
    327. Andy & DJ CTI: Highland Park Parade Shooting, In Mourning After Roe V. Wade & Transgender Monkeys

    enJuly 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing internet headlines and providing deeper insightsThe Real AF podcast offers various formats, including CTI for headline discussions, Q and AF for listener questions, real talk episodes for personal insights, and full-length episodes with guest interviews, all without relying on ads or support requests.

      The "Real AF" podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ, offers various formats to entertain and educate listeners. The main format, CTI, involves discussing internet headlines and identifying truths while addressing underlying issues. Another format, Q and AF, allows listeners to submit questions for Andy to answer. Real talk episodes provide deeper, personal insights, while full-length episodes bring in guests sharing their success stories and lessons. The show doesn't rely on ads or asking for support but encourages listeners to share the content if they find value in it.

    • Shooter dressed as woman to conceal identity, linked to progressive groupsA shooter concealed identity with women's clothing and had ties to socialist, progressive, Antifa, and occult groups, highlighting the need to address potential threats and their roots.

      The Highland Park shooter, Robert Cremo, was dressed in women's clothing during the mass shooting to conceal his identity and facial tattoos, according to investigators. However, new information has emerged suggesting that Cremo has ties to socialist, progressive, Antifa, and occult groups based on his social media activity. The speaker expresses strong opinions against such individuals, advocating for taking a stand against them and not tolerating their presence in the country. The shooting incident is a reminder of the importance of being aware of potential threats and the need to address the root causes of such violent acts.

    • Holding the Accountable AccountableThe speaker advocates for swift and brutal justice to deter future mass violence, believing that society is too soft and needs to be more accountable for their actions.

      The speaker believes that the root cause of mass violence is not about guns, but about holding those responsible accountable through extreme measures. They advocate for swift and brutal justice, such as public executions, to deter future acts of terrorism. The speaker is frustrated with political narratives and believes that society is too soft and needs to be more accountable for their actions. They also believe that the perpetrators of such acts are not normal criminals, but individuals who should be held to a higher standard. The speaker is calling for a return to holding people accountable for their actions in a brutal and violent manner.

    • Frustration towards perceived weakness and anti-American behaviorThe speaker advocates for harsh consequences against individuals perceived as weak or against societal norms, and criticizes law enforcement for not taking action. He also supports employees' right to express opinions on controversial issues, such as abortion rights.

      The speaker expresses extreme frustration towards individuals perceived as weak or different from him, and believes that there should be harsh consequences for actions deemed anti-American or against societal norms. The discussion revolves around the idea that these individuals are a danger to society and that there should be zero tolerance for such behavior. The speaker also criticizes law enforcement for not taking action against these individuals and expresses a desire for vigilante justice. Additionally, the topic of abortion rights and the firing of an employee for expressing his views on the matter is brought up. The speaker believes that the employee should not have been fired for speaking out and that the employer should not support politicians against abortion rights.

    • Political tensions in the workplace leading to terminationsEmployees risk losing jobs for expressing political views, highlighting the need for focus on work performance and country love, regardless of differences.

      The workplace environment is becoming increasingly politically charged, leading to tensions and terminations for employees expressing their views. Representative Ken Buck and Victoria Spartz received angry messages from an employee named Lopez after being terminated for speaking out against politicians. Lopez accused the representatives of being out of touch and disruptive, while they viewed his actions as unprofessional. The incident highlights the growing divide between political views in the workplace and the potential consequences for employees who speak out. Companies are taking a stance on political expression in the office, and employees need to decide whether they are willing to risk their jobs to express their opinions. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on performing well at work and loving one's country, regardless of political differences. The incident also underscores the importance of understanding that names and labels don't hold power and that employees should not be afraid to own their positions and stand up for themselves.

    • Stay true to oneself and keep moving forwardAuthenticity and integrity are crucial for business success in today's transparent world. Adversity can lead to growth and conversion of critics into advocates.

