
    #398 How To Find Happiness, Tune Into Your Intuition & Make Friends With Your Thoughts with Light Watkins

    enNovember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering True Fulfillment: Clearing Internal Clutter and Living an Intentional LifeTrue happiness comes from within. By letting go of mental baggage, following our values, and being mindful of our choices, we can find fulfillment and cultivate lasting happiness.

      True fulfillment and happiness come from within. Rangan Chatterjee and Light Watkins emphasize the importance of clearing our internal clutter and living an intentional life. Minimalism, as they discuss, is not just about decluttering our physical possessions but also about letting go of mental baggage that weighs us down. By tuning into our values, following our curiosity, and taking small leaps of faith towards our purpose, we can find our path to fulfillment. Cultivating happiness internally and being mindful of our choices lead to a more fulfilled life. External achievements may not bring lasting happiness, but connecting with our inner selves will.

    • Choosing intentionally and minimizing addictive behaviors for a more fulfilling life.By abstaining or reducing addictive behaviors, we gain clarity and freedom to make choices that align with our true desires.

      Being intentional about our choices and minimizing addictive behaviors can lead to a more fulfilling and centered life. We often fall prey to low-grade addictions like caffeine, sugar, social media, and shopping, without realizing their negative impact on our well-being. By intentionally abstaining or reducing these addictions, we can gain clarity on their hold over us and make healthier choices. Light Watkins exemplifies this by living out of a backpack and intentionally curating his possessions. Rangan Chatterjee emphasizes the importance of honesty with ourselves, acknowledging our addictions, and putting stopgaps in place. This approach allows us the freedom to make choices that align with our true desires and avoid the pitfalls of addictive behaviors.

    • Rethinking discipline and embracing minimalism for personal growth.Discipline is about being honest with ourselves and intentionally letting go of dependencies. Embracing a minimalist lifestyle helps create internal clarity and frees us to pursue our goals without holding ourselves back.

      Discipline is not about willpower, but about honesty and intentionality. We often convince ourselves that certain habits or substances, like caffeine, are necessary for us to function properly. However, research shows that regular caffeine consumption only brings us up to the level of non-caffeine drinkers' baseline. It becomes clear that our dependency on these external substances is more of an addiction than a choice. The process of living out of a backpack and adopting a minimalist lifestyle is not just about reducing physical possessions, but also about creating internal spaciousness. This internal clarity allows us to confront old belief patterns and excuses, enabling us to explore and pursue the things we've always wanted to do but have held ourselves back from.

    • Following Your Heart for a Fulfilling LifeListening to your heart and pursuing your desires can lead to a more adventurous and fulfilling life, while ignoring them can result in constant tension and pain. Prioritize your own happiness and growth by challenging societal conventions.

      Following the nudge from your heart and acting upon it can help you avoid pain and lead to a greater sense of adventure in life. Ignoring your heart's desires can result in a constant state of betrayal, causing tension and potentially manifesting into physical or internal pain. When we choose the socially acceptable path instead of following our hearts, we may end up in situations that leave us resentful and regretful. Many people find themselves stuck in jobs they despise or that society deems successful, causing them to numb their pain through unhealthy coping mechanisms. To live a fulfilling life, it is essential to have the courage to challenge conventions and prioritize our own happiness and growth.

    • Trusting Your Heart: The Key to a Fulfilled LifeFollowing your heart, despite challenges and criticism, is crucial for finding purpose and living authentically. Small steps towards your passions and values can lead to a more meaningful life.

      Following your heart and voice may come with challenges and criticism from others, but it is essential for finding your purpose and living a fulfilled life. The pain of resisting your heart's desires can lead to dissatisfaction and unhealthy coping mechanisms. On the other hand, pursuing what your heart nudges you towards may invite judgment and doubts from society. However, it is crucial to trust and prioritize yourself, just like the oxygen mask on an airplane. Your purpose doesn't have to be directly related to your job; it can be expressed through any profession while aligning with your values and following your curiosity. Taking small steps and actions can lead to a more purposeful and authentic life.

    • The Power of Curiosity, Intuition, and StillnessFollowing our curiosity and intuition leads to success, while practicing stillness through meditation reduces stress and promotes happiness.

