
    #369 – Paul Rosolie: Amazon Jungle, Uncontacted Tribes, Anacondas, and Ayahuasca

    enApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Paul Rosalie's Passion for Conservation and the Amazon RainforestDespite his struggles with dyslexia, Paul Rosalie has dedicated his life to protecting endangered species and trees in the Amazon rainforest through Jungle Keepers. He finds inspiration in the rainforest's natural wonders and looks up to Steve Irwin as a role model.

      Paul Rosalie is a conservationist explorer and filmmaker who has protected endangered species and trees in the Amazon rainforest for 17 years. He founded Jungle Keepers, which now protects over 50,000 acres of threatened habitat, and has a deep passion for the natural world. Growing up dyslexic and struggling in school, the forest provided a sense of safety and wonder for him. Being in the Amazon rainforest feels like coming home to him, with its immense diversity of plants and animals and the overwhelming majesty of thousand-year-old trees. Rosalie looks up to Steve Irwin as a role model for his endless curiosity and positive attitude towards nature.

    • The Marvels and Perils of the Amazon JungleThe Amazon's intricate and deadly ecosystem serves as a reminder of the complexity of life and the importance of respecting nature's power.

      The Amazon jungle is a churning, recycling death march where millions of heartbeats coexist in constant awareness of each other, from snakes and jaguars to tarantulas and birds. While it may seem overwhelming, these natural processes are part of a unique religion that reminds us of our own temporariness in the face of nature. Even the mosquitoes and bot flies that try to attack us are just part of the freak show of the Amazonian night, and it's all fair play. The Amazon teaches us that there's still so much we don't understand about life, and it's worth marveling at the incredible complexity of it all.

    • The Power of Nature and the Human Spirit with Paul RosolieConnecting with nature can remind us of the inherent truths in life and inspire us to persevere through challenges with a problem-solving attitude. Overcoming struggles can fuel the fire to achieve great things.

      In this conversation, Paul Rosolie discusses how being in nature reminds us of the inherent truths that are undeniable, such as the danger of a rising river. He considers himself a part of nature when out on expeditions, and they provide him with a sense of home. He draws inspiration from stories of people who have overcome incredible suffering and challenges, which motivates him to persevere in tough situations. When faced with difficult circumstances in the wilderness, he approaches them with a problem-solving attitude rather than complaining. He also acknowledges having a little bit of an egotistical "bad motherfucker" attitude, especially when he was younger.

    • Finding Balance in the Perils of the WildernessThe dangers of the wilderness should be respected, but one can still appreciate the adventure without compromising safety. Embrace the present and appreciate what truly matters in life.

      While adventure in the wilderness may seem like a thrilling experience, it can quickly turn deadly, and even the bravest daredevils can succumb to the dangers of the wild. In the Amazon, one can quickly become stripped down and left with nothing but their survival instincts, an experience where even the bravest man is reduced to just hope. While death may be a constant danger, the temptation of adventure always lingers, and it is up to us to find a polarizing balance between adventure and tragedy, without compromising our lives for it. Ultimately, the wilderness teaches us to embrace the present and appreciate what truly matters in life.

    • The Jungle's Power and Beauty: Paul Rosolie's InsightsAnimals in the jungle are capable of showing compassion and emotion, and it's important to acknowledge and respect this. The jungle is a diverse and complex ecosystem that demands respect for its power and beauty.

      In this section, Paul Rosolie talks about his experiences in the jungle and the challenges of surviving in the wild. He describes the constant reminder of the jungle's power and the darkness and beauty that it holds. Werner Herzog's interpretation of the jungle is also discussed, with Herzog seeing the darkness in it and embracing it. Rosolie notes that people often underestimate animals and their abilities to show compassion and emotion, citing Jane Goodall as a mentor who broke through these misconceptions. Overall, the section highlights the complexity and diversity of life in the jungle and the importance of acknowledging and respecting the emotions and abilities of animals in the wild.

    • The Complexity of Animal Communication and UnderstandingAnimals have complex decision-making abilities and personalities. Knowledge of nature is important and can surpass modern technology. Understanding animal communication challenges our assumptions about their intelligence and consciousness.

      Paul Rosolie reflects on his wonder and curiosity about the complex decision-making abilities of animals, from insects to doves to elephants. He tells a story of a skilled jungle man, JJ, who has an uncanny ability to communicate with animals and understand their intentions through reading their body movements and observing their surroundings. Rosolie emphasizes that JJ's knowledge of medicinal plants and navigation, for example, surpasses that of western doctors and modern technology. JJ's ability to communicate with animals highlights the depth and complexity of their experiences and personalities, challenging us to reconsider our assumptions about their intelligence and consciousness.

    • Paul Rosolie's Insights into the Amazon Jungle and its CreaturesPaul Rosolie shares his knowledge of the habits and perspectives of different animal species in the Amazon jungle. His experiences highlight the importance of preserving the jungle and the significance of the "floating forest" and the legend of the anaconda.

      In this section, Paul Rosolie, an expert on the Amazon jungle, discusses his knowledge of the habits and perspectives of various animal species. He often refers to animals as if they are people, and shares anecdotes about his interactions with them. He also talks about his relationship with the jungle, which became his identity and his way of life. He learned about the importance of the "floating forest" and the legend of the anaconda from Santiago Duran, a jungle badass whom he met in his eighties. This knowledge gave him the motivation to continue exploring the uncharted territory of the Yakima, which is part of the Amazon jungle in Peru.

    • Protecting the Western Amazon's Mega Biodiverse Biome and Its Apex Predator - The Anaconda.The Western Amazon is an incredible and unique place with a biodiverse ecosystem that includes apex predators like anacondas. Protecting this ecosystem is crucial for the survival of the region and the planet.

      The western Amazon, where the Andes Mountains meet the cloud forests, is home to a mega biodiverse biome which makes it a unique and incredible place on earth. In this region, the Saha people, led by the legend Santiago Duran, have fought to protect the forest and its incredible wildlife. Anacondas, the largest snakes on earth, play a vital role in this ecosystem, as they move up the food chain to become apex predators in the rivers. However, they are constantly at war with everything else in the jungle, and humans often hunt them. Protecting this incredible place and its wildlife is important for the survival of this region and for the planet as a whole.

