
    #33 Lily Tang Williams - I Fear the Country I Love is Becoming the Country I Left

    en-usAugust 29, 2022
    How does genetics influence mental health medication responses?
    What is the purpose of the GeneSite test?
    Who is Lily Tang Williams, and what is her political stance?
    What cultural restrictions did children face during the Mao era?
    How can a P.S. improve job application responses?

    Podcast Summary

    • Genetics and Mental Health MedicationsGenetic tests like GeneSite can help identify how genes may impact metabolism or response to mental health medications, potentially reducing trial and error.

      Genetics can play a significant role in how individuals respond to mental health medications. A genetic test like GeneSite can help identify how genes may affect someone's metabolism or response to certain medications, potentially reducing the need for medication trial and error. Additionally, understanding the potential impact of genetics on mental health treatments is an essential conversation worth having. Meanwhile, in the news, tensions between China and Taiwan have escalated following a visit from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. As the only Republican congressional candidate running for Congress this year, Lily Tang Williams supports Pelosi's stance and urges America to stand firm against China's threats. Furthermore, listeners are encouraged to support the Sean Ryan Show through Patreon, which enables the creation and sharing of unique stories. The upcoming episode features Lily Tang Williams, who escaped the Mao revolution in China and now runs for Congress to save America. Lastly, MyBookie offers a 100% deposit bonus up to $1,000 using the promo code SRS, making it an excellent opportunity for football fans to bet on the NFL season.

    • CCP fears Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and values controlling the narrativeThe CCP is wary of Taiwan's democracy and freedom, and uses tactics like demonizing Pelosi and ideological subversion to distract from their own issues.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fears the example of Taiwan's democracy and freedom, and the visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was seen as a threat to their control over the narrative. The CCP's one-party dictatorship and history of covering up crises, such as COVID-19, demonstrate their disregard for the people's sufferings. Taiwanese people value their democracy and freedom and are wary of being absorbed into China, as seen in Hong Kong's experience. The CCP's attempts to distract from their own issues by demonizing Pelosi and the U.S. are a common tactic. Changing the perception of reality through ideological subversion and psychological warfare has been a long-term goal of the CCP, and it will take more than legislative action to counteract this in the U.S.

    • Demoralizing Populations for Political ControlDuring the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong aimed to destroy old cultural values and ideas through demoralization. Today, similar tactics are used to normalize a new order under government control, highlighting the importance of defending individual liberties, families, and traditional values.

      The Cultural Revolution in China, led by Mao Zedong, was not just about political purges but also about demoralizing the population to destroy old cultural values and ideas. This was done to gain control and normalize new values under the Communist Party's rule. Similarly, in today's world, demoralization of America is seen as being accomplished through various means, including education systems and identity politics, with the ultimate goal of normalizing a new order under government control. The speaker emphasizes the importance of defending individual liberties, families, and traditional values against such attempts at demoralization and indoctrination.

    • Growing up during the Mao culture revolution in ChinaDespite challenging living conditions and traumatic experiences, individuals have the power to choose their reactions and responses to their circumstances.

      Growing up during the Mao culture revolution in China had a profound impact on the speaker's life, shaping her experiences and memories in significant ways. She recounted her early years in a worker's row house, where communal living conditions included shared bathrooms with dividers, and the fear of falling into human waste or stepping on bugs. The lack of private property ownership and basic amenities like heating and cooling also left lasting impressions. Traumatic experiences, such as the discovery of a man licking the community water well, were swept under the rug but resurfaced later in life. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasized that individuals have the power to choose their reactions and responses to their circumstances, even in the face of adversity.

    • The Cultural Revolution's Five Black and Five Red ClassesDuring China's Cultural Revolution, people were labeled as either black or red based on their past, leading to guilt, shame, and pressure to change identities and join the Communist Party.

