which is best for weight loss?Calorie deficit, not the specific macronutrient composition of a diet, is the primary factor in weight loss.

      The debate around low-carb diets versus high-carb diets can be intense, with strong opinions on both sides. Some people find success with low-carb diets, while others argue that cutting out certain foods unnecessarily can hinder weight loss. However, research suggests that calorie deficit, not the specific macronutrient composition of the diet, is the primary factor in weight loss. For instance, the rice reduction diet experiment showed significant weight loss with a high-carb diet, and a meta-analysis found no significant difference in fat loss between low-carb and low-fat groups when calories and protein were equated. It's essential to consider reliable evidence, such as systematic reviews or meta-analyses, to form an informed opinion. The issue seems to be getting more contentious, with people becoming more entrenched in their beliefs and less open to respectful debate.

    • The Importance of Belonging and Identity in Niche CommunitiesPeople seek belonging and identity in niche communities, leading to intense loyalty and defensive reactions towards perceived threats, even when faced with factual information. Awareness and open-mindedness are crucial in navigating these situations.

      In today's world, people are seeking new things to believe in and be passionate about due to the lack of strong social and religious institutions. This can lead to intense loyalty and defensive reactions towards niche communities, such as diet book followers or football fans. These communities provide a sense of belonging and identity, and any perceived threat can feel like a personal attack. This can result in emotional responses and impulsive defenses, even when faced with factual information. This phenomenon is not limited to any particular age group and can be observed across various domains, including nutrition and politics. It's essential to be aware of this human tendency towards tribalism and strive for open-mindedness and rationality in our beliefs and interactions.

    • Moderation is key in dietary choices and practicesConsuming Spartan in moderation is beneficial, while excessive amounts can be harmful. Intermittent fasting can aid in weight loss by creating a calorie deficit, but it's essential to maintain this deficit regardless of eating schedule, and everyone's body responds differently.

      While some dietary choices and practices, like consuming Spartan or practicing intermittent fasting, may have potential benefits, it's crucial to ensure they are done in moderation. The research shows that consuming large quantities of Spartan can be harmful, but a reasonable amount is not harmful. Intermittent fasting involves skipping meals, typically breakfast, and eating during a specific time window. While some claim it has additional health benefits, such as autophagy, the primary way it aids in weight loss is by creating a calorie deficit. It's essential to maintain this deficit regardless of the eating schedule. Additionally, intermittent fasting may help stabilize energy levels for some individuals. However, it's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, making informed choices and being mindful of calorie intake is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Focus on total calories consumed vs. expended for weight lossAim for 1g protein per kg body weight daily, consume smaller, frequent protein servings for muscle gain and fat loss, and don't worry about protein absorption windows or harm to kidneys.

      The focus on weight loss should be on the total calories consumed versus the energy expended over a 24-hour period, rather than the timing or number of meals. A high protein intake, ideally at least 1 gram per kilo of body weight, is recommended for muscle building and feeling full. The body can absorb around 30 grams of protein in one sitting, and having smaller, frequent protein servings may be beneficial for muscle gain and fat loss. There is no need to worry about absorbing excess protein or causing harm to the kidneys. The idea of an upper bound ceiling on protein absorption within a certain window between meals is still being researched, and its relevance to weight loss or muscle gain is unclear.

    • Frequent protein intake for muscle gainConsuming protein in smaller, frequent meals throughout the day can optimize absorption and fuel workouts, making it easier to hit protein targets for muscle gain.

      For effective muscle gain, consuming protein in smaller, frequent meals throughout the day may be more beneficial than trying to get all your protein in one or two large meals, especially for those aiming for higher daily protein intakes. This approach can help ensure optimal protein absorption and fuel for workouts, making it easier to hit protein targets without feeling overwhelmed or forced to consume excessive amounts of food at once. Additionally, the psychological aspect of muscle gain, requiring a conscious effort to track protein and calorie intake, can add complexity to the process. While some may find success with intermittent fasting for muscle gain, it may not be the most efficient or sustainable approach for everyone.

