
    389. Q&AF: Personal Development For Your Loved Ones, Fixing Culture In An Inherited Business & Responding To A Job Rejection

    enOctober 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal growth through Q&A and inspiring storiesListen to the Q&A F podcast for insights on personal growth, current events, and inspiring stories from Andy Priscilla and his guests.

      The Q&A F podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla, is dedicated to personal growth and improvement. The show features a Q&A segment where listeners can submit questions and receive answers to help them better themselves. There are also segments like "Cruise the Internet" where they discuss current events and "Real Talk" where Andy shares his perspectives. The overall theme is that individuals have the power to be the solution to societal issues by raising their standards and working on personal excellence. The podcast also features interviews with inspiring guests. Andy shares his own story of experiencing health issues and being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer. Despite the challenges, he continues to focus on personal growth and encouraging others to do the same.

    • Personal growth and overcoming challengesDespite facing personal and societal challenges, it's essential to stay positive, focus on progress, and inspire others to do the same.

      Despite facing challenges like cancer and societal pressures, it's important to keep pushing forward and raising standards. The speaker, Blonde Kohler, shared his personal journey of losing weight and battling cancer while maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on the work to be done. He also reflected on the impact of their past project, MFCO, which inspired many listeners to improve themselves and change their lives. Now, as culture shifts away from victimhood and mediocrity, Blonde believes that their upcoming project will be even more impactful and important. Through it all, he encourages everyone to be true to themselves and continue striving for growth.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities builds authenticity and connectionAuthenticity resonates with people. Sharing vulnerabilities and the raw truth about struggles builds a stronger connection and provides a more effective message.

      Authenticity resonates with people. The hosts of the show, who were number one on iTunes for 19 months, gained a large following by being real and sharing the raw truth about entrepreneurship and personal development. They emphasized that they are not perfect and have faced struggles, including health issues and self-doubt. By sharing their vulnerabilities, they were able to connect with their audience and provide a more relatable and effective message. The hosts also recognized the importance of addressing the issue of unrealistic ideals presented online and the negative impact it can have on people. Their new project, MFCO, aims to help educate and guide the next generation on the true path to success.

    • The Importance of Self-Improvement Outside of Formal EducationPeople can inspire change by leading by example and focusing on personal growth, ultimately allowing others to observe the benefits and ask for guidance.

      People are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of acquiring essential life skills outside of formal education, as they may not be adequately taught in schools. Additionally, some forces in society may not want individuals to be successful, educated, or healthy. To help inspire change, it can be effective to lead by example and let others observe the positive transformations in one's life. When it comes to motivating loved ones to improve themselves, it can be a challenging process. While it's important to express frustration, it's crucial to remember that people ultimately have the power to make their own choices. The best approach might be to focus on personal growth and let others witness the benefits, eventually leading them to ask for guidance.

    • Focus on self-improvement journeySelf-improvement is an individual journey, concentrate on personal growth, and don't rely solely on others for motivation or support.

      Personal growth and improvement are individual journeys. You cannot force others to join you on this path, and it's essential to focus on bettering yourself first. Treat yourself as your best friend, address your own shortcomings, and don't rely solely on others for motivation or support. The road to self-improvement can be challenging, but it's crucial to keep going and not let the absence of support from others deter you. Instead of focusing on what others may or may not do, concentrate on your own actions and progress. Remember, the most significant change often starts with you.

    • Taking responsibility for our own wellbeing and honest communicationFocus on growth and improvement through honest communication and taking responsibility for our own wellbeing, instead of making struggles our identity.

      It's important to take responsibility for our own wellbeing and hold ourselves and others accountable through honest communication. The people we perceive as not being there for us may not be the problem, and it's crucial to treat them with the same truth and tough love we'd give to our best friends. The victim culture prevalent in society today can hinder personal growth, and having tough conversations requires living up to a high standard first. Remember, everyone is dealing with their own struggles, and there's no nobility in being a victim or lying to ourselves or others. Our thoughts and beliefs have the power to manifest our reality, so let's focus on growth and improvement instead of making our struggles our identity.

    • Avoid Negative Labels, Embrace Empowering IdentitiesWhen faced with personal struggles or a stigmatized business, focus on creating positive identities and taking action to improve situations rather than dwelling on negativity.

      It's essential to be mindful of the identities we create for ourselves and avoid labeling ourselves based on our struggles or hardships. Repeating negative experiences and focusing solely on our pain can keep us stuck. Instead, we should aim to label ourselves with positive and empowering identities. Additionally, taking over a family business with a negative reputation is a challenging task, but it's important to remember that both starting a new venture and inheriting a stigmatized business will have their unique difficulties. If you choose to inherit the business, focus on changing the culture and reputation through hard work, determination, and a commitment to putting the needs of the employees and customers first.

    • Start with individual changeLead by example, focus on personal improvement, and engage core team members to drive cultural change in a business

      Cultural change in a business begins with individual change. It's essential to give credit to those with more experience and knowledge, even if they may come across as difficult or out of touch. By leading by example and setting high standards for individual performance, cultural change can occur organically. The first step is to focus on personal excellence and improvement, which will give you credibility and inspire others to follow suit. Additionally, identifying and engaging core team members who share your vision and values can help drive positive change within the organization.

    • Earn respect and recognition from family membersTo take over a business from a family member, acknowledge their contributions, build a strong team, and demonstrate readiness to take over while treating them with respect and appreciation.

