
    345. American Freedom: Now Or Never Ft. Eric Greitens

    enJuly 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the upcoming election and grassroots energyGrassroots support for underdog campaigns despite opposition from establishment politicians, importance of leaders who fight for people's interests, and the divide between establishment and grassroots.

      During this special episode, Eric Gritans joined Andy Priscilla to discuss the upcoming election and the current state of the country. They talked about the grassroots energy and support for Eric's campaign, despite opposition from establishment politicians like Mitch McConnell. They also touched on the importance of having leaders who are willing to fight for the people and their interests, as opposed to those who cave to pressure. The conversation highlighted the divide between the establishment and the grassroots, with the latter being increasingly frustrated with the former's lack of courage and clear stance on key issues. The discussion also touched on the impact of the pandemic on small businesses and the devastation it caused. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of having leaders who truly represent the people and are willing to stand up for their rights and interests.

    • Corruption in Politics: Special Interests Manipulate PoliticiansTo combat political corruption, vote for individuals with courage to stand up against special interests and fight for the people, despite backlash from the political establishment and media.

      The political system is deeply corrupted by the influence of special interests and lobbyists, who manipulate politicians to serve their own interests at the expense of the people. This results in policies that favor the powerful over the average citizen, leading to a crisis in the country. To combat this, it's essential to vote for individuals who have the courage to stand up against this corruption and fight for the people, rather than blindly following party lines. An example of this was the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program in Missouri, which was a complete waste of taxpayer money, but politicians continued to fund it due to lobbyist pressure. By canceling the program, the people's money was returned to them, but it led to backlash from the political establishment and the media. It takes real courage to challenge this system, but it's necessary for the greater good.

    • Protecting Interests: The Power of PrimariesPeople resist threats to their income and financial stability, leading to deceit in politics. Primaries give power to choose candidates representing true interests, impacting society's direction.

      People are protective of their interests and will resist anyone or anything that threatens their way of life, particularly when it comes to their income and financial stability. This is evident in various communities and groups, including those in politics, where insider trading and deceit are rampant. The mainstream media and politicians often lie to protect their own interests, creating a power dynamic that works against the people. However, there is hope for change through active participation in primary elections, where individuals have the power to choose candidates who truly represent their interests. The importance of primaries should not be underestimated, as the outcome of these elections can significantly impact the general election and ultimately, the direction of society. It's essential to educate friends and neighbors about the importance of primaries and to vote for candidates who align with one's values.

    • Transparency and accountability in legal proceedingsEmphasizing the importance of citizen participation in democratic process, every vote matters, understanding political process, three branches of government, and power to effect change lies in hands.

      Transparency and accountability were the winners in the recent legal proceedings involving a Soros-funded prosecutor and a corrupt FBI agent. Eric Greitens, a candidate for Missouri's Senate seat, emphasized the importance of citizen participation in the democratic process. He encouraged everyone to vote in the upcoming primary on August 2nd, and emphasized that every vote matters. Greitens also highlighted the importance of education and understanding the political process, as well as the three branches of government. He urged citizens to take an active role in their civic duties, and emphasized that the power to effect change lies in their hands. The elitists, according to Greitens, do not want everyone to vote, but when citizens come out in large numbers, the power shifts back to them.

    • The US Political System Favors the Elite, but Eric Greitens Encourages People to Get EngagedEric Greitens advocates for people to take back power from the elite, engage in purpose-driven lives, and address issues like the deliberate attack on energy production and rising violence.

      The current political system in the US, as it stands, benefits the establishment, political class, and lobbyists, leaving the American people without a significant voice in the election process. Eric Greitens, a Navy SEAL and former Governor of Missouri, advocates for people to get engaged and take back the power from the elite. He believes in living a purpose-driven life and making a difference for others. He identifies several issues that require attention, including the deliberate leftist attack on energy production leading to inflation and the rise in violent assaults and murders across the country. These issues not only have economic consequences but also destroy lives and families. The crisis in the US is real, and it's essential for people to get involved and make their voices heard to bring about positive change.

