
    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from history and addressing ethical implications of nuclear weaponsExploring the history of nuclear weapons development through 'Oppenheimer' while considering ethical implications and health consequences for downwinders and supporting efforts to mitigate nuclear risk.

      Learning from this conversation with Karl Robichaux is the ongoing threat of nuclear war and the importance of addressing the ethical implications and historical lessons of nuclear weapons use. We discussed the film "Oppenheimer," which provides a masterful portrayal of the history of nuclear weapons development but leaves out important details, such as the health consequences for downwinders and the massive engineering projects outside of Los Alamos that produced the fissile material. As we face a new nuclear arms race, it's crucial to learn from history and consider the ethical implications of our actions. The film serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of nuclear weapons and the need for private citizens and organizations to support efforts in mitigating nuclear risk. The Nuclear Risk Policy Fund, managed by Longview Philanthropy, is one such initiative that aims to address these issues. The ongoing threat of nuclear war remains a significant problem that requires our attention and action.

    • Oppenheimer's cognitive dissonance and the overlooked effects of nuclear weaponsThe film 'The Father of the Atomic Bomb' explores Oppenheimer's inner turmoil but neglects the second and third order effects of nuclear weapons, such as the victims of production and the aftermath of use in Japan.

      The film "The Father of the Atomic Bomb" focuses on Oppenheimer's perspective, skillfully portraying his cognitive dissonance towards the devastating consequences of his work. However, the film, like Oppenheimer, overlooks the second and third order effects of nuclear weapons, reflecting a collective failure of imagination. These effects, including the victims of nuclear production in the US and the aftermath of nuclear use in Japan, are essential parts of the nuclear age story that deserve attention. The film's sound design and auditorium scene effectively convey the destructive power of nuclear weapons, making it a brilliant storytelling achievement. My interest in nuclear weapons began in college through a course with Jonathan Schell, who opened my eyes to this hidden world that has shaped modern history for nearly 75 years. I was particularly influenced by Schell's book "The Fate of the Earth," which I discovered early in life. The ethical implications of the first and only use of nuclear weapons, by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is a complex issue that the film touches upon but leaves open for further discussion.

    • Decision to use the atomic bomb was not well-consideredThe decision to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not solely based on saving lives but also to demonstrate power to the Soviet Union and shape post-war balance.

      The use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II was not the well-considered strategic decision portrayed in post-war propaganda. The Truman administration framed the decision as a heavy-hearted choice to save American and Japanese lives, but in reality, the decision to use the bombs was made while plans for an invasion were still in place. The bombs were sent to local commanders in the Pacific with the intention of using both, and the decision to drop the second bomb on Nagasaki just three days after the first was not a well-considered strategic move. The primary reason for using the bomb so quickly was to demonstrate its power to the Soviet Union and shape the post-war balance. The decision to drop the bomb on civilian populations rather than as a demonstration in the ocean was due to concerns that a demonstration might not show the full magnitude of the weapon and could be retrieved by the enemy. The justification for saving lives through the use of the bomb was a post-hoc epiphany, and at the time, the primary concern was the potential loss of American lives in an invasion. The debate around the use of the bomb is treated briefly in the Oppenheimer film, but it's important to remember that the decision was not as clear-cut as the post-war narrative suggests.

    • The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: A Human Story and Historical ContextThe atomic bomb's development and use during WWII was influenced by a series of atrocities and the context of the time, changing the way it was viewed and highlighting its devastating consequences.

      The decision to use the atomic bomb during World War II was not made in a vacuum, but rather was the culmination of a series of atrocities and a period of scientific discovery. The bomb's development coincided with the descent of Europe into war and the commission of genocide and mass bombings on both sides. The human story of the survivors of Hiroshima, as told by journalist John Hersey, changed the way the weapon was viewed and highlighted the devastating consequences of its use. The context of the time also shows that the ethical risks of using the bomb seemed less extraordinary given the context of the war. It's important to remember the voices of survivors like Setsuko Thurlow and the full story behind the development and use of the atomic bomb.

    • The Nuclear Age: Blurred Moral Lines and Catastrophic RisksThe development and use of nuclear weapons during WWII introduced new levels of danger, compressing decision-making time and putting the world on the brink of catastrophic harm. Post-war, think tanks played a crucial role in shaping policy and understanding nuclear risk, with the Cuban Missile Crisis being a peak but not the only instance of danger.

      The development and use of nuclear weapons, starting with the atomic bomb, raised the stakes for global conflict and introduced new levels of danger to humanity. During World War II, the moral lines were blurred as the Allies responded to the evil actions of the Nazis with devastating firebombings and the development of the hydrogen bomb and intercontinental ballistic missiles. These technologies compressed decision-making time and put the world on the brink of catastrophic harm. After the war, think tanks like the Century Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation emerged as important players in shaping policy and understanding the complexities of nuclear risk. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 is often seen as the peak of nuclear danger, but recent revelations suggest it was even riskier than previously thought. Throughout history, the nuclear age has seen a constant ebb and flow of risk, with the need for continued vigilance and understanding.

    • The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Close Call for Nuclear WarDespite high-stakes brinkmanship and numerous opportunities for error, Kennedy's decision to avoid military action and negotiate for missile removal saved the world from nuclear war. Communication and restraint are crucial in avoiding nuclear conflict.

      Key takeaway from the Cuban Missile Crisis is that the world came closer to nuclear catastrophe than previously known. The crisis, which lasted 13 days, was marked by high-stakes brinkmanship and numerous opportunities for human and technical error. Black Saturday, October 27, 1962, stands out as the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. On this day, Castro urged Khrushchev to use nuclear weapons against the US, while Kennedy negotiated for the removal of Cuban missiles in exchange for the removal of US missiles from Turkey. Several incidents, including the shooting down of a U2 plane and the Soviet submarine crisis, could have led to a nuclear exchange. Kennedy's decision to accept Khrushchev's offer and avoid a military invasion was contrary to the advice of most advisers, who believed the US was in a stronger position. For many years, the public took away the lesson that demonstrating resolve at all costs was crucial, but the secret deal to remove Turkish missiles was only revealed decades later. The story of Vasili Arkhipov and the Soviet submarine crisis highlights the importance of communication and restraint in avoiding nuclear war.

    • Decisions of individuals averted nuclear disastersHistorically, individual leaders' decisions prevented nuclear catastrophes, but the potential for faulty data or pressure to act quickly raises ethical concerns, highlighting the need for improved decision-making systems.

      The avoidance of nuclear catastrophe throughout history has often hinged on the decisions of individual people, even low-level military personnel. The Cuban Missile Crisis was averted not by brinkmanship, but by Kennedy and Khrushchev recognizing their shared vulnerability and fear. However, the fact that crucial decisions about nuclear war have been left to individuals, including instances where faulty data nearly led to nuclear strikes, highlights the need to reconsider our systems of decision-making. The pressure on political leaders to make life-or-death decisions in a short timeframe is untenable and raises ethical concerns. The idea that a president would unleash genocidal retaliation in response to a perceived first strike is a terrifying prospect, and it's crucial that we move away from systems that put such power in the hands of a single person.

