
    About this Episode

    Are you taking the time to check in with yourself and make sure that you are taking good care of you? This episode, we are talking about an activity that we have done with our college pals in the past to make sure we are actively seeking self-care opportunities. We talked in a previous episode about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and we have found that the self-care BINGO card is a perfect blend of the two - you get the good feels from doing something you like to do with the external motivation of others recognizing your achievement. Wellness doesn’t have to be a grind - it can be fun! So make a game of it and reward yourself along the way.



    May Cause Miracles by Gabby Bernstein (book): https://gabbybernstein.com/book/may-cause-miracles/

    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    Recent Episodes from Don't Take It From Us Podcast

    #43 Friendship State of the Union Address

    #43 Friendship State of the Union Address

    Making awesome moments with friends can totally recharge you for a while. We spend a lot of time checking in with our partners or kids about how things are going in the relationships, but how often do we do this with our friendships? Think about doing an annual friendship audit - you might be surprised at what you learn! Think of it as the state of the union of your friendship - where are we right now and where do we want to go?

    We will discuss:

    • Are we being intentional on who is in our circle?

    • Who are your top 1-2 friends and have you ever analyzed the state of your friendship?

    • Are you holding back in your friendships for fear of the other person not being able to handle it or that you might be a burden to them?

    • And more!


    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #42 Here’s My Five Cents, But Don’t Take It From Us!

    #42 Here’s My Five Cents, But Don’t Take It From Us!

    We have such a treat this week! A couple of months ago, we were guests on the My Five Cents Podcast and today we have them here with us! [Fact Check from The Editor: A marsupial is a mammal that raises its newborn offspring inside an external pouch at the front or underside of their bodies.] They use their superpowers of perspective and persuasion to try to convince their guests to side with them in their lively debates.


    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Their podcast origin story

    • Favorite and least favorite episodes/guests and why

    • How to get along and work together when there are differing opinions

    • And more!!

    Guest Info:

    The My Five Cents Podcast takes Top 5 debates to a new level. SoSo Juvi will take you on captivating journeys through his life experiences, while The Logical Genius will delve deep into the whys and hows of everything and everyone around them. Habitual Line Stepper will keep you on your toes with his unapologetic challenges to conventional thinking. These lifelong friends take on a variety of topics, as they hold nothing back discussing issues they encounter, one topic at a time. 



    The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (book): https://www.amazon.com/Five-Dysfunctions-Team-Leadership-Fable/dp/0787960756

    My Five Cents Podcast: https://themyfivecentspodcast.podbean.com/

    Mari & Molly’s My Five Cents Podcast episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-my-five-cents-podcast/id1611964155?i=1000615937902

    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #41 What’s Your Why with Elise Enriquez

    #41 What’s Your Why with Elise Enriquez

    Have you ever tried to think about what your purpose is in life, only to be completely blocked because you are still in the weeds with all of it? Maybe looking at your life as a whole is just too overwhelming and you need to take it a day at a time. That’s what we are talking about today with our first ever repeat guest, Elise Enriquez! Elise is an awesome productivity coach who goes beyond just setting goals and putting tasks in place. She also happens to be our coach! You can check out Elise’s previous appearance on episode 14 - “New Year, New Productivity.”


    You will hear:

    • An overview of Elise’s program, GYST (Get Your Shit Together) and how it can impact your productivity

    • If what you are doing isn’t serving your purpose, is it the best use of your time?

    • Can your “why” shift, or is it how we approach it that shifts?

    • The power of a shitty first draft of your why statement

    • And so much more!

    Guest Info:

    Elise Enriquez helps self-aware leaders, entrepreneurs, and multi-hat wearers develop a clear purpose that people will rally around and the systems to make things happen so that everyone can achieve their goals and dreams together. She specializes in working with people to reduce their overwhelm and anxiety while creating sustainable success and fulfillment in their lives and business.


    Elise works with people to get clear on how they’re wired, build acceptance of that awareness and use that information to move them forward; to uncover their purpose and formulate a powerful statement that will help them attract the people and opportunities they need to bring their purpose to life in all that they do; and create systems that help them empty their minds, make progress on their top priorities, and free up their creativity so they can dream up what’s next and solve their biggest problems.



    Simon Sinek's TED Talk:  http://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.html

    Find Your Why by Simon Sinek:  https://www.amazon.com/Find-Your-Why-Practical-Discovering/dp/0143111728

    Elise’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theproductivityshift/

    Elise’s Podcast:  https://www.eliseenriquez.com/podcasts/the-productivity-shift

    Elise’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eliseenriquezcoaching/

    Elise’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisemenriquez/

    Elise’s Website:  https://eliseenriquez.com/


    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #40 Welcome to the No Phone Zone

    #40 Welcome to the No Phone Zone

    How many times throughout the day do you find yourself reaching for your phone, tablet, or computer to check what’s happening on social media? We’ve recently realized that the answer is “far too many.” Sometimes it can be really fun to see what people are up to, but it can also lead to FOMO, jealousy, or just plain sadness that you aren’t doing whatever someone else might be doing. According to a poll Molly found, the average person looks at their phone 80 times a day.