    • Encountering Anacondas in the Floating Forest.Anacondas in the Amazon are not a threat to humans unless they are hungry and provoked. Encounters with these creatures can open our eyes to the importance of protecting the jungle.

      The floating forest in the Amazon is home to massive anacondas. While they may seem dangerous, they are actually not a threat to humans unless they are hungry and provoked. Paul Rosolie recounts his experience of encountering a 25-foot anaconda in the floating forest with his friend, JJ. He attempted to catch the anaconda, but it slipped away into the darkness after he held onto its tail. This experience made Rosolie and JJ realize that the reality they thought was possible was just a tiny fraction of what's out there, and they needed to focus their efforts on protecting the jungle.

    • The Truth About Snakes: Dispelling Myths About Their Aggressive BehaviorSnakes are not aggressive and usually try to avoid conflict. Interacting calmly with them can foster appreciation for their importance in the ecosystem.

      Contrary to popular belief, snakes are not aggressive creatures and usually choose to flee rather than fight. Snake expert Paul Rosolie has handled over 80 anacondas and never been bitten, and believes that when snakes display aggressive behaviors such as rattling their tails or standing up, they are actually just trying to warn humans to stay away. In fact, Rosolie argues that snakes are peaceful creatures that are often misunderstood, and that interacting calmly with them can create a sense of wonder and appreciation for their beauty and importance in the ecosystem.

    • The Educational and Ecological Benefits of Studying AnacondasAnacondas can be used to teach people about wildlife, nature, and the effects of human activities on the ecosystem. Catching these creatures is risky but can be done safely with experience and knowledge.

      Snakes can be used to teach people about wildlife and nature because they are often feared without reason. Anacondas, as apex predators, can also indicate the effects of human activities on the ecosystem, as they absorb mercury from gold mining in the region. Catching an anaconda is risky, but with experience and knowledge, it can be done safely. By studying these powerful creatures, we can learn more about the world around us and our impact on it.

    • The Crimes and Consequences of Illegal Gold Mining in the AmazonIllegal gold mining destroys the Amazon rainforest, causes health damage, and violence, but conservationists have demonstrated that change is possible by converting miners into allies in protecting the ecosystem.

      Illegal gold mining in the Amazon rainforest is a massive and destructive global ecological crime. The miners cut and burn the forest, and then use mercury to extract tiny particles of gold from the sand. The mercury vapors then enter the ecosystem, leading to birth defects and other damage. The lack of regulation in these areas means that authorities are unable to control the miners, who often resort to violence when threatened. However, conservationists have been successful in converting some miners into allies in the fight against deforestation and destruction of the Amazon, showing that change is possible.

    • The Solution to Illegal Gold Mining in the AmazonVilifying miners and loggers is not a solution. Providing new channels of survival and job opportunities can lead to sustainable practices. Creating a sense of kinship and supporting ecotourism can preserve the environment and benefit locals.

      Illegal gold mining in the Amazon is causing deforestation and pollution, including the harmful use and disposal of mercury. However, simply vilifying miners and loggers is not a solution. Instead, providing new channels of survival and job opportunities can lead to more sustainable practices. For example, Jungle Keepers encourages loggers and extractors to protect the environment and their knowledge of the jungle can be a valuable asset. By supporting ecotourism lodges, providing proper training, and paying workers fairly, it is possible to create a win-win situation where the environment is preserved and locals earn a living. It is important to understand that the loggers and miners are often people who also love the jungle and creating a sense of kinship can be a powerful force for positive change.

    • Raising Awareness about Amazon Rainforest DestructionBuilding a relationship with nature and finding creative solutions can help address environmental destruction.

      Paul Rosolie, a conservationist and explorer, has been working to raise awareness about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. He believes that it is important to develop a relationship with the animals and the environment to truly understand its value. In his efforts to bring attention to this issue, he brainstormed ways to make the cause more appealing to the public. This included a controversial proposal of being eaten alive by an anaconda during a show which was ultimately not carried out. Ultimately, he highlights the need for creative problem solving and awareness in addressing environmental destruction.

    • Paul Rosolie's Painful Lesson from the "Eaten Alive" StuntBe cautious when agreeing to participate in projects, especially if they may compromise your values or beliefs. Trust only those who have your best interests in mind.

      In an interview with Lex Fridman, wildlife conservationist Paul Rosolie revealed the difficulties he faced when he agreed to participate in the Discovery Channel's "Eaten Alive" stunt. While he needed the money and saw it as a potential opportunity for his career, he soon realized that the producers had changed the message of the film and turned it into a sideshow. The scientific community criticized his decision to participate, and he received death threats from angry viewers. Although the experience was a painful lesson, Paul believes it taught him about the dangers of trusting people who don't have your best interests at heart.

    • The Power of Authenticity in Conservation WorkCommunicating and showcasing real-life situations through authenticity on social media can make a significant impact on conservation work. Refusing to compromise authenticity and working outside traditional systems can lead to meaningful results. Inspiration can be drawn from Mr. Beast and Joe Rogan's small crew approach to capturing the real thing.

      Authenticity is the greatest currency for Paul Rosolie, as he believes it is necessary to communicate and show real-life situations. He states that most of the success he has had in his work for protecting the rainforest has been due to his ability to communicate and share with people through social media. Paul refuses to compromise on the authenticity of his work and prefers to work outside the traditional system of committees and directors that may filter or dilute the real essence of his work. He cites examples of Mr. Beast and Joe Rogan as inspirations where they work with small crews to capture and showcase the real thing.

    • How Social Media Helped a Conservationist Protect 50,000 Acres of RainforestCommunication and social media can play a crucial role in garnering support for conservation efforts, as demonstrated by Paul Rosolie's success in attracting attention to his cause and achieving funding for his ranger program.