      During China's Cultural Revolution, people were divided into two groups: the oppressors (five black classes) and the oppressed (five red classes). Those labeled as black classes were publicly shamed and subjected to struggle sessions, where they were forced to confess their wrongdoings and apologize. Many families, like the speaker's, were categorized as black based on their past, even if some members were innocent. This led to a great deal of guilt and shame, and many people felt pressured to change their last names and join the Communist Party to be considered red and avoid persecution. The speaker, who was a red child, grew up believing the propaganda and never questioned the actions of the party, even when it came to her own family history. This experience left a deep impact on her, and she still feels the weight of the past.

    • Witnessing the Horrors of the Chinese Cultural RevolutionMillions were labeled 'enemies' during the Cultural Revolution, leading to public executions, struggle sessions, and concentration camps. Seeking truth and asking questions, despite fear, is crucial.

      During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, millions of people were labeled as "enemies of the state" and subjected to public executions, struggle sessions, and concentration camps. The speaker, who was a child during this time, witnessed these horrors firsthand but was kept in the dark about the truth. The Communist Party controlled every aspect of society, including education and media, and anyone who questioned the party was punished. The speaker's personal experiences and the historical record show that at least 20 million people were affected by these policies, but this is not widely known or taught in schools today. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking questions and seeking the truth, even in the face of fear and intimidation. The legacy of the Cultural Revolution continues to impact China today, with the Communist Party maintaining tight control over information and dissent.

    • Growing up in Mao's China: Extreme poverty and communist ideologyDespite the promises of equality and free education, growing up in Mao's China meant enduring extreme poverty and strict cultural norms that hindered personal growth and education.

      The speaker's upbringing during Mao's China was marked by extreme poverty and strict adherence to communist ideology. Despite the hardships, she was determined to attend school and learn to read and write. The communist regime promised equality and free education, but in reality, people were forced to work and could not afford luxuries or even basic necessities. The speaker's family struggled to afford food and childcare, and she was kept home to care for her younger brother instead of attending school. The regime enforced strict cultural norms, including the shunning of personal possessions and affections. Despite these challenges, the speaker's desire for education and personal growth remained strong.

    • Despite hardships, father's confidence was a hindranceFather's individuality hindrered opportunities, instilling a mistrust of authority and driving determination to succeed

      Despite facing numerous hardships, including poverty, lack of education, and the loss of loved ones, the speaker's father persevered and worked hard to provide for his family. However, his confidence and self-expression were seen as flaws, and he was denied the opportunity to join the "mouse and young pioneer" organization. This experience taught the speaker the importance of collective conformity over individual achievement and left him with a deep distrust of authority. Despite these challenges, the speaker was determined to succeed in school and eventually immigrated to a new country, where he was able to own a pet and regain a sense of individual pride.

    • Growing up in China during the Mao eraThe Mao era instilled a deep sense of distrust and the need to hide personal thoughts and feelings due to constant political indoctrination and lack of privacy.

      Growing up in a one-party control state like China during the Mao era meant constant political indoctrination and a lack of privacy. Trust was a luxury, and everyone was encouraged to report any politically incorrect thoughts or actions. Children were not allowed to date or express themselves through fashion or makeup. Propaganda was everywhere, from loudspeakers in the community to revolutionary operas and songs. Even beautiful music was scarce. This constant surveillance and lack of individual freedom instilled a deep sense of distrust and the need to keep personal thoughts and feelings hidden. The speaker learned to keep everything to herself and not trust anyone, a lesson that stayed with her even after she came to the West.

    • A father's love and commitmentThrough extreme poverty, a father prioritized his family's needs over his own, sacrificing personal desires to ensure their basic necessities were met and demonstrating unwavering love and commitment.

