
    330: iPad Pro review, Macbook Air review, and Walt Mossberg

    enNovember 08, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing texting habits and adapting to different devices and contextsPeople communicate differently based on their audience and technology, requiring adaptability and problem-solving skills

      Technology usage and communication styles can vary greatly among individuals. Neil and Paul discussed their texting habits and how they adapt to different devices and contexts. Neil brought up an episode of "Why Do You Push That Button" where the hosts talked to a linguist about code-switching and expressing oneself appropriately to different audiences. Neil also shared his theory that important people tend to use iPads less for productive work and more for reviewing documents. The discussion then shifted to the new iPad Pro with iOS 12, and Neil expressed his frustration with the operating system's limitations and the time spent figuring out workarounds instead of getting things done. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique ways people interact with technology and communicate with others.

    • Is the iPad ready to replace computers?Despite advancements, the iPad isn't fully capable of replacing computers for most users due to missing features and insufficient power for certain tasks.

      The iPad, despite advancements, is not yet capable of fully replacing computers for most users. The debate around this topic has been ongoing since the first iPad, but Apple's recent claims of the iPad as a complete citizen that can be a main device have prompted a revisit to the discussion. Some users may find the iPad sufficient for their needs, but for many, the lack of certain features and the need for a more powerful device for specific tasks make a computer necessary. The iPad's role is evolving, and while it can serve as a complementary device, it is not yet ready to fully replace computers for most users.

    • Questioning the necessity of expensive techThe iPad Pro's high price tag challenges assumptions about user capabilities and work requirements, but creative professionals still need efficient file management.

      The iPad Pro, despite its high price tag, seems to imply that users are less capable than they truly are. The speaker in the discussion questions the necessity of such an expensive device, especially when considering the abundance of powerful technology in our pockets. He suggests reimagining the future of work, where tasks involve more walking and talking rather than intensive file management. However, he acknowledges that creative professionals cannot escape the need for file management. The speaker also points out the irony of Apple's pricing strategy, offering the most expensive configurations for review, and the additional costs for accessories like the Apple Pencil and keyboard cover. Ultimately, the discussion raises the question of whether the high cost of the iPad Pro is justified for the average user.

    • IPad Pro vs Traditional Computer: A Debate Among ProfessionalsThe iPad Pro offers superior performance and features compared to the MacBook Air, but its limitations in productivity tools and advanced web browsing hinder its ability to fully replace a traditional computer for demanding workloads.

      Apple's high-end hardware, like the M1 MacBook Air, offers superior performance and features compared to the MacBook Air, but comes with a hefty price tag. Despite the flexibility of Apple's operating system, many professionals find the iPad Pro limiting for their work, leading to the need for a traditional computer. The lack of advanced features in mobile web browsers and certain apps on the iPad further hinders productivity. The debate continues over whether Apple should transition the Mac to ARM processors, but the consensus among some is that the change should happen soon to meet the demands of professionals and power users. Ultimately, while the iPad Pro can be a useful tool, it may not fully replace a traditional computer for those with demanding workloads.

    • Limitation of iPad Pro for certain tasksThe iPad Pro offers powerful hardware but may face limitations for tasks requiring robust browsers or specific features, like addressing Google Docs directly in the browser or using newsletter sending tools. The new iPad Pro's USB-C and Face ID can provide benefits but may require new accessories for heavy peripheral users.

      While the iPad Pro has powerful hardware, it still faces limitations when it comes to certain tasks that require a more robust browser or specific features that are not yet optimized for iOS devices. The speaker mentions examples like addressing Google Docs directly in the browser or using specific tools for newsletter sending. Although the hardware improvement in the new iPad Pro might not yield significant differences for most users, the addition of USB-C and Face ID can offer some benefits. However, users who heavily rely on plugging in various peripherals might need to invest in new accessories. Ultimately, the iPad Pro can serve as a primary computer, but users may encounter minor inconveniences and limitations compared to using a traditional computer.

    • Apple's iPad file management restrictions frustrate usersApple's restrictions on external storage and file management on iPads lead to inefficiencies and frustration for creative professionals, requiring workarounds and additional apps or services.