      Paul Rosolie, a conservationist and ecotourism specialist, shares his experience of bringing attention to the destruction of the Amazon on social media. After posting about it on his Instagram account, he received numerous calls, including from news outlets, and became a spokesperson for the Amazon. His story highlights the importance of communication and social media in bringing attention to conservation efforts. While he initially struggled to get support, a Canadian entrepreneur provided the funding he needed to develop a ranger program and protect 50,000 acres of rainforest. He emphasizes that social media can play a crucial role in conservation efforts, and that it was integral towards garnering support for his cause.

    • The Real Dangers of Solo Hiking in the Jungle: Insights from Paul RosolieFalling trees and exposure to elements pose bigger risks in the jungle than animal encounters. When hiking solo, bring non-perishable food, fishing supplies, a hammock, and a machete. Avoid bringing perishable food and starting fires.

      Paul Rosolie has had many close encounters with Jaguars while out on solo hikes in the jungle. However, he reveals that Jaguars are not the biggest danger in the jungle. Falling trees and exposure to the elements are greater concerns. During his solo hikes, he brings a hammock, headlamp, three days' worth of non-perishable food, fish hooks, and a machete. He supplements his food supply by fishing and gathering nuts in the jungle. Starting a fire is futile in the Amazon, so he avoids bringing perishable food. Despite the risks, Rosolie thrives in the jungle and draws energy from his encounters with animals, such as the Jaguar that once came within six inches of his face.

    • Surviving in the Jungle Without FireIn the jungle, use nuts for calories and a fishing line for food, but be prepared to use diesel to start a fire in emergencies. Constant wetness increases the risk of infections, so be cautious and seek treatment.

      Despite being unable to stay dry in the jungle, Paul Rosolie is still able to survive without relying on fire by using nuts for calories and leaving a fishing line out. However, in emergency situations, he uses diesel to start a fire. Infections are more efficient due to constant wetness in the jungle, which can lead to serious illnesses like the one Rosolie experienced from an untreated infection. Despite being surrounded by dead animals and facing intense physical pain and disfigurement, he was ultimately able to make it back to civilization with the help of others.

    • How Bot Flies in the Amazon Rainforest Can be Treated NaturallyCertain trees in the rainforest can be used to treat bot fly infections, reducing the need for traditional antibiotics. Knowing the medicinal properties of flora and fauna in the rainforest is important.

      In the Amazon rainforest, there are creatures called bot flies that lay their eggs on mosquitoes. When the mosquitoes bite humans, the eggs fall into the skin and eventually hatch into worms that live inside the flesh. These can be very painful and require a painful process of extraction. However, there are certain trees in the rainforest that can help treat infections caused by bot flies. Use of these trees can eliminate the need for traditional antibiotics, which may not be effective against these infections. Understanding the flora and fauna of the rainforest and their medicinal properties is crucial for those who spend time in this environment.

    • A Closer Look at the Amazon Jungle with Paul RosolieThe Amazon jungle is full of diverse wildlife and natural filtration systems. Taking care of a baby anteater allowed Paul Rosolie to gain insight into the emotions and behavior of animals living there.

      In this section, Paul Rosolie discusses his experiences in the Amazon jungle, including how to remove bot flies and the relatively low number of mosquitoes. He also shares his fondness for giant anteaters, describing his intimate relationship with a baby anteater named Lulu. Taking care of Lulu allowed him to see the jungle from an animal's perspective and understand their emotions and behavior better. He emphasizes that wild animals have different personalities and private lives, just like people. Additionally, he shares that jungle water is clean thanks to natural filtration systems formed by the dense roots of the rainforest trees.

    • The Underestimated Intelligence of ElephantsElephants' intelligence should not be judged based on human-centric activities, and they deserve representation in government as a subset of society. Despite their extraordinary abilities, elephants are facing a significant population decline.

      Elephants are highly intelligent and should have representation in government as a subset of society. They have the ability to communicate in ways that we cannot fully understand, including navigating to waterholes and knowing who bones belong to. People underestimate their intelligence and often measure it using human-centric activities, when in reality, observing how elephants deal with problems in the wild is the true test of their intelligence. Elephants are facing significant population decline, with the African elephant population currently down to 2% of what it was a few hundred years ago.

    • The Importance of Tusks and the Impact of Poaching on ElephantsPoaching not only threatens the population of elephants but also impacts the fundamental behavior of the species, including their interactions with each other and their environment. It's essential to protect animals and their habitats from human destruction.

      The decline in elephant population due to poaching has caused some elephants to be born without tusks, which is a deformity. Tusks are fundamental to the interaction between elephants and are involved in mating rights, competition, and the use of tools. Unique big tuskers with tusks that reach down to the ground are prized by hunters and are at risk of extinction. Elephants engineer their environment by constantly gardening, which is evident in the twisted branches and excavated earth in forests where they live. Although humans are different from other animals because of their ability to puzzle solve, create tools, and alter the planet, they are also responsible for the destruction of many species and their habitats.

    • The awe-inspiring perspective of flying and respect for uncontacted tribes.Flying can expand our horizons and inspire us to explore, but it's important to respect the cultures of the people we encounter in our travels.

      The ability to fly not only allows us to travel great distances quickly, but it also changes our perspective and inspires exploration. Looking up and seeing the stars or flying above the clouds can fill us with awe and humility, pushing us to dream of discovering more. While the most dangerous animal in the Amazon for a solo hiker is humans, the uncontacted tribes in the region remain a fascinating and mysterious part of our world. It is important to understand how isolated these tribes are and to respect their way of life, even though it may be vastly different from our own.

    • The Uncontacted Tribes of the Amazon RainforestThere are tribes living in isolation from modern society in the Amazon rainforest. They can be violent towards outsiders due to past trauma. Experts debate whether they should be contacted, but they have adapted modern practices to their traditional lifestyle.

      There are uncontacted tribes living in the Amazon rainforest that have had very limited or no contact with the outside world. These tribes have been living there for centuries, and some are still living in a way that is similar to their ancestors. The tribes are hyper-violent towards outsiders because of the trauma they suffered as a result of the rubber boom that sent them into the forest and made them terrified of outsiders. Contacting them and bringing them into civilization is a debate some experts have. However, it is important to note that the uncontacted tribes are not primitive, and they have modern practices that are adapted to their lifestyle.