      Despite facing extreme poverty and hardships, the speaker's father prioritized providing basic necessities for his family over personal desires. He worked tirelessly to pay off debts and ensure his children had what they needed, even if it meant sacrificing his own wants. The father's unwavering dedication to his family, despite the challenges they faced, is a testament to his love and commitment. The speaker's childhood lack of a radio was a small sacrifice compared to her father's dream of a used bike and a fan for his children. The father's pride and dignity prevented him from accepting a forced retirement and separation from his family, demonstrating the importance of personal dignity and the lengths one will go to for loved ones.

    • Government regulations and red tape limit livelihoodsDespite skills and hard work, the speaker's father couldn't legally start a business due to high licensing costs. He turned to illegal activities, which provided the speaker with the means to attend college. Communism's promises of free services were not fully realized, leading to economic reforms and free market capitalism.

      Government regulations and red tape can limit people's ability to make a living and provide for their families. The story of the speaker's father illustrates this point. Despite his skills and hard work, he was unable to legally start a business due to the need for a license, which he couldn't afford to obtain through bribes. Instead, he resorted to working in the black market, fixing bicycles and transporting passengers at night. This dangerous and illegal work provided the speaker with the money he needed to attend college. The speaker also highlights how the promises of communism, such as free healthcare, education, and land for peasants, were not fully realized, and instead, economic reforms and the adoption of free market capitalism were necessary for China's economic growth.

    • China's suppression of freedom and democracy contrasted with Taiwan and Hong KongChina's authoritarian regime uses indoctrination, propaganda, and forced re-education to suppress freedom and democracy, contrasted by Taiwan's democracy and Hong Kong's student-led protests. Despite hardships, many Chinese people continue to support the regime, with complex long-term consequences.

      Throughout history, China's authoritarian regime has used various methods to suppress freedom and democracy, including indoctrination, propaganda, and forced re-education. Taiwan, once under Japanese rule and later becoming a democracy, serves as a stark contrast to China's current political climate. Hong Kong, which was under British rule, experienced student-led protests against Beijing's attempts to impose national security laws and indoctrination. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to demonize freedom, democracy, and separate powers, and even brainwashes its people through propaganda. Despite the hardships and restrictions faced by the Chinese people, many continue to support the regime. For instance, during the zero-COVID lockdowns, people were subjected to daily testing, food shortages, and even door burnings, yet they still supported the party. Even those who experienced the traumas of the Cultural Revolution, such as being sent to the countryside for re-education, may not fully understand the truth. The CCP's long-term impact on the Chinese population is a complex issue, with many still unaware of the truth and the consequences of their support for the regime.

    • China's Political History: Authoritarian Rule, Human Rights Abuses, and Power StrugglesUnder Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping, China's political history has been marked by authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, and power struggles. Xi Jinping's pursuit of 'common prosperity' has led to increased government control over private industries and suppression of individual freedoms.

      China's political history, particularly under the leadership of Mao Zedong and current leader Xi Jinping, has been marked by authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, and power struggles. The one-child policy and economic reforms were implemented in response to economic instability, but at the cost of individual freedoms and human lives. Xi Jinping's pursuit of "common prosperity" has led to increased government control over private industries and the silencing of critics, including celebrities and human rights lawyers. The disappearance of individuals, particularly those who speak out against the government, is a continuing concern. Despite this history, China is currently experiencing a cultural revolution 2.0, with Xi Jinping's policies leading to increased government control and suppression of individual freedoms.

    • A time of personal growth and discovery in collegeCollege in the 1980s exposed the speaker to new freedoms and ideas, shaping her worldview and leading her to consider living in a country that values individual rights.

      The speaker's college experience in the 1980s was a time of personal growth and discovery, marked by the exploration of new freedoms and the introduction to new ideas. This was evident in the speaker's ability to host dancing parties in her dormitory, wear colorful clothes, and learn about individual rights from an American student. These experiences were in stark contrast to her earlier years, where she was restricted and lacked autonomy. Additionally, the political climate of China during this time, with figures like Hu Yaobang advocating for reforms, further influenced the speaker's perspective and desire for greater personal freedoms. Ultimately, this period left a lasting impact on the speaker, shaping her worldview and leading her to consider the possibilities of living in a country that prioritized individual rights.