      Apple's approach to file management and external storage on iPads is a point of contention for some users, particularly creative professionals. While Apple's restrictions on directly addressing external storage devices or camera cards aim to enhance security and simplicity, users find the workarounds cumbersome and inefficient. The inability to create separate photo libraries or effectively manage large collections of files within the iPad's ecosystem leads to frustration and the need for additional apps or services. The upcoming overhaul of iOS's shell may bring improvements, but for now, users must navigate the limitations of Apple's closed system.

    • IPad Pro: Powerful but not perfect for professionalsThe iPad Pro offers impressive features but falls short for professional use due to its limited file management system and underpowered third-party apps compared to desktops.

      While the iPad Pro offers impressive features like a high-quality display and powerful processor, it still falls short in certain areas for professional use. The lack of a robust file management system and the limitations of third-party apps compared to their desktop counterparts are major concerns. The iPad's simplicity, which has been a selling point, is now seen as a hindrance for creative professionals who require more powerful tools. However, for those who are content with consumption and entertainment, the iPad Pro is an excellent device. Apple needs to address these issues to make a stronger claim as a viable alternative to traditional computers for creative work. Despite some rough edges, the iPad Pro is a real product with great potential, but it's not yet the future of computing for everyone.

    • IPad Pro's software needs improvement to compete with laptopsThe iPad Pro's high price tag and lack of advanced features, such as multi-user support, make it a more complicated and less practical choice for consumers compared to laptops or even cheaper tablets.

      While the iPad Pro has impressive hardware and is a great accessory to a laptop, it falls short in comparison when it comes to multi-user support and software power. Critics, including trusted reviewers, have noted that the iPad Pro's software needs to become more powerful to compete with laptops. The iPad Pro's high price tag also raises expectations for advanced features, such as multi-user support, which are currently lacking. Despite its strengths, the iPad Pro's limitations make it a more complicated and less practical choice for consumers compared to laptops or even cheaper tablets. Ultimately, the iPad Pro is best suited as a complement to a laptop rather than a replacement. Apple, if it aspires to position the iPad Pro as a vision of the future of computing, needs to address these shortcomings and focus on improving the software and multi-user capabilities.

    • Hiring the Right Talent for a Mission-Driven BusinessEffectively hiring the right talent is crucial for mission-driven businesses, and tools like ZipRecruiter's candidate screening feature can help streamline the process.

      The discussion highlights the importance of finding the right talent for a business, especially when the mission is to make programming a universal skill for kids. Gretchen Hubner, the co-founder and head of product at Codable, shares how she used ZipRecruiter's candidate screening feature to hire a skilled game artist who perfectly fit their culture and mission. Apple's new MacBook Air was also reviewed, with debates over its processor and pricing compared to similar Windows laptops. However, the discussion concluded that MacBook Air users are unlikely to switch to Windows, making the pricing and power debate less significant. The key takeaway is that finding the right talent is crucial for businesses, and using effective tools like ZipRecruiter can help streamline the hiring process.

    • A significant improvement over the old MacBook AirThe new MacBook Air offers improved performance and design, but falls short in areas like screen technology and color gamut. Some users may find the new keyboard acceptable, while others may prefer more travel for heavy typing.

      The new MacBook Air, while not perfect, represents a significant improvement over the old model. Despite its limitations in areas like screen technology and color gamut, it is undeniably better for users who have been using the older MacBook Air. The keyboard, while different and quieter than previous generations, has not caused issues for some users, including Walt Mossberg, who was invited to the event and received a new MacBook Air. However, the lack of bird stickers was a concern for one user, and the keyboard's reduced travel may not be ideal for heavy typists. Overall, the new MacBook Air is a step forward, but it may not meet the high standards set by its predecessor.

    • New MacBook Air with retina screen, updated processor, and real speakersThe new MacBook Air boasts a retina screen, updated processor, and functional speakers, addressing major complaints from previous models, and the user is considering selling off older MacBooks.

      The new MacBook Air is a significant improvement from previous models, with a retina screen, up-to-date processor, and actual speakers. The speaker issue was a major complaint in the past. The user, who has a collection of older MacBooks, is impressed with the new MacBook Air and is considering selling off some of his collection. Apple's decision to release the iPad Pro and MacBook Air separately indicates that these product lines are on disparate paths. Apple attempted to combine the pro and consumer markets with the previous MacBook Pro, but it was not successful. The Mac business continues to be a significant revenue source for Apple, and recent changes in Mac policy suggest that Apple is refocusing on the Mac market. The Mac and iPad product lines may have different directions, but both are sincere products.