    • Respect for Indigenous Cultures in the Amazon RainforestRespecting indigenous cultures and their way of life is crucial for environmental conservation. Social interactions and communication play a vital role in shaping our perception of reality. Animal calls are used by the Manos as a code for communication.

      Paul Rosolie, an environmental conservationist and adventurer, shares his experience with the indigenous tribe, the Manos, in the Amazon rainforest. He learned that while they may not seem friendly when you try to help them, respecting their way of life and territory is crucial. During a solo trip, he realized the importance of social interaction and how it affects our perception of reality. He also learned that the Manos use animal calls as a code to communicate, which made him anxious during the night. Ultimately, his experience with the Manos highlights the necessity of conservation efforts and the importance of respecting indigenous cultures.

    • Paul Rosolie's Experience with Crocodiles in the Amazon JungleProtecting the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants is crucial for our survival as it controls global climate, provides medicine, and is home to indigenous people. Humans must stop posing a threat to the natural habitat and wildlife.

      In this conversation, Paul Rosolie, a wildlife expert, shares his experiences with crocodiles in the Amazon jungle. He explains that animals' eyes glow in the dark, making it easy to locate them. Despite encountering a lot of crocodiles, Paul believes that the jungle is not dangerous; humans are the ones who pose a threat. He cautions against destroying the natural habitat of animals, reminding us that they are essential to maintaining our environment. For instance, the Amazon rainforest controls global climate, provides medicine, and is home to indigenous people. We must protect our planet's natural resources and wildlife, as they play a vital role in our survival.

    • The Remarkable Success Story of Bouncing Back Humpback WhalesBanning harmful activities like wailing can lead to the restoration and conservation of endangered species. Respect for wildlife and nature is crucial for the harmonious coexistence of all living beings.

      Banning wailing has led to the remarkable success story of humpback whales bouncing back in number. This serves as a reminder of the importance of taking action to protect and preserve endangered species. In his adventure, Paul Rosolie learned the importance of respecting wildlife and taking precautions while exploring the wilderness. He experienced the intense beauty of nature and the oneness that exists between all living creatures. His journey highlights the need for humans to understand and appreciate the natural world and to tread carefully when entering into its domain.

    • Learning From Uncontacted Tribes in the AmazonUncontacted tribes in the Amazon possess valuable knowledge about survival techniques, medicines, and hunting practices. While respecting their cultural differences, it is important to approach encounters with humility and recognize the potential dangers.

      The Amazon rainforest is home to uncontacted tribes with unique cultures and survival skills. These tribes have extensive knowledge of the rainforest, including medicines, hunting practices, and survival techniques that we could learn from. Despite their differences from mainstream society, these tribes are fundamentally human and should be treated with respect. The region, however, can also be dangerous for outsiders, and encounters with uncontacted tribes can pose a significant risk. It is essential to understand and appreciate the complexity of life in the Amazon and remain humble in our limited knowledge of the natural world.

    • The Mysteries and Dangers of the Amazon RainforestThe Amazon rainforest is a vast ecosystem with millions of unknown species and hidden ancient civilizations. However, exploration can be dangerous due to species like the bullet ant.

      The Amazon rainforest is full of biodiversity, with an estimated 10-30 million species, many of which remain unknown. With 50% of life up in the canopy, there is much to discover in this vast ecosystem. However, exploration can be dangerous with species like the bullet ant, whose sting causes a full-body and mind experience. While reports of ancient advanced civilizations in the Amazon have circulated, evidence remains elusive. Only a few hundred years ago, reports suggested the existence of great civilizations in the Amazon, but upon further investigation, nothing was found. The mysteries of the Amazon continue to fascinate scientists and explorers alike.

    • Exploring the relationship between human engineering and Amazon's biodiversityWhile humans have contributed to Amazon's agricultural systems, its biodiversity is too complex to be entirely man-made. We need to balance exploration and understanding with conservation and protection for the natural web of life.

      There is evidence of complex civilizations in the Amazon, but it's not accurate to say that the entire ecosystem was created by humans. While humans have engineered agricultural systems in the Amazon, the complexity of the rainforest's biodiversity and interactions are too advanced to be entirely man-made. It's also dangerous to dismiss the need for protecting the Amazon by claiming it can be engineered and managed. While humans have the capability to create and engineer things, the natural web of life in the Amazon is one of the most authentically natural things on Earth. We must carefully balance exploration and understanding with the need for conservation and protection.

    • Exploring the Secrets of the Amazon RainforestProper funding for exploration could uncover new species, cultures, and ruins hidden in the jungles. However, preserving the Amazon's ecological balance must be a priority by preventing deforestation and loss of biodiversity.

      The Amazon rainforest has many secrets waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to explore its uncharted territories. While most researchers go to the same few study sites, flying over the vast expanse of unbroken green reveals strange shapes and weird lakes that hint at potential awesomeness. With the proper funding, exploration efforts could uncover new species, indigenous cultures, and ruins hidden deep within the jungle. However, the first and most important step in preserving the Amazon's ecological balance is to arrest deforestation and prevent further loss of biodiversity and climate stabilizing services.

    • Approaching Uncontacted Tribes and Extraterrestrial Life with Caution and Respect.When interacting with unknown entities, be cautious and respectful. Avoid actions that could harm them, and remember that size does not indicate intelligence. Focus on learning and peaceful coexistence.

      When it comes to interacting with uncontacted tribes or potential extraterrestrial life, we must consider not only our own safety, but also the potential impact on their lives and environment. It is important to approach with caution and respect, avoiding any actions that could harm them. While technology like lidar can provide valuable information, ultimately boots on the ground may be necessary. It is important to remember that size does not necessarily indicate intelligence, and we must approach interactions with an open mind and willingness to learn, rather than assuming superiority. Respectful communication and peaceful coexistence should always be the goal.

    • The Possibility of Intelligent Alien Civilizations in Our GalaxyStatistically, there should be billions of planets with life on them, but communicating with different civilizations will be a challenge due to technology and consciousness differences. Humility is important when exploring the unknown.