    • Navigating China's political and social landscape as a young professionalThe pressure to conform to the Communist Party's expectations and the lack of academic freedom led a young professional to consider leaving China for a more open society.

      The speaker's experience in Shanghai during the late 1980s revealed the challenges of navigating China's political and social landscape as a young professional. Despite her achievements, she faced restrictions on her personal freedom and academic freedom, which led her to question whether she could continue living in China. The pressure to conform to the Communist Party's expectations and the lack of academic freedom ultimately led her to consider leaving China for a more open society. Her decision to apply for graduate school in the United States marked a turning point in her life, as she sought greater personal and professional freedom. The experience highlighted the complexities of China's political and social climate during a time of significant economic and political transformation.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Pursue Education AbroadDetermination and resilience are essential to overcoming obstacles and achieving personal goals, even when facing complex challenges such as obtaining permission to leave one's home country and pursue higher education abroad.

      Obtaining permission to leave China and pursue higher education in the United States was a complex and challenging process for this individual. She had to change her behavior at work, find a sponsor, and overcome language barriers to secure acceptance into a graduate program. Additionally, she had to navigate the political and financial implications of leaving her home country, including the possibility of being sent back to her hometown if she failed to succeed in the US. Despite these challenges, she persevered and was eventually granted a visa and flew to the United States, bringing joy and excitement to herself and those around her. This story highlights the determination and resilience required to pursue personal goals in the face of significant obstacles.

    • The speaker's journey to the US filled with struggles and kindnessDespite negative propaganda, the speaker found kindness and solutions to common problems in the US, leading to joy and improved quality of life.

      The speaker's journey to the United States from China was filled with financial struggles and fear, but also marked by kindness and generosity from those who helped him along the way. Despite growing up with negative propaganda about America, he was struck by the politeness and cleanliness of the Japanese and the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. After arriving in the US, he spent the first 20 years learning and growing, and later discovered solutions to common problems like sleep deprivation and lack of access to quality meat. These discoveries brought him joy and improved his quality of life.

    • China's Economic Growth through Entrepreneurship and International Exchange ProgramsDuring China's economic opening up in the late 70s and 80s, brave entrepreneurs left government jobs to start businesses, getting rich quickly due to the wide-open market. The Chinese government's social credit system monitors citizens' financial and social behaviors, including online activities, to assess trustworthiness and eligibility for benefits.

      China's opening up to the world in the late 70s and 80s led to significant economic growth through entrepreneurship and international exchange programs. This period saw the rise of brave Chinese entrepreneurs who left government jobs to start their businesses and got rich quickly due to the wide-open market. However, it's important to note that some exchange students and scholars were sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party and worked for the government upon their return. The Chinese government's social credit system, which started as a traditional paper tracking system and is now digitalized, monitors citizens' financial and social behaviors, including their online activities. It's used to assess individuals' trustworthiness and eligibility for various benefits and opportunities.

    • China's Social Credit System Expands Beyond Individual BehaviorChina's social credit system monitors citizens' compliance with regulations and societal norms, affecting access to essential services, travel, education, employment, and health protocols. The system's reach extends globally with ESG scores and similar systems.

      China's social credit system extends beyond individual actions and behaviors, encompassing social networks and digital activities. Starting with a thousand points, citizens earn or lose points based on their compliance with government regulations and societal norms. A low score can limit access to essential services, travel, education, and employment opportunities. The system's reach extends to health protocols, with QR codes determining freedom of movement. The concept of social credit is expanding globally, with ESG scores and similar systems tracking compliance with environmental, social, and governance standards. This could potentially impact financial markets, capital markets, and individual freedoms in the future.

    • China's Surveillance State: 600 Million Facial Recognition Cameras and Strict ControlsChina's advanced technology and strict government control result in minimal privacy for citizens and visitors, with extensive use of facial and voice recognition technology, national security laws, and tracking of banking records.

