
    #349 - Rupert Spira - Enlightenment, Happiness & Non-Duality

    enJuly 24, 2021
    What is meant by enlightenment according to Rupert Spira?
    How does Rupert Spira illustrate the concept of essential self?
    What are the transient elements of our experience?
    How is awareness described in the text?
    What is the relationship between peace and happiness in our being?

    • Recognizing the Essential SelfEnlightenment is recognizing our inherent and unchanging self beyond transient experiences like thoughts and feelings.

      Learning from this conversation with Rupert Spira is that enlightenment, or awakening, refers to the recognition of one's essential being or self. This essential self is not the transient elements of our experience, such as thoughts, feelings, relationships, or activities. Instead, it is the inherent and unchanging aspect of ourselves that never disappears. To achieve enlightenment, we don't need to get rid of or change these elements but rather recognize that they are not essential to our true nature. Rupert uses the analogy of a screen and an image to illustrate this concept: just as no image is essential to the screen, no transient experience is essential to our essential self. This realization is what is referred to as enlightenment or awakening in religious and spiritual traditions. It's a simple yet profound concept that invites us to see clearly the nature of our true selves.

    • The awareness that knows our experiences is our true selfOur essential self is the unchanging awareness that knows our ever-changing thoughts, feelings, and sensations

      The self is not defined by the constant changing experiences, but rather by the awareness or consciousness that is present throughout those experiences. The thoughts, feelings, and sensations we have are not the same as they were even just a few minutes ago, but the awareness that knows them remains the same. This awareness is our essential self, the one thing that never changes and cannot be removed. It's important to note that this awareness is not the same as the word "awareness" as some people might understand it, but rather the consciousness or subjective experience that is always present. So, while our experiences come and go, the awareness that knows them remains consistently present, making it our unchanging, irreducible self.

    • The true nature of awareness or consciousnessAwareness or consciousness is a non-dual, subjective experience, not an object or a thing, and our true nature is happiness itself. It is an ever-changing, high-fidelity experience that allows us to focus and expand our awareness.

      Awareness or consciousness, which is the fundamental aspect of our being that perceives our thoughts, feelings, and the world around us, is not an object or a thing, but rather a non-dual, subjective experience. This understanding is a core tenet of nondualism, a philosophical and spiritual tradition that underlies various religious and philosophical systems. Nondualism posits that our true nature is happiness itself, and we share this happiness with everyone and everything. Awareness or consciousness, being the essence of our being, is not something that can be described or objectified, but rather experienced directly as an open, impartial, and non-judgmental presence. It is an ever-changing, textured, and high-fidelity experience that allows us to focus on specific aspects of our experience or expand our awareness to encompass the entire spectrum of it. By recognizing the true nature of awareness, we can transcend the limitations of language and philosophical constructs and directly experience the interconnectedness and unity of all things.

    • The peaceful observer within usAwareness is an independent, peaceful observer within us, not influenced by our thoughts, feelings, or experiences

      Awareness, or the part of us that is aware of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, is not itself agitated or lacking. It is a peaceful and independent observer, much like a camera observing its surroundings without being affected by what it sees. This peace and independence are the very nature of ourselves, not something we need to attain or manipulate. The words "peace" and "happiness" can be used interchangeably to describe this fundamental aspect of our being. It's important to remember that this peace and happiness are not dependent on external circumstances or the content of our experiences. Instead, they are inherent to who we are.

    • Happiness is the background of all emotionsRecognize happiness as the inherent nature of our being, not something to be acquired through external means

      Happiness is not an emotion, but rather the ever-present background of all emotions, like the blue sky behind the clouds. It is the nature of our self and is always present, but it is not always felt due to the obscuring effects of thoughts and feelings. The belief that happiness can be acquired through changing the content of our experiences is a common impediment to recognizing it as an inherent part of ourselves. The analogy of the sky and the weather can help illustrate this concept: the sky, or awareness, remains indifferent and complete, while the weather, or thoughts and feelings, come and go. To attain happiness or peace, one must let go of the belief that it can be acquired through external means and instead recognize it as the inherent nature of our being.

    • Understanding the source of desiresRecognize the difference between desires driven by a sense of lack and those driven by happiness, love, or a desire to explore or express truth.

      Happiness is not dependent on external objectives or states, such as wealth, health, or relationships. Instead, desires and motivations should come from a place other than a sense of lack. It's important to be aware of the source of our desires, as some may arise from a sense of lack, while others may come from feelings of happiness, love, or a desire to explore or express truth. The only type of desire that diminishes with this understanding is the desire driven by a sense of lack and the belief that acquiring an object, substance, state, or relationship will provide lasting happiness. It's essential to recognize the difference between being driven by a sense of gap (lack) or gain (compulsion towards something good).

    • Seeking Happiness in the Wrong PlacesBelieving happiness comes from external possessions leads to a cycle of emptiness and desire, but recognizing our true nature as happiness brings peace and interconnectedness.

      Many people are driven to achieve great things out of a deep-rooted fear of insufficiency. They believe that acquiring wealth, success, or material possessions will fill the void within them and make them worthy of love and happiness. However, this fleeting sense of happiness is short-lived, and the feeling of emptiness returns, often requiring a stronger dose of the desired object or substance. This cycle can lead to despair or depression for some, but for others, it can spark an intuition that they have been looking for happiness in the wrong place. This turning point leads to the investigation of one's true nature, which is the beginning of the path to recognizing our innate peace and happiness. Through an experiment of removing temporary and objective experiences, we can identify our awareness as the remaining essence. This relates to the non-dual aspect of the terminology, as happiness is our true nature, and we share this being with everyone and everything, making us all interconnected parts of a single, indivisible reality.