      In a conversation between Lex Fridman and Paul Rosolie, they discuss the possibility of intelligent alien civilizations existing in our galaxy. Lex believes that statistically speaking, there should be billions or hundreds of millions of planets with life on them, but the challenge lies in communicating with these civilizations due to differences in technology and consciousness. He also believes that our current approach to creating technology may not be sufficient in bridging this communication gap. Despite the potential excitement of discovering other forms of life, Lex acknowledges the dangers that come with exploring the unknown and the importance of being humble in our pursuit of knowledge.

    • The Impact of Human Actions on the Environment and the Future of HumanityWe need to consider how our actions affect the environment and have a backup plan in case the earth becomes uninhabitable. We must also think beyond the human perspective and consider the impacts of ecological systems on human life.

      The conversation discusses the importance of considering the impact of human actions on the environment and the possibility of a backup plan for humanity if the earth becomes uninhabitable. The further advancement of technology, including the threat of nuclear war, can contribute to the potential destruction of life on earth. However, the discussion also highlights the excitement of discovering diverse life beyond earth and the possibility of a grand narrative in the way humans manage the environment and wildlife. The conversation enforces the need to consider the impacts of ecological systems on human life and encourages individuals to think outside of the human framework.

    • The Importance of Preserving Nature and Our Connection to the EarthAppreciate and care for the diverse species around us and take action towards a sustainable future, as our physical human connection to the earth is as important as our online and AI connections.

      The conversation between Lex Fridman and Paul Rosolie touches on the awe-inspiring nature of the world we live in and the importance of preserving it. They discuss the interconnectedness of all living organisms and the beauty of nature. As we become more connected online and with AI, we are also realizing the importance of physical human connection and our connection to the earth. It is crucial to appreciate and care for the alien-like species that surround us and contribute to our ecosystem. It's time to prioritize the preservation of the natural world and take action towards a sustainable future.

    • The Need for Balanced Use of Technology and Caution with AIStrive to use technology and social networks to connect and expand knowledge, but avoid basing our lives solely on them. Appreciate the beauty of the earth and the potential harm of climate change. Be cautious of the dangers of AI, including fake consciousness and pornography.

      The discussion in this section highlights the need to use technology and social networks in a way that connects us and grows our knowledge base while also keeping our lives fulfilling in a deep human way. It emphasizes the importance of appreciating the beauty of the earth and being cautious about trying to escape or negate it. The conversation also touches on the potential dangers of the advancement of artificial intelligence, including faking consciousness and AI pornography. Lastly, the section brings up the impact of climate change on the Amazon, highlighting the need for society's response to it and the potential harm it can cause to species diversity.

    • Paul Rosolie's Practical and Proactive Approach to Climate ChangeRather than getting overwhelmed by the complexities of climate change, we can make a difference by tackling local issues such as protecting biodiversity and preventing deforestation. Investing in specific solutions can help combat the effects of climate change.

      Paul Rosolie, a conservationist and environmentalist, highlights the undeniable fact that our planet is undergoing changes, and anyone who has been outside in the last 20 years can see it. While he is not a climate scientist, he has observed changes in weather patterns affecting agriculture and the depletion of ocean fisheries. Rather than focusing on the complexities of climate change, Rosolie suggests tackling local issues such as protecting biodiversity and preventing deforestation. He believes that by focusing on specific problems and investing money and resources, humans are capable of finding solutions. Rosolie's perspective provides a practical and proactive approach to addressing climate change.

    • Protecting Wildlife and Biodiversity on EarthIndividuals can take small, measurable actions to make a positive impact on the planet by preserving wildlife habitats and helping their communities. While there is an ecological emergency happening, it's important to understand the potential implications of alarmist messaging.

      In a podcast, conservationist Paul Rosolie discusses his concern for the decline of wildlife and biodiversity on Earth, especially in places like the Amazon, India, and now Africa. He encourages individuals to focus on small, measurable actions that they can take to make a positive impact on the planet, such as helping a neighbor or preserving a wildlife habitat. While he notes that there is an ecological emergency happening, he agrees with Jordan Peterson's exploration of how much we really understand about the climate and potential implications of alarmist messaging. Rosolie's job as a jungle keeper and steward of nature is to simply protect the wild and promote biodiversity.

    • The Importance of Recognizing Animal Intelligence and Connecting with NatureAcknowledge the vast intelligence of animals and the significance of human connection with nature. Exploring the natural world can provide a unique perspective on the evolutionary history of humans and foster a deep appreciation for all living things.

      The idea of animals being intelligent is novel and fascinating, and there are trillions of species, both big and small, that possess diverse forms of intelligence. Focusing only on human psychology misses part of the picture, as humans are unique but also part of the natural world. Being deeply aware of nature gives a different perspective on the evolutionary history of humans, who originated from fish, and helps people remember that they share the planet with other living things. Spending time in nature can have a profound impact on people, and exploring the Amazon with an expert guide can open up a world of special, sacred places.

    • A Filmmaker's Love for Nature and Sharing its BeautyProtecting the earth and sharing its wonders with others is a privileged responsibility. Emphasizing the importance of finding beauty in simple things while sharing nature with others. Techniques for keeping equipment dry in wet environments.

      In this conversation, Paul Rosolie, a filmmaker and environmentalist, shares his perspective on the beauty of nature and his ability to share it through social media. He emphasizes the privilege he feels in being responsible for protecting the Earth and sharing its wonders with others. Rosolie also shares his techniques for keeping his equipment dry in the wet Amazonian environment, including using waterproof phones and keeping cameras exposed to the elements. He stresses the importance of sharing nature with others and finding beauty in even the simplest things, like leaf cutter ants or a group of butterflies on a beach.

    • Environmentalist Paul Rosolie's Surreal Experience in the Butterfly JunglePaul Rosolie uses his iPhone to capture unique moments while traveling through the jungle and supports responsible hunting practices while protecting animals from poachers through his work with Vet Paw.