    • The impact of societal issues on crime and police recruitingSocietal issues like defund the police, open borders, and divisive policies contribute to an increase in violence and crime, and a crisis in recruiting quality law enforcement officers. These actions are deliberate attempts to destabilize the country, leading to a humanitarian crisis, economic instability, and a threat to national security.

      The current societal issues, including the defund the police movement, open borders, and the promotion of divisive policies, are contributing to an increase in violence and crime, as well as a crisis in recruiting quality law enforcement officers. The speaker shares a personal experience of finding two young men, who had promising futures, killed in a violent incident. The families wanted to know their sons didn't die alone, emphasizing the importance of police presence. The speaker believes these issues are deliberate attempts to destabilize the country, as part of a historical playbook for destroying nations, including debasing the currency, creating division, military disasters abroad, and opening the borders. The consequences include a humanitarian crisis, economic instability, and a threat to national security.

    • Policies weakening America's democracyCertain policies threaten individual freedom and contribute to a larger plan to weaken society, paving way for a one-world system based on communist ideology.

      Certain policies being pursued by those in power, such as defunding the police, open borders, COVID tyranny, and attacks on American energy independence, are not only harmful to individuals but also part of a larger plan to weaken and demoralize society. This demoralization is intended to make freedom seem weak and unattractive, paving the way for a one-world system that is not based on democracy but on a communist ideology. The analogy of a terminal illness was used to describe the current state of the nation, where people are starting to feel the effects but may not yet fully understand the depth and intent of the situation. The ultimate goal is to lower the standard of America in the eyes of other countries and erode its status as a beacon of freedom.

    • Despair is damaging, courage inspiresDespair can lead to harmful consequences, but courage inspires and unites individuals to defend their freedoms

      Despair is the most damaging injury an individual or a nation can face. It can lead to substance abuse, loss of purpose, and even suicide. The current state of affairs, with various crises and censorship, is designed to instill despair and demoralize people. But courage is contagious, and when people stand up against these challenges, they inspire others to do the same. The truth will eventually prevail, but it requires individuals to act with courage and fight for their freedoms. Tyrants seek control, disregarding the well-being of individuals and society. We must form a freedom movement of patriots, willing to defend our rights and those of our neighbors. As Mr. Rothman, a beloved fourth and fifth-grade teacher, once said, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." We must stand up against leftist tyranny and protect the First Amendment for all Americans.

    • Take action to make a differenceSmall actions can inspire others and create a ripple effect, while understanding enemies and standing against censorship is crucial for winning battles ahead.

      Taking action, no matter how small, can help improve your mood and make a difference in the world. When we feel down or disconnected, it's easy to fall into the mentality of being a silent observer. But as the discussion emphasizes, tyrants thrive on silence and compliance. By taking action, such as sharing a podcast with friends or voting, we can inspire others to do the same and create a ripple effect. Additionally, it's crucial to understand the tactics of those trying to suppress our voices and to stand up against cancel culture and wokeness, which can divide and weaken communities. Knowing ourselves and our enemies, as Sun Tzu teaches, is essential for winning the battles ahead. So, let's take action, make our voices heard, and stand together against those who seek to silence us.

    • Embracing dialogue and understanding in a complex political climateEncourage dialogue, avoid bullying, and work towards fixing America's issues for future generations.

      It's important for people from all sides to come together and make room for those who are still figuring out the truth in this complex political climate. The speaker emphasizes that not everyone has realized the manipulative nature of mainstream media and the importance of holding those in power accountable. He encourages understanding and dialogue instead of bullying or attacking those with different beliefs. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledges that America, while not perfect, is still the least oppressive country in the world and that it's our responsibility to work towards fixing its issues for future generations. Lastly, the speaker differentiates between true evil and error, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and that grace and pursuit of justice are necessary for progress.

    • Trust in traditional media at an all-time low, with only 11% expressing high degree of trustOnly 11% trust traditional media, companies pushing controversial content suffer financially, be aware of attempts to suppress American culture and freedom through politically correct ideology and self-censorship.

