
    357. Feeling As Though You Are Not Doing Enough

    enAugust 25, 2024
    What is toxic productivity and its effects on happiness?
    How do UTIs increase delirium risk in elderly patients?
    What steps can be taken to prioritize the present moment?
    How can intrinsic motivation contribute to a fulfilled life?
    Why is balance important between goals and the process?

    Podcast Summary

    • Toxic Productivity, Elderly UTIsStriving for constant productivity can negatively impact happiness and present moment enjoyment. Elderly UTIs can lead to delirium due to weakened blood-brain barriers.

      Constantly striving for more to feel happy or accomplished can lead to feelings of unhappiness and ruination of the present moment. This mindset is linked to toxic productivity and can impact mood and overall well-being. Additionally, elderly patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more susceptible to delirium due to the weakening of the blood-brain barrier as they age, allowing inflammation and infection to more easily penetrate and affect the brain. It's important to be aware of these issues and take steps to prioritize the present moment and seek help when needed, whether it's addressing feelings of toxic productivity or ensuring elderly loved ones receive proper care for UTIs to prevent delirium. A recommended podcast for those interested in true crime and cons is "Scamfluences."

    • UTIs and deliriumUTIs are a common cause of delirium in elderly individuals, leading to potential neurological damage. Early treatment is crucial to prevent these complications.

      Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common issue among elderly individuals, leading to around 25% of geriatric hospitalizations. UTIs can cause delirium, which is linked to cytokine-mediated neuronal dysfunction in the brain regions responsible for executive function and memory. The cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) is believed to play a role in this process. In rat models, blocking IL-6 has resolved delirium symptoms. Early treatment of UTIs is crucial for elderly individuals to prevent neurological implications and potential irreversible damage. Additionally, I'll be releasing an audiobook called "How to Chase Change, 30 Days to Master Your Mindset," designed to help listeners transform their lives through daily exercises and resources. The feeling of constantly needing to do more and being productive, often referred to as hustle culture, can lead to anxiety, unhappiness, and a sense of not being good enough. It's essential to recognize and address these feelings to improve overall well-being.

    • Comparison and self-imposed deadlinesComparing ourselves to others and setting unrealistic expectations can lead to anxiety. Focus on the present and find fulfillment in the journey, rather than fixating on an arbitrary finish line.

      Comparison and self-imposed deadlines are major causes of anxiety. We often compare ourselves to others, setting unrealistic expectations and timelines, leading to feelings of inadequacy and stress. It's essential to recognize that everyone's journey is unique and that comparison is not productive. Additionally, not all deadlines are harmful, but it's crucial to avoid setting unrealistic ones and to acknowledge that life's uncertainties can require flexibility. Anxiety arises from the gap between where we are and where we think we should be, so it's essential to focus on the present and find fulfillment in the journey rather than fixating on an arbitrary finish line. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize balance and self-compassion, recognizing that happiness is not solely dependent on external achievements.

    • Redefining SuccessTo find greater satisfaction in life, redefine success beyond financial gain and material possessions, focus on personal growth, and establish healthy habits to reduce anxiety and improve mental health.

      Being busy isn't always good, and it's essential to evaluate the quality of our busyness and its impact on our mental health. We've conditioned ourselves to prioritize productivity and external success, often neglecting personal fulfillment. The brain follows our lead, reinforcing these behaviors. To create balance, we must pay attention to our conditioning, question our beliefs, and establish healthy habits. Success is not just about financial gain or material possessions; it's a feeling. By redefining success and focusing on personal growth, we can reduce anxiety and find greater satisfaction in life.

    • Inner happinessFocusing on inner happiness leads to greater productivity, resilience, and better connections, while acknowledging and understanding emotions can lead to learning and growth

      True success is not about external validation or accumulating wealth, but rather about feeling happy and content from within. Chasing happiness first and focusing on creating it in the present moment can lead to greater productivity, resilience, problem-solving skills, and better connections. It's important to acknowledge and understand the feelings that arise when we feel unproductive, rather than avoiding them or engaging in negative self-talk. Remember that happiness is not about constant joy or pleasure, but rather an inherent part of who we are. By embracing our emotions and asking why they arise, we can learn and grow from them, and ultimately live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Balanced HappinessSeeking happiness through internal growth, connections, and a balanced lifestyle, rather than relying solely on external achievements, leads to true and lasting happiness.

      True and lasting happiness comes from a balanced perspective that includes both internal and external factors. While striving for achievements and external goals can contribute to happiness, relying solely on them for identity and self-worth can lead to disappointment and a loss of sense of self once those goals are achieved. It's important to identify the feelings we're truly seeking through our productivity and to focus on fostering those feelings in the present moment, through connections, internal growth, and a balanced lifestyle. By being clear on the feelings we want to experience, we can avoid getting stuck in a toxic productivity cycle and instead live a more fulfilling and happy life.

    • Present moment happinessInstead of solely focusing on productivity and external goals, prioritize happiness and self-care in the present moment. Practice cognitive reappraisal, recognize daily accomplishments, and strive for intrinsic motivation for a more fulfilling life.

      Instead of focusing solely on productivity and achieving external goals, it's essential to prioritize happiness and self-care in the present moment. By practicing cognitive reappraisal and recognizing the accomplishments of each day, we can shift our mindset from feeling inadequate and anxious to feeling content and motivated. Additionally, understanding that there is no finish line to productivity and striving for intrinsic motivation can lead to a more fulfilling and ever-evolving life. Instead of viewing productivity as a means to an end, we should focus on the joy and personal growth that comes from the process itself.

    • Process vs End GoalFocusing on the process rather than the end goal can lead to greater joy, motivation, and fulfillment in life. Striking a balance between end goal-driven tasks and process-driven activities is essential for overall well-being.

      Finding joy and motivation comes from focusing on the process rather than the end goal. By embracing intrinsic motivation and broadening the definition of success, individuals can find happiness and fulfillment in various aspects of their lives. It's essential to strike a balance between end goal-driven tasks and process-driven activities to prevent feeling unsatisfied and overwhelmed. Success is not solely defined by external productivity but also by the enjoyment and fun experienced throughout the journey. By prioritizing joy in the present moment, individuals can attract more success and creativity into their lives.

    • Brain reconditioning for happinessThrough conscious effort and consistency, you can recondition your brain to find happiness in the present moment, unlocking your innate positivity and becoming a more fulfilled person

      You have the power to recondition your brain to find happiness in the present moment, despite challenges and negative emotions. This process requires conscious effort and consistency in reframing your perspective on various aspects of life, such as rest, feelings, and success. Over time, your brain will adapt and help you view a balanced, fulfilling life as the true mark of success. Remember, you already possess the happiness and positivity within you, but it may be dormant due to conditioning. By reconditioning your brain, you can unlock this innate happiness and become a more present, fulfilled person. Be kind and patient with yourself during this process, and don't let external pressures or negative self-talk hold you back.

    Recent Episodes from Do You F*cking Mind?

    360. Healing from anxious attachment and navigating a relationship with someone who has anxious attachment

    360. Healing from anxious attachment and navigating a relationship with someone who has anxious attachment

    A highly requested episode specifically on Anxious attachment! 

    On this fine ep I give an overview of the 4 attachment styles, explain how anxious attachment manifests, what the key features of it are, how it affects a relationship and 6 key ways to start turning your anxious attachment style into a secure attachment. 

    Hope you guys enjoy! 

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    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enSeptember 11, 2024