
    332: Rachael Denhollander | What Is a Girl Worth?

    en-usMarch 31, 2020
    What are the benefits of turning a home into an Airbnb?
    How did Jen and Jordan create a welcoming Airbnb space?
    What challenges did Rachel Denhollander face in her story?
    What issues were prevalent in the gymnastics community?
    How did the speaker's parents protect them in gymnastics training?

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating a Cozy Airbnb and Speaking Up Against InjusticeCreating an inviting Airbnb space brings in extra income and allows cultural exchange, while speaking up against injustice requires bravery and can lead to positive change.

      Turning your home into an Airbnb not only brings in extra income but also allows you to share a piece of your world with others. The hosts in this episode, Jen and Jordan, share their experience of creating a cozy and welcoming Airbnb space. They emphasize the importance of making guests feel cherished and appreciated. Rachel Denhollander's story, on the other hand, highlights the importance of bravery and perseverance in the face of adversity. She bravely came forward to accuse Larry Nassar of sexual assault, inspiring many others to do the same. Her story serves as a reminder that speaking up against injustice, no matter the cost, can lead to positive change.

    • An iconic moment in women's gymnastics sparks interest, but dark secrets lurk beneath the surfaceIconic moments can inspire interest, but gymnastics' dark past includes body image issues and physical abuse, often hidden from parents

      The Olympics, specifically women's gymnastics, left a lasting impression on the speaker. An iconic moment involving a young gymnast's determination to win despite an injury led many, including the speaker, to become interested in the sport. However, the gymnastics community was not without its issues, including rampant body image and physical abuse, which were often kept hidden from parents. Isolation of children from parents was a common practice, allowing coaches to have complete control over their athletes and their narratives. The speaker was fortunate to have trained in a gym without these issues, but the prevalence of such abusive practices was an open secret in the gymnastics world. Parents were often discouraged from watching practices, leaving children vulnerable to abuse. Despite this, success in gymnastics does not require such treatment. The speaker's parents' insistence on finding a gym with an open viewing area for parents spared the speaker from many of the typical experiences of gymnasts.

    • Historically, gymnastics prioritizes winning over athletes' well-beingGymnastics culture often ignores athletes' physical and emotional health for the sake of success, leading to injury, abuse, and long-term damage.

      The culture of gymnastics, particularly at the elite level, has historically prioritized winning and success over the physical and emotional well-being of athletes. This is often perpetuated by coaches and the governing body, USAG, who fail to address or investigate reports of abuse. Many gymnasts, including those who experienced abuse, feel pressured to continue participating due to the portrayal of such behavior as normal and necessary for success. The average gymnast starts training at a young age, often spending extensive hours in the gym each week, and their perception of self-worth comes largely from their coaches. Injuries are often pushed through, and athletes are encouraged to train even when injured, leading to both physical and emotional damage. The case of Larry Nassar, who abused numerous gymnasts under the guise of medical treatment, highlights the pervasive nature of this problem. It is crucial for changes to be made to prioritize the safety and well-being of athletes in gymnastics.

    • The insular nature of gymnastics and lack of understanding by sports medicine doctors can lead to misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment.Gymnasts can face challenges in receiving proper care for injuries due to the insular nature of the sport and lack of understanding by some doctors, potentially allowing abusers to exploit the situation.

      The insular nature of gymnastics and the lack of understanding of the sport by many sports medicine doctors can make it difficult for athletes to receive proper care and treatment for injuries. This can lead to misdiagnosis and ineffective rehabilitation plans. In some cases, this vulnerability can be exploited by abusers who use their position and expertise to hide their actions under the guise of medical treatment. Larry Nassar, a renowned sports medicine doctor, used this tactic to sexually abuse young gymnasts, manipulating the situation to make it seem impossible for victims to disclose the abuse and creating a response of disbelief in those who might witness it. Abusers are skilled manipulators and can create confusing circumstances to make it seem impossible for abuse to be occurring. It's important to be aware of this and to advocate for clear communication and transparency in medical settings.

