
    #315 – Magnus Carlsen: Greatest Chess Player of All Time

    enAugust 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Debate of Greatness: What the Numbers SayStatistics are often the most reliable indicator of greatness in sports, providing a clear picture of excellence on the field or court.

      Greatness can be measured in many ways, but when it comes to sports, statistics are often the best indicator.While some may romanticize the game, it's important to look at the numbers and facts.Magnus Carlsen, the number one ranked chess player in the world, believes that MSCI is the greatest soccer player of all time, citing his all-around game and statistics as his reasons.When it comes to Michael Jordan versus LeBron James, Carlsen's opinion changes depending on his mood, but he leans towards the quantifiable.Whether it be soccer, basketball, chess or any other sport, numbers often provide the clearest picture of greatness.

    • Achieving Peak Performance in Team Sports Through Dedication and PracticeTo be successful in team sports, it is essential to cultivate intuition, strategic thinking, and quick reaction times through dedication and practice.

      Team sports require a great amount of cooperation, coordination, and communication.Magnus Carlsen is a chess master who has achieved multiple peaks in his career and found success in both long and short games.He believes his strength lies in his intuition and understanding of the game, as well as his ability to think strategically and evaluate positions quickly.He also excels in short-line calculations and can recognize and react to subtle changes in the game quickly.Carlsen is a testament to the importance of practice and dedication in any team sport.

    • Mastering the Art of Chess with Magnus CarlsenWith practice and dedication, even complicated positions can be won.

      Magnus Carlsen is a world-renowned chess player and he has mastered the art of calculation, intuition and visualization.He is able to imagine the board and the pieces in his head and evaluate the position quickly.He can also store away information by repeating it to himself when he has to.He has a good idea of when to calculate for 10-15 minutes and when to rely on brute force calculation.This helps him win complicated positions even when it looks like a draw, as he proved in his game six of the previous world championship.His mastery of chess is legendary.

    • Gaining Small Advantages Through Strategic Position EvaluationEvaluating chess positions is about making the most of your strengths and knowledge to gain small advantages for an edge in the endgame.

      Evaluating chess positions, particularly in the endgame, is about making the most of your strengths.Small advantages can be gained through understanding and evaluating the position, rather than brute force.Opening preparation is important, but it is also about finding ideas that are missed by engines and using them to gain an advantage, as well as using neural networks and hybrid engines.The goal is to surprise your opponent, and gain a position in which you have more knowledge.

    • Sacrifice for Superior Position: Magnus Carlsen's MasterySacrificing pieces strategically can provide players with a positional advantage in chess, allowing one to gain a strategic edge over their opponent.

      Sacrificing material can be a tactic used to gain a positional advantage in chess.Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, is a great example of this.He knows when to sacrifice pieces to gain an advantage, and when to play it safe.His team uses engines to analyze positions, but Magnus prefers to rely on his own resources.He was inspired to see Alpha Zero play in a human-like manner, even though it was sacrificing pieces in an unusual way.Magnus himself is a master at sacrificing pieces for a long-term positional advantage, but it takes skill and knowledge to evaluate the board properly.By understanding when and how to sacrifice pieces, players can improve their game and gain a strategic advantage over the opponent.

    • Unleashing The Creative Tension in Chess Through Fisher Random ChessDeveloping a creative tension between pieces in Chess can make the game more enjoyable and fun.

      Chess is a game of strategy and balance, where the pieces on the board each hold a unique power.For example, the bishop and the knight have different qualities, creating an interesting dynamic between the two.To make the game even more interesting and challenging, Chessman have developed the Fisher Random Chess, where there are 916 different starting positions with the pieces randomly distributed.This encourages players to rely more on their Chess skills rather than memorizing moves.With this, Chessman can have a game of strategy and balance, creating a creative tension between the pieces that makes the game so enjoyable and fun.

    • Mastering the Art of Chess Through Practice and IntuitionThe complexity of chess can be better understood and mastered through practice and intuition.

      Chess is a game of strategy and intuition which requires constant practice and study to master.Magnus Carlsen, a world champion, speaks of the importance of understanding the random starting positions and the need for long games to develop intuition.He also speaks of the importance of not playing symmetrically at the start and of the different variants such as no castling chess, self-capture chess, and pawns that can move both diagonally and forwards, which add an extra element of complexity.The goal of a FIDE ELO rating of 2,900 is a difficult task, but with dedication it is possible to achieve.

