
    About this Episode

    We have now reached the end of the Greco-Persian Wars, but with most of our sources focusing on the Greek experience and perhaps not giving us a completely accurate picture of the Persians. In this episode we are going to delve deeper into Persia’s experience in the Wars, look at their motivations and what led them to, ultimately being unsuccessful. 

    To do this I have invited Trevor Culley from the History of Persia Podcast to come on and share his knowledge about the Persians with us, and help us look at the Persian perspective during the Wars.

     Trevor’s personal experience with both Persian history and podcasts began with a college extra credit assignment to listen to the first Hardcore History episode on the Achaemenids. He was instantly enthralled with the stories of the Kings of Kings and coming a little late to the party, started listening to podcasts. On one hand, He started heading down the road toward PhD that will let him study ancient Persia for a living. On the other, as he binged his way through both the History of Rome and early episodes of the History of Byzantium he was always excited for the episodes dealing with the Parthians and Sassanids. Trevor was surprised and disappointed to discover that there was not a similarly dedicated podcast dealing with the great empires east of Rome. This would inspire and motivate him to create the History of Persia Podcast back at the start of 2019.

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    Recent Episodes from Casting Through Ancient Greece

    Episode Update: March 2024

    Episode Update: March 2024

    As we gather today to mark a remarkable journey through the annals of Greek history, I am filled with gratitude and excitement. Together, we've traversed 83 episodes, spanning the rich tapestry of Greece from its nascent days to the dramatic onset of the Peloponnesian War. Looking ahead, I'm thrilled to contemplate the untold stories that may unfold beyond Alexander the Great's demise. It's a testament to your engagement and curiosity that we're even considering this expansion of our historical horizon. Moreover, I want to share a heartfelt thank you for your steadfast support—without which this podcast couldn't thrive. The evolution of our release schedule to a monthly episode is a move to safeguard the caliber of our storytelling, balancing the growing demands on my time with my commitment to providing you with the best possible listening experience.

    Turning our gaze to the revamped Patreon offerings, we've sculpted new tiers with the aim of making our content even more rewarding and accessible. As we forge into the year ahead, anticipate a fresh rhythm of episodes—each one meticulously crafted for mid-month release, while our dedicated patrons can look forward to exclusive early-month content. I invite both our seasoned supporters and newcomers to explore the refreshed Patreon landscape, where a deeper dive into Greek history awaits. Your enthusiasm has been the bedrock of this podcast, and I'm eager to continue this shared passion for the stories that have shaped our world, as we embark on the next chapter of our historical quest.

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    Teaser: Xerxes Invasion (Patreon Bonus Episode)

    Teaser: Xerxes Invasion (Patreon Bonus Episode)

    This is a teaser of the bonus episode, "Xerxes Invasion" found over on Patreon.

    Step back in time with us and uncover the epic saga of Xerxes' colossal invasion of Greece. Imagine inheriting a crown and a vendetta: that's exactly what Xerxes faced as he ascended to the Persian throne, but was he burning with the ambition to subjugate all of Greece? As your guide through this march into history, I'll take you through the aftermath of the First Persian Invasion, revealing how initial Persian endeavours sowed the seeds for an even grander campaign. We'll scrutinize Xerxes' grandiose preparations for war, from manipulating Greek city-states to bend the knee through 'Medizing' to constructing monumental engineering marvels like the canal through Mount Athos and the bridge over the Hellespont. These efforts etched themselves into the annals of history, setting the stage for a conflict of legendary proportions.

    If you would like to hear more and support the series click on the Patreon link at the bottom of the page or you can head to my website to discover other ways to support the series, Here

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    82: Sicily Revisited

    82: Sicily Revisited

    Prepare to be transported to a Sicily that's both ancient and alive, where democracy's roots intertwine with the whispers of tyrants. On our historical odyssey, we'll traverse the landscapes of power, betrayal, and the unending quest for dominion. I promise an expedition into the heart of Sicilian intrigue, from the liberation of Syracuse to the theatrics of Hieron's tyranny, and the eventual emergence of revolutions that would forever alter the island's destiny.

    Our narrative begins in the aftermath of the Greco-Persian Wars, charting a course through Sicily's golden age of peace to the tumultuous tides of 427 BCE.  We won't shy away from the stark contrasts of rule, examining the cunning manoeuvres of Hieron as he clings to power, the bloody outcomes of political machinations, and the indelible marks left by tyrants on the fabric of their cities.