    • Manipulation and Disbelief in Abuse CasesRecognize manipulation tactics used by abusers and don't let disbelief hinder action against abuse. Abusers rely on doubt and silence to continue their harmful behavior.

      Abusers often create a persona of care and interest to manipulate and confuse victims and those around them. This makes it difficult for people to believe or suspect abuse, even when it's happening right in front of them. In the case of Larry Nassar, this tactic allowed him to abuse children for decades, with numerous officials at Michigan State University, USAG, and the USOC being made aware of his behavior but failing to take action. This pattern of disbelief and inaction gave Nassar the cover he needed to continue abusing, and even intimidated and silenced survivors who came forward. It's important to recognize that the same circumstances that make us doubt or dismiss abuse are the same ones that enable it to continue. When we have that response, we have done exactly what the abuser wanted us to do.

    • Despite open communication and awareness, abuse can still occurPredators can manipulate situations and exploit the system, emphasizing the importance of proper training, certification, and accountability for professionals and institutions.

      Even with open communication and awareness about abuse, it can still happen, as was the case with Rachel Denhollander's experiences with Larry Nassar. Despite her mother being a survivor and having conversations about warning signs and appropriate boundaries, they were still unable to prevent the abuse. Additionally, law enforcement agencies often failed to properly investigate or even covered up the abuse, making it even more difficult for victims to come forward and seek justice. Rachel's assumption that Larry was practicing legitimate pelvic floor therapy, based on her prior knowledge of the treatment, further compounded the situation. It's a reminder that no matter how vigilant we are, predators can still exploit the system and manipulate situations to their advantage. It's crucial to continue advocating for proper training and certification for professionals, as well as for increased transparency and accountability from law enforcement and institutions.

    • Underestimating the ability to identify lies or abuseFew people can accurately identify liars, even trained professionals. It's crucial to believe and trust victims' experiences to prevent abuse from continuing.

      The ability to identify lies or abuse, particularly when it comes to women and their experiences, is often underestimated. Studies show that few people are able to accurately identify a liar, and even trained professionals can be misled. In the case of abusers like Larry Nassar, the community around the victim often fails to recognize the warning signs, allowing the abuse to continue for years. It's crucial that we believe and trust the perceptions and voices of victims, as minimizing their experiences and questioning their judgment only perpetuates the cycle of abuse. FBI agent Joe Navarro, an expert in detecting lies, has stated that even experienced investigators are no better than a coin flip when it comes to lie detection. Therefore, it's essential to recognize our limitations and focus on creating a culture that listens to and believes victims.

    • Survivor's journey to justice after sexual abuseDespite the challenges, survivors of abuse must be encouraged to speak out and seek help. Effective reporting and investigative procedures, along with greater awareness and support, are crucial in ensuring justice.

      Survivors of abuse often face significant challenges in being believed and seeking justice. The speaker in this discussion, a survivor of sexual abuse by Larry Nassar, recounts her experiences of being silenced and feeling hopeless at the age of 17. She recognized the abuse but didn't know how to stop it or get help. It took her another 15 years to gather the evidence and gain the courage to speak out publicly. She emphasizes the importance of asking questions and encouraging survivors to use their words. Unfortunately, even when she disclosed the abuse to someone who wanted to help, it wasn't enough to trigger an investigation or belief. The lack of records and proper reporting procedures further complicated the situation. This story underscores the need for greater awareness, education, and support for survivors of abuse, as well as more effective reporting and investigative procedures.

    • The importance of believing survivorsBelieving survivors and investigating reports of abuse thoroughly is crucial to protect victims and prevent further harm.

      Speaking up about abuse or suspicious behavior can be a challenging and disempowering experience, especially when it involves authority figures or popular figures in a community. The story shared highlights the importance of believing survivors and the potential consequences of not taking their reports seriously. The survivor in this case faced significant challenges in getting her concerns heard, despite her conviction that the person she was reporting was a sexual abuser. The experience was crushing for her, as she knew children were at risk and felt helpless to stop the abuse. It's essential to recognize that survivors should not be expected to get the timing right or present their reports perfectly. Instead, it's the responsibility of those in positions of authority to take reports seriously and investigate thoroughly. The consequences of not doing so can be devastating for survivors and the victims of the abuse.