    • Appreciating Every Little Win: Magnus Carlsen's Journey to Maintaining the ChampionshipSet goals to stay motivated, appreciate every small win and understand that even the world champion will sometimes lose.

      Magnus Carlsen is a professional chess player and the current world champion.He has a rating of 2861, and it is this rating which is calculated by playing many opponents.To reach the next level of 2,900, Carlsen needs to optimize his preparation to ensure he never has a bad day, and to make sure he can’t lose.He sets goals to stay motivated and he enjoys the process of trying to optimize.He finds more joy from winning tournaments than the world championship, which is mostly about avoiding losing.He is more relaxed now and appreciates every little win more.Even though he has the fear of losing, it does not stop him from playing and he knows it will not last forever.He understands that everyone loses, but it is the pressure of maintaining the championship which creates the anxiety.Winning the world championship for the first time was the fun part.

    • Experiencing the Thrill of Chess at Its Peak with Magnus CarlsenTo identify the best chess player, more games with less time control should be played to emphasize pure chess and reduce reliance on preparation.

      The stress of playing chess at the highest level, especially in the world championship, can be daunting.Magnus Carlsen, one of the world's greatest players, found that the match he enjoyed the most was with Fabiano Caruana in 2018, when their ratings were very close.The games were closely fought and Magnus had a winning position in the first game.In the end, all the games were drawn, but Magnus found it an interesting challenge to play someone of equal ability.He believes that to determine who the best chess player is, there needs to be a higher sample size of games.To increase the chances of finding the best player, Magnus suggests having more games with less time control, as defensive techniques can be harder to execute with little time.This would also emphasise pure chess, rather than relying on preparation.

    • Taking on the Challenge: Magnus Carlsen's Inspiring 2013 World ChampionshipBe motivated to take on challenging opportunities, as they can bring joy and the best out of yourself.

      Magnus Carlsen chose to play in the 2013 World Championship because he was inspired by the possibility of playing a young player who had risen to second in the world rankings.He wanted to create more hype, motivate himself and the young player, and also to give the other players a chance to be more than just first place.Magnus found the challenge of being in the best shape of his life and the joy of the 2013 match to be motivating.He had decided not to play back in 2011, but this time he was inspired to take on the challenge.

    • A Champion's Dedication: Magnus Carlsen's Success StoryDedication and hard work can be the deciding factor in achieving great success, even when the odds are against you.

      Magnus Carlsen is a world-renowned chess champion.His success is due to his ability to stay ahead of the competition.His ability to calculate short lines quickly, understanding of dynamics and imbalances, and ability to take advantage of material and time have helped him become the world champion.He believes that the past results don't always indicate the world championship results and that the overall stress strength is more important.He also believes that a low scoring game like chess often gives the better player or team the edge and that the championship can be won by the better player even if the results don't look favorable.Magnus Carlsen's success is a great example of how dedication and hard work can help you reach the top.

    • Overcoming Tension and Celebrating Comradery in the Chess CommunityDespite the tension between opponents, there is a common understanding that unites the chess community.

      Though Magnus Carlsen is the world's top chess player, the world championships are still a high stakes battle.Though one's rating is a more reliable measure of skill, the pressure and anxiety at the championships can be overwhelming.Even if opponents strongly disagree with each other, they can still have meaningful conversations about the game after the match.This is a testament to the comradery that exists within the chess community.It's a reminder that regardless of the tension between two sides, there is a common understanding that unites them all.

    • The Power of Patience: Understanding Magnus Carlsen's Chess MasteryTo succeed in any pursuit, it is important to trust your instincts, remain patient, and understand when opponents may be intimidated by you.

      Magnus Carlsen is a world-renowned chess player, who has a unique ability to think both quickly and deeply.He is able to recognize when his opponents may be intimidated by him and uses this to his advantage.He also knows that he can take more risks when his opponents play more timidly.He experienced a tough loss in 2016 when he was playing against Caruana in New York and he remembers that he was winning in games three and four, but couldn't convert them due to his own mistakes.He was getting impatient and was ready to take more risks, which ultimately led to his loss.He learned the importance of patience and to trust his instincts in order to be successful.

    • Taking Risks and Rebounding with Resilience: Magnus Carlsen's Chess JourneyTaking risks is necessary and beneficial, but must be done with caution and the ability to recognize when you've gone too far. Being able to rebound after a mistake is just as important as taking risks.

      Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen speaks about his experience of playing a chess match and the lessons he learned.After playing an innocuous opening, he found himself in a position where he had to take risks and, eventually, he took too many risks.He realized that he had gone too far and needed to be careful and draw the game.He reflected on the mistake and thought about quitting, but eventually he was able to recover and win the match.Magnus learned that taking risks is necessary, but it must be done with caution and the ability to recognize when you've gone too far.He also learned the importance of resilience and being able to rebound after a mistake.Ultimately, he discovered a love for winning which creates more fun in the long-term.

    • The Supreme Strategy of Chess Grandmaster Magnus CarlsenTaking time to relax and reflect, eating well, and avoiding distractions can help maximize focus and performance.

      Magnus Carlsen is an amazing chess player who has a strict routine that he follows to prepare for big matches.He wakes up at 11am, takes a walk and listens to podcasts before having a big lunch of omelet and vegetables.He then takes a few moments to relax before the match, making sure not to have too much noise and distraction around him.After the match, he takes time to reflect on what happened, but he doesn't do it too systematically.He also makes sure to eat well, avoiding sugary foods and eating only twice a day, to keep his energy levels stable.He also sometimes fasts to keep his mind focused on difficult tasks.

    • Unlocking Potential Through Intuition and RelaxationA relaxed and calm mind can help unlock our potential and enhance our intuition.

      Magnus Carlsen's experience shows that exhaustion and sleep deprivation can have an effect on our energy, but can also make us calmer and more creative.Thinking less and being more confident can enhance our intuition, like in chess.Even a few drinks can make us more relaxed and help us unlock a different part of our brain.Although we should be wary of relying on such measures too much, it can be beneficial to try different things to unlock our potential.

    • Achieving Excellence Through Balance and Dedication: Magnus Carlsen's StoryPhysical and mental exercise, dedicated practice, and having fun are the keys to success.

      Magnus Carlsen is a world-renowned chess master.He found success by combining fun activities like playing football, riding his bike, and playing tennis with a bit of dedicated practice.He also believes that having a balance between physical and mental exercise is key.Magnus suggests reading chess books to stay sharp, as well as juggling a ball to help clear his mind and stay focused.Through dedication, practice, and having fun, Magnus has become one of the best chess players in the world.

    • Unlocking Success in Chess with Magnus CarlsenSuccess in chess requires individuals to find their own way of learning and make bold decisions.

      Chess is an amazing game that requires you to think and strategise.Magnus Carlsen is a great example of how to be successful at chess.He has a chess board in his head and can think through different moves without even having a chess board in front of him.He often looks at random games on his phone or in a book and then his brain starts analyzing it.He found that structured exercises weren't for him, so he instead looked for books to read and experiment with different openings.This shows that everyone needs to find their own way of learning, and that it's okay to make bold decisions.

    • Determination Leads To Success: Magnus Carlsen's StoryHard work and determination can help to achieve success, no matter the age.

      When Magnus Carlsen was 13, he was playing against Gary in a unique hybrid between classical and blitz chess.Despite being tired, Magnus was determined to play the best.He remembered to double-check his moves and calculated better than Gary.He was close to winning, but could not convert it.Although he lost both games, he was proud of himself for playing well and challenging himself against a strong opponent.The experience created a strong impression on him and ultimately led to him becoming the world's youngest Grandmaster.It's a great example of how hard work and determination can lead to success.

    • The Creative Genius of Magnus CarlsenMagnus Carlsen's impressive accomplishments and competitive era make him a strong contender for the greatest chess player of all time.

      Magnus Carlsen is the highest rated chess player of all time and has an impressive record.He has been crowned the world champion five times and has been world number one for 11 years straight.His style of play is considered to be creative and genius, and he has achieved impressive feats like winning 20 games in a row and having the longest streak without losing a game.He also believes that Gary Kasparov and Bobby Fischer can be considered the greatest of all time, citing Kasparov's longevity in a competitive era and Fischer's level of dominance when he was ahead of his time.Carlsen himself believes he can make a case for himself as the greatest of all time due to his achievements and the level of competition in his era.

    • From Norwegian Champion To World Champion: The Inspirational Journey of Magnus CarlsenDedication and hard work can lead to success, no matter the odds.