      To change a culture or take over a business from a family member, it's essential to earn their respect and recognition for their accomplishments. Instead of treating them as a threat or a hindrance, acknowledge their contributions and work collaboratively to create a plan for the future. By building a strong team and demonstrating readiness to take over, one can approach the situation positively and increase the chances of a successful transition. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that the person holding the reins may be sensitive to perceived disrespect and lack of appreciation, which can hinder progress. Treating them with respect and acknowledging their achievements can go a long way in creating a positive and productive relationship.

    • Respecting Others' Accomplishments and IdentitiesFocus on confidence and respect, rather than cancel culture and minimizing others' achievements. Embrace natural pride in work and learn from others to build a positive impact.

      It's important to understand and respect other people's accomplishments and identities, rather than focusing on their shortcomings. Pride in one's work or achievements is a natural human emotion, and minimizing that can be damaging. Additionally, the cancel culture mentality of judging people based on their mistakes or imperfections can be detrimental to individuals and society as a whole, as it can discourage people from stepping up and making a positive impact. Instead, confidence and respect should be the guiding principles in interactions with others. In the context of the paramedic job situation, it's recommended to focus on demonstrating confidence through hard work and learning from others, rather than coming across as arrogant.

    • Personal growth through humility and hard workHumility, hard work, and learning from mistakes are essential for personal growth and success. Don't let arrogance hinder progress and be open to feedback and correction.

      Humility, hard work, and a willingness to learn from mistakes are key to personal growth and success. Arrogance and ego can hinder progress, and being open to feedback and correction is essential. Initiative and a strong work ethic are important, but recognizing and learning from mistakes is equally crucial. Success stories often come from those who start out as volunteers or in less desirable positions, but through hard work and dedication, they prove their worth and earn respect. Don't let emotions get in the way, and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to learn and grow.

    • Respect is earned through hard work and consistent effortRespect is a skill that requires continuous practice and dedication, demonstrated through contributing to a team, leading by example, and having difficult conversations with honesty and openness.

      Respect is earned through hard work and consistent effort over time, not demanded or given without merit. The speaker emphasizes the importance of contributing to a team and leading by example, as figures like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant have done. Additionally, having difficult conversations and speaking truthfully are crucial for building strong relationships and effective teams. The speaker uses the example of Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard to illustrate the importance of open communication and honesty in addressing issues, even if it may be uncomfortable at first. Overall, the key takeaway is that respect is a skill that requires continuous practice and dedication.

    • The importance of self-awareness and honesty for personal growthSelf-reflection and self-accountability can lead to a stronger sense of self and increased resilience. Tell yourself the truth about your actions and shortcomings before anyone else does.

      Becoming your own best friend by being self-aware and honest with yourself can lead to personal growth and improvement, without the need for external feedback. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-accountability, and encourages listeners to tell themselves the truth about their actions and shortcomings before anyone else does. This can lead to a stronger sense of self and increased resilience. The speaker also highlights the value of attending events where like-minded individuals come together to learn and grow, such as the MFCO projects and the day live in Nashville. These events provide opportunities to build networks and connect with others who are also striving for success.

    • Embracing Feedback for Personal GrowthAppreciate feedback, even if it's not positive, for personal growth and relationship building. Maintain a positive attitude and share knowledge with others.

      It's important to embrace feedback, even if it's not what we expected or desired. In the given conversation, the speaker expresses gratitude for the listener's feedback, acknowledging that it's valuable, even if it's not positive. This mindset is crucial for personal growth and improvement. Moreover, the speaker's tone is friendly and appreciative, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with the audience. The speaker also encourages the audience to share the show, emphasizing the importance of spreading knowledge and information. In essence, the conversation underscores the significance of embracing feedback, maintaining a positive attitude, and sharing knowledge with others. These principles can help us grow as individuals and strengthen our relationships with those around us.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    960 The Voice of Truth

    In your life, where does the voice of truth come from? Whose whispers gain your greatest attention?

    Maybe it's the constant failures and short-comings.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

    Maybe it's your own belief that you're never good enough.

    Why is it that we hang out with our stumbles and failures questioning our worth?

    Never once did God hesitate when He created you; fearfully and wonderfully made, knowing every hair on your head.

    Yet where is the voice of truth?

    Is it the naysayers, the badgers, the mockers? Is that where your voice of truth is being solidified and defined?

    I want you to really think about whom you are putting your trust in.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

    REFLECTION: Today, I want you to reflect on these three questions.

    1. Where is the voice of truth coming from?
    2. What is the voice of truth telling you?
    3. How are you using the voice of truth in your life?

    If you are hearing God, the only voice of truth, then you know you are loved, given a gift of salvation, and grace for your life's journey.

    That's the voice of truth you need to be listening to.

    Not the negative CRAP, the doubts and drama of others, and not the daily sagas of self-centered mindsets. 

    It's all about control, earthly control. What happened to Heavenly control?

    Let God wash away the torment of lies that threaten your greatness He's creating within you.

    Let it go! Let God have it all!

    Give Him your heart.
    Dedicate your life to glorify Him.
    Rejoice with the voice of truth.

    As you go out this week...

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    May God bless you this week in all your steps, in all your endeavors. Seek His guidance. Praise His name. The voice of truth!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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    In this episode, I'm talking about how my year went, my ups and downs and what I'm going to strive for next year. Setting meaningful goals is huge, and I talk about mine and how you can set your own. I want to hear from you so DM me your goals!

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