      China's political climate and advanced technology have led to a highly surveilled society with minimal privacy for its citizens and visitors. The government's strict control over information and censorship extends to facial recognition and voice recognition technology, creating a total surveillance state. With the goal of implementing 600 million public facial recognition cameras and tracking banking records, privacy is a luxury that is hard to come by. The Chinese government's national security laws also extend to companies, such as TikTok, which can be used as enormous spy operations. China's one-party dictatorship and the implementation of national security laws mean that any company operating within its borders is subject to the government's rule. It's essential to be aware of the implications of these practices and the potential risks for individuals, especially for foreigners visiting or doing business in China.

    • CCP's Global Influence: Schools, Businesses, and GovernmentsThe CCP's control over data, finance, and media in China could lead to a financial crisis and impact the world economy, while its interference in foreign elections and land purchases raise national security concerns.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been aggressively expanding its influence globally through various means, including infiltrating schools, businesses, and even governments. The CCP's control over data, finance, and media in China has led to situations like the ongoing mortgage crisis, which could potentially lead to a financial crisis in China and impact the world economy. The CCP's high debt and the departure of private citizen money from the banks are also concerning. Moreover, the CCP has been trying to interfere in foreign elections and buy land and companies in other countries, raising national security concerns. It's crucial to be aware of these tactics and take necessary measures to protect against potential threats.

    • China's Human Rights Abuses Against Falun GongChina's disregard for democratic principles and human dignity, shown through mass arrests and alleged organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, poses a threat to global human rights and democratic values.

      China's advanced surveillance equipment and human rights abuses, such as the mass arrests and organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, pose significant threats to democratic values and global human rights. Despite China's economic growth, its actions, including the banning of Falun Gong and alleged organ harvesting, reveal a dangerous disregard for democratic principles and human dignity. The Falun Gong practitioners, who are peaceful meditators, have been subjected to arrests, imprisonment, and organ harvesting without due process. This criminal activity continues despite China's position on the United Nations Human Rights Council. It is crucial for the international community to condemn these human rights violations and hold China accountable, as well as consider the implications of these abuses on trade deals.

    • Decoupling from China: National Security, Human Rights, and Growing Power ConcernsThe US should reevaluate its relationships and policies towards China due to concerns over national security, human rights abuses, and China's growing power and influence. Decoupling from the Chinese economy may be necessary to protect democratic values and individual freedoms.

      The speaker is advocating for decoupling from the Chinese economy due to concerns over national security, human rights abuses, and China's growing power and influence. They believe that continuing to do business with China puts the US at a disadvantage and that the US should reevaluate its relationships and policies towards China. The speaker also expresses concern about China's alignment with countries like Russia and their shared ideologies that contrast with democratic values and individual freedoms. They argue that China's actions, such as threatening US representatives and human rights abuses, demonstrate the need for a stronger stance against China. The speaker also raises questions about China's long-term goals and the potential risks of continued economic dependence on China.

    • China's Belt and Road Initiative: A Path to Debt Trap or Global Domination?China's infrastructure projects and low-interest loans can lead to debt traps, resulting in loss of power and control for developing countries. China's communist government expands influence through strategic alliances, media control, and attacks on critics.

      China's Belt and Road Initiative, while presenting as a path to prosperity for developing countries with low-interest loans and infrastructure projects, can lead to a debt trap resulting in loss of power and control for those nations. China's actions, such as taking over airports and military bases when debts are not repaid, demonstrate a strategic goal for global domination. China's communist government is expanding its influence by forming alliances with not-friendly countries and buying foreign corporations, media, and even Youtubers to spread positive narratives. Individuals, like the speaker in this discussion, who criticize China's communist regime, can face threats and attacks. It's crucial for the world to be aware of China's tactics and be cautious in dealing with them.