      This is a story of inspiration and dedication.Magnus Carlsen was just 8 and a half when he started playing chess and his competitors had already been playing for a few years.He worked hard, studying and practicing and was determined to be the best.His hard work paid off when he won the Norwegian championship under 11 in 2000.Magnus felt an incredible mix of excitement and nervousness before the tournament and the feeling of relief and satisfaction after he won was unforgettable.Magnus never thought he could be the best in the world until that moment, but he knew he had the passion and dedication to work hard and get better.He proved himself right by becoming the world champion in chess.

    • Cultivating an Obsession with Chess for Optimal SuccessDedication and focus are the keys to mastering chess - cultivate an obsession with the game and find harmony on the board to improve your skills.

      Chess is a game of strategy and skill that takes time, effort, and dedication to master.Magnus Carlsen, the world's top chess player, explains that his success was due to his obsession with the game and his ability to remain focused and learn every nuance of it.He also stresses the importance of having a coach who is hands-off and allows the player to develop their skills in their own way.Carlsen believes that the best way to improve one's chess skills is to find harmony on the board, to protect the pieces, and to make sure no pieces are suboptimally placed.Ultimately, he advises chess players of all levels to cultivate their obsession with the game and to spend a lot of time with it, so that it doesn't feel like a struggle.

    • Leveraging YouTube To Learn Chess From Magnus CarlsenYouTube is a great platform to learn skills and gain knowledge, such as chess from Magnus Carlsen.

      Learning from YouTube has become a popular activity for many, and it is a great way to learn new skills and gain knowledge.Magnus Carlsen recommends Mater as one of the best and most interesting YouTubers for learning about chess.He says that his father, who loves chess, even enjoyed watching a video from start to finish.The Evans Gambit is an old opening from the 1800s invented by Captain Evans, which Magnus Carlsen has never faced in a game.He also taught his father the specialty crops to sale and ghost in defense, which his family regularly plays.All in all, YouTube is a great place to learn new skills and gain knowledge.

    • Making Informed Decisions in a Limited TimeThinking and making decisions like a chess player can lead to better outcomes in life.

      Magnus Carlsen taught us the importance of making informed decisions in a limited amount of time, and that is a lesson that can be applied to many aspects of life.His father taught him that as long as he won at chess, everything else would be fine.His family has always had his back and supported him.They gave him the freedom to pursue his passion while also encouraging him to gain a decent general education.He believes that if more people on the international stage thought more like chess players and made decisions based on limited amounts of data, the world would be a better place.

    • Taking Risks, Telling a Story, and Learning New Strategies: Lessons from Magnus CarlsenTake a step back and consider the implications of our actions before making a move, and remain flexible and open to learning new strategies to become more adept at different types of games.

      Learning from Magnus Carlsen's example and the conversation between Lex Fridman and him, we can learn that no matter what the situation, it is often best to take a step back and consider the implications of our actions before we make a move.Taking risks is important, but it is also important to remember that it is better to do nothing in some situations.Additionally, it is important to consider the "story" that we are trying to tell with our actions, as this can help us set ourselves up for success.Lastly, it is important to remain flexible and open to learning new strategies.With practice, we can become more adept at different types of games.

    • Success Through Hard Work, Insight, and Fun: Magnus Carlsen's Winning FormulaCombining hard work, insight, and a sense of fun is a winning formula for success.

      Magnus Carlsen is a world-renowned chess and poker player known for his excellence in the game.His success is due to his hard work and dedication to the game, as well as his ability to remain composed and use his own insight to make decisions.He has also found success in trash-talking, which he believes to be a part of the game.His understanding of the importance of fun has also led to his success, as he recognizes the need to bring a certain level of entertainment to the game.Despite the loneliness of the game, Carlsen is not worried as long as he is aware of it.This demonstrates his dedication to the game and his ability to find success in any situation.

    • Embrace the Meaning of Life Through Chess and Self-ImprovementMake the most of life by pursuing our goals, doing things to make us happy, and embracing the beauty of chess.

      The meaning of life is a controversial topic, but Magnus Carlsen believes life is both meaningless and meaningful.He suggests that we can make the most of life by pursuing our goals and doing things to make us happy, both in the short and long-term.Rather than stressing over romantic love, he believes it is best to be the best version of ourselves and keep our hearts open.Magnus also appreciates the beauty of chess, noting the night moves in an 'L' shape and can jump over pieces.He prefers bishops, however, as they have greater quality than the intangibles.No matter what, we will all lose life in the end, but it is still an amazing thing and we can still have fun.