      Paul Rosolie, an environmentalist, shares his surreal experience of walking through a vortex of butterflies in the jungle. He plans to capture a slow-motion shot of the butterfly vortex on his iPhone to share the mind-blowing experience with others. Despite using an iPhone, Paul believes it is an excellent tool to use while traveling light in the jungle. He also talks about the difference between poachers and hunters, hating the former for annihilating wildlife for profit. He works with Vet Paw, a group that employs post-9/11 veterans to protect rhinos, elephants, and other animals against poachers, while also managing hunting responsibly in a protected reserve in Africa.

    • Responsible Hunting and Ayahuasca: Ethical Connections with NatureHunting can be a way to connect with nature and appreciate growing your own food, but only when done responsibly as an ecologist and conservationist. Ayahuasca should only be taken under the guidance of a qualified shaman.

      Responsible hunting can be a way to have a more ethical and intimate connection with nature, according to conservationist Paul Rosolie and AI researcher Lex Fridman. Good hunters are ecologists and conservationists who hunt game species, unlike poachers who kill recklessly to sell animal parts. Hunting can also teach people to appreciate the miracle of growing their own food and protect wild ecosystems. However, factory farming is still a major concern. Ayahuasca, a traditional plant-based medicine used in the Amazonian jungle, can reveal both beauty and darkness in nature, but should only be taken under the guidance of a qualified shaman in the jungle.

    • The Transformative and Overwhelming Experience of AyahuascaAyahuasca is a powerful psychedelic plant medicine that can take you on a journey beyond the physical realm. It should only be taken under the guidance of experienced shamans and can lead to life-changing experiences.

      Ayahuasca is a powerful psychedelic plant medicine that should only be taken under the guidance of experienced shamans in the Amazon jungle. Although mushrooms can be an interesting experience, ayahuasca takes you on a transformative journey that can be overwhelming and deeply profound. The experience takes you beyond introspection to the point of where you feel you are moving through places beyond the physical realm. It can help you appreciate life and all the amazing things that it offers. Those who are willing to try it should be prepared for a life-changing experience and must take it with a reputable shaman.

    • Naturalist's intense experience with AyahuascaAyahuasca is a psychoactive plant-based medicine that can lead to intense experiences, but it is not supposed to be that way. It is important to have a belief in something compelling when exploring the mind. Life is more than just existing without meaning.

      In a podcast interview, naturalist and conservationist Paul Rosolie shares his intense experience with Ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant-based medicine. Rosalie's experience resulted in almost dying and left him and a friend weeping in gratitude for returning to reality. While it was an intense experience for them, Rosalie emphasizes that it is not supposed to be that way. He also talks about how he loves pushing the limits and exploring the mind, but he has to believe in something truly compelling to go for it. Rosalie is constantly in awe of the world and hopes that there is something crucially important about life, that it is more than just existing without meaning.

    • Finding Awe in Life's MysteriesEmbrace the wonder and connections in life while remaining open to deeper meanings beyond our understanding. Protect what we love while searching for glimpses of something greater.

      The conversation between Paul Rosolie and Lex Fridman about the mysteries of life reminds us that there may be life forms and meanings beyond our understanding. Despite this, we can find amazement in the simplest things and use our imagination to connect with others. While protecting what we love, we should remain open and continue to search for glimpses of a deeper meaning. Embrace the awe-inspiring aspects of life and appreciate the connections we make with others.

    Recent Episodes from Lex Fridman Podcast

    #435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships

    #435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships
    Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/andrew-huberman-5-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Andrew's YouTube: https://youtube.com/AndrewHubermanLab Andrew's Instagram: https://instagram.com/hubermanlab Andrew's Website: https://hubermanlab.com Andrew's X: https://x.com/hubermanlab Andrew's book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RNSIQN Andrew's book: https://hubermanlab.com/protocols-book PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:24) - Quitting and evolving (17:22) - How to focus and think deeply (19:56) - Cannabis drama (30:08) - Jungian shadow (40:35) - Supplements (43:38) - Nicotine (48:01) - Caffeine (49:48) - Math gaffe (1:06:50) - 2024 presidential elections (1:13:47) - Great white sharks (1:22:32) - Ayahuasca & psychedelics (1:37:33) - Relationships (1:45:08) - Productivity (1:53:58) - Friendship
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    enJune 28, 2024

    #434 – Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet

    #434 – Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet
    Arvind Srinivas is CEO of Perplexity, a company that aims to revolutionize how we humans find answers to questions on the Internet. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/aravind-srinivas-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Aravind's X: https://x.com/AravSrinivas Perplexity: https://perplexity.ai/ Perplexity's X: https://x.com/perplexity_ai PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:52) - How Perplexity works (18:48) - How Google works (41:16) - Larry Page and Sergey Brin (55:50) - Jeff Bezos (59:18) - Elon Musk (1:01:36) - Jensen Huang (1:04:53) - Mark Zuckerberg (1:06:21) - Yann LeCun (1:13:07) - Breakthroughs in AI (1:29:05) - Curiosity (1:35:22) - $1 trillion dollar question (1:50:13) - Perplexity origin story (2:05:25) - RAG (2:27:43) - 1 million H100 GPUs (2:30:15) - Advice for startups (2:42:52) - Future of search (3:00:29) - Future of AI
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 19, 2024

    #433 – Sara Walker: Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens

    #433 – Sara Walker: Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens
    Sara Walker is an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist. She is the author of a new book titled "Life as No One Knows It: The Physics of Life's Emergence". Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Motific: https://motific.ai - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sara-walker-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sara's Book - Life as No One Knows It: https://amzn.to/3wVmOe1 Sara's X: https://x.com/Sara_Imari Sara's Instagram: https://instagram.com/alien_matter PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:40) - Definition of life (31:18) - Time and space (42:00) - Technosphere (46:25) - Theory of everything (55:06) - Origin of life (1:16:44) - Assembly theory (1:32:58) - Aliens (1:44:48) - Great Perceptual Filter (1:48:45) - Fashion (1:52:47) - Beauty (1:59:08) - Language (2:05:50) - Computation (2:15:37) - Consciousness (2:24:28) - Artificial life (2:48:21) - Free will (2:55:05) - Why anything exists
    Lex Fridman Podcast
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    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life