    • MacBook Air's evolution: Consumer-focused catch-up productApple's MacBook Air gets a thinner, lighter design but lacks groundbreaking features, catering to consumer demand for an affordable, portable laptop

      Apple's Mac lineup has seen some significant shifts in recent times. The once-popular Mac mini, which was a favorite among professionals and servers, has been overshadowed by the consumer-focused MacBook Air and the pro-oriented MacBook Pro. Apple attempted to phase out the MacBook Air, but its enduring popularity forced a rethink. The new MacBook Air, while an improvement in terms of size and weight, doesn't offer any radical new features beyond Touch ID. It's a catch-up product that addresses consumer demand for a thinner, lighter laptop without the high price tag of the MacBook Pro. While it's a worthy successor to the MacBook Air in many ways, it doesn't offer the same groundbreaking advancements that set the second-generation MacBook Air apart from the competition a few years ago. The future of the MacBook lineup remains to be seen, but it's clear that Apple is responding to market demands and consumer preferences.

    • Apple's Renewed Commitment to the MacApple introduces new Mac models and plans for ARM-based Macs, with improved hardware like the T2 chip enhancing security and positioning the Mac for continued success.

      Apple is showing renewed commitment to the Mac with potential advancements on the horizon. The introduction of new Mac models, such as the MacBook Air, and the rumored development of ARM-based Macs, indicate a shift in Apple's strategy. The T2 chip, which offers enhanced security and encryption capabilities, is an example of Apple's efforts to improve the Mac's hardware with custom silicon. This could position the Mac to regain its lead in the computer market or carve out a new niche, especially as innovation continues to focus on mobile devices like the iPad and iPhone.

    • MacBook Air's battery life falls short for demanding tasksThe MacBook Air's battery life is decent for basic use but falls short for power-intensive tasks due to higher resolution screen and more power-hungry processor, causing disappointment in loss of MagSafe and transition to USB-C, while hoping for USB-C's potential to reduce e-waste.

      The new MacBook Air's battery life is workload-dependent and falls short of Apple's claimed 12 hours for web browsing. The reviewer notes that for basic computer use, the battery life is decent, but for more demanding tasks, it drops significantly. The higher resolution screen and more power-hungry processor are contributing factors. The reviewer also expresses disappointment in the loss of MagSafe and the transition to USB-C, which they feel adds to the production of e-waste. Despite these concerns, they remain hopeful that the MacBook Air's potential popularity could help speed up the transition to USB-C and reduce the overall amount of electronic waste produced. However, they believe Apple's decision to keep the iPhone's Lightning port is not consumer-friendly.

    • Apple's Different Ports on iPhone and iPadApple's decision to keep Lightning ports on iPhone and switch to USB-C on iPad causes confusion and the need for multiple adapters. Tesla's board undergoes changes due to regulatory investigations.

      Apple's decision to stick with Lightning ports on the iPhone while moving to USB-C on the iPad is causing confusion and inconvenience for users. The lack of alignment between the two devices is leading to the need to carry multiple adapters. Apple missed an opportunity to switch the iPhone to USB-C with the iPhone 10, which could have signaled the future and made the transition smoother. Meanwhile, Tesla's board has undergone changes due to regulatory investigations. Robin Dunholm, who was already on the board, has been appointed as chair, and the board is expected to add new members to increase independence from Elon Musk. Tesla is currently dealing with subpoenas from the SEC and two DOJ probes, which could lead to a lengthy and exhausting documents process.

    • New Challenges for Tesla's Chairwoman Robin DenholmRobin Denholm, Tesla's new chairwoman, faces financial complexities in managing SpaceX's $750M loan and Tesla's $6B China investment, while dealing with Elon Musk's high-profile leadership distractions.