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    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life

    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life
    Kevin Spacey is a two-time Oscar-winning actor, who starred in Se7en, the Usual Suspects, American Beauty, and House of Cards, creating haunting performances of characters who often embody the dark side of human nature. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil EPISODE LINKS: Kevin's X: https://x.com/KevinSpacey Kevin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinspacey Kevin's YouTube: https://youtube.com/kevinspacey Kevin's Website: https://kevinspacey.com/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:14) - Seven (13:54) - David Fincher (21:46) - Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman (27:15) - Acting (35:40) - Improve (44:24) - Al Pacino (48:07) - Jack Lemmon (57:25) - American Beauty (1:17:34) - Mortality (1:20:22) - Allegations (1:38:19) - House of Cards (1:56:55) - Jack Nicholson (1:59:57) - Mike Nichols (2:05:30) - Christopher Walken (2:12:38) - Father (2:21:30) - Future
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI
    Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off EPISODE LINKS: Roman's X: https://twitter.com/romanyam Roman's Website: http://cecs.louisville.edu/ry Roman's AI book: https://amzn.to/4aFZuPb PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:12) - Existential risk of AGI (15:25) - Ikigai risk (23:37) - Suffering risk (27:12) - Timeline to AGI (31:44) - AGI turing test (37:06) - Yann LeCun and open source AI (49:58) - AI control (52:26) - Social engineering (54:59) - Fearmongering (1:04:49) - AI deception (1:11:23) - Verification (1:18:22) - Self-improving AI (1:30:34) - Pausing AI development (1:36:51) - AI Safety (1:46:35) - Current AI (1:51:58) - Simulation (1:59:16) - Aliens (2:00:50) - Human mind (2:07:10) - Neuralink (2:16:15) - Hope for the future (2:20:11) - Meaning of life
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 02, 2024

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories
    Charan Ranganath is a psychologist and neuroscientist at UC Davis, specializing in human memory. He is the author of a new book titled Why We Remember. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Riverside: https://creators.riverside.fm/LEX and use code LEX to get 30% off - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/charan-ranganath-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Charan's X: https://x.com/CharanRanganath Charan's Instagram: https://instagram.com/thememorydoc Charan's Website: https://charanranganath.com Why We Remember (book): https://amzn.to/3WzUF6x Charan's Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ptWkt1wAAAAJ Dynamic Memory Lab: https://dml.ucdavis.edu/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:18) - Experiencing self vs remembering self (23:59) - Creating memories (33:31) - Why we forget (41:08) - Training memory (51:37) - Memory hacks (1:03:26) - Imagination vs memory (1:12:44) - Memory competitions (1:22:33) - Science of memory (1:37:48) - Discoveries (1:48:52) - Deja vu (1:54:09) - False memories (2:14:14) - False confessions (2:18:00) - Heartbreak (2:25:34) - Nature of time (2:33:15) - Brain–computer interface (BCI) (2:47:19) - AI and memory (2:57:33) - ADHD (3:04:30) - Music (3:14:15) - Human mind
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 25, 2024

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God
    Paul Rosolie is a naturalist, explorer, author, and founder of Junglekeepers, dedicating his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest. Support his efforts at https://junglekeepers.org Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/paul-rosolie-2-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Paul's Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulrosolie Junglekeepers: https://junglekeepers.org Paul's Website: https://paulrosolie.com Mother of God (book): https://amzn.to/3ww2ob1 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (12:29) - Amazon jungle (14:47) - Bushmaster snakes (26:13) - Black caiman (44:33) - Rhinos (47:47) - Anacondas (1:18:04) - Mammals (1:30:10) - Piranhas (1:41:00) - Aliens (1:58:45) - Elephants (2:10:02) - Origin of life (2:23:21) - Explorers (2:36:38) - Ayahuasca (2:45:03) - Deep jungle expedition (2:59:09) - Jane Goodall (3:01:41) - Theodore Roosevelt (3:12:36) - Alone show (3:22:23) - Protecting the rainforest (3:38:36) - Snake makes appearance (3:46:47) - Uncontacted tribes (4:00:11) - Mortality (4:01:39) - Steve Irwin (4:09:18) - God
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens
    Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - HiddenLayer: https://hiddenlayer.com/lex - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sean-carroll-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sean's Website: https://preposterousuniverse.com Mindscape Podcast: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/ Sean's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@seancarroll Sean's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Instagram: https://instagram.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lfifrv8AAAAJ Sean's Books: https://amzn.to/3W7yT9N PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (11:03) - General relativity (23:22) - Black holes (28:11) - Hawking radiation (32:19) - Aliens (41:15) - Holographic principle (1:05:38) - Dark energy (1:11:38) - Dark matter (1:20:34) - Quantum mechanics (1:41:56) - Simulation (1:44:18) - AGI (1:58:42) - Complexity (2:11:25) - Consciousness (2:20:32) - Naturalism (2:24:49) - Limits of science (2:29:34) - Mindscape podcast (2:39:29) - Einstein