    • Understanding the Complexity of AbuseSurvivors of abuse may struggle to trust seemingly normal situations and people. Grooming is a manipulation tactic used by abusers, appearing as normal human interaction. Careful planning is needed to report suspicious behavior to trustworthy press outlets that understand abuse dynamics and have resources to investigate thoroughly.

      Normal human interactions can be manipulated by abusers to create violation, making it difficult to distinguish what is truly innocent. Survivors of abuse may question their trust in seemingly normal situations and people. The decision to come forward again requires careful planning, including finding a trustworthy press outlet that understands the dynamics of abuse and has the resources to investigate thoroughly. Grooming is a manipulation technique used by abusers to gain trust and silence victims. It can appear as normal human interaction, making it crucial to recognize the signs and report any suspicious behavior. The Indianapolis Star's investigation into USAG provided the right set of circumstances for a survivor to come forward, as it demonstrated a deep understanding of the issue and the resources to make a difference.

    • Undercover Abusers: Appearing Kind but Grooming VictimsDespite their pleasant demeanor, some abusers can manipulate and groom victims, making it essential to be aware of potential red flags and prioritize ethics and victim protection.

      The nicest and seemingly most trustworthy individuals can be abusers, making it essential to be aware of potential red flags despite their pleasant demeanor. Rachel Denhollander, a survivor and advocate, shared her experience with an abuser who appeared kind and friendly but manipulated and groomed victims. The reality is that reporting sexual abuse and pursuing justice is an uphill battle, with low rates of criminal charges and convictions, and a culture that often blames victims. Despite the challenges, it's crucial to prioritize ethics and the protection of children above public perception. Unfortunately, the number of untested rape kits and the acquittal of abusers in high-profile cases demonstrate the long road to justice for victims. It's crucial to believe and support survivors and challenge the rape myths and cultural biases that hinder progress.

    • Defaulting to Comfort Over Truth in Recognizing PedophiliaPeople often ignore clear warning signs of pedophilia due to discomfort, perpetuating rape culture and cultural myths. Adults and law enforcement can fail to act, retraumatizing survivors and normalizing abuse in public discourse.

      Malcolm Gladwell's argument that we default to truth when it comes to recognizing pedophilia is not accurate. Instead, people often default to what's comfortable, which can lead to ignoring clear warning signs of abuse. This normalization of ignoring pedophilia perpetuates rape culture and cultural myths. The discussion also highlighted the troubling instances of adults and even law enforcement agencies failing to act on reports of sexual abuse, further contributing to the problem. The retraumatization experienced by survivors during investigations and the normalization of abuse in public discourse add to the devastating impact of these situations.

    • The culture that allowed Nassar's abuse to continue caused deep emotional pain for victimsVictims of sexual assault deserve to be believed and supported, not retraumatized during investigations

      The culture that allowed Larry Nassar's abuse to go on for decades, retraumatizing victims during the investigation process, is a significant problem. Victims were put in a position where they had to reveal their abuse publicly to be taken seriously, causing deep emotional pain. The discovery of over 37,000 child pornography images on Nassar's computer, primarily featuring young girls, was devastating for victims, especially those with children around the same age as the victims depicted. The process of healing from such abuse is long and difficult. Kyle Stevens, a family friend of Nassar's, tried to stop his abuse but was disbelieved and forced to apologize to him. The Nassar case brought the world face to face with the consequences of sexual assault, forcing us to confront the reality that there are real people affected by our decisions. Victims, including those in the Nassar case, deserve to be believed and supported, not retraumatized during the investigation process.

    • The re-victimization of survivors during court proceedingsSurvivors of abuse display immense courage and resilience when testifying against their abusers, despite attempts by the abuser to manipulate the situation and deflect responsibility.

