
    376. Q&AF: Overcoming Getting Shot In The Face, Piss-Stained Mattress Phase & Remote Work Causing Depression

    enSeptember 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Unfiltered advice on personal development and winning in lifeAndy Priscilla provides raw advice on personal growth and success through Q&A sessions, internet cruises, real talks, and interviews with successful individuals.

      The Andy Priscilla show is all about providing real, unfiltered advice on personal development and winning in life. The show includes Q&A sessions, internet cruises, real talks, and full-length interviews with successful individuals. There is a fee to access the show, which can be paid through Venmo or by sharing it with others. Priscilla emphasizes that he's not here to make people feel good for losing but to show them how to win. He's also making some changes to his personal brand, including handing over his Instagram and DMs to focus on content creation. Look out for new projects, including the EMF CEO project with Von Kohler and a YouTube exclusive show. Priscilla feels an obligation to deliver his message honestly and authentically to his audience.

    • Sharing wisdom while managing prioritiesRecognize the importance of passing down knowledge but prioritize obligations and projects, limiting personal interactions to focus on larger impact.

      Experience and knowledge should be passed down to the younger generation, but limitations and priorities may require scaling back on personal interactions. The speaker, who is an influential figure, recognizes the importance of sharing wisdom but acknowledges that he can no longer keep up with the overwhelming number of DMs and messages, which is keeping him from producing and sharing content on a larger scale. He emphasizes that this decision is not a reflection of disregard for his followers but rather a necessary step to focus on his obligations and new projects. He encourages his audience to continue engaging with his content and looks forward to in-person conversations.

    • Importance of starting tasks early and staying focusedStarting tasks early and staying focused throughout the day can help maintain a positive mindset and overall well-being, while lacking direction and purpose can lead to negative emotions.

      Staying organized and having a clear purpose for each day is crucial for maintaining a positive mindset and overall well-being. The speaker, who is currently following the 75 Hard challenge, emphasizes the importance of starting tasks as soon as you wake up and staying focused throughout the day. He also mentions that lacking direction and purpose can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Additionally, the speaker shares some unexpected side effects of the challenge, such as changes in his poop consistency. Despite some challenges, he remains excited about the progress he's made and looks forward to continuing the challenge. He also clarifies that he will not delegate his social media interactions to his team and will be upfront about who is responding to messages.

    • Embrace challenges and find purposeFocus on personal growth, set goals, and share experiences to overcome challenges and feel more confident

      It's essential to have a purpose and strive for wins every day, even when you don't feel like it. Acceptance and self-love alone won't make you feel good or fulfilled. Regarding physical insecurities, it's crucial to adopt a positive perspective and embrace the story behind them, as they can make you more memorable and inspiring to others. The speaker's experience of getting stabbed and wearing a hat as a result became a unique selling point for his business. Overall, focusing on personal growth, setting goals, and sharing your experiences can help you overcome challenges and feel more confident.

    • Finding positives in adversityEven in difficult times, it's important to stay open to finding positives and moving forward, while acknowledging and addressing trauma when needed.

      Even in the face of adversity or tragedy, there are always positives to be found. The speaker shares his personal experience of being remembered and gaining recognition due to a traumatic event, but emphasizes that not all situations allow for an easy identification of positives. He encourages being open to seeing the perspective of moving forward when ready, and owning past experiences instead of trying to hide them. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of acknowledging and working through trauma when necessary. Despite the challenges, he encourages embracing the past as part of who we are and not seeking to erase it.

    • Addressing past traumas and negative experiencesReflect on past experiences, identify positives, and keep pushing forward during challenging times

      Addressing past traumas and negative experiences is important for personal growth, even if it's difficult. The speaker shared an experience of being triggered by a simple encounter, which caused him anxiety and negatively impacted his mood for hours. He emphasized the importance of addressing these situations sooner rather than later, and trying to see the good things that can come from even the most tragic experiences. He encouraged listeners to reflect on their own experiences and identify the positives, as a way to move forward. Additionally, the speaker acknowledged that everyone goes through challenging times, and it's important to be kind to ourselves during those moments. In the context of business, the speaker advised that even when facing financial struggles or difficult situations, it's important to keep pushing forward and not give up.