    We talk about:

    • Being more intentional with your time and phone usage (checking in at specific times rather than all day)

    • Setting up a No Phone Zone for the entire household after a certain time to focus on connecting with one another

    • Tips and tricks for focusing on your phone less

    • And more!


    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge

    #39 Grin and Bear It…or Maybe Don’t

    #39 Grin and Bear It…or Maybe Don’t

    **TRIGGER WARNING: There is talk about suicidal ideation, so if that is going to harm you, please skip this one or skip to the middle of the episode.


    Hey to our 80 million listeners! This episode, we are bringing back the Ask Us Anything segment and get personal with our best and worst experiences with a therapist. Mari’s is wild and Molly’s is terrifying! It’s always in your best interest to make sure that you and your therapist are vibing in a healthy way. 

    We have been brought up by previous generations that we are meant to girn and bear it, whatever it may be. But how often in life are we holding ourselves back when we could get what we want because we are grinning and bearing it.

    You will hear:

    • How we are making life harder for ourselves

    • Check in with yourself to see how you are feeling and if you need to remove yourself from the situation

    • Understanding that not everyone is going to be happy when you make the change - and that’s ok.

    • And more!


    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #38 Self-Care BINGO for the Win-O

    #38 Self-Care BINGO for the Win-O

    Are you taking the time to check in with yourself and make sure that you are taking good care of you? This episode, we are talking about an activity that we have done with our college pals in the past to make sure we are actively seeking self-care opportunities. We talked in a previous episode about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and we have found that the self-care BINGO card is a perfect blend of the two - you get the good feels from doing something you like to do with the external motivation of others recognizing your achievement. Wellness doesn’t have to be a grind - it can be fun! So make a game of it and reward yourself along the way.



    May Cause Miracles by Gabby Bernstein (book): https://gabbybernstein.com/book/may-cause-miracles/

    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #37 Our Waves Don’t Always Roll In the Same - Understanding our feelings and emotions

    #37 Our Waves Don’t Always Roll In the Same - Understanding our feelings and emotions

    Have you ever questioned why you are feeling or reacting so differently than someone else in the same situation? Have you ever sent yourself on a one-way guilt trip because even during moments of profound grief, you are experiencing pockets of joy? Today we are going to dive in head first to the deep end of feelings vs. emotions and how it is that we can hold such different experiences from others, but also from minute to minute within ourselves!


    You’ll hear:

    • Our understand of the difference between feelings and emotions

    • The problem with emotional invalidation and how this can even be self-inflicted

    • The importance of acknowledging feelings/emotions and labeling them WITHOUT judgment

    • Problem-based coping vs. emotion-based coping

    • And more!



    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge

    #36 Less Stress This Summer

    #36 Less Stress This Summer

    Worried about how stressful this summer has been or is going to be? Feel like you need to jam pack every second with some sort of activity or event? Today, we’re sharing how you can have less stress this summer!


    You’ll hear:

    • Our favorite tips for how to have less stress
    • Why Molly stopped and actually smelled the roses
    • Facing events head on 
    • Why you should love where you live
    • And more! 


    Links referenced in episode: 



    Connect with Molly and Mari:

    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge


    #35 Forehead kisses, threesomes, and cultivating alone time

    #35 Forehead kisses, threesomes, and cultivating alone time

    Do you know the difference between being alone (isolated and lonely) and being alone (on purpose)? Coming out of a global pandemic where we have all been isolated, what do we do - run around like crazy and do everything, or not? Today we re going to focus on purposefully creating valuable alone time.

    You will hear:

    • The importance of spending time alone with yourself

    • Alone time vs Loneliness

    • The benefits of alone time 

    • And more!



    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge

    #34 The F Word (no, not that one!)

    #34 The F Word (no, not that one!)

    We are still coming off the high of the retreat we attended recently, and part of that retreat was to also look at our least favorite of all the F words - Failure. Failure is actually where we learn a ton of lessons and where we grow, but so many people are afraiding of failing. The questions are what can we learn from failures and how can we be more open to them?


    You’ll hear:

    • Through failure, we learn what’s most important to us, rather than just not meeting the definition of success

    • We need to see more examples of what it looks like when people are failing along the way - social media only shows the highlights reel

    • Do big failures early make us less afraid of failure down the road?

    • And more!


    Molly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyfitterer/

    Mari's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariwuellner/

    Ask Us Anything:  donttakeitfromuspodcast@gmail.com

    The Crew Waitlist: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/crew-wait-list

    Plant-Based Challenge: https://mari-wuellner.mykajabi.com/plantbasedchallenge