      The experience of testifying against an abuser in court can be re-victimizing, as the survivor is forced to relive the trauma in graphic detail. The abuser, in this case, Larry Nassar, attempted to manipulate the situation by trying to control the courtroom environment and blame the survivors for the media attention. Despite his attempts to deflect responsibility, the survivors stood strong and refused to be silenced. The judge, who was a key figure in holding Nassar accountable, displayed immense courage and strength throughout the proceedings. The survivor's determination to tell her story and the judge's unwavering commitment to justice served as powerful reminders of the resilience and bravery of survivors of abuse.

    • Unmasking the true intentions of abusersCreating safe spaces for victims to speak up and societal support is crucial in preventing manipulation and enabling justice for victims of abuse.

      The manipulative nature of abusers can make it difficult for victims to come forward and seek justice. This was exemplified in the case of Larry Nassar, who was sentenced to over 170 years in prison for child sexual abuse. Despite his public displays of remorse, Judge Aquilina unmasked his true intentions through a letter he wrote, revealing his belief in his own innocence and his desire to maintain a public image. To prevent similar situations, it's crucial to create safe spaces for victims to speak up and for their feelings to be taken seriously. The burden should not be on them to initiate the conversation, but on society to provide opportunities and a supportive culture for them to do so.

    • Teaching children about bodily autonomy and privacyInstill principles of respect and privacy, set clear boundaries, and communicate importance to prevent and address sexual abuse. Understand false accusations, trauma responses, late disclosure, and shock reactions. Challenge harmful narratives and ideas in our culture.

      Teaching children about bodily autonomy and respect for privacy from a young age is crucial in preventing and addressing sexual abuse. Parents can instill these principles by setting clear boundaries and consistently communicating the importance of privacy. From a societal standpoint, understanding the reality of false accusations and trauma responses is essential in responding appropriately to reports of abuse. This includes recognizing the normalcy of late disclosure and the prevalence of shock and freezing responses. Additionally, using our spheres of influence to educate and challenge harmful narratives and ideas, such as our porn culture, is necessary for cultural change.

    • The Power of Speaking Out Against Abuse and TraumaRachel Denhollander's story highlights the importance of facing uncomfortable truths, breaking the silence, and supporting each other through difficult times. Survivors of abuse and trauma deserve courage and resilience, and sharing stories and resources can provide insight and encouragement.

      The impact of abuse and trauma on individuals and communities can be vast and underestimated. Rachel Denhollander's story of speaking out against Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics is a powerful reminder of the importance of facing uncomfortable truths and breaking the silence. Many lives have been affected by this one abuser, and the number of known victims is only the tip of the iceberg. It's easy to default to comfort and avoid confronting such difficult topics, but it's crucial to remember that building strong relationships and networks involves being open to challenging conversations and supporting each other through difficult times. If you or someone you know has experienced trauma, sharing stories and resources can provide insight and encouragement. Rachel's book, "What is a Girl Worth?" is a testament to the courage and resilience of survivors, and it's a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the impact of abuse and the power of speaking out.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan Harbinger Show

    1043: Andrew Gold | Unveiling the Psychology of Secrets

    1043: Andrew Gold | Unveiling the Psychology of Secrets

    Are secrets a burden or social glue? Psychology of Secrets author Andrew Gold delves into the evolutionary roots and modern impacts of hiding information.

    What We Discuss with Andrew Gold:

    • Keeping secrets can be physically and emotionally painful for humans. This evolved as a mechanism to encourage social cohesion and information sharing within tribal communities.
    • There's a difference between secrets and privacy. What is considered a secret versus private information often depends on societal norms and can change over time.
    • Technology is making it increasingly difficult to keep secrets, with devices like smartwatches and phones potentially revealing information we'd rather keep hidden.
    • Virtue signaling and victim signaling are common behaviors, especially on social media, where people may pretend to hold certain beliefs or experiences for status or attention.
    • Sharing appropriate secrets can increase intimacy and strengthen relationships. By thoughtfully opening up to others, we can build deeper connections and foster trust, leading to more meaningful interactions and a stronger support network.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1043

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    1042: Sex Trafficking | Skeptical Sunday

    1042: Sex Trafficking | Skeptical Sunday

    Is sex trafficking really a global crisis or just an overblown conspiracy theory? Andrew Gold reveals truths and misconceptions on this Skeptical Sunday.