    • Preventing Unfettered Spread of Nuclear WeaponsThrough security guarantees, international law, export controls, counterproliferation, and norms, the world has prevented more countries from obtaining nuclear weapons than expected. Diplomacy, cooperation, and norms are crucial in managing nuclear threats.

      Despite the existence of a doomsday machine in the form of nuclear weapons, the world has managed to prevent their unfettered spread to more countries than initially imagined. This success story can be attributed to various reasons, including security guarantees, international law and export controls, counterproliferation through military action or sanctions, and the emergence of norms against nuclear weapons. The case of North Korea, which defied these trends, highlights the importance of deterrence and the challenges in dealing with rogue states. Overall, this discussion underscores the importance of diplomacy, international cooperation, and the power of norms in managing the threat of nuclear weapons.

    • Nuclear Weapons and Global GeopoliticsDespite international efforts, some countries continue to possess nuclear weapons, influencing global security dynamics. Potential threats like Iran and Saudi Arabia require ongoing attention, and the long-term goal should be a world free of these dangerous weapons.

      The presence of nuclear weapons in the hands of countries like North Korea and Pakistan has significantly influenced global geopolitics. These countries, despite facing economic sanctions and isolation, chose to acquire nuclear weapons as a means to ensure their security. The international system, including the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and US security assurances, has largely prevented the spread of nuclear weapons, but there are still potential threats, such as Iran and even countries like Saudi Arabia. The nuclear story is only 80 years old, and the future is uncertain. The most likely scenario is that we will continue to live with the risk of nuclear weapons, but it's crucial to consider the long-term consequences and the potential for a world free of these dangerous weapons.

    • Nuclear weapons systems and their vulnerabilitiesThe security of nuclear weapons depends on the weakest link in the chain, with aging infrastructure offering some protection but new digital systems introducing new cyber vulnerabilities. Efforts to reduce nuclear risk are crucial through diplomacy and technological advancements.

      The world's nuclear weapons systems, which are crucial for global security, are maintained on both old and new infrastructure, each with its own vulnerabilities. While the aging infrastructure might offer some protection against cyberattacks, the shift to digital systems introduces new cyber vulnerabilities. The danger lies in the fact that the security of these weapons ultimately depends on the weakest link in the chain, which could be any country's nuclear arsenal. Despite efforts to reduce nuclear risk through agreements and initiatives, the situation is currently deteriorating, with increasing tensions and threats between nuclear weapon states. The past shows that there have been instances where the ratchet of nuclear risk has gone in the opposite direction, but the current trend is concerning. It's crucial to acknowledge the risks and work towards reducing nuclear risk through diplomacy and technological advancements.

    • Rising Nuclear Tensions: Russia, Ukraine, and ChinaRussia's nuclear threats towards Ukraine and China's expanding arsenal pose significant risks for international peace, requiring diplomacy and strategic planning to prevent a nuclear standoff.

      We are currently facing heightened risks in international relations, particularly with the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the growing nuclear arsenal of China in the background. Russia's President Putin has made vague threats regarding nuclear weapons in the context of the Ukraine conflict, and there is concern that he may have a broader interpretation of when Russia would use nuclear weapons than stated in their official doctrine. The US and NATO have been cautious in their response, but it's unclear what the next steps would be if Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, China is in the process of significantly expanding its nuclear arsenal, which could lead to a three-way nuclear standoff. These developments underscore the need for careful diplomacy and strategic planning to avoid the risk of nuclear war.

    • Preserving Nuclear Taboo: Complex Decision Making and Far-Reaching ConsequencesThe nuclear taboo, which has existed for 78 years, benefits us all by preventing the use of nuclear weapons and preserving peace. It's important to recognize the value of this norm and work to preserve it, along with taboos around other weapons.

      The decision to use nuclear weapons, even in a war game scenario, is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences. Russia, despite seeing the conflict as existential, has not used nuclear weapons due to deterrence, reputation, and potential backlash from the international community. However, the use of nuclear weapons could lead to a new wave of interest and proliferation, or a rejection of their use altogether. This nuclear taboo, which has existed for the past 78 years, benefits us all and should be preserved. The same can be said for taboos around other weapons, such as chemical and biological weapons. The ethical considerations around the use of these weapons can be fragile and can shift once a line is crossed. It's important to recognize the value of these norms and work to preserve them.

    • Nuclear weapons and geopolitical tensions raise ethical concerns and risksThe use of nuclear weapons presents ethical dilemmas and the potential for increased tensions between the US and China over Taiwan could lead to catastrophic consequences.

      The use of nuclear weapons, despite efforts to limit their use with conventions against certain types of weapons, raises ethical concerns due to their inherently inhumane nature. The decision to develop and use such weapons involves planning for mass destruction, creating a great contradiction in the pursuit of national security. Regarding current geopolitical tensions, there is a growing concern that a potential war between the US and China could be over Taiwan. The US has become less equivocal about its commitment to defending Taiwan under the Biden administration, but this could lead to increased tensions and potential risks. Additionally, there are concerns about China's demographic situation and its desire to resolve the Taiwan issue during its current leadership. The complexities of these issues, including nuclear weapons and technological dependencies, make the situation a potential powder keg, with the risk of misinformation and disinformation adding to the uncertainty.

    • Integrating AI into Nuclear Infrastructure: Risks and ChallengesThe integration of AI into nuclear infrastructure raises concerns about misinformation and potential human obsolescence in decision-making. Collaboration and finding a balance between digital and human systems is crucial to minimize risks.

      The integration of AI into nuclear infrastructure raises significant concerns, particularly regarding the potential for misinformation and the possibility of humans becoming mere button pushers in the decision-making process. The increasing reliance on AI for processing and interpreting data could lead to a slippery slope where humans delegate nuclear decisions to algorithms, which could have dire consequences. The challenge lies in creating a system that ensures safety and security without relying on time-pressured decisions that could potentially harm the world. It's crucial for global powers to collaborate and find a solution that acknowledges the limitations of both digital and human systems in making high-stakes decisions. At present, it seems implausible to suggest abandoning the use of nuclear weapons altogether, given the heightened tensions and the possession of these weapons by various countries. Instead, the focus should be on developing a system that minimizes the risks associated with the use of AI in nuclear infrastructure.

    • Addressing Nuclear Risks: Collective Recognition and ActionRecognize unacceptable nuclear risks, seek safer ways to reduce arsenals, and work towards collective security. Philanthropy supports research, advocacy, and funding for nuclear disarmament, but private citizens must amplify these efforts.

      The global community needs collective recognition and action to address the unacceptable risks posed by nuclear weapons to humanity and nations. This involves acknowledging the issue, seeking safer ways to reduce nuclear arsenals, and working towards greater mechanisms of collective security. Nuclear deterrence, while stabilizing nuclear conflicts between major powers, has come at the cost of pushing conflicts elsewhere and creating a world of anxiety and fear. Philanthropy plays a crucial role in supporting the work of scientists, activists, and NGOs to audit government activities, set the tone, and provide much-needed funding for research and advocacy in this field. However, funding for nuclear disarmament efforts is dwindling, making it essential for private citizens to support these initiatives and amplify their voices.