    Finally, wisdom takes centre stage as we scrutinize the counsel of Simonides to Hieron, juxtaposing the downfalls of despots with the democratic reawakening of Syracuse. The intricate dance of Sicilian politics continues with revolts and power shifts, where the spectre of tyranny lingers, and the ambitions of leaders like Ducetius spark conflict and change. Join us for a profound look at ancient strategies and the timeless struggle for power, as we piece together the lessons history has etched into the stones of Sicily, setting the chessboard for the Sicilian expedition that awaits over a decade later. 

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    Teaser: Miltiades (Patreon Bonus)

    Teaser: Miltiades (Patreon Bonus)

    This is a teaser of the bonus episode, Miltiades found over on Patreon.

    Travel back in time to fifth century BC Athens, where the life of Miltiades—a man whose lineage was synonymous with both nobility and concern—takes center stage. From the influence of his uncle, Miltiades the Elder, to the Olympic chariot racing triumphs of his family, we explore the ascent and inevitable downfall of this enigmatic leader. As we weave through the tapestry of Miltiades' life, we're reminded of the fickleness of fame, especially in the volatile political climate of ancient Athens. It’s a story rich with the spoils of victory and the shadows of disgrace—a true reflection of the tumultuous era that shaped it.

    If you would like to hear more and support the series click on the Patreon link at the bottom of the page or you can head to my website to discover other ways to support the series, HereI

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    Casting Through Ancient Greece
    en-usFebruary 14, 2024

    81. The Terror of War

    81. The Terror of War

    Uncover the chilling drama of ancient conflict as we journey through the shadows of the Peloponnesian War—revealing the political chaos of Corcyra, and the tragedy of Plataea. This episode uncovers the tales of rebellion, siege, and the sobering reality of political strife, all through the compelling lens of Thucydides' historical narratives. Be prepared to witness the darker side of human nature, where the lust for power leads to a breakdown in social order and a wave of indiscriminate violence that shook the very foundations of Ancient Greece.

    Step into the political arena of Corcyra where calculated moves and internal turmoil illustrate the complexities of Greek politics. We navigate through the strategic decisions that inflamed tensions and trace the harrowing outcomes of a society caught in the crossfire of war. The episode lays bare the ruthless political manoeuvres in a landscape fraught with desperation and strategic miscalculations, providing you with a profound understanding of the motivations and consequences that characterized one of history's most infamous conflicts. Join us and experience the intensity of a period where the line between friend and foe was perilously thin.

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    Casting Through Ancient Greece
    en-usFebruary 02, 2024

    Series update: close of 2023

    Series update: close of 2023

    Embark on a historical odyssey with us as we temporarily halt our regular series for a well-deserved January respite. However, the annals of ancient Greek history remain open with an exclusive miniseries treat—a deep exploration of the enigmatic Battle of Marathon. Journey back to 490 BC and unravel the mysteries of this legendary conflict through five episodes that will remain unfettered and freely accessible throughout the holiday season, a perfect complement to the main saga awaiting us in the coming months.

    Looking ahead, we're reigniting the fires of fascination in February, where the narrative torch of the Peloponnesian War will be passed back to you, the esteemed listeners, whose zeal for the past powers our present endeavor. Expect the same meticulous attention to the storied details, driven by your encouragement and curiosity, which not only sustains our regular programming but also breathes life into the bonus content we so love to craft. A heartfelt salute to the patrons whose support elevates our capabilities—their contributions have not only sustained the digital hearth of our series but have also furnished the tools necessary to forge ahead with enhanced vigor. Join us, share with kin and comrades, and continue to shape the future of our historical quest with your invaluable suggestions and enthusiasm.

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    Casting Through Ancient Greece
    en-usDecember 28, 2023

    80: The Fate of Mytilene

    80: The Fate of Mytilene

    Are you ready to cross the threshold of time and enter the world of Ancient Greece during the tumultuous political shifts post-Pericles' rule? I invite you to join us on this journey, where we scrutinize the uprising on Lesbos and its profound implications on Spartan maneuvers and Athens' retaliation. As power vacuums arise in Athens, new intriguing figures such as Nikies and Cleon rise to prominence. We delve into the fascinating personas of these men and how Cleon, a successful demagogue, secures his influence. We also shed light on the essence of a demagogue in the realm of Ancient Greek politics and its enduring sway. 

    Strap in as we navigate through the strategic negotiations and invasion preparations post the Olympic festival. We'll also analyse the Mytileneans desperate efforts to garner support from the Peloponnesian League. Watch as events on Lesbos unfold with the Athenians establishing a camp, and the Mytileneans strive to unite the island under their leadership. Lastly, brace yourselves as we explore the chilling decision of the Athenians in the wake of the failed Mytilenean revolt - a decision that echoes through the annals of history as an epoch-defining moment in the landscape of the Peloponnesian War.