    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life
    Kevin Spacey is a two-time Oscar-winning actor, who starred in Se7en, the Usual Suspects, American Beauty, and House of Cards, creating haunting performances of characters who often embody the dark side of human nature. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil EPISODE LINKS: Kevin's X: https://x.com/KevinSpacey Kevin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinspacey Kevin's YouTube: https://youtube.com/kevinspacey Kevin's Website: https://kevinspacey.com/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:14) - Seven (13:54) - David Fincher (21:46) - Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman (27:15) - Acting (35:40) - Improve (44:24) - Al Pacino (48:07) - Jack Lemmon (57:25) - American Beauty (1:17:34) - Mortality (1:20:22) - Allegations (1:38:19) - House of Cards (1:56:55) - Jack Nicholson (1:59:57) - Mike Nichols (2:05:30) - Christopher Walken (2:12:38) - Father (2:21:30) - Future
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI
    Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off EPISODE LINKS: Roman's X: https://twitter.com/romanyam Roman's Website: http://cecs.louisville.edu/ry Roman's AI book: https://amzn.to/4aFZuPb PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:12) - Existential risk of AGI (15:25) - Ikigai risk (23:37) - Suffering risk (27:12) - Timeline to AGI (31:44) - AGI turing test (37:06) - Yann LeCun and open source AI (49:58) - AI control (52:26) - Social engineering (54:59) - Fearmongering (1:04:49) - AI deception (1:11:23) - Verification (1:18:22) - Self-improving AI (1:30:34) - Pausing AI development (1:36:51) - AI Safety (1:46:35) - Current AI (1:51:58) - Simulation (1:59:16) - Aliens (2:00:50) - Human mind (2:07:10) - Neuralink (2:16:15) - Hope for the future (2:20:11) - Meaning of life
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 02, 2024

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories
    Charan Ranganath is a psychologist and neuroscientist at UC Davis, specializing in human memory. He is the author of a new book titled Why We Remember. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Riverside: https://creators.riverside.fm/LEX and use code LEX to get 30% off - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/charan-ranganath-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Charan's X: https://x.com/CharanRanganath Charan's Instagram: https://instagram.com/thememorydoc Charan's Website: https://charanranganath.com Why We Remember (book): https://amzn.to/3WzUF6x Charan's Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ptWkt1wAAAAJ Dynamic Memory Lab: https://dml.ucdavis.edu/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:18) - Experiencing self vs remembering self (23:59) - Creating memories (33:31) - Why we forget (41:08) - Training memory (51:37) - Memory hacks (1:03:26) - Imagination vs memory (1:12:44) - Memory competitions (1:22:33) - Science of memory (1:37:48) - Discoveries (1:48:52) - Deja vu (1:54:09) - False memories (2:14:14) - False confessions (2:18:00) - Heartbreak (2:25:34) - Nature of time (2:33:15) - Brain–computer interface (BCI) (2:47:19) - AI and memory (2:57:33) - ADHD (3:04:30) - Music (3:14:15) - Human mind
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 25, 2024

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God
    Paul Rosolie is a naturalist, explorer, author, and founder of Junglekeepers, dedicating his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest. Support his efforts at https://junglekeepers.org Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/paul-rosolie-2-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Paul's Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulrosolie Junglekeepers: https://junglekeepers.org Paul's Website: https://paulrosolie.com Mother of God (book): https://amzn.to/3ww2ob1 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (12:29) - Amazon jungle (14:47) - Bushmaster snakes (26:13) - Black caiman (44:33) - Rhinos (47:47) - Anacondas (1:18:04) - Mammals (1:30:10) - Piranhas (1:41:00) - Aliens (1:58:45) - Elephants (2:10:02) - Origin of life (2:23:21) - Explorers (2:36:38) - Ayahuasca (2:45:03) - Deep jungle expedition (2:59:09) - Jane Goodall (3:01:41) - Theodore Roosevelt (3:12:36) - Alone show (3:22:23) - Protecting the rainforest (3:38:36) - Snake makes appearance (3:46:47) - Uncontacted tribes (4:00:11) - Mortality (4:01:39) - Steve Irwin (4:09:18) - God
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens
    Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - HiddenLayer: https://hiddenlayer.com/lex - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sean-carroll-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sean's Website: https://preposterousuniverse.com Mindscape Podcast: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/ Sean's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@seancarroll Sean's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Instagram: https://instagram.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lfifrv8AAAAJ Sean's Books: https://amzn.to/3W7yT9N PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (11:03) - General relativity (23:22) - Black holes (28:11) - Hawking radiation (32:19) - Aliens (41:15) - Holographic principle (1:05:38) - Dark energy (1:11:38) - Dark matter (1:20:34) - Quantum mechanics (1:41:56) - Simulation (1:44:18) - AGI (1:58:42) - Complexity (2:11:25) - Consciousness (2:20:32) - Naturalism (2:24:49) - Limits of science (2:29:34) - Mindscape podcast (2:39:29) - Einstein

    #427 – Neil Adams: Judo, Olympics, Winning, Losing, and the Champion Mindset

    #427 – Neil Adams: Judo, Olympics, Winning, Losing, and the Champion Mindset
    Neil Adams is a judo world champion, 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 5-time European champion, and often referred to as the Voice of Judo. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/neil-adams-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Neil's Instagram: https://instagram.com/naefighting Neil's YouTube: https://youtube.com/NAEffectiveFighting Neil's TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@neiladamsmbe Neil's Facebook: https://facebook.com/NeilAdamsJudo Neil's X: https://x.com/NeilAdamsJudo Neil's Website: https://naeffectivefighting.com Neil's Podcast: https://naeffectivefighting.com/podcasts/the-dojo-collective-podcast A Life in Judo (book): https://amzn.to/4d3DtfB A Game of Throws (audiobook): https://amzn.to/4aA2WeJ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:13) - 1980 Olympics (26:35) - Judo explained (34:40) - Winning (52:54) - 1984 Olympics (1:01:55) - Lessons from losing (1:17:37) - Teddy Riner (1:37:12) - Training in Japan (1:52:51) - Jiu jitsu (2:03:59) - Training (2:27:18) - Advice for beginners