      Robin Denholm, the new chairwoman of Tesla, faces significant challenges as she navigates Elon Musk's complex business ventures. SpaceX is seeking a $750 million loan to fund its space internet and BFR projects, while Tesla plans to invest $6 billion in China operations. Denholm's role will involve managing these financial matters, as well as dealing with the distractions and potential dangers that come with Musk's high-profile leadership. Meanwhile, in the tech world, Apple's new iPad Pro comes with a USB-C hub that securely attaches to the device, addressing concerns about port placement and connectivity. Overall, these developments highlight the ongoing innovations and financial complexities in the tech and space industries.

    • Apple and Google's latest announcements cause confusion over connectivity capabilitiesApple's iPad Pro with USB-C only mirrors its display externally, while Google and Samsung push for seamless app experiences on foldable devices through screen continuity collaboration.

      Apple's new iPad Pro with USB-C3 port and Thunderbolt 3 MacBook Air are causing confusion due to their different connectivity capabilities. The iPad Pro can only mirror its display externally when connected, while the MacBook Air supports Thunderbolt and can handle external GPUs. Google and Samsung, on the other hand, are making strides in the foldable device market, with Google encouraging developers to support screen continuity for seamless app experiences on foldable devices. This is a new collaboration between the two tech giants, with Google taking a proactive approach to ensure compatibility and limit fragmentation. Apple's and Google's announcements highlight the ongoing advancements and challenges in the tech industry, particularly in the areas of portable devices and connectivity.

    • First company to release a foldable phone possibly using Samsung's resourcesRoyale's foldable phone could be an extension of a smartphone and a step towards a portable computer, with multiple factories capable of producing foldable screens at scale, leading to numerous companies joining the trend.

      Royale, a lesser-known tech company, was the first to release a foldable phone, possibly by taking advantage of resources at Samsung's manufacturing site. Although the technology might not be identical to Samsung's, it seems that a few factories have the capability to produce foldable screens at scale, leading to numerous companies jumping on the bandwagon. The foldable phone, with its multiple screens, could serve as an extension of a smartphone and a step towards a portable computer. The future of tech policy is uncertain with the recent US election results, potentially bringing changes to tech regulation.

    • New Governor in Wisconsin and Google Employee ProtestsA new governor in Wisconsin may bring policy shifts and Google employees protested against sexual harassment and discrimination.

      There have been significant changes in Wisconsin politics and in the tech industry. A new governor has been elected in Wisconsin, which may lead to policy shifts in the state. In the tech world, thousands of Google employees protested against a pervasive culture of sexual harassment and discrimination. Sukinder Singh Cassidy, the new president of StubHub and a champion for gender diversity in leadership roles, will be featured in an upcoming podcast episode. Additionally, Spencer Hall, from SB Nation, has a new podcast called "It Seems Smart" where he explores people doing seemingly smart things, some of which may not be legal or advisable. Listeners are encouraged to check out these podcasts and share their thoughts on social media.

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    Production : OUATCH Audio.

    Tags : 12, 13, 14, 15 et même 16 ! ; un iPad Pro de 14,1 pouces ? ; direction : Mars ; le puzzle du casque se met en place ; la nouvelle carte d'identité française bientôt intégrée à votre iPhone.

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    Benjamin VINCENT & la team #iweekLQI

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    Episode 15 (9th March 2018): You'll be Q-ing up for Samsung's new TVs

    Episode 15 (9th March 2018): You'll be Q-ing up for Samsung's new TVs
    This week on the Friday News Update: - Huawei announces three new Mediapad M5 tablets and the MateBook X Pro laptop at MWC 2018 - LG secretly shows off its upcoming G7 phone at MWC... but it's caught on camera with a 6" OLED screen, boombox speakers and a notch - OnePlus 6 rumoured pictures emerge, showing a notch and a glass back, plus it's benchmarked on AnTuTu and beats the iPhone X - Apple will apparently announce a cheaper HomePod and MacBook Air this year, as well as an exciting new iPad Pro this June - HiAssistant, Huawei's Google Assistant rival, could be coming soon - HTC U12 specs tweeted, will apparently be announced in June - LIFX light bulbs now work with Cortana - Google Duo now has video voicemails - Google release the first Android P Developer Preview - Samsung announce their QLED TVs for 2018 Get every episode of the Friday News Update with the Friday News Update Alexa Flash Briefing