    • Funding for NGOs working on nuclear weapons insufficientDespite their crucial role, NGOs working on nuclear weapons face significant funding gaps. Longview Philanthropy aims to fill this gap with a new fund, emphasizing the importance of addressing nuclear risks.

      The funding for non-governmental organizations working on nuclear weapons and risk reduction is significantly insufficient, with estimates suggesting around $30 million in total annual spending. Despite the significance of this issue, the MacArthur Foundation recently decided to stop funding this area. This is concerning as these organizations play a crucial role in shaping policies and providing essential voices of scholars, scientists, and activists. Longview Philanthropy is launching a nuclear weapons policy fund to address this issue, and it's important for everyone to consider adding nuclear weapons to their portfolio of concerns, whether through financial contributions or advocacy. The threat posed by nuclear weapons requires continued attention and political space for negotiations between major world powers to reduce shared risks.

    • Making a Difference in Nuclear Disarmament: Government Roles and Civil SocietyExplore various paths to make a difference in nuclear disarmament, from government roles for direct impact and skill development to civil society for support, critique, and cooperation. Examples include Bruce Blair and Rose Gottmiller.

      There are numerous ways individuals can make a difference in reducing the risk of nuclear weapons, from financial support to pursuing education and careers in related fields. The speaker emphasizes the importance of both government officials and civil society in addressing this complex issue. Government roles offer opportunities for direct impact and skill development, while civil society plays a crucial role in providing support, critique, and opening doors for cooperation. Examples of impactful individuals include Bruce Blair, a truth-teller on nuclear command and control, and Rose Gottmiller, who transitioned between government and civil society to become a key negotiator. The speaker encourages those interested in making a difference to explore various paths, from financial contributions to pursuing education and careers, and engaging in civil society to support and critique government efforts.

    • The dangers of unchecked scientific advancementThe film 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' highlights the importance of wisdom and international cooperation in managing scientific advancements to prevent catastrophic consequences.

      That the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" serves as a powerful reminder of the potential dangers of unchecked scientific advancement and the responsibility of scientists in society. The film's themes of scientific expertise being sidelined in the public sphere and the consequences of creating something we can't fully control resonate strongly today with issues surrounding nuclear weapons, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence. The film's portrayal of the first nuclear test and the potential for catastrophic consequences highlights the importance of wisdom and international cooperation in managing these technologies. Oppenheimer's character in the film grapples with the implications of their actions, and while the number of nuclear weapons today is alarming, the international systems built to regulate them reflect a degree of progress and wisdom. Overall, the film's message about the need for wisdom and international cooperation in managing scientific advancements remains relevant today.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    ep120-5 啟示錄三14~22 老底嘉教會-普世合一運動,自由主義,福音派興起,重點整理 galigongbible