    • Communication of calorie deficit principle in weight loss programsClear communication about the calorie deficit principle is crucial for effective weight loss programs as it helps individuals make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

      Some popular weight loss programs, such as Slimming World and Weight Watchers, may not effectively communicate the importance of calorie deficit to their members. Instead, they use alternative methods like "sin" and "free" foods or point systems, which can potentially lead to consumers being unaware of their calorie intake and being in a calorie surplus. This lack of clear communication about the calorie deficit principle may hinder people's weight loss progress and overall understanding of healthy eating. It is essential to recognize that the calorie deficit is the fundamental principle behind weight loss, and clear communication about this concept can help individuals make informed decisions and achieve their weight loss goals effectively.

    • Focusing on long-term solutions for better healthPrioritize muscle flexibility, strength training, balanced diet, and weekly calorie targets for sustainable results.

      Some businesses, such as physiotherapy and weight loss clubs, may seem to benefit from their customers not fully recovering or not reaching their goals. However, prioritizing long-term solutions, like muscle flexibility and strength training, or a balanced diet with adequate protein and fiber intake, can lead to better overall health and sustainable results. Additionally, focusing on a weekly calorie target instead of a daily one can provide more flexibility and sustainability in weight loss efforts. It's important to remember that quick-fix solutions may not be the most effective or healthy options in the long run.

    • Effective weight loss involves creating a calorie deficitCreating a gradual calorie deficit of 15-20% is more likely to lead to sustainable weight loss than drastic calorie restriction.

      When it comes to weight loss, there are various approaches, but the most effective and sustainable methods involve creating a calorie deficit. While drastic calorie restriction, such as eating 500 calories a day, can lead to quick weight loss, it may not be the best option for everyone as it can be difficult to maintain long-term. On the other hand, a gradual calorie deficit of around 15-20% is more likely to result in long-term success. Regarding juicing and detox diets, there is no concrete evidence to support the claim that they detoxify the organs. In fact, logic suggests that our bodies naturally detoxify themselves through organs like the kidneys, lungs, liver, and skin. Therefore, there is no need to follow expensive and potentially harmful detox diets. Marketing plays a significant role in promoting fad diets and unhealthy products, often targeting impressionable young people. The BoomBod powder, which claims to suppress appetite, is an example of such a product. While there is some evidence to support its effectiveness, it may not be the best solution for everyone, especially young women. Influencers who promote such products often do so due to financial reasons, but it is essential for them to research and understand what they are endorsing. Ultimately, it is crucial to make informed decisions about our health and wellbeing, rather than being swayed by marketing tactics.

    • Authenticity and integrity in health and wellness industryProvide accurate and helpful information to make informed health choices, don't compromise truth for financial gain, and do research before adding supplements to routine.

      Authenticity and integrity are crucial in the health and wellness industry. The speaker emphasized the importance of not compromising truth for financial gain, as the reputational damage can lead to a loss of social capital and ultimately, a lack of trust from consumers. The speaker also praised individuals like Holly Hagen and James Smith for providing simple, effective solutions without resorting to extreme advertising or gimmicks. Another key point discussed was the importance of providing actionable information to help people make healthier choices. The speaker criticized cookbooks and meal prep plans that only offer nutritious recipes without providing guidance on how to make them lower in calories or lose weight. The speaker also shared their own approach to creating a cookbook, "Still Tasty," which focused on making favorite recipes healthier by reducing calories without sacrificing taste. When it came to supplements, the speaker acknowledged that some are not worth the investment, but also mentioned that there are some that can be beneficial. However, they emphasized the importance of doing research and consulting with healthcare professionals before adding any supplements to one's routine. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of providing accurate and helpful information to help people make informed choices about their health.

    • Boosting Protein Intake with Whey and Other SupplementsWhey protein supplements offer a convenient and tasty way to increase daily protein intake, especially for those in areas with potential vitamin D deficiencies. Other supplements like multivitamins, vitamin C, and creatine may provide additional health benefits, but their effects can vary. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

      Supplements like whey protein can be a convenient solution for individuals who have difficulty meeting their daily protein requirements. Whey protein provides an easy and tasty way to increase protein intake, especially for those living in areas with limited sunlight and potential vitamin D deficiencies. Other supplements, such as multivitamins, vitamin C, and creatine, may offer additional health benefits, but their effects can be difficult to measure. Creatine, in particular, is recommended for individuals who are regularly working out and looking to build muscle. It's important to note that not all supplements are created equal, and the dosage can significantly impact their effectiveness. For instance, fish oil supplements may require a higher dose from specialized sources to deliver noticeable benefits. As always, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional or sports nutritionist for personalized advice on supplementation.