    Welcome to Skeptical Sunday, a special edition of The Jordan Harbinger Show where Jordan and a guest break down a topic that you may have never thought about, open things up, and debunk common misconceptions. This time around, we’re joined by On the Edge host Andrew Gold!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss:

    • Sex trafficking knows no borders, and the United States stands out as a particularly active region for this crime. It victimizes individuals regardless of age — notably, more than a fourth of those trafficked are minors.
    • The scale of sex trafficking is difficult to determine accurately, with estimates varying widely. This uncertainty stems from the underground nature of the crime and challenges in data collection.
    • Sex trafficking victims often suffer severe physical and mental health consequences, including STIs, injuries, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse issues. The average lifespan of women in prostitution is tragically short at around 34 years.
    • The issue of sex trafficking is frequently politicized and weaponized, sometimes exaggerated for political gain. However, it remains a serious problem that ruins thousands of lives through organized crime networks and individual traffickers.
    • Education and awareness are key tools in combating sex trafficking. By learning about the issue, discussing it openly, and spreading accurate information, we can help inform potential victims about the dangers and contribute to prevention efforts. Everyone can play a role in this by staying informed and sharing knowledge with others.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Andrew Gold on Twitter and Instagram, and check out On the Edge with Andrew Gold here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

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    1041: Groped In Your Sleep, Betrayal Runs Deep | Feedback Friday

    1041: Groped In Your Sleep, Betrayal Runs Deep | Feedback Friday

    Students you aided became assailants, and now you deal with trauma and sleepless nights. Can you ever trust or rest easy again? Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday:

    • After a disturbing incident with two students you mentored, you're grappling with unexpected trauma and insomnia. How can you rebuild your sense of safety and trust? [Thanks to clinical psychologist Dr. Erin Margolis for helping us with this one!]
    • You've leveraged your networking skills to secure two six-figure director-level jobs simultaneously, but you're unsure about disclosing this to one employer. What's your strategy for maintaining integrity while maximizing this opportunity?
    • You've discovered that your friend's cousin's boyfriend, who isn't a licensed dentist, is running an illegal dental practice serving undocumented immigrants. Should you expose him or let him continue helping those in need?
    • In the middle of building a life together, your once-loving husband suddenly asked for a divorce, and you later discovered he was having an affair. Now you're struggling to trust again and wondering if there are any good people left. How will you heal and open yourself to love?
    • Recommendation of the Week: Flipping Out
    • You lost your sister to cancer and realized your mother is a covert narcissist who neglected your dying sibling. Now you're distanced from your family but still hurting. How will you process this grief and move forward?
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1041

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    1040: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part Two

    1040: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part Two

    How does ISIS radicalize Westerners? Here, Tareena Shakil, who joined and escaped the group, reveals the manipulation behind her own recruitment. [Pt. 2/2 — find part 1 here!]

    What We Discuss:

    • Tareena Shakil, a British woman, ran away to join ISIS in Syria in 2014 after experiencing domestic abuse and being radicalized online.
    • While in Syria, Tareena realized ISIS was not what she expected and decided to escape across the border to Turkey with her young son.
    • Tareena was arrested upon return to the UK and served three years in prison for joining ISIS. She was the first British woman to be imprisoned for joining the group.
    • Tareena went through a deradicalization program in prison, which she found helpful in understanding how she has been groomed and radicalized.
    • Tareena now works to raise awareness about online radicalization and grooming, showing that it's possible to learn from past mistakes and use one's experiences to prevent others from falling into similar traps. Her story demonstrates the importance of critical thinking and seeking support when feeling vulnerable.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part one of this conversation here!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1040

    If you love listening to this show as much as we love making it, would you please peruse and reply to our Membership Survey here?