      Trust in traditional media sources, such as CNN and mainstream TV, is at an all-time low, with only 11% of Americans expressing a high degree of trust. Companies that push controversial or politically correct content are suffering financially, with Disney and Netflix being notable examples. The hesitation to embrace American culture and freedom, including the display of the American flag, is a tactic used by those promoting communist ideologies. This hesitation is a result of politically correct ideology and self-censorship, which are designed to install a value system that discourages speaking the truth. It's important to recognize these tactics and not let fear prevent us from advocating for freedom and expressing our identities as Americans.

    • Unite through actionFocusing on action and bringing people together for a common cause can help us recognize each other's strengths and accomplish great things, despite our differences.

      Instead of focusing on arguments and abstractions, we should unite people through action. The left and elitists often try to divide us by focusing on controversial issues, but when we come together and work on real projects that improve our communities, our differences melt away. By focusing on action and bringing people together for a common cause, we can recognize each other's strengths and accomplish great things. It's important to have mission-focused and action-focused leaders who can bring us together and make a positive impact. In the face of chaos and despair, we must not let ourselves be divided by arguments, but instead come together and take action to make a difference.

    • Identify genuine representativesEducate yourself about the political system and support individuals who genuinely serve the people, regardless of party affiliation.

      The current state of chaos and rising costs in our society are not accidental but intentional. To address this, we need to educate ourselves about the political system and identify those who truly serve the people, rather than the establishment. These individuals may be found across party lines, and it's essential to do our due diligence to distinguish them. By supporting genuine candidates, we can help create a balanced government and prevent tyranny or oppression. In essence, we must prioritize electing individuals who are committed to serving their communities and representing the people's needs.

    • Recognizing Our Role in America's FutureAmericans must focus on personal excellence and encourage it in others to create a stronger, more prosperous, and compassionate nation, despite current challenges.

      We, as Americans, need to recognize that we are the world and deserve to live in a country where we have equal opportunities, freedom from anxiety and division, and the ability to pursue happiness. The current state of America, filled with negativity, crises, and fear, is not acceptable and is intentionally put upon us to drive up anxiety and despair. However, we have the courage, resilience, and strength to confront this crisis and make our country better than it's ever been. By focusing on personal excellence and encouraging it in others, we can create a stronger, more prosperous, and compassionate nation. Despite the challenges, we should be proud to be Americans and work together towards a revival of the notion of citizenship.

    • Unity and peace are essential for individual success and societal bettermentEngage in the democratic process, form relationships with like-minded individuals, and work towards unity and peace to restore true freedom and make a difference in society.

      Unity and peace are essential for individual success and the betterment of society. The speaker expresses his exhaustion with the current state of conflict and hate, and emphasizes the importance of coming together to bring about change. He values the relationships he has formed with those who share his beliefs and encourages others to engage in the democratic process and vote for candidates who align with their values. The future of the country depends on collective action to restore true freedom and unity. The speaker's admiration and respect for Eric Reitens, whom he considers a real fighter, serves as an inspiration to continue the fight for a better future. He urges listeners to have conversations with their friends, go to the polls on Tuesday, and get engaged in the process to make a difference.

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    • The impact of TV binge-watching on your recovery
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    • Recognizing and letting go of your low vibration
    • 3 words that have guided us to our purpose

    Resources mentioned in this episode


    About Sara Schulting- Kranz

    Sara Schulting-Kranz is an acclaimed author, thought leader, keynote speaker, trauma and life coach, wilderness guide, and executive producer of "Walk Through This", a documentary feature in the production of her healing journey in nature. 

    Sara, a multiple trauma survivor, guides men and women on their own life-changing journeys of healing and transformation. When she is not working with individual clients, she is guiding transformational nature healing retreats in the Grand Canyon, Alaska, and the Southern California highlands. Whether kayaking or hiking, each retreat is focused on the power of water or land to somatically heal and tune our heart, mind, body, and soul.

    Connect with Sara


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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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