    • Embrace mistakes and learn from themMaking mistakes is inevitable, but enjoying the journey and learning from them leads to growth and progress. Persist and be resilient, as competition eventually quits, and appreciate the present moment to avoid quitting.

      Making mistakes and learning from them is an essential part of growth, whether it's in entrepreneurship or personal development. The speaker emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey, even during difficult times, as they won't last forever. He encourages persistence and resilience, as the competition will eventually quit, leaving those who keep going in the number one spot. The speaker also reminds us that the simpler times won't last, and as we become more successful, we'll have more responsibilities and pressures. So, it's crucial to appreciate the present moment and learn from our mistakes to progress and avoid quitting.

    • Maintaining Human Connections and Balancing Technology in Business GrowthEmbrace challenges of business growth, prioritize human connections, and avoid letting technology consume your life for personal excellence and happiness.

      Building a successful business comes with new challenges as it grows. These challenges include taking responsibility for the lives of your employees and maintaining face-to-face interactions. It's essential to use technology as a tool and not let it consume your life. Engaging in real-world experiences and creating a life of contribution can lead to personal excellence and reduce the need for external sources of happiness or government intervention. In the context of the discussion, the speaker shared his experience of growing a business and the importance of embracing the challenges that come with success. He emphasized the need to maintain human connections and not let technology take over our lives. The speaker also touched upon the potential negative consequences of the COVID-19 shutdowns and the importance of staying engaged in the real world.

    • The Importance of Real-Life ExperiencesOverreliance on technology can hinder personal growth and happiness. Engaging in real-life experiences, interacting with people, and developing skills are essential for fulfillment and productivity.

      While technology can offer convenience and opportunities, overreliance on it can lead to a lack of fulfillment and happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting out in the real world, interacting with people, and developing skills like discipline, happiness, and productivity through real-life experiences. Companies should also prioritize in-person interactions to foster a more natural and engaging work environment. The speaker argues that technology, though advanced, is still relatively new and not a substitute for the natural human experience. Additionally, the speaker believes that there will be a shift back towards more human interaction as people recognize the importance of this aspect of life.

    • Negative consequences of quick wealth and tech dependencyFocus on living intentionally, winning each day, and using tech as a tool, not a crutch, for long-term success in life and business.

      Technology and the pursuit of quick wealth through trends like web three can have negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole. The speaker argues that these technologies create dependency and can lead to a lack of personal excellence and happiness. Instead, the emphasis should be on living intentionally and winning each day to achieve long-term success in life and business. The speaker advocates for the use of technology as a tool, but warns against becoming overly reliant on it and neglecting one's physical and mental health. The LiveHard program, which emphasizes daily execution and winning each day, is presented as a solution for those looking to make meaningful progress in their lives.

    • Maximizing Potential of Free Resources and Balancing Digital and Real-Life ExperiencesUtilize free resources and tools effectively, balance digital and real-life interactions, and focus on creating content and connecting with people in person to expand reach and make a greater impact.

      The speaker is emphasizing the importance of utilizing free resources and tools to their full potential, while also encouraging a balance between digital and real-life experiences. He shares his personal experience of dedicating a significant amount of time to digital platforms and now intends to focus on producing content and connecting with people in person. He recommends reading "The Chaos Machines" by Max Fisher to gain insight into the impact of social media on society. Ultimately, the speaker wants to expand his reach and make a greater impact on the world by sharing his content with a larger audience. He values his relationships and conversations but will be less active on DMs to focus on content creation.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    Grow Your Mindset, Grow Your Life: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success

    Grow Your Mindset, Grow Your Life: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success

    In this recent podcast episode with guest Marques Ogden, retire NFL OL, Speaker & coach, we explore the power of mindset and how it can impact your personal and professional growth. We discuss practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving success in all areas of your life. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, start your own business, or simply improve your overall well-being, developing a growth mindset is key. Join us as we dive into the science behind mindset and provide actionable tips for cultivating a positive and resilient mindset that will propel you towards your goals.

    Key Takeaways: *

    Understand the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset 

    Learn how your mindset impacts your ability to overcome obstacles

    Discover strategies for cultivating a growth mindset in your daily life 

     Gain insights into the science behind mindset and its impact on success

    Whether you're a student, professional, entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to improve their mindset, this video offers valuable insights and practical advice. Don't let self-limiting beliefs hold you back from reaching your full potential. Watch this video and start growing your mindset to grow your life! If you found this video helpful, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more valuable content on personal and professional growth. Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences with mindset and how it has impacted your life. Together, let's cultivate a growth mindset and achieve the success we deserve!