      Following our curiosity and listening to our internal guidance are pivotal in achieving success and avoiding negative outcomes. Rangan Chatterjee emphasizes that recognizing the pivotal role of curiosity and intuition in our lives is essential. He highlights that when we reflect on our accomplishments, we often realize that they originated from a moment when we followed our curiosity. Similarly, when negative situations arise, we usually ignored our intuition or internal guidance. To be healthy and happy, Light Watkins adds that practicing stillness and meditation are crucial. However, many struggle with stillness due to the stress that accumulates in their bodies. Therefore, reducing stress becomes a vital step in creating a fulfilling and happy life. Meditation aids in this process by reducing stress and increasing inner fulfillment, allowing us to tap into our inherent happiness.

    • The benefits of meditation and how to approach itMeditation can reduce stress, improve sleep, enhance intuition, and provide clarity. Approach it with a minimalist mindset and allow yourself to simply be, leading to a flow state and better handling of life's challenges.

      Meditation is a valuable practice for everyone, even if not everyone necessarily needs to meditate. Meditation offers the opportunity to rest and achieve a sense of pure being, allowing the mind to become settled and the body to naturally rehabilitate and dissolve stress. Through consistent practice, meditation can lead to decreased stress, increased adaptability, better sleep, and improved overall well-being. Additionally, meditation can enhance intuition and provide clarity of internal guidance. While many people may initially struggle with meditation, it is essential to approach it with a minimalist mindset, doing less and allowing oneself to simply be. Ultimately, meditation can create a flow state and help navigate life's challenges with less reactivity.

    • Meditation for Positive Change and Overall WellbeingMeditation is a two-way process that not only reduces stress but also helps us make better choices and prioritize happiness, leading to positive changes in all aspects of our lives. It doesn't require a specific posture, just find comfort and relax.

      Meditation is not just about reducing stress, but also about making positive changes in other aspects of our lives. It's not an either-or situation where meditation alone brings benefits. Instead, it's a two-way process. By making better choices, cultivating peace and happiness within ourselves, we are able to meditate better. The progress in meditation can be seen in the choices we make and how we show up in our daily lives. Whether it's being present with our loved ones or finding fulfillment in our work, meditation helps us prioritize what truly makes us happy. And when we prioritize happiness over seeking external sources of happiness, we free up time, become less needy, and improve our physical health. So, meditation is not just for mental wellbeing, it has a positive impact on our overall wellbeing. If you're struggling to make meditation a regular practice, remember that you don't have to look a certain way while meditating. Find a comfortable position, whether it's on the couch or in your favorite chair, and simply relax.

    • Enhancing Meditation Practice with a Nonchalant AttitudeShifting the mindset towards accepting and celebrating thoughts during meditation can lead to a more consistent and fulfilling practice, enhancing various aspects of life.

      Meditation can be practiced in a comfortable and relaxed position, even while watching television. This realization increases the enjoyment of the practice by 60% and dispels the notion that the mind is an erratic monkey sabotaging meditation. Understanding that the mind naturally thinks and seeks better possibilities helps shift the attitude towards seeing the mind as an ally rather than an enemy during meditation. By accepting the normalcy of thoughts and distractions, and even celebrating them, the mind becomes more settled and calm. Starting with just five minutes of meditation, focusing on deep breathing, and adopting a nonchalant or celebratory attitude towards the thinking mind, can lead to a consistent meditation practice that enhances gratitude, exercise, compassion, and other desired habits.

    • Embracing Thoughts: A Guide to MeditationEmbrace initial thoughts in meditation, as observing them without resistance leads to a quieter mind. Over time, the practice becomes more enjoyable and cultivates mental and spiritual strength.

      Meditation is like swimming in cool water. At first, it may feel uncomfortable as your mind is filled with to-do lists and distractions. However, if you embrace these thoughts and observe them without resistance, the mind naturally begins to quiet and settle. Just like how a swimmer's body adjusts to the water temperature over time. The key is to be okay with the initial shock and not let it deter you from the practice. It's common for meditation sessions to start with thoughts, but as you continue, you'll find yourself becoming more settled and focused. So, lean into the experience and don't shy away from those initial thoughts, as they are part of the process. Eventually, meditation becomes more enjoyable and helps cultivate not just mental strength but also spiritual strength.