    ep120-5 啟示錄三14~22 老底嘉教會-普世合一運動,自由主義,福音派興起,重點整理 galigongbible
    🔳galigongbible最新單輯於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈 🔳節目奉獻連結 Donate by SoundOn || https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b5160802-3786-4511-821f-01a05221c602 🔳社群平台 Line社群---https://reurl.cc/3Ng69O FaceBook---https://reurl.cc/8yd6VR Telegram--- https://t.me/galigongbible 🔳播送平台 MixerBox || https://www.mixerbox.com/podcast/1384900 Apple || https://reurl.cc/0OnVeo Google || https://reurl.cc/Xk9kM0 Spotify || https://reurl.cc/Xk3713 SoundOn || https://reurl.cc/OqLg1D Youtube || https://reurl.cc/oQMGlj 🔳前情提要 馬丁路德,加爾文歸正時期後,唯獨聖經的正統主義時期使教會死氣沉沉, 社會開始發展以「我」為出發點,主觀的敬虔運動,發展人的主觀 高於上帝(=聖經)的主觀 反正統主義運動=敬虔運動,也推動法國的啟蒙運動及歐洲大陸理性主義,看不見無法驗證就是迷信: 神學為對抗理性主義而融合的自然神論,但自然神論也被正統主義視為歧路。 接著,在英國不屬任何派別的自由講道者在街頭領眾人歸向福音,使各宗派興起, 如:約翰 衛斯理,克理威廉,慕勒,戴德生,司布真,慕迪,宣信,王明道,宋尚節,倪柝聲等 因為理性主義抬頭,透過航海及造船術發展,天主教在16世紀以西,葡為首,把天主教及殖民地傳至北美,中南美洲及非洲,而新教落後天主教1個世紀分別在17-18世紀,透過荷蘭及英國把福音及殖民地帶到中南半島,印度及東非,日本,韓國,中國及台灣,遠東地區的地極之處。 在歐洲大陸上,進而發展多角化事工形態 例如 音樂 ex 巴哈 社福機構:國際型超宗派、跨宗派或無宗派的福音機構合作工作 ex 救世軍 卜維廉(William Booth) 教育:兒童主日學,YMCA, YWCA ex 羅伯爾﹒銳克斯(Robert Raikes) 政治:廢除奴隸制度 ex 韋伯福斯 翻譯:聖經翻譯的語言2000種以上 ex 瑪麗﹒瓊斯 以新約教會時間為分界 對照福音傳播區域 以弗所:以色列,土耳其,希臘 士每拿: 別迦摩:羅馬帝國-意大利,法蘭西,英國,西班牙,北非,埃及,以色列,亞美尼亞,土耳其,巴爾幹半島 推雅推喇:分解的羅馬帝國 - 俄羅斯,北歐,東歐,神聖羅馬帝國(德,捷) 撒狄:英國清教徒乘五月花號至美國 非拉鐵非:16世紀天主教-西班牙+葡萄牙,17世紀新教-荷蘭+英國,地極=遠東(台灣,日本),中國,印度,爪哇,鍚蘭,非洲,北美及中南美,紐澳 回想✅徒一:耶穌:領受聖霝之後,要在耶路撒冷,猶大全地,撒瑪利亞,直到「地極」(日本,台灣,菲律賓…),成為我的「見證人」。 🔳十九、二十世紀的難題 十九世紀時,基督信仰在三方面受到挑戰: 科學方面有進化論﹔ 哲學方面有非傳統的世界觀,想廢棄對上帝的信仰﹔ 歷史方面則有戴著假面具的聖經批判學。 如果能証明聖經的真理有問題,那么基督信仰就站不住腳了。 啟蒙運動 - 理性主義全盛時期 - 科學與哲學牽動神學 1、科學方面: 1859 年,達爾文出版了《物種的起源》。人真是猴子演化過來的嗎?“進化論”就是這樣認為的。但更重要的是,他們為什麼那樣說?這種說法背後的理論,暗示世界並不是由計劃周詳、聰明智慧、充滿愛心的造物主創造的。反之,所有動植物都是自然演化、適者生存的結果。上帝成了一個「假設」,而且是「不必要的」。基督教領袖中,司布真斷言進化論是駭人聽聞的錯誤,這給取笑了20年。也有信徒表示同意進化論。 👉若猴子該被逃汰,為何今天的猴子還是猴子?大家想一想 👉道理,原理,真理,通常只差一點點 2、哲學方面 - 德國哲學興起 科學與宗教的爭辯,是維多利亞時代中期 英國人討論的中心,也是整個19世紀在德國的許多大學裡辯論的重點。事實上,早在19世紀開始前,康德(1724─ 1804)就已經提出挑戰。從前,哲學曾主張上帝的存在 可以用各種理性論証來証明,康德把這些全部推翻(理性主義)。他認為 人的頭腦的能力 只能了解在周圍看得見的、在時空裡存在的東西,我們一旦想知道存在時空能見的物體 以外任何種實體,因為無法理解,就會遇到各種各樣的矛盾﹔因此,我們要連貫完整地理解上帝是不可能的。康德認為如果上帝要發生任何作用,那只能在道德範疇內。在那裡,上帝是必需的。人的理性 是我們唯一的權威和指引。康德開始了一場辯論:存在這個時空中的我們,頭腦既受局限,我們的語言又如此有限,我們應該怎樣來認識上帝呢? 👉不可知論者 的上帝 👉魚缸內的魚,怎能了解養魚的我呢? 👉但,我們卻又認同科學家提出的宇宙概念,這是怎麼回事兒? 👉人,真的很矛盾 戰勝康德是19世紀思想家一心一意想要做的事。在神學裡,弗里德里希·士來馬赫 尋找一個新方法,一方面接受康德對已有的上帝存在論証的批評,同時也承認他對人類思想能力有限的看法。士來馬赫的答案,是把神學建立在宗教經驗的基礎上,稱所有宗教信仰的核心是一種絕對的依靠感。(=原則) 👉絕對依靠感=因信稱義? 黑格爾(1770─1831)不從個人的“我”出發,而從絕對的“我”開始。現實是“絕對精神”的彰顯。上帝是“世界精神”,可在 時空的演進深處發現他。世界 是上帝的顯示。這套說法的終極產物是一個有活力的泛神論。 而黑格爾原本是透過某個貴族取得助學金進修神學,神學讀了一半,轉而研究哲學,因為當時哲學推著神學跑,使黑格爾放棄神學。 這些不同的哲學探討,對人們認識耶穌基督留有影響。 在康德的著作里,在基督教新派神學裡,耶穌只是一位開明的道德教師。 👉能看到,摸到的老師 在德國的士來馬赫 和黑格爾的著作裡,耶穌只是存在人間的屬天精神最高表現,是上帝為了達致神人合一的代理人。 👉耶穌是人間精神最高表現 黑格爾的學生 費爾巴哈,把老師的哲學倒轉了過來。費爾巴哈認為絕對精神就是“自然”。人類所依靠 和感到有所依靠的 只是自然。上帝是我們自己經過淨化和解除所有束縛後 本性的投影。人類對上帝的知識 也只是關於我們自己的知識。 👉自然=上帝把世界造好,任其發展;神學=人類學,發展自然神學(世界像一個發條玩具) 馬克思不僅摒棄了黑格爾,也摒棄了費爾巴哈。馬克思認為絕對精神與自然都不是現實的基礎,現實的基礎只能在物質中找,因此人類的歷史只是人與物質的關係史,歷史也毫不留情地向共產主義社會方向發展。 👉理性主義,唯物論 尼采(1844─1900)是更加個人主義的無神論者。尼采自認為“上帝已死”。既然上帝已死,人類必須獨立行動。我們必須逐漸制定我們自己的規律和價值觀念。基督教珍視的德行必須拋棄,因為這些道德觀維護弱者和病人的利益。現在需要的是重新評估所有的價值,並建立起一種意志,把這些新價值觀強加於他人,不管他們願不願意。 👉理性主義,上帝已離開我們,我們要自立自強,愛人如己變成汰弱留強,人及唯物論 丹麥作家齊克果(1813─1855)過世後,在20世紀他的著作被譯成外文,世人才認識到他的真正的重要性。齊克果憎惡制度,深知利用上帝蒙混世人的危險。齊克果認為 我們永遠不要忘記上帝存在於不同的層次,和我們不同。所以想用理性論証來証明他的存在是愚蠢的。我們能直接認識的 只是一個影像的標誌,不是活的上帝。上帝要將自己啟示給人,人才能知道他,在新約時,上帝透過耶穌基督讓你認識他(舊約時 上帝已試著讓人認識他)。耶穌帶有人的形象,用人的語言和我們說話,裡面的上帝(=上帝的霝魂)藏在基督的肉身裡來到我們中間。今天的我們憑著信心也可以認識他。真正有價值的信心是願意為上帝犧牲一切,作他的門徒。 👉制度:教皇利用平信徒看不懂聖經蒙混世人,一樣的事 👉相信裡面的上帝在耶穌裡面,齊克果說的 👉脫離羅馬教廷控制及十字軍東征帶來的希臘古典文學,由文藝復興開始,到現代主前時開始加速,一直到今天,歐洲及世界的理論,一直處於百家爭鳴的階段 🔳聖經批判學: 聖經批判學原為基督徒所提出,是出於對聖經的尊重而產生的更深度的研究,以更好的說明聖經的偉大。但後來的發展卻成了懷疑學者們的天下,變成了對聖經本身的批判。 