    • Personal experiences of intimidation by CCP affiliatesThe speaker shares her fears of China's influence, potential suppression of individual freedoms, and the need for school choice and parental rights to preserve liberties.

      The speaker shares her personal experiences of being threatened and intimidated by individuals believed to be affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), both in China and in the United States. She fears China's influence and the potential suppression of individual freedoms, particularly in the context of education and political speech. The speaker believes that the United States is facing a neo-Marxist cultural revolution similar to what she experienced in China, with efforts to indoctrinate children and label certain groups as oppressors. She is passionate about school choice and parental rights to counteract this trend and preserve individual liberties. The speaker's experiences have instilled a deep fear for the future of the country and a commitment to speaking the truth despite potential attacks.

    • New Hampshire Congressional Candidate Lillian Tong-Williams Concerned About Extremism, Calls for Inclusive Equity and Individual LibertyNew Hampshire congressional candidate Lillian Tong-Williams expressed concern over increasing extremism and divisiveness, emphasized inclusive equity with diverse ideas, criticized DEI as potentially having communist undertones, called for individual liberty and Second Amendment protection, and encouraged people to stand up against socialist policies.

      Lillian Tong-Williams, a New Hampshire congressional candidate, expressed concern over the increasing extremism and divisiveness in American politics, particularly regarding issues of race, equality, and government dependency. She believes that the focus on equity should include diverse ideas, thoughts, and voices, rather than just skin color. She also criticized the use of terms like "equity" and "diversity, equity, and inclusion" (DEI) as potentially having communist undertones. Tong-Williams, who is an immigrant and a businesswoman, emphasized the importance of individual liberty and the Second Amendment in protecting other constitutional rights. She called for people to stand up and speak out against socialist policies and ideologies that she believes are taking over the country. Tong-Williams encouraged people to support her grassroots campaign and to share her messages.

    • Genetics and mental health medicationsUnderstanding genetics can lead to more effective mental health treatments and fewer trials and errors. Gene site tests analyze DNA variations to help determine medication responses for depression, anxiety, and other conditions. Adding a P.S. to job applications and cover letters can increase read chances by 75%.

      Understanding the role of genetics in mental health medications can lead to more effective treatments and fewer trials and errors. The discussion touched upon the importance of the gene site test, which analyzes DNA variations to help determine how a person may respond to certain medications for depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. This information can ultimately lead to better outcomes and improved overall wellbeing. Additionally, a simple yet effective tip was shared regarding job applications and cover letters - adding a P.S. can increase the chances of your letter being read by up to 75 percent. This is just one example of valuable insights shared on the "Something You Should Know" podcast, which is a great resource for improving various aspects of your life.

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    #125 Gina Carano - Disney Crumbles After Mandalorian Star Uses Beep, Bop, Boop for Pronouns

    #125 Gina Carano - Disney Crumbles After Mandalorian Star Uses Beep, Bop, Boop for Pronouns
    Gina Carano is an actor and former mixed martial artist. Her fighting career rose to critical acclaim in the mid 2000's when she competed in Elite Xtreme Combat and Strikeforce, boasting a 7–1 record. After retiring from her fighting career, Carano took Hollywood by storm, landing roles in Fast & Furious 6, Deadpool, and Disney's The Mandalorian. Her time in the spotlight would be cut short when Lucasfilm announced in February 2021 that Carano would not appear in future Star Wars episodes following a series of controversial posts she made to social media. Despite enormous pressure and public scrutiny, Carano has stood firm by her beliefs and paved the way for a new career independent of Hollywood agendas. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://babbel.com/srs https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://shopify.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Gina Carano Links: IG - https://www.instagram.com/ginajcarano Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ginacarano X - https://x.com/ginacarano Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usAugust 12, 2024

    #124 Captain Brad Geary - Inside the Failed Investigation and Tragic Death of Kyle Mullen