    • The power of low heart rate movements and meditation for a healthier and more fulfilling life.By embracing a "do less and accomplish more" approach, incorporating meditation into our daily lives can improve our overall well-being and lead to positive changes in various aspects of life.

      We often feel the need to do something intense or drastic for it to count as an accomplishment. However, this Western mindset may not be as beneficial as we think. Low heart rate movements, like walking, can have incredible benefits for our short-term health, longevity, and stress response. Rangan Chatterjee suggests that we should adopt a "do less and accomplish more" approach to life. Instead of focusing on extreme activities, such as intense workouts or cold immersion, he encourages a calmer, more sustainable approach, like meditation. By practicing meditation daily, we can become better versions of ourselves in all aspects of life, including our relationships and professional interactions. Meditation acts as a truth serum, allowing us to confront our stress, make positive changes, and live more authentically. While journaling can be helpful in processing insights gained from meditation, it should be combined with a regular meditation practice for optimal results.

    • The Power of Attitude in Meditation and Life's ChallengesEmbracing interruptions and shifting our perspective from problems to opportunities not only enhances meditation but also helps us handle difficulties with calm and resilience, finding joy in the process rather than fixating on the outcome.

      Our attitude plays a crucial role in our meditation practice and in how we navigate life's challenges. It's not about achieving a certain level of depth or stillness, but rather how we feel about our experiences. By embracing interruptions and distractions, such as the presence of children during meditation, and shifting our perspective from viewing them as problems to opportunities, we can reshape our attitudes. This change in attitude not only enhances our meditation practice but also carries over into our daily lives, helping us handle difficulties with a greater sense of calm and resilience. The key is to let go of rigid expectations and trust that things are happening as they should, positioning us in advantageous ways that we cannot yet see. Ultimately, finding joy lies in embracing the process and journey rather than fixating on the outcome.

    • Embracing Every Moment for Growth and DevelopmentShifting our perspective and being fully present in each moment can unlock valuable learning opportunities and lead to unexpected and fulfilling outcomes in our lives.

      Every moment, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the potential to teach us something valuable. We often view certain experiences as throwaway moments or consider time wasted when things don't go as planned. However, Rangan Chatterjee highlights the importance of shifting our perspective and optimizing our time by being fully present in each moment. By embracing curiosity and learning opportunities, we can unlock the potential for growth and development in all aspects of our lives. It's not about obsessively optimizing every single aspect, but rather cultivating a daily practice of stillness and presence that allows us to make better choices and tune into subtle cues about the future. Ultimately, being present and open to learning can lead to unexpected and fulfilling outcomes.

    • Discovering Connections: From Rubik's Cubes to MeditationFinding correlations in different aspects of life can lead us on a unique and adventurous path toward our goals, teaching us the importance of listening to our hearts and being present.

      Finding correlations in different aspects of life can lead to valuable insights and discoveries. Rangan Chatterjee noticed a connection between solving a Rubik's Cube and the benefits of meditation in bringing the body back into balance. This correlation inspired him to create a video and share it on YouTube, eventually helping more people learn about meditation. It teaches us that listening to our hearts and being present can lead us on a unique and adventurous path towards our goals, and the journey itself can be just as important as the destination. Whether we believe in randomness or divine purpose, we are all practicing some form of religion, and it is up to us to find meaning and shared values in our beliefs to create a fulfilling lifestyle.

    • Choosing an Empowering Belief System for a Fulfilling Life.The belief system that empowers you the most is the one you should adopt. It can give you a sense of control, shape your perspective, and align your decisions with your values for fulfillment and growth.

      The belief system or ideology that empowers you the most is the one you should adopt. While we can't definitively prove which belief is real or not, what matters is how empowered you feel in the choices you make on a daily basis. If you believe that things are happening to you for a reason, it can give you a sense of control and empowerment. Choosing to believe that everything is just random and meaningless may not provide the same level of empowerment. By consciously choosing a belief system that empowers you, you can shape your perspective and make decisions that align with your values. Even past experiences, both positive and negative, can inform your decisions and lead to fulfillment and growth.