    #427 – Neil Adams: Judo, Olympics, Winning, Losing, and the Champion Mindset

    #427 – Neil Adams: Judo, Olympics, Winning, Losing, and the Champion Mindset
    Neil Adams is a judo world champion, 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 5-time European champion, and often referred to as the Voice of Judo. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/neil-adams-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Neil's Instagram: https://instagram.com/naefighting Neil's YouTube: https://youtube.com/NAEffectiveFighting Neil's TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@neiladamsmbe Neil's Facebook: https://facebook.com/NeilAdamsJudo Neil's X: https://x.com/NeilAdamsJudo Neil's Website: https://naeffectivefighting.com Neil's Podcast: https://naeffectivefighting.com/podcasts/the-dojo-collective-podcast A Life in Judo (book): https://amzn.to/4d3DtfB A Game of Throws (audiobook): https://amzn.to/4aA2WeJ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:13) - 1980 Olympics (26:35) - Judo explained (34:40) - Winning (52:54) - 1984 Olympics (1:01:55) - Lessons from losing (1:17:37) - Teddy Riner (1:37:12) - Training in Japan (1:52:51) - Jiu jitsu (2:03:59) - Training (2:27:18) - Advice for beginners

    Related Episodes

    #42 - Maxime Vachier-Lagrave - Roger Federer, Magnus Carlsen et Gaël Monfils

    #42 - Maxime Vachier-Lagrave - Roger Federer, Magnus Carlsen et Gaël Monfils

    🎙 Bonjour à tous, vous écoutez Cadavre Exquis, le podcast qui décompose un parcours inspirant. Pour ce nouvel épisode, je reçois le plus grand champion d'échecs français. Sacré grand maître international à 14 ans et 4 mois en 2005, il fait partie des 14 joueurs à avoir atteint un classement Elo supérieur à 2800. Il a remporté le championnat du monde d'échecs en blitz le 30 décembre à Varsovie. J'ai l'honneur d'accueillir Maxime Vachier-Lagrave.

    👉 Ensemble, nous sommes revenus sur son initiation aux échecs par son père, mais aussi sur palmarès échéquien qu'il a commencé à écrire dès son plus jeune âge Entre plusieurs distinctions, Maxime s'est confié sur la routine d'un sportif de haut niveau, ainsi que sur la rigueur que celle-ci demande. Celui que l'on appelle MVL nous a également parlé des qualités qu'un Grandit mare international (GMI) doit avoir, nous a expliqué la différence entre les parties longues et courtes, la place des machines dans la discipline, la mise en lumière récente des échecs depuis la sortie de la série "Le Jeu de la Dame" sur Netflix et plusieurs autres sujets qui devraient intéresser les néophytes comme les plus passionés.

    📚 Références:
    Maxime Vachier-Lagrave champion du monde de blitz
    Eric Birmingham
    Roger Federer
    Magic The Gathering
    Grand maître international (GMI)
    Tigran Petrosian
    Gilles Betthaeuser
    Blitz (échecs)
    Magnus Carlsen
    Alireza Firouzja
    Classement Elo
    Tournoi des candidats
    Garry Kasparov
    Bobby Fischer
    Bruce Pandolfini
    Fabien Libiszwski
    Hydra (ordinateur d'échecs)
    Michael Adams
    Deep Blue
    Puissance 4
    Le Jeu de la Dame (The Queen's Gambit)
    Le Tournoi (Film)
    La Diagonale du Fou (Film)
    Le Joueur d'Echecs de Stéfan Zweig (Livre) 
    Absol Vidéos, démonstration du jeu à l'aveugle
    Gaël Monfils  
    Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 

    📝 Contacts: 

    #91 Emil Sutovsky - CEO, FIDE (International Chess Federation)

    #91 Emil Sutovsky - CEO, FIDE (International Chess Federation)

    Welcome to episode 91 of Sports Management Podcast where the topic is chess. 

