
    342) The Real Challenge in AI for Financial Brands: It's People, Not Technology

    enOctober 17, 2023

    About this Episode

    The primary obstacle to growth for financial brands in the AI era isn't technology but people. Despite many digital transformations not meeting expectations, the real challenge lies in the team's ability to adapt and use new technologies. However, focusing on human transformation alongside digital change can turn these challenges into growth opportunities. 

    In the latest episode, Pia Wendelbo, CEO of Scandinavian Change Agents with over 15 years of experience in leading change for major financial institutions in Europe, joins the show to discuss how to guide teams through this era of rapid AI-driven change.

    Join us we discuss:

    -Employee experience in digital transformation. (7:41)

    -Team dynamics, failure, and trust-building in digital growth. (28:53)

    -Change management and leadership in digital transformation. (35:22)

    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

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    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

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    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

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    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

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    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here