    • Cultivating Stillness and Prioritizing Inner Happiness for a Fulfilling LifeCultivating stillness and prioritizing inner happiness allows us to live more purposefully and make decisions from the heart, leading to a more fulfilled life.

      Cultivating stillness and practicing meditation allows us to honestly assess our lives. We cannot hide from ourselves, as that inner voice is always present, even if we try to distract ourselves with social media, sugar, or other forms of escapism. Ignoring this inner voice has long-term consequences for our mental and physical health. Rangan Chatterjee's favorite book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," emphasizes the importance of giving care and attention to everything we do. The book teaches us to cultivate inner happiness and make decisions from the heart, rather than the ego-driven mind. By prioritizing our internal nudgings and discomfort, we can lead more fulfilled and purposeful lives.

    • Embracing Change and Growth for Personal FulfillmentStepping outside of our comfort zones and actively seeking new experiences can lead to personal growth, fulfillment, and a more meaningful life.

      Embracing change and growth is essential for personal development and finding fulfillment. Rangan Chatterjee's discussion about living out of a backpack and his friend's divorce demonstrates the importance of stepping outside of our comfort zones and exploring the unknown. Staying stagnant in familiar and comfortable situations can inhibit our growth and limit our potential. By continuously seeking new experiences, challenging ourselves, and reevaluating our values, we can uncover new paths and opportunities for personal growth. This can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life, where we prioritize qualities like patience, generosity, and kindness over material possessions. Ultimately, it's important to stay open-minded and flexible, allowing our desires and aspirations to evolve and guide us towards a better version of ourselves.

    • Guiding Our Choices with Core ValuesPrioritizing our values leads to a balanced life, where we make choices aligned with what truly matters, resulting in fulfillment, engagement, and improved mental and physical health.

      Our values should guide our choices and decisions. When we identify and prioritize our core values, we can use them as a filter to evaluate opportunities and make choices that align with what truly matters to us. Sometimes, this may mean sacrificing financial gain or material success in favor of maintaining our integrity and nurturing meaningful relationships. The monetary value of a job or opportunity should not overshadow the emotional and spiritual cost of compromising our values. By choosing the path that aligns with our values, we are more likely to find fulfillment, engagement, and inspiration, leading to better mental and physical health. Ultimately, prioritizing our values can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Prioritizing Relationships and Personal Well-being over Social Media NoiseBy creating distance and limiting exposure to social media, individuals can better understand their own thoughts and beliefs and experience a sense of calm and fulfillment in life.

      It's important to prioritize what truly matters in life, such as relationships and personal well-being, over the constant noise and influence of social media. While it may not be feasible for everyone to take extended breaks, finding ways to create distance and limit exposure can lead to a better understanding of one's own thoughts and beliefs. By stepping away from social media, whether through delegation or intentional breaks, individuals can tune into their own voices and experience a newfound sense of calm and presence. This can ultimately result in improved relationships, increased productivity, and a greater sense of fulfillment in life.

    • Embracing Simplicity: Finding Freedom and Joy in MinimalismSimplifying our routines and priorities can lead to increased freedom, intentionality, and enjoyment in daily life. Less can often be more, and consistency in a simple routine can yield significant results.

      Both Rangan Chatterjee and Light Watkins emphasize the importance of simplicity and minimalism in various aspects of life. Whether it's reducing the number of people they follow on social media or streamlining their exercise routines, they both understand the value of cutting out unnecessary clutter and focusing on what truly matters. By adopting a minimalist approach, they have found increased freedom, intentionality, and enjoyment in their daily lives. Rangan's minimalist workout program, consisting of just 20 reps of a targeted body part each day, exemplifies how less can often be more and how consistency in a simple routine can lead to significant results. Their shared belief in simplicity serves as a reminder for all of us to evaluate what we allow into our minds and bodies, and to prioritize what brings us joy, contentment, and fulfillment.

    • Balancing Mindfulness with Exercise and Everyday TasksEmbracing a mindful and simplified approach to exercise and daily chores can lead to a more fulfilling lifestyle, eliminating common obstacles and promoting balance in one's routine.