      Staying true to oneself and continuing to do the right thing, despite negative criticism or backlash, can ultimately lead to growth and the conversion of detractors into advocates. This principle applies not only to individuals but also to businesses and their interactions with customers and employees. In the past, businesses could get away with being less transparent, but as social media and accountability have evolved, authenticity and integrity have become essential for success. When faced with adversity, the best approach is to remain unapologetic and keep moving forward. Over time, those who doubted or criticized will often come to see the truth and may even become supporters.

    • Businesses standing up against political disruptionsBusinesses are increasingly refusing to tolerate disruptions motivated by political agendas. Owners are recognizing their power and focusing on economic issues over political ones, prioritizing practical concerns for voters.

      Businesses and individuals are no longer tolerating disruptions, particularly those motivated by political agendas. The speaker emphasizes that companies have long had to suppress their opinions and expressions to avoid negative attention, but this dynamic is changing. Regular business owners are recognizing their power and refusing to tolerate disruptions. The speaker also discusses the use of technology to create perception of shame and the importance of economic issues over political ones for voters. The speaker encourages business owners to stand up for themselves and not let political opinions interfere with their businesses. He also shares an article that highlights the low priority of abortion as an issue for voters compared to economic concerns. The speaker's overall message is that people are tired of getting "beat" by various issues and are focusing on practical concerns rather than political ones.

    • Power, Accountability, and Animal WelfareThe speaker advocated for power and accountability, particularly in holding 'criminals' accountable and changing the country. He also expressed concern over animal experimentation, emphasizing the importance of respecting animal life and intelligence.

      Power and accountability are key themes in the discussion. The speaker expresses his desire for power and accountability, particularly in relation to holding "criminals" accountable and changing the country. He also expresses frustration with those in power not being transparent or forthcoming. Additionally, the topic of animal experimentation was brought up, with the speaker expressing concern and outrage over the use of taxpayer money for turning monkeys transgender. He emphasized the importance of respecting and providing the highest quality of life for animals while they're alive. The speaker also shared his belief that monkeys are smarter than many people and could potentially revolt if mistreated. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of power, accountability, and animal welfare.

    • Study on Monkeys and HIV Rates in Transgendered WomenNIAID spent $450,000 on monkey experiment for HIV understanding in transgendered women. Solar storms may cause 5,500 heart deaths yearly, with next surge in 2025, and researchers are working to protect vulnerable individuals.

      The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under the leadership of Dr. Fauci, spent nearly half a million dollars on an experiment attempting to turn monkeys transgendered, justifying it as an effort to understand higher HIV rates in transgendered women. Meanwhile, solar storms may cause up to 5,500 heart-related deaths annually, and the next significant surge is predicted in 2025, just five years after the vaccine rollout. It's important to note that researchers are now trying to understand how solar activity affects the heart to protect vulnerable individuals during predicted solar storms. Despite controversy and skepticism, it's crucial to stay informed and prioritize health and safety.

    • Men with large penises and their daily challengesLiving with a large penis isn't always ideal, societal pressures and expectations can be challenging, and focusing on abilities rather than size is important.

      The documentary "Too Large to Love" explores the experiences of men with large penises and the challenges they face in their daily lives. Despite the common desire among men to have larger penises, the documentary reveals that having a large penis isn't always ideal. The producers of the documentary are seeking men with large penises over the age of 18 for the show, but nudity is not a requirement. However, some skepticism has been raised about the authenticity of one man's claim to having the world's largest penis. The documentary aims to shed light on the physical and emotional aspects of living with a large penis and the societal pressures and expectations that come with it. Ultimately, the show may make some men feel inadequate, and the focus on penis size may be seen as trivial and unnecessary. Instead, people should focus on using their bodies and abilities to their fullest potential, regardless of size.

    • Water quality concerns and hidden truthsStay informed about water quality issues and advocate for transparency from authorities while respecting privacy.

      There are concerns about potential contamination in the water supply, and efforts are being made to conceal it. The speaker expresses uncertainty about the situation and prefers not to discuss personal matters. The lyrics in the background seem unrelated but add a tone of frustration and complexity to the conversation. It's important to stay informed about water quality issues and advocate for transparency from authorities. The speaker's reluctance to share personal information serves as a reminder to respect privacy while addressing important public concerns.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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