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    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

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    1039: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part One

    1039: Tareena Shakil | An ISIS Recruit's Journey and Escape Part One

    How does ISIS radicalize Westerners? Here, Tareena Shakil, who joined and escaped the group, reveals the manipulation behind her own recruitment. [Pt. 1/2]

    What We Discuss:

    • Tareena Shakil, a British woman, traveled to Syria with her young son and joined ISIS in 2014 at age 24 after being groomed online for about six weeks.
    • Tareena's decision to join ISIS was influenced by a combination of factors, including online radicalization, a desire to escape an abusive relationship, and a misguided attempt at religious devotion.
    • While in Syria, Tareena quickly realized she had made a mistake and wanted to leave. She witnessed disturbing events and became increasingly fearful for her and her son's safety.
    • After about eight weeks, Tareena managed to escape ISIS-controlled territory with her son and return to the UK, where she was subsequently arrested and became the first British woman jailed for joining ISIS.
    • Tareena's story highlights the importance of critical thinking, especially when it comes to online interactions and major life decisions. Her experience serves as a powerful reminder to thoroughly research and question information from unfamiliar sources, seek diverse perspectives, and consult trusted friends or family members before making life-altering choices based on online interactions.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part two of this conversation later this week!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1039

    If you love listening to this show as much as we love making it, would you please peruse and reply to our Membership Survey here?

    And if you're still game to support us, please leave a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Subscribe to our once-a-week Wee Bit Wiser newsletter today and start filling your Wednesdays with wisdom!

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    1038: Gold | Skeptical Sunday

    1038: Gold | Skeptical Sunday

    Is gold really worth its weight? Michael Regilio digs into the precious metal's glittering past and fool-baiting present on this Skeptical Sunday!

    Welcome to Skeptical Sunday, a special edition of The Jordan Harbinger Show where Jordan and a guest break down a topic that you may have never thought about, open things up, and debunk common misconceptions. This time around, we’re joined by skeptic, comedian, and podcaster Michael Regilio!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday:

    • Gold has been valued throughout human history, playing a significant role in economics, trade, and even exploration. It has been used as currency and the basis for monetary systems like the gold standard.
    • The gold standard, which linked the value of currency to gold, was widely adopted but eventually abandoned. The United States officially ended its use of the gold standard in 1971 under President Nixon.
    • There are many scams and misleading practices in the gold market, particularly involving the sale of gold coins. These often target older, more conservative individuals by playing on fears of government overreach and economic instability.
    • The Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings may not always be reliable indicators of a company's trustworthiness, as some businesses can effectively buy high ratings through membership.
    • While it's important to be cautious about gold-related investments, you can still make informed decisions about diversifying your portfolio. Educate yourself on the current gold market, focus on reputable dealers if considering gold purchases, and consult with trusted financial advisors to determine if and how gold might fit into your overall investment strategy.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Michael Regilio at TwitterInstagram, and YouTube, and make sure to check out the Michael Regilio Plagues Well With Others podcast here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1038

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

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    1037: Allure of Abuser Only Serves to Confuse Her | Feedback Friday

    1037: Allure of Abuser Only Serves to Confuse Her | Feedback Friday

    Your abusive ex still occupies your thoughts. How do you move on when part of you yearns for a past steeped in trauma? Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss:

    • You're struggling with conflicting emotions after leaving an abusive relationship with an alcoholic partner. Despite the trauma you endured, you find yourself missing aspects of the relationship. How do you process these complex feelings and move forward?
    • Your father, diagnosed with cancer, also struggles with severe depression. As his health declines, you grapple with a strained relationship and unfulfilled hopes for connection. Can you find a way through this difficult situation and make peace with your father?
    • Your marriage is facing challenges due to political differences and communication issues. As another election approaches, you worry about the growing divide between you and your spouse. How can you bridge this gap and maintain your relationship?
    • As an introvert in a remote corporate job, you're overwhelmed by constant communication and additional responsibilities. You dream of pursuing your passion for writing. Can you find a balance between your current role and your aspirations?
    • You've developed strong feelings for a coworker while in a long-term relationship. Though nothing physical happened, you're torn about whether to confess this emotional affair to your partner. What's the right path forward for all involved?
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1037

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

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    1036: James Sexton | A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Lasting Love Part Two

    1036: James Sexton | A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Lasting Love Part Two

    Renowned divorce lawyer James Sexton reveals the secrets to maintaining a healthy marriage and avoiding his office altogether! [Pt. 2/2 — find part 1 here!]