    Learn About our guest Maqrues Ogden: Marques Ogden is a former NFL player who is now an inspirational keynote speaker. He's also the founder and CEO of Ogden Ventures LLC, three-time best-selling author (Sleepless Nights; The Success Cycle), business coach and consultant and the podcast host of Authenticity With Marques Ogden; although his journey didn't come easy or without unrelenting adversity. After retiring from football,

    Marques pursued a career in construction and contracting. At 27, he founded a construction company with fast growth but eventually went bankrupt, losing almost two million dollars on one project in 90 days. He pulled himself together during his darkest hours and got a part-time job as a custodian. Marques rose to the top again with hard work and determination, using his struggles as inspiration to blaze his own trail forward. Now, he shares his powerful story to help others learn how to fail forward and achieve success in their lives. Marques' story and insights as a thought leader have been featured in top publications such as USA Today, Forbes, Cheddar News and Authority Magazine. As a speaker, he's landed jobs with over 50 Fortune 500 companies and over 15 Fortune 100 companies like Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Intel, JPMorgan Chase and Home Depot. As a podcast host, he's interviewed iconic guests such as Michael Strahan, Joe Namath and Willie Parker Jr. Marques hopes to continue reaching new levels in his professional career and positively impact as many people's lives as possible through doing what he loves! 

    Connect with Marques Ogden: Website: https://www.marquesogden.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marquesogden

     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marquesogden

    #143 Planisode 8 - What to do When You Don’t Reach your Goals - Melitta Campbell

    #143 Planisode 8 - What to do When You Don’t Reach your Goals - Melitta Campbell

    Welcome to the Driven Female Entrepreneur Podcast!

    To get us back into the swing of things after the holiday break, I've created a series of mini episodes for you, which I've dubbed ‘The Planisodes’

    In each Planisode, I'll provide you with advice, coupled with a straight-forward activity for you to complete, to help you prepare your business for success in 2023, and truly make this your best year yet.

    To support you in moving through the Planisodes, I’ve created a simple tool that you can download here, it’s my gift to you.


    Planisode 7 - Kick-Start Your Year with these Success Habits

    Over the last seven mini episodes, I've been bringing you a tip and a task to complete to help you set up your business for success in 2023, so you can really make this your best year yet. 

    We've covered everything from how to define specific objectives and develop action plans, to how to deal with doubts when they surface.

    In this last podcast Planisode, I'll address a question that has been asked many times since the release of the Planisodes: "What happens if I don't reach my goals?"


    "Confidence doesn't necessarily come from knowing you can do something, but from trusting in your abilities enough to try in the first place." - Melitta Campbell


    To access all the Planisodes visit: www.melittacampbell.com/planisodes2023


    About Melitta Campbell

    Melitta Campbell is an award-winning business coach and founder of the Dream Clients Blueprint, a 12-week programme that will guide you step-by-step as you learn to Articulate your True Value, Market your Business with Greater Ease and Sell with Integrity. 

    Her expertise comes from 25+ years of experience in communication, marketing and leadership, including more than a decade of running her own businesses. This allows her to coach her clients on the inner-game of success as much as the practicalities of starting and running a thriving business. 

    Melitta is also the best-selling author of A Shy Girl’s Guide to Networking, international speaker, and host of the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast. 

    In 2021, LinkedIn named Melitta as one of the top Sales Influencers to follow and one of their top 14 most authentic contributors.

    At AIs ‘Influential Business Woman Awards’ in 2021 & 2022, Melitta was awarded: 

    Most Influential Female Business Coach (Europe) 

    And she was recently named as one of the top Female Business Coaches in the World by Cade Hildreth. 

    Originally from the UK, she now supports her global client base from her home in Switzerland, where she lives with her husband and two daughters.

    If you are a service-based business owner looking to grow your business, book a complementary business assessment call with Melitta to understand your next steps towards enjoying more dream clients, balance and impact. www.melittacampbell.com/call  

    Connect with Melitta

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