    #426 – Edward Gibson: Human Language, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Grammar & LLMs

    #426 – Edward Gibson: Human Language, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Grammar & LLMs
    Edward Gibson is a psycholinguistics professor at MIT and heads the MIT Language Lab. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - Listening: https://listening.com/lex and use code LEX to get one month free - Policygenius: https://policygenius.com/lex - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/edward-gibson-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Edward's X: https://x.com/LanguageMIT TedLab: https://tedlab.mit.edu/ Edward's Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4FsWE64AAAAJ TedLab's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Tedlab-MIT PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:53) - Human language (14:59) - Generalizations in language (20:46) - Dependency grammar (30:45) - Morphology (39:20) - Evolution of languages (42:40) - Noam Chomsky (1:26:46) - Thinking and language (1:40:16) - LLMs (1:53:14) - Center embedding (2:19:42) - Learning a new language (2:23:34) - Nature vs nurture (2:30:10) - Culture and language (2:44:38) - Universal language (2:49:01) - Language translation (2:52:16) - Animal communication

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    DISCLAIMER: I in no way shape or form make any recommendations that anyone work with plant medicine. My purpose on this show is to remove the blindfolds from the programmed mind and provide access to facts and alternative methods of thinking outside the box we live in. This is a very popular topic these days and one mostly misunderstood. I can assure you, it’s not what you think.
    MY EXPERIENCE: I’ve just returned from the Amazon Jungle in Peru and experienced the most powerful transformation of my life.
    I’m excited to have the owner and chief Dharma officer Jose Saenz as my guest on the Rise Up with Dragon Podcast on Wednesday, December 14th to unveil the facts of what Ayahuasca is in its purest form and help assist people to better understand the value in plant medicine and determine if it’s a good fit for you. This will be one for the vault.

    BRAD OLSEN: Lost Technology, Forgotten Civilizations, Megalithic Sites, UFOs & Extraterrestrials

    BRAD OLSEN: Lost Technology, Forgotten Civilizations, Megalithic Sites, UFOs & Extraterrestrials
    1) Who built the highest concentration of megalithic sites?
    2) Secret agendas on our planet, and how we can escape their confines?
    3) A 26-day expedition through the frozen land of Antarctica
    4) Updates on the Secret Space Program?
    5) New UFO Intel on a Fake Alien Invasion

    My guest Brad Olsen is a captivating author and speaker, renowned for his ten books, including the acclaimed Esoteric Series: "Modern Esoteric," "Future Esoteric," and the latest release, "Beyond Esoteric." With awards in writing, publishing, and event production, Brad's enlightening talks have graced major platforms like Contact in the Desert, Conscious Life Expo, and Mt. Shasta Summer Conference. He's been featured on numerous radio and TV programs, including Coast to Coast, Ancient Aliens, and America Unearthed. With a passion for exploration, Brad has voyaged to all seven continents, even reaching Antarctica by sailboat. He's also a co-founder of San Francisco's How Weird Street Faire. Alongside his esoteric writing, he pioneers alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration, and photography. To learn more: https://BradOlsen.com

    WELCOME to the award-winning DARE TO DREAM Podcast! Your #1 transformation conversation. SUPPORT THIS SHOW - Subscribe, Like, and Comment (thank you). Send it to someone you know will enjoy the content.

    "Dare to Dream" podcast, with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials. For 16 years Debbi hosts this award-winning podcast.

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    Debbi is a Book Writing coach, so you pen and publish an engaging book. Her company launches your book to a guaranteed international bestselling status & it’s fully-done-for-the-author, plus she is the best coach for how to be Interviewed on podcast shows for big results. Learn how now - get your free how-to media videos: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dare-to-dream-with-debbi-dachinger--1980925/support.

    Hearing Your Mother's Story: Nayomi Munaweera on healing the mother-daughter relationship, listening to people's stories and finding happiness.

    Hearing Your Mother's Story: Nayomi Munaweera on healing the mother-daughter relationship, listening to people's stories and finding happiness.

     Nayomi Munaweera is the award-winning author of novels “Island of a Thousand Mirrors” and “What Lies Between Us”. She has been named one of “Twelve Women of Color Writers You Need to Know” by Bustle Magazine and “One of the Asian American Women Writers Who are Going to Change the World” by Electric Literature. Nayomi talks about her Sri Lankan mom Upamali who first immigrated to Nigeria and then to the USA, where she founded and successfully ran Montessori schools. We learn about how important it is to hear our mother’s (or anyone’s) story, about divorce and finding new happiness in one’s 60s,  about the resilience of South Asian immigrants in the US, and about arranged marriages.  Nayomi also talks about the civil war in Sri Lanka, about patriarchy and healing our mother-wound. She shares her enlightening experience with ayahuasca, which lead her not only to appreciate her mother but also to feel the urgency of honoring and healing Mother Earth.

    For more about Nayomi and her work, please visit her website

    To contact Ana, to be a guest, or suggest a guest, please send your mail to: info@thankyoumama.net

    For more about “Thank You, Mama" and to subscribe to the newsletter, please visit: http://www.thankyoumama.net

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    27: One Tree

    27: One Tree
    A 'pillow talk' about the ayahuasca movement conducted the morning after a journey into the infinite with Lara Star, a moderator from the ayahuasca.com forums... In which Lara and experiential journalist Rak Razam discuss Haoma (Syrian Rue) and the branching of the pure Amazonian tradition with the Middle Eastern mystic experience of "haomauasca". If ayahuasca is the "Madre", then Syrian Rue is the Prince, a warrior spirit, Lara suggests, kissing cousins from the same tree, the One Tree that host different plant devas in an overall family. Lara trained with the Peruvian Q'eros shaman Armundo who trained her in the cosmovision of the Andes under San Padro, mescilito and ayahuasca. Here she discusses the ayahuasca.com forums as part of the global shift and an infinite library of initiates awakening. Different shamans initiate and play different roles to different energy needs but Lara says the point is to get people switched on, and if they're not switched on they need to die and be reborn, opening back up to the great pool of becoming... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.