    #124 Captain Brad Geary - Inside the Failed Investigation and Tragic Death of Kyle Mullen
    Brad Geary is a Navy Captain and Commanding Officer at Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command. Geary boasts an incredible twenty four year career in NSW. Captain Geary has completed numerous deployments throughout the world while serving in leadership positions at SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two, SEAL Team Four, and Naval Special Warfare Tactical Development and Evaluation Squadron Three. Geary's career now hangs in the balance due to a Navy probe into the mysterious death of trainee and Seaman Kyle Mullen, who tragically lost his life during the infamous training period known as "Hell Week." The Navy investigation initially pinned blame on the training cadre, but as pressure from Congress and Geary's testimony grows, a different narrative is coming to light. Geary's attorney stated that "when all the key facts emerge, the Navy's improper actions will be exposed -- and it will be undeniable that Capt. Geary is being scapegoated as part of a larger scheme to cover up massive failures and abuses of power at the highest levels of the Navy." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://helixsleep.com/srs https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://rocketmoney.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Captain Brad Geary Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradley-geary Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bradleyandamy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/amelia.grey.5 X - https://x.com/bradleydgeary YouTube - @Bradley-geary   Threads - @BradleyandAmy Reddit - u/bradgeary TruthSocial - @deanandgrey Stand With Warriors Foundation - https://secure.anedot.com/stand-with-warriors-action/swwa-donate Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usAugust 05, 2024

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    #123 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt
    Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://moinkbox.com/shawn https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://bubsnaturals.com/shawn https://hexclad.com/srs | Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off #hexcladpartner https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Erik Prince Links: https://www.unplugged.com/shawnryan Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 29, 2024

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn

    #122 Edwin C. May - Psychics in Space, Dream Telepathy and Remote Viewing Saturn
    Edwin C. May is an author and former Director of the CIA's secretive Stargate Project. Edwin, a nuclear physicist (Ph.D.) by trade, spent many years at Stanford Research Institute studying ESP (extrasensory perception) and psychokinesis. In 1985, May founded the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, which would ultimately become the Stargate Program. May worked directly with former SRS guest Joe McMoneagle researching the remote viewing phenomenon. After the closure of the project, May founded The Laboratories for Fundamental Research, a multi-disciplinary research facility that studies psi phenomena via rigorous protocols and analyses techniques of modern science. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Edwin C. May Links: Books - https://www.lfr.org/book-store Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Edwin-C.-May/author/B00MLS5MWK Laboratories for Fundamental Research - https://www.lfr.org/lfr Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 22, 2024

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World

    #121 Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World
    Ahmad Massoud is the Commander of the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan. Massoud is the son of the late anti-soviet and revolutionary commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and hails from the Province of Takhar in Northeast Afghanistan. After the assassination of his father in 2001, Ahmad and his family settled in the UK, where he completed his higher education and military training at the Sandhurst Military Academy. Ahmad received his bachelor’s degree in War Studies from Kings College London and his master’s degree in International Politics from City, University of London.  After completing his education, Ahmad returned to Afghanistan and started his political movement. Supporters of his father declared him as the successor of the late Ahmad Shah Massoud. Now, he continues to advocate for the freedom of his people, appearing in the media and garnering support from allied nations. His vision for the country is reminiscent of his father's–decentralized, multicultural, and modern. Massoud recently authored In the Name of my Father: Struggling for Freedom in Afghanistan. This memoir explores his aspirations for his nation’s future and his commitment to the values of liberty, justice, and human rights. SIGN THE PETITION - https://www.change.org/shawnryanshow Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://unplugged.com/shawnryan https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://mypatriotsupply.com https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://expressvpn.com/shawn https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Commander Massoud Links: X - https://x.com/AhmadMassoud NRF X - https://x.com/nrfafg | https://x.com/alinazary Book - https://www.amazon.com/Name-Father-Struggling-Freedom-Afghanistan/dp/1645720969 | https://www.republicbookpublishers.com/product/in-the-name-of-my-father/ Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 16, 2024

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