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    Casting Through Ancient Greece
    en-usDecember 15, 2023

    Teaser: Cavalry Away (Patreon)

    Teaser: Cavalry Away (Patreon)

    Have you ever been curious about an unsolved mystery from the past? Well, I, Mark, invite you on a thrilling journey to uncover the secrets of the Battle of Marathon in this exclusive bonus feature on Patreon. We're shifting our focus to the Greeks' tactical approach on the battlefield and raising thought-provoking questions about the Persian cavalry, despite their presence in various historical accounts and works of art, they would failed to be mentioned during the unfolding battle at Marathon. 

    Join me as we shed light on one of the most intriguing puzzles that has been lingering for over 2,500 years. Let's investigate the evidence from the likes of Herodotus and other resources in our quest to locate the elusive Persian cavalry and comprehend their role in the battle. This episode is your ticket to understanding the intricacies of ancient warfare. With every revelation, we'll step back in time to unravel the mysteries of the Battle of Marathon. So, what are we waiting for? Let's embark on this exciting journey as history unfolds before us.

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    Casting Through Ancient Greece
    en-usDecember 04, 2023

    Greek Philosophy with Jack Visnjic

    Greek Philosophy with Jack Visnjic

    Are you ready to travel back in time and unravel the mysteries of ancient Greek philosophy with me, Mark Selleck, and our distinguished guest, Jack Visnjic, or as you might know him, Lantern Jack, is renowned for his profound knowledge in this philosophical domain. With a PhD in Ancient Philosophy from Princeton University, Jack brings an understanding that transcends time, illuminating the rich world of ancient Greek thinkers.

    Our journey will transport you to the birthplace of philosophy, navigating through the socio-political intricacies of that era that birthed philosophical thought. We'll explore the groundbreaking ideas of pre-Socratic philosophers, before venturing into the epic intellectual realms of Socrates and Plato. Plato's revolutionary Theory of Forms and his famed allegory of the cave, which continue to evoke intrigue, will also take center stage. Our philosophical odyssey doesn't end there. The influence of the legendary Aristotle, his unique philosophical framework, and his invaluable contributions to science and logic will also be brought to light.

    As we move forward in time, we'll examine the evolution of Greek philosophy, including the emergence of Stoicism, Epicureanism, and skepticism during the Hellenistic period. We'll delve deep into metaphysical concepts and the impact of this philosophy on modern ethical thinking. So, strap in for an enlightening journey through time and thought. Remember to stay connected and subscribe for more insightful episodes.

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    79: Victories of Phormio

    79: Victories of Phormio

    In our return to the tumultuous third year of the war, the Chalcidice comes back into focus once more with renewed operations. The siege of Potidaea may have found resolution in the previous year, but with lingering hostility in the Chalcidice, Athens is forced to act. A fresh operation aims to secure Athens' base in Potidaea, a move designed to solidify their influence in the region. Little did they know, this venture would soon become an early lesson in the challenges of facing effective light troops.

    Simultaneously, back on the Greek mainland, the stage is set for a gripping saga. Minor Peloponnesian allies successfully sway Sparta into launching a campaign at the mouth of the Corinthian Gulf. Embarking with only a portion of the Peloponnesian fleet, the Spartans face a cautious journey past the Athenian base of Naupactus. The amphibious operation, once arriving at its location encounters setbacks, grappling with issues of ill-discipline, divided forces, and the defenders' ingenious use of terrain, leading to a failed mission.

    At Naupactus, the keen-eyed Athenian general, Phormio, observes the initial fleet sail by. However, when the remainder attempts to slip past, he springs into action. Despite being outnumbered, Phormio's superior tactics and intimate knowledge of the area secure a resounding victory. Nevertheless, the Spartans, undeterred after their land defeat, regroup for another naval engagement, placing the Athenians in a dire numerical predicament.

    This time around, the odds are stacked against Phormio. After losing half his fleet, fortune smiles upon him, allowing his naval command prowess to shine. Athenian losses are miraculously recovered, and the Peloponnesian forces find themselves in a hasty retreat. Yet, Sparta, yearning for a triumph to bring home, decides on a bold move—an attempt to assault Athens' home port, the Piraeus.

    However, the gods seem to favour Athens. Bad weather and a touch of commander hesitancy conspire against the Spartan ambitions, leaving them without the favourable news they sought for the year. Join us as we navigate the treacherous waters of ancient conflict and witness the highs and lows of naval warfare in this gripping chapter of the Peloponnesian War.

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