    • Maintaining a balanced diet for weight loss doesn't have to be boringFocus on lean protein, fruits, veggies, high-volume foods, and flavorful options like cottage cheese, popcorn, and sauces. Incorporate oily fish or fish oil supplements for added health benefits.

      Maintaining a balanced diet for weight loss doesn't have to be boring or restrictive. Focusing on lean sources of protein, fruits, vegetables, and high-volume foods can help keep you full and support a calorie deficit. Consider incorporating tasty and nutritious options like flavored cottage cheese or low-calorie popcorn. Additionally, making your meals enjoyable with sauces like Nando's can add flavor without adding excessive calories. Regularly eating oily fish or taking fish oil supplements can also contribute to a healthier diet. Remember, the key is to find a sustainable eating plan that you enjoy and can stick to in the long run.

    • Boost Energy with Daily Routine Changes and Nutritious SnacksSmall daily routine changes, like adding fiber-rich snacks and increasing NEAT, can enhance energy expenditure by up to 15%.

      Making small changes to your daily routine can significantly impact your energy expenditure, especially for those who are sedentary most of the day. Nando's flavored quark and popcorn are simple hacks for adding more fiber to your diet, while increasing your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) through activities like gardening, doing laundry, or taking walks, can help boost your energy expenditure by up to 15% for most people. Additionally, understanding the role of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and the thermic effect of food in your daily energy needs can help you make informed decisions about your caloric intake. Remember, even small steps like these can add up over time and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

    • Move daily for spine health and cognitive functionRegular movement, especially walking, lubricates the spine, reduces back pain, improves physical fitness, enhances cognitive function, and facilitates thinking. Historical figures like Einstein, Newton, and Darwin were known for their frequent walks.

      Regular movement, especially walking, is essential for both physical and mental health. According to Dr. Stewart McGill, a spine coach, moving your body helps lubricate your spine and reduce back pain. Furthermore, incorporating movement into daily activities, such as taking a 15-minute walk after every meal or pacing around while on the phone, can lead to a significant number of steps in a short amount of time. This not only improves physical fitness but also enhances cognitive function and facilitates the thinking process. Historical figures like Albert Einstein, Newton, and Darwin were known for their frequent walks, which contributed to their groundbreaking discoveries. Mental health is of utmost importance, and the ultimate goal of compositional change is to make someone happier. The Fitness Chef, a great resource for fitness and nutrition, recommends checking out his Instagram (@fitnesschef) or website (fitnesschef.uk) for tools and resources to help track your fitness journey. Regular movement is a simple yet powerful habit that can significantly improve both your physical and mental well-being.

    • Social media censorship varies globallyBe mindful of content and platforms as they come with different rules and risks in various parts of the world

      Social media platforms, especially those in different parts of the world, can have varying levels of censorship and consequences for expressing certain opinions. The speaker's experience of having his account restricted on Chinese social media after criticizing the communist regime serves as a reminder of this. It's important to be aware that what we post online may not be received the same way everywhere, and could potentially lead to unintended consequences. So, be mindful of the content you share and the platforms you use, as they may come with different rules and risks. Keep exploring new perspectives and engaging in meaningful conversations, but always be prepared for unexpected outcomes. Remember, the internet is a vast and complex network, and it's always a good idea to stay informed and adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.

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    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 15, 2024

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality
    Rob Kurzban is a psychologist and an author. What is morality? Why did it come about? Have humans always had it? Is it universal or temporary? Does it exist as a truth independent of humanity or is it entirely contingent on our culture? Expect to learn the evolutionary psychology of abortion policy, where the evolution of morality came from, the best examples of modern moral rules you might not think about, the biggest issues with being a moral hypocrite, the role that reputation plays in judging someone’s morality, how wisdom can help us overcome our biological hardware and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at https://plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

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