    • Our inner experience of happiness is connected to our true nature, which is a single, unified reality.In non-dual understanding, the one unified reality appears as a multitude of things and selves, including ourselves and our inner experience of happiness.

      According to non-dual understanding, our inner experience of happiness is connected to our true nature, which is a single, unified reality. This reality appears to us as a multiplicity and diversity of objects and selves, including ourselves. The analogy of a dream illustrates this concept well. In a dream, our mind imagines a dreamed world and localizes itself as a character within it, experiencing a sense of separation and independence. However, upon waking up, we realize that this sense of separation was an illusion. Similarly, the universe is the mental activity of the one infinite consciousness, but it cannot perceive itself directly. Instead, it localizes itself within its own imagination as an apparently separate subject of experience, from whose perspective it views its own activity as an apparently outside world. In essence, all there is, is the one unified reality, appearing as a multitude of things and selves.

    • Our perception of reality is shaped by our mindsReality is influenced by our finite minds, but it's not solely confined to them; it exists in infinite consciousness.

      Our perception of reality is limited by our finite minds, which function like a virtual reality headset, shaping our experience according to its capabilities. However, this does not mean that reality is solely confined to our minds; rather, it owes its existence to infinite consciousness. Rupert Sheldrake, who has spent decades exploring this concept, describes it as the difference between the structure of our minds and the contents of our experience. He shares his personal journey of rediscovering this intuition he had as a child and the evolution of his understanding over the years. Despite the complexity of the topic, Sheldrake emphasizes that the essence of this idea is simple and ordinary.

    • Finding Inner Peace and HappinessTrue peace and happiness come from within, not from external sources or experiences. To find them, look inward and trace your experience back to its source in your being.

      True peace and happiness cannot be found in objective experiences or external sources, but rather in the very nature of oneself. Rupert Spira shares his understanding of non-dual consciousness, explaining how he has come to realize that the innate peace and happiness within him are not derived from external experiences. Instead, he goes back to his being when these feelings are eclipsed. Moreover, Spira's sense of shared being with everyone and everything deepens over time, leading to a progressive dissolving of separation and an increased sensitivity to others' suffering. He encourages those who are consumed with their own suffering to trace their experience inwards, rather than reaching outwards for external solutions, to find peace and awareness within themselves. For more information on Rupert Spira's work and non-dualism, people can start by exploring his YouTube channel.

    • Explore Rupert Spira's teachings through his YouTube channel and websiteRenowned spiritual teacher Rupert Spira offers a variety of resources, including books and webinars, to explore the nature of consciousness through philosophical and experiential approaches.

      Rupert Spira, a renowned spiritual teacher, invites you to explore his extensive collection of YouTube videos, which serves as an introduction to his teachings. His website, rupertspire.com, offers a wealth of resources, including books, archived meetings, and weekly webinars. For those interested in a philosophical exploration of consciousness, Spira recommends his book "The Nature of Consciousness." However, for a simpler, experiential approach, he suggests "Being Aware of Being Aware" or his upcoming book "Being Myself." These books offer essential non-dual understanding in a concise manner. Begin your journey with Spira through these resources and prepare for thought-provoking insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.

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    #832 - Rudyard Lynch - Is This The Most Absurd Time In History?

    #832 - Rudyard Lynch - Is This The Most Absurd Time In History?
    Rudyard Lynch is a YouTuber and a historian. Is the modern world weird? Whether it's incels, brat summer, a broken media landscape, godlessness or a decline in institutional trust it seems like lots of modernity is kind of odd. From the fall of empires to the rise of new world orders, how does our current timeline compare to the rest of recent history? Expect to learn whether we are actually living in a unique time in history, what a far-right backlash might look like, why the left is seen as more feminine, what would have happened if Trump actually had been killed, what it will take for young men to feel happy and fulfilled again and much more… Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first box at https://drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enAugust 31, 2024

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    A drop of water does not think of itself as separate from the stream.

    We are all part of the stream of a greater consciousness. And while we often look at ourselves as the drop, doing our own thing, feeling our own feelings, and living our own way, we can easily tap back into our grander nature and once again feel our connection to the stream.

    Anytime you feel the desire to do so, simply focus your awareness on what IS in the moment. Focus it so intently that there is nothing else but the moment and what it holds in all its richness.

    Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.

    Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MichaelNeeley.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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    JdR Podcast 217 - Your Simple and Immediate Return to Oneness - December 9, 2015 Evening - San Francisco, USA Open Mic Gathering

    Title: Your Simple and Immediate Return to Oneness. 


    Location: December 9, 2015 Evening - San Francisco, USA Open Mic Gathering. 


    Quote: The way is the same for everyone - it is the way of being. Awareness on its own, in the midst of any kind of mental or emotional or physical state, relaxes, and accomplishes everything that you are looking for. 


    Info: People are responding worldwide to John and his message of knowing and meaning. Aside from regular meetings in Edmonton, Canada, John holds seminars and retreats in Australia, Israel, and several countries around Europe. These international events include lunches and informal meetings with John and those attending the meetings. People also connect via webcast as part of a wider international community. 


    Canadian Philosopher John de Ruiter is an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, teaching that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty." In his teens, John awakened to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, his life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing, a true inspiration that he encourages in others. 


    John's meetings include silence, connection by eye-contact, and dialogue. They are an opportunity to come to rest while actively realizing deeper levels of being human, knowing what we really are, and allowing that greater reality to change our lives. 


    More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at www.johnderuiter.com


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