    What We Discuss with James Sexton:

    • Many people enter marriage without understanding its legal implications. James Sexton estimates that 95% of people who come to his office are learning about the marriage contract for the first time.
    • Social media has made infidelity much easier and more accessible. James notes that platforms like Facebook and Instagram create opportunities for inappropriate private conversations and flirtations.
    • Prenuptial agreements are becoming increasingly common, especially among younger people in their 20s and 30s. James observes a growing pragmatism and realism in approaching marriage.
    • All marriages end, either through death or divorce. James encourages people to be mindful of endings, as it can make them more appreciative of their current relationships.
    • Being open and honest about your concerns and fears in a relationship can strengthen your bond. Having pragmatic conversations about finances, living arrangements, and potential scenarios doesn't diminish romance — instead, it demonstrates care and foresight for your partner's well-being. Consider having these discussions and potentially creating a prenuptial agreement to ensure you're both on the same page about your future together.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part one of this conversation here for the full story!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1036

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    Subscribe to our once-a-week Wee Bit Wiser newsletter today and start filling your Wednesdays with wisdom!

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    1035: James Sexton | A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Lasting Love Part One

    1035: James Sexton | A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Lasting Love Part One

    Renowned divorce lawyer James Sexton reveals the secrets to maintaining a healthy marriage and avoiding his office altogether! [Pt. 1/2]

    What We Discuss with James Sexton:

    • Marriage is statistically risky, with a 56% failure rate for first marriages.
    • There's often an economic aspect to relationships that people don't openly discuss.
    • People tend to fall in love quickly but fall out of love slowly.
    • Constantly criticizing or trash-talking your partner, even in jest with friends, can be toxic to a relationship.
    • Preventative maintenance is key to a healthy relationship. Just as you wouldn't wait until your teeth are falling out to go to the dentist, don't wait for major issues to arise in your relationship.
    • And much more — be sure to tune in to part two of this conversation later this week!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1035

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    1034: Fat-Free Foods | Skeptical Sunday

    1034: Fat-Free Foods | Skeptical Sunday

    On Skeptical Sunday, Michael Regilio dishes out the skinny on fat-free foods and their weighty consequences that led to our 21st-century obesity epidemic!

    Welcome to Skeptical Sunday, a special edition of The Jordan Harbinger Show where Jordan and a guest break down a topic that you may have never thought about, open things up, and debunk common misconceptions. This time around, we’re joined by skeptic, comedian, and podcaster Michael Regilio!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday:

    • The low-fat diet trend, popularized in the 1960s and 1970s, was based on flawed science and cherry-picked data, particularly from the selective research of physiologist Ancel Keys.
    • Removing fat from food products often led to increased sugar and refined carbohydrate content, contributing to the obesity and diabetes epidemics in the United States.
    • The American Heart Association and other institutions have been slow to change their dietary recommendations due to conflicts of interest and corporate donations.
    • Consuming healthy fats is essential for proper bodily functions, and low-fat diets have not been shown to prevent cardiovascular disease or cancer.
    • By educating ourselves on proper nutrition, focusing on whole foods, and reducing refined carbohydrates and processed foods, we can take control of our health and potentially reverse or prevent diet-related maladies like type 2 diabetes.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Michael Regilio at TwitterInstagram, and YouTube, and make sure to check out the Michael Regilio Plagues Well With Others podcast here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/1034

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!


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    Full show notes and resources can be found here: https://jordanharbinger.com/365

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/705

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    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi.

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals 

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course! 

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