👉的確,除了新約作者透過記憶寫下本文,猶太社會中鄉野傳說,還有很多後人自行「補充」,自然很多地方對不起來,自然成為聖經批判者口中的迷信 隨著十九世紀的開展,舊約越來越受到攻擊。一般認為族長亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各都是神話人物,或是與特別姓名有關聯的部落的名字。許多人懷疑世上真有過摩西這個人。 其中最有影響力的經文批判家威爾浩生(1844─1918)認為,希伯來的宗教的發展,先有游牧時代的原始故事,然後成為耶穌降生以前幾個世紀中制度化了的儀式主義。他說已找到的舊約律法的許多來源,可以推溯到以色列歷史的不同階段。具有這種觀點的學者,把舊約當作拼湊品,其形狀與組織都受有外來的影響。 但是聖經批判的中心問題與基督這個人物有關。探索“歷史上的耶穌”,也就是新約神學後面的耶穌到底是怎樣一個人,可以推溯到18世紀英國的自然神學。在這個傳統裡的德國作家中有個來馬魯斯,他把耶穌當作加利利一個老老實實的教師,不得善終,因為 他教人如何修養做個好人的時候,滲入了天國的觀念,意在建立一個以上帝為王的新國家。他被釘十字架後,門徒編造了耶穌復活還要再臨的故事。他說整件事是個騙局,目的在取得物質上的好處。 另外一個持懷疑態度的是史特勞斯。他在《耶穌生平》裡,把四本福音書所有超自然行為和涉及耶穌是救世主的部分,一概斥為神話。 教過史特勞斯的包珥(1792─1860)提出一個假設,認為初期教會中,彼得(他教導的一派贊成猶太教嚴守律法的主張)和保羅(他領導的一派保持比較寬鬆的希臘風格,不大重視律法和猶太教的禮儀)之間有劇烈的沖突。根據這個臆測,包珥斷定新約中哪些卷是真的。凡是沒有反映他的假設的,都被認為是日後的作品。這樣一來,保羅書信中只有四封是真的:《羅馬書》、《加拉太書》、《哥林多前後書》。(=其他都是假文件=偽經) 並不是所有十九世紀對聖經的學術研究都是負面。他們對新約的文字和歷史背景的考據,使我們對聖經的真意義有了更多的了解。來特佛特 對新約時代以後早期基督教文獻的研究,証明包珥 把新約某些書的著作年代推後的說法不能成立。他考據出新約各卷書在一世紀末已全部寫成。考古學也証實聖經所載史料的詳實。學者對羅馬帝國地理和考古學的研究,証明路加所寫《使徒行傳》的記述全屬事實。 進化論、哲學、聖經批判學的出現,曾令教會一度難以招架。因為對許多人來說,這些新意見好像指出,人只是高一級的人猿﹔哲學讓人看到宇宙萬物只是物質﹔聖經批判學令人以為聖經根據的是一大堆幻像。但是,一如在過去所屢見不鮮的,因為有反對聲音,教會才能更進一步找出解答。 🔳二十一世紀的新問題 這些問題與其說是二十一世紀的新問題,不如說是二十世紀人類對"自身哲學"的一些更正。這些問題體現在哲學上的後現代主義,宗教相關的新紀元運動。 (一)後現代主義 : 1、名稱 說起“後現代”就讓人想起“現代”。這幾個時代各有所重,對當代的影響也是全面的。 “現代主義”則抬高人的理性,尋求客觀事實,且以科學知識衡量一切。如剛才所提:達爾文進化論,哲學興起,馬克斯共產主義,歷史主軸的真實性等。 現代主義盛行約兩百年(1789-1989),從巴黎巴士底監獄被攻破(法國大革命)到柏林牆倒塌,時間上來說,後現代主義是指現代主義死亡後的歷史。後現代主義是一群”法國人"受德國哲學家黑格爾(Martin Heidegger)的影響而推動的思潮。 👉回憶前幾輯:擋下阿拉伯大軍在都爾,不繳教廷貢金,開啟教皇大分裂,加爾文出生地,啟蒙時期,及後現代主義,都是由「法國」開始 到了"後現代”,則調低人”理性"的份量,捨棄唯一客觀事實存在的可能。全然的客觀事實解體,取而代之的是「群體詮釋」成為事實,以信息科技為主。網絡上的眾聲喧嘩,就是後現代的最典型現象。 👉電視新聞媒體治國/水軍/網軍/網路封鎖ex 中國牆 2、後現代主義的影響 後現代主義的影響面相當廣泛,簡單來說,可分為六方面: 1)傳統價值觀的解構 - 解構絕對 "解構"一詞是"建構"的顛覆。 後現代主義出現,一切價值觀被解構,使得”倫理"很難講對錯,一切成了”相對",失去絕對(ex 紅線不能停車,白線可以停車,但黃線呢?看狀況)。而且多元化,很多立場可以同時並存,所謂價值觀,全憑個人品味來取捨,憑個人參與來詮釋。 現代主義時期的基督徒必須理性的面對無神論的挑戰,辯証“上帝存在或不存在?”。後現代的問題 則不再只是“有沒有神”,而是“哪一位神”。傳福音在後現代的困難也是我們的“絕對”立場:絕對只有一位神、要順服、不能墮胎、不可奸淫……什麼都絕對!(就是要這樣!教會/牧師就是對的!聖經無誤論!)!這與後現代的價值多元化很不融洽。這也使得基督教在後現代這講究開放與多元化,不強求別人與己認同的大環境下顯得“封閉、狹窄、格局小”。這成為教會今天要面對的最大挑戰。 2)社會邊緣與中心的顛覆 後現代主義認為,現代主義時的世界 被西方思潮主導,邊緣與弱勢的族群 被同化,或被壓抑,或被暴力殲滅,所以後現代主義要顛覆所謂的中心和邊緣。 👉理性主義以自我發展為中心,又回到社會責任嗎?不是,而是藉題找到認同及存在感? 很多原本是主流思想的現變成邊緣,原來邊緣的又漸成主流。所以文化中再也沒有所謂的邊緣與中心,只有不同的中心。傳統中的制度:政治、宗教、家庭與都被視為基礎,漸被推向邊緣,要被解放──即自由主義。過去的弱勢群體與邊緣文化,如:同志主義(同性戀)、女性主義等開始發聲,爭取地位。 在這種思潮影響下,一些傳統的宗教、家庭制度不再被看重(同居,容易結/離婚),宗教、家庭原有的束縛力/道德黃線被瓦解,原本社會輿論、千夫所指的“大逆不道”現已不再存在,全成為小逆,而且談不上“不道德”。 👉弱勢群體:物質,心霝,關係,結構,社群 ex 復古,台語,客語,歌仔戲,原住民語/文化 👉去中心化,虛擬貨幣,區塊鍊,社群平台,媒體平台(youtube,抖音,小紅書,dcard,line,podcast) 3)身份認同的問題 後現代主義因有許多的解構,使“自我”也變得不確定。沒有不變的具體不變的自我,這一分鐘與下一分鐘的我,是否是同一個我?歷史記載的林肯是真正的林肯嗎?……所以出現了對身份的探討。 也有許多文學在探討尋找自我,但尋找的方式是用情欲,好像人要透過對自己情欲的啟蒙、徹悟,才可以了解自己、找到自己。像現在的“同志文學”、“女性文學”都是走這一路線,都脫離不了自己的肚臍眼講話。 👉透過工具尋找我是誰,定位自己:DISC,九型人格,透過fb小遊戲分析自己,或是cosplay成為另一個定位 4)人性的縮減與神化 關於人性的問題,基督教強調 人是神所創造的,是神 所看重的,人墮落後需要神的救贖。 👉ex 兒子是我生的,兒子走偏我要帶他回我認為的正路,待兒子長大成熟,父親希望兒子能自我管理。 後來,社會學開始有人提出“制約論”、“自然發展論”。 後現代主義則流行 “極簡主義”,把人簡化成有許多共同性、如同求生存的機器 或是商品,盲目且機械化、沒有獨特性,也沒有內在生活與做決定的力量。人被簡化成好似一條黑線畫出的身體,上頂一個圓圈的頭(=火柴人)。或是如同時裝店櫥窗里的模特,開始變成面目模糊、甚至沒有頭的鋼絲圈。人被視為在沒有意義之下的意外產物。 但在另一方面,人卻又被視為神,認為自己是道德宇宙的作者,是對與錯的創造者。而且隨著人被神聖化,自戀與自我中心也愈來愈明顯。 👉兩極:是否 自我膨脹外溢 形成 對外界的人權忽視? 👉簡化的懶人包 5)歷史主線的解構 後現代認為,原來的歷止主線敘述是跋扈的,含排斥原則,不能代表真相,不能為邊緣人民發聲,所以原來的歷史主線,如:基督教、馬列主義等都被視為具極權危險性,是可怕的幻象。所以,後現代講究 不要對極權制度妥協,也不對社會制度妥協。同時英雄的定義也變成是那些教導我們超越傳統、進入史無前例、脫離一切制度、進入自由的叛逆英雄。在表達方面,後現代否定歷史,而看重個人故事的特色。各式傳記、回憶錄,成為人們學習真理的資源。 👉歷史是勝利者與我無關的故事,我只想要聽的故事,ex 哈利王子的自傳大賣,黛安娜王妃生前的錄音帶 6)藝術形式的解構 後現代時期「真理的客觀現實都變弱了」,唯有藝術地位卻被提升,講求真、善、美的主觀現實,而且強調思維受形象、氛圍的影響。象徵、意象、圖畫與語言,在形成價值觀與態度上扮演重要的角色。 Ex ppap,江南大叔,小雞嗶嗶 Ex rap很有內容,但不看歌詞看不懂;3分鐘讀完百年孤寂 Ex 教會詩歌/氛圍很感人,是否真實不重要,群體和我的認知最重要,感覺對了,就對了 後現代藝術挑戰一般人所認識的世界,「容許」非理性、神秘主義、屬靈的成分進入,藝術有了指向神聖真理的機會,而另一個世界開始有存在的可能。