    Emil Sutovsky is the CEO of FIDE, the international Chess Federation. He is a chess player himself, who started playing at 4 years old and managed to reach a grandmaster level and rank high internationally. After his playing career, he transitioned into more managerial roles, but stayed in chess that he loves. 

    Get ready to learn:

    - Why so few women play chess
    - If chess is a sport
    - Why Bobby Fischer was bigger than Messi & Ronaldo
    - The alleged cheating scandal in chess right now
    - Chess and Education

    And much more!



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    #330 – Hikaru Nakamura: Chess, Magnus, Kasparov, and the Psychology of Greatness

    #330 – Hikaru Nakamura: Chess, Magnus, Kasparov, and the Psychology of Greatness
    Hikaru Nakamura is a chess super grandmaster and is currently the #1 ranked blitz chess player in the world. He is also one of the top chess streamers on Twitch and YouTube. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Mizzen+Main: https://mizzenandmain.com and use code LEX to get $35 off - InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/lex to get 20% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - SimpliSafe: https://simplisafe.com/lex EPISODE LINKS: Hikaru's Twitch: https://twitch.tv/gmhikaru Hikaru's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/GMHikaru Hikaru's Twitter: https://twitter.com/GMHikaru Hikaru's Instagram: https://instagram.com/gmhikaru Hikaru's Website: https://hikarunakamura.com Macauley Peterson's video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=tGXvcQP6VPo PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (06:59) - A private game vs Magnus Carlsen (14:47) - Chess openings (30:59) - Mental preparation (39:40) - Chess tactics (50:03) - Solving chess (55:43) - Aggression and ego (1:00:28) - Hans Niemann cheating scandal (1:10:21) - How to cheat in chess (1:24:44) - Greatest chess player of all time (1:35:00) - Hikaru's immortal game (1:47:26) - Paul Morphy (1:49:10) - World Chess Championship (1:51:59) - Magnus Carlsen (1:55:33) - Sergey Karjakin (1:58:00) - Beauty of chess (2:04:55) - Day in the life (2:19:34) - Streaming (2:34:13) - Taking risks (2:39:42) - Depression (2:44:31) - Advice for young people (2:51:51) - Love

    Chats w/ Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen & WSOP Champ Ryan Riess

    Chats w/ Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen & WSOP Champ Ryan Riess

    On the latest PokerNews Podcast episode, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen give a final update on the PokerNews Cup on Global Poker, as well as the Matt Berkey vs. Nik Airball grudge match. They also talk about the recent drama involving Doug Polk, Charlie Carrel, and Phil Galfond; highlight winners from the PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo; and a man winning a Ladies Event down in South Florida.

    Chad also talks about being down at the World Poker Tour (WPT) Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown and while there caught up with 2013 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event champ Ryan Riess to talk a little about the 10th anniversary of his life-changing win. Laim Gannon also shares a winner interview with Joshua Kopp, who took down the RunGood Poker Series (RGPS) Council Bluffs for $68,799.

    Finally, Connor Richards got yet another big-name interview as he chatted with Chess Grandmaster and former world champion Magnus Carlsen, who competed in the EPT Monte Carlo. 

    Time Stamps
    *Time | Topic*
    00:25 | Welcome to the show
    01:46 | Poker drama involving Doug Polk and Charlie Carrel; Phil Galfond weighs in
    05:51 | PokerNews Cup wraps on Global Poker
    09:11 | Upcoming series on Global Poker
    10:19 | Update on Nik Airball vs. Matt Berkey
    12:05 | Big winners from the PokerStars EPT Monte Carlo
    13:17 | Interview w/ chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen
    20:30 | Sponsor: 888poker
    21:23 | Final table set in the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown
    25:12 | Interview w/ 2013 WSOP champ Ryan Riess at the Seminole Hard Rock
    28:20 | Man wins Ladies Event down in South Florida
    39:37 | Sponsor: WPT Global
    40:17 | Joshua Kopp wins EGPS Council Bluffs Main Event for $68,799
    40:47 | Winner interview w/ Joshua Kopp
    43:33 | Sponsor: partypoker
    44:40 | Getting ready for the PokerNews East Coast Trip
    47:15 | Teasing next week’s guest – Olivier Busquet