所以後現代哲學容許以不同形式的幻想來呈現思想,而且是結合現實與奇幻的形式。如超人、哈利波特、魔戒、復仇者聯盟等,都是同時候跨越兩個世界,自然與超自然並存。 👉自然與超自然 2022彩虹媽媽:細胞防衛隊 👉神韻 廣告;seafood 👉netflix 印度:異狂國度,美國猶他:keep sweet 乖乖聽話,巴西:上帝的約翰 再者原有的藝術是寫實與敘述性的,描寫這個世界是什麼樣子。現被解構,後現代藝術認為,文學不再是現實的偽造,而是語言的遊戲。為了呈現作者看到的世界是荒謬的,文字、句法與故事都用荒謬形式來表達,語不成句、或敘述跳來跳去、故事沒有情節。有時候作者在故事中現身,有時候在故事中敘述作者怎樣寫書。 👉抖音,fb,小紅書,短影片 (二)新世紀運動 NEW AGE 兩個主要思想: (1)整個宇宙觀是走回了泛神論的路線,就是泛神論的哲學思想。它的基本架構是“宇宙就是上帝,上帝就是自然”。對整個世界的解釋,是把神和世界統一化,以“神就是自然,自然就是神”來建立他們的思想。 (2)在人觀方面,新紀元運動採取濃厚的「神秘主義思想」,特別是反抗邏輯和理性思想的那種超自然的範疇。它把20世紀初期“凡不合理的,我都不相信”,“凡科學不能証明的,都不存在”那些邏輯實証論,理性主義曾經提出的完全丟掉。這個運動對人性隱蔽的潛能產生了無限的興趣! 新紀元運動與後現代主義不盡相同。 後現代主義是文化頂層的運動,新紀元運動是普世許多階層共同接受的一種神秘運動,基督教變成另一種佛教、印度教的修行。新紀元運動中提倡“我就是神”的精神,主張人本、自助、內在和潛意識的發揮 (類成功神學),也類似佛教 “人人都有佛性”的說法。 👉What Would Jesus Do?歌曲:耶穌在我裡面,嗎?我是耶穌?耶穌代言人?人人都有基督性?基性?耶性? 👉提出問題,目前沒有答案:霝修?禁食禱告?方言禱告?按手後倒地抖動?我也想擁有醫治人的能力?我也想要成為耶穌,嗎? 新紀元運動目前的主要表現形式有:占卜、通靈 (或說 屬霝成份)。 占卜在古今中外有很多不同的方法,它表達了人類趨吉避凶的天性,使占卜在新紀元圈子裡大行其道。目前流行的占卜方法有:占星術、掌相學 、風水 、碟仙、易經 等。聖經中對占卜有明文禁止,“你們中間不可有占卜的、觀兆的……”✅申十八10。 👉父本是就是個霝,可知禱告,也是通霝的一種,只是耶穌給我們有限的工具,要透過他的名 ❓抽經文卡,翻聖經,發經文紅包是不是呢?你可想想 通靈是指”人”和"物質世界以外"的現實層面或空間傳達通訊的活動(也就是理性主義反對的部份)﹔是一個有肉體實質的人,獲得據稱是來自另外一個空間的資料通訊。簡單的說,就是聖經✅申十八10-11 所言的“交鬼”。 聖經說,“撒但也裝作光明的天使”✅林後十一14,所以魔鬼在新紀元運動中以好些出人意外的方式出現,此為明顯的邪靈偽裝。如“導靈”,新紀元人物交鬼的時候,鬼魂提供指導或資料,所以他們習慣稱這些靈體為“導靈” ﹔“亡魂”,在通靈場合中,邪靈通常以死人靈魂的方式出現﹔“大自然靈體”,英國的分韓(Findhorm)是一個新紀元團體,以園藝成功而著名,認為自然界的一花一草都是不同的靈體所管理,如果在冥想中和這些大自然靈體來往,他們可以告訴你怎樣幫助園中各物生長﹔等等。 👉霝若附在牧師上,一樣有超自然能力,你看的出來是聖霝?還是鬼呢? 👉或者你認為,根本沒有聖霝附體這事兒,都是演出來的呢?理性主義:這個人瘋了,新世紀運動:很難說 (寧可信其有) 🔳🔳普世合一運動 十九與二十世紀可以說是全球整合的時期。科技的發展、交通工具的進步,使人得以輕易地征服自然的屏障,與原為海洋分割開來的民族和文化接觸。不過,在民族之間一套和平公義的相處規則尚未訂立以前,跨民族和文化的接觸基本上是以暴力征服來進行的,吞滅與弱肉強食是唯一的遊戲規則。歐洲國家的海外擴張,占領或控制了全球七成的土地和人口(=殖民主義)。 十九世紀也是基督教擴張的一個重要時期,憑借信奉基督教的歐美諸國的各方面優勢,基督教在不到兩個世紀裡,已差派數十萬傳教士,足跡遍及世界大部分的角落。基督信仰逐漸演變成普世性的宗教。因應基督教普世化的要求、不同國家的教會信徒互相整合的要求,各種形式的“普世合一運動”便應運而生。這包括召開國際性的基督教會議,招聚不同地區的基督教領袖彼此溝通和認識,設立常設聯絡機構,訂立各種合作計劃,共同促進福音使命或某些基督教理想等。 🔳基督教青年會 基督教青年會( Young Men’s Christian Association,簡稱YMCA)與後來的“基督教女青年會YWCA ”的設立,是一項針對青年的需要而開展的事工。1844年,威廉斯(George Williams, 1821-1905)在倫敦創辦青年會,初衷在改善工人的屬靈境況,及後擴大為對人的身、心、靈各方面的全面照顧,各國亦爭相仿效推展這事工。 1895年 8月17日,在基督教青年會的同工推動和影響下,世界基督徒學生聯盟(WSCF)在瑞典瓦士敦納城堡(Vadstena Castle)舉行成立典禮。 世界基督徒學生聯盟原為一個致力推動宣教工作和普世合一運動的學生組織,它鼓勵和推動各地學生參與門徒訓練,從而投身宣教工作,亦為來自不同宗派和地域的學生提供一個國際性的交流和表達意見的渠道。它也可說是1921年成立的“國際宣教協會”(International Missionary Council)和1948年成立的“普世基督教協會”(World Council of Churches)的前身。 🔳愛丁堡國際宣教會議 1910 年,世界宣教會議在愛丁堡(Edinburgh)舉行。 會議後設立了“續行委員會”,以保持在愛丁堡所獲的成就,促成了1921年成立的“國際宣教協會” (International Missionary Council),其第一任主席即為美國衛理公會的信徒穆德。此協會的會員主要是各國各地區的”超宗派"的宣教組織,如德國的“福音宣教委員會”,北美的“國外宣教會議”等。協會鼓勵各後進教會,特別如印度、中國、日本、近東等地,發展全國性的“基督教協進會”(National Christian Councils)。 🔳基督教協進會 受愛丁堡會議定的影響,教會產生了“生活與工作委員會”和“信仰與教制委員會”。1937年,決議將上述兩委員會聯合成“普世基督教協會”,且於1938年成立“普世基督教協會”的臨時委員會。 1948年,普世基督協會在荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹正式成立, 毫無疑問,普世合一運動是一個偉大的基督教運動,一些擁有時代敏銳觸覺的基督徒,努力使基督教走向一個全球化的新紀元。他們關懷信仰在現世的有效性,實踐基督教的合一要求。但與此同時,為了促使不同地域不同群體的基督徒走在一起,過分強調雙方的分歧,只會使對話 或合一成為不可能,他們不得不將基督教信仰大幅度「簡化」,還原至與不信幾乎毫無差異的地步。這種回避傳統及教義的態度,將基督教掏空了,正是它們的容納性過強,信仰成了一切美好事物的代名詞,成為 普世基督教協會 最為人詬病之處。 👉普世教協,天主教,推動信仰合一 到了二十世紀初年,在現代主義思想潮流中,教會信仰方面也興起了一股“現代神學”的思潮,這種自由主義和人本的神學思想對當時的教會影響甚大。普世基督教協會裡面 也慢慢讓這種思想成為主導。教協所發揮、傳達出來的信息與影響,就依附著這種自由主義的神學思想。結果正統教會裡就出現一個對抗運動,另外形成了一個基督教組織。 🔳洛桑會議-傳福音為“首要的” 福音派人士於1966年在柏林召開“世界福音會議 World Congress of Evangelicalism”,1974年七月在瑞士洛桑召開“普世福音化國際會議 International Congress of World Evangelization”。會上成立了“世界福音委員會”。在會議結束的當天發表“洛桑信約”,強調在基要真理上尋求合一,在普世宣教上同心協力。並且強調了”傳福音”和”社會責任"兩者同樣是教會的主要使命。 1976 年,也就是大會之後兩年,洛桑世界福音委員會Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization)在墨西哥聚集。決議之一是成立神學工作小組和策略工作小組,後者由華格納(Peter Wagner)主持,前者由斯托得(John Stott)主領。 1980年,世界福音諮商會議在泰國芭提雅 (Pattaya)召開,這是一次大型的諮商會議。策劃委員會劃分十七個小組,各自負責一個未得福音群體,也都各自發表一份報告。另外,每天晚上有一場全體出席的腦力激盪會議。芭提雅宣言重申對”傳福音”與”社會行動"的承諾,但是一如洛桑信約,都以傳福音為“首要的”,這樣聲明的理由是「因為“在人類所有悲劇當中,沒有比與造物主疏遠,以及因拒絕‘悔改和相信’而進入可怕的永死更大的不幸了」。” 自第一次洛桑會議以後,教會在聯合的浪潮底下出現兩大陣營: 一個是以人本思想作為指導的, 一個是以福音為方向、以聖經為權威的。 “洛桑”會議,已經成立福音派立足的精神所在。 👉其實也別太在意什麼派別,現在各宗派其實已經全混在一起了 🔳重點整理 現代主義 - 十九~二十世紀 科學,哲學,歷史/聖經批判興起,造成理性主義,唯物論的現代主義,而神學的解釋,都依當時對聖經批判,被動的 跟著當時思想潮流起舞。(你提問,教會就解釋) 1989年後,後現代主義-解構主義(一部份是對的,重組) 以自我為起點懷疑絕對(反對絕對),否定當權者的歷史主線與解構(包含聖經),看到相對的多元與可能性-去中心化。(ex 國慶煙火南移,總統可以養貓…) 各樣方式,找尋自我定位 (性,分析,遊戲,cosplay另一個人,虛擬身份),外在及內在定位極簡主義,造成內在的神聖化 (絕對自卑造成絕對自大) 弱勢成為核心,原本社會核心價值(政府,信仰,家庭等)成為弱勢,去系統中心化 (Non-Fungible Token NFT,虛擬貨幣,娛樂,小眾媒體,次文化/語言…) 藝術形式解構,強調思維,氛圍,意像,容許非理性,感覺,神秘,屬霝成分。(或以藝術包裝神秘或屬霝成份 ex 電影/戲劇/舞蹈/音樂) 新世紀運動 new age 自然就是神,神就是自然的泛神論 神秘主義=反抗邏輯和理性,對人性隱蔽的潛能產生無限興趣。(權能醫治特會?宣告式禱告?心想事成的秘密?成功神學?腦中要想像畫面?) 人人都有佛性,人人裡面都有基督(基性?)霝修?禁食禱告?方言禱告?按手後倒地抖動? 還有提到抽經文卡,翻聖經,發經文紅包,和占卜會沾到邊嗎?想想 除了後現代主義及新世紀運動,還有普世合一運動 普世合一 主日學,YMCA,世界基督徒學生聯盟,1948 普世基督教協會 分為三個派別,霝恩派 福音派 基本教義派 分為人本,傳福音 及 社會責任 幾個方向 世界各地,目前兩大勢力:普世教協及天主教,正在以最大公因數(簡化)讓各教各派推行普世合一運動 我想說,推雅推喇的淫婦雖然現在還躺在病床上,就我所知,199x年之後,推行宗教合一的她,終有一天 會因著新教不斷簡化的普世合一運動,淫婦會再次走下病床,讓末期騎獸的婦人實現。 🔳經文解析 14 「(約翰=)你要寫給在老底嘉的教會的使者; 『阿們的,忠實和真實的見證人、上帝的被造物的起始者說這些事 👉所有的被造物都是 上帝=基督=道 所造的 15 (+基督說:)我知道(使者=)你的作為, (使者=)你既不冷也不熱。(基督=)我希望你是冷的或熱的。 16 照這樣你既微溫,也不熱也不冷, 我必從我口中把你吐出。 ❓牧師:各位弟兄姐妹,你們要熱起來,卡熱情ㄌㄟˇ,否則會被基督吐出去! ❓會友心想:即然我熱不起來,我對聚會,信仰,教會冷淡可以嗎?這樣就不會被吐出去啦!(馬上破解) 👉這是我的理解,你們參考,先說,下面這段會得罪人 老底嘉生產眼藥,黑羊毛的溫泉醫療城市(醫學中心 ex 林口長庚醫院)=很有錢,老底嘉ad60曾經地震全毀,不透過羅馬政府金援能夠自己建城;古時醫院=溫泉會館(目前德國西南部 巴登巴登還有溫泉醫院),藥方=冷/熱水各泡多久,怎麼伸展,喝多少水等等;然而,老底嘉本身沒水源,熱泉透過保溫管來自北方10km希拉坡立,冷泉透過引水管來自東南10km歌羅西,若溫泉醫院的熱水不熱,冷水不冷,等同沒有療效的醫院=基督在罵,這時代的教會是沒有真理的教會=基督口中的廢物 17 因為(使者=)你說:我是富足,已經發了財,沒有需要什麼; (+基督的認知)你卻不知道你(+自己)是那悲慘、可憐、貧窮、瞎眼、赤身的。 18 (基督=)我勸(使者=)你 向我買從火被精煉的黃金,使得你富足, (+向我買)白衣,使得你為自己穿,使你赤裸的羞恥不被顯出, (+向我買)眼藥,擦你的眼睛,使得你看見。 👉使者:我有錢,又有黑羊毛大衣,又自產眼藥,為何要向你買呢?笑死人 👉基督對歷代責備 以弗所:假使徒,位低服事位高 士每拿: 別迦摩:巴蘭教導=引誘信仰行淫,得偶像祭物的好處,位低服事位高, 推雅推喇:淫婦教導=拜聖母/聖徒/聖誕,得偶像祭物的好處, 撒狄:看過聖經,但只改了一半(偶像崇拜,贖罪券) 非拉鐵非:基督傳出去,假的選民也把撒旦傳出去 老底嘉:假使徒傳道理,位低服事位高,斂財 普世合一運動:傳福音,社會責任 想起 上帝對以色列人設下以賽亞封印 ✅賽六:眼看不清,耳聽不明,心中也想不明白的封印 👉今天還有人把以色列人當作是屬霝的大哥(兄長),我也不知該說什麼 19 所有凡(基督=)我所疼愛的,我就責備和管教; 所以(使者=)你要發熱心,也要悔改。 👉因為永生的獎賞,基督管教=疼愛,反之亦然 20 看哪!(+基督)我已站在門邊叩門; 若有人聽見我(+基督)的聲音且開門,我將進到他那裡, 且我與他、他與我將一起吃飯(=筵席)。 👉基督是站在教會內?還是教會外?是叩我們的心門?還是教會的門呢?想想 21 得勝的,(基督=)我要賜他與我同坐在我寶座上, 就如我也得了勝,就與我父同坐在他的寶座上。 👉新婦+基督+父一同在寶座上 👉說話當時,父和基督是分開的,等待新天新地,基督和父才會再合在一起,如同創世一樣 22 那(聖)霝向眾教會所說的 那有耳朵的,就應當聽!』」 👉老底嘉含意:人民的正義,民掌權 🔳老底嘉教會:ad1948~今天 為何是1948年? 1947 死海古卷出土 二次大戰結束,美國掘起,民主時代開始 以色列復國 普世基督教協會成立 現代-國家控制媒體 後現代-網民控制媒體 新世紀-加上霝與神秘主義 🔳QA:啟示錄7間教會是同時出現?還是有其順序? 曾有個台灣名牧說:「把啟示錄2~3章7間教會看成新約教會7個時期,是30年前在中國所產生的論述,正確的說法是7間教會在每個時期都有。」 的確,把7間教會混在一起,認為每個時代都有7種教會,是個保險的做法,然而這句話其實也帶著歧視在其中;為什麼? 30年前=老東西,中國=台灣的頭號假想敵國;自然而然,後面接著說7間教會要混在一起看的說法就容易接受。但是,真是這樣嗎?為何不講加爾文,馬丁路德所講的是老東西?事物/道理的好壞並非建構在新/舊之上,對吧? 訪間講法,7間教會通常混在一起看,是否就為了隱藏這個時代就是老底嘉教會呢? 是否在隱藏我們身處的時代就是以為樣樣都有,其實對真理一無所知的時代呢? 若大家發現真理不在教會中,是不是就對教會失望,而不進教會,進而影響教會經濟呢? 上述問提都是假設,提供給大家想想 而若7間教會書信沒順序,但後面的7印7號7碗又有順序,這樣解啟示錄是不是兩面手法啊?你,不會覺得很怪嗎? 🔳使者,風向,順序 我也承認,7燈台或說7教會的確同時在基督面前出現,然而,基督是對教會講話?還是對影響教會的使者講話?於是你能知道,重點並不在教會,而是一個接一個 帶動教會風向的使者;即然一個接一個,就是有其順序。 如同 ✅但二:但以理為尼布甲尼撒王解夢,金頭銀胸銅腹鐵腿巨像由天外非人所鑿的石頭,有其順序 如同 保羅書信羅馬書最重要, 先知書以賽亞最重要, 12個使徒彼得最重要,都排在首位,都有其順序 👉以前人寫信比我們謹慎,草紙生產不易,所有資源都是稀缺的,要小心 我不知其他人怎說,沒有普查,至少,目前這節目的啟示錄2~3章該是在自媒體中講最長最久,沒有之一,容我再說一次為何要這樣講,因為名牧的品牌太大,我這個無名小卒只能用歷史長篇大論證明基督給7教會的7使者的7封信等於7個階段,一環接著一環,有根有據,只能說,辛苦你的耳朵,聽這7個時代中這麼多八卦舊聞,但也是最後一篇了,謝謝你的耐心收聽,同時也要讓大家知道,這個時代,也是為了自己的教導,講道,任易找聖經經文背書的時代,所以基督才說這是一個自以為富足的時代。 如果你對7教會的順序 或 老底嘉教會時期 有何想法或看法,歡迎由 line群/fb 留言給我,盡力回覆你們喔! 🔳如果你覺得喜歡這個節目,請在apple podcast給予5星好評 🔳這輯對你有幫助,請分享給一個可能需要的朋友! 🔳想繼續聽到優質節目,節目需要你的禱告,轉發,與奉獻,非常感謝! 🔳galigongbible最新單輯於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈

    Ep.88 HIGHLIGHT I Learning from past mistakes

    Ep.88 HIGHLIGHT I Learning from past mistakes
    WANT THE FULL EPISODE? Check out yesterday's episode Ep.88 I Spencer Klavan I Deciding to Save the West, or download it directly using this link.

    Spencer Klavan joins the show to discuss the modern crises that threaten Western civilization and the decisions required to overcome them.

    Aristotle’s lasting influence on modern decision-making.
    The pseudo-religious tendencies of Stoicism.
    The 5 modern crises that threaten the fabric of our civilization.

    Order your copy of Spencer’s book, “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

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    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002

    Instagram: @sklavan
    Twitter: @spencerklavan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpencerAKlavan/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-klavan-0a963631/
    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456
    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-heretics/id1513602173

    Spencer Klavan is a scholar, writer, and podcaster who has harbored a lifelong devotion to the great works and principles of the West. After studying Greek and Latin as an undergraduate at Yale, he spent five years at Oxford University to earn his doctorate in ancient Greek literature. Now an editor at the Claremont Institute, he has written for many outlets, including The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, City Journal, Newsweek, the Claremont Review of Books, The Federalist, The American Mind, and The Daily Wire.

    His most recent work sounded the alarm on the cultural decline of the Western world, titled “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”. Spencer’s deep understanding of the roots of Western civilization makes him a trustworthy guide for navigating our evolving culture, and what we can do to help. His analysis: The situation is dire. But every crisis we face today we have faced—and surmounted—before.

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    The Tuskegee Experiment
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