      The western approach to exercise often emphasizes pushing oneself to the limit, going all out, and leaving nothing behind. On the other hand, the eastern approach promotes a more mindful and balanced approach, focusing on doing a specific amount of exercise and not overexerting oneself. The beauty of this approach is that it eliminates many of the common obstacles people have, such as not having the right equipment or finding the gym too far away. By committing to a consistent routine, like doing pushups every Monday, individuals can eliminate the need to make choices and procrastinate about their workouts. Additionally, the idea of hand washing clothes and utilizing water in the shower is not as absurd as it seems, as it is a more efficient and environmentally friendly approach that people used in the past. Ultimately, adopting a more mindful and simplified approach to exercise and daily chores can lead to a more manageable and fulfilling lifestyle.

    • Commitment and Practice: The Path to Success and FulfillmentMaking a sacred commitment to ourselves and consistently engaging in nourishing practices can lead to abundance, creativity, and a fulfilling life.

      Making a sacred commitment to yourself and embodying that commitment can lead to great fortune and success. Rangan Chatterjee's daily practice of writing and sending out inspirational emails for over seven years has brought him numerous opportunities and resources. He sees it as a deposit in his spirit, a thousand-pound reward every day. Similarly, his consistent meditation practice for 20 years has become a joyful and rejuvenating activity, like a bubble bath for his mind. The key is to shift our attitude towards these activities from being chores to being opportunities for growth and fulfillment. By committing to our purpose and consistently engaging in practices that nourish us, we can create a life of abundance and creativity.

    • The Power of Honesty and Consistency for Personal GrowthTrue change and growth come from committing to daily practices, being honest with ourselves, and taking small actions based on that honesty. Gradual transformation and a deeper connection with ourselves can be achieved through consistency.

      True change and growth come from being brutally honest with ourselves and taking consistent actions based on that honesty. We often look for external validation or scientific evidence, but the most powerful evidence is our own experience. By committing to daily practices and showing up for ourselves, we build self-esteem, change our identity, and create momentum. It's important to start small and focus on consistency rather than going all-in, especially without external accountability. Instead of trying to make drastic changes all at once, we can start by telling ourselves the truth about one thing in our lives and taking a small action based on that honesty. This can lead to gradual transformation and a deeper connection with ourselves.

    Recent Episodes from Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    #463 BITESIZE | How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed | Oliver Burkeman

    #463 BITESIZE | How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed | Oliver Burkeman

    In a world of demands, distractions and endless to-do lists, sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by all the things we have to do or want to do leaving us feeling stressed or anxious.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 260 of the podcast with Oliver Burkeman - journalist and author of the brilliant book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals.

    Oliver believes that many of the productivity hacks that we learn are a delusion. Time management doesn’t mean becoming more productive, it means deciding what to neglect.

    In this clip, he shares some of his tips to help overcome overwhelm, make better choices, and build a meaningful relationship with time.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/260

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #462 The Hidden Health Crisis: How It Affects All Of Us And What We Can Do About It with US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy

    #462 The Hidden Health Crisis: How It Affects All Of Us And What We Can Do About It with US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy

    Have you ever felt lonely, even when surrounded by people? Do you struggle to forge meaningful connections in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world? If so, you're not alone. Loneliness is on the rise in many countries around the world and more people than ever before are feeling alone and isolated.

    In today’s episode of my Feel Better Live More podcast, I'm joined for the second time by Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy - the 21st Surgeon General of the United States. He received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard, his medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine, and his Masters in Business Administration from the Yale School of Management. In his role, Dr Murthy helps to advance the health and wellbeing of all Americans and has worked to address several critical public health issues.

    In our conversation, we discuss the growing epidemic of loneliness and its impact on our health. Vivek shares profound insights on the far-reaching consequences of loneliness, which extend beyond mental health to include physical health problems, including an increased risk of stroke, dementia, heart disease, and premature death.


    We delve into the root causes of the loneliness epidemic, exploring how fundamental shifts in technology and culture have altered the way we connect with others. Vivek emphasises the importance of taking social risks, building communication skills, taking regular social media breaks, the life changing benefits of volunteering, and he talks about the idea that simply dedicating just 10-15 minutes per day, to work out our social muscle will very quickly start to deepen our connections with the world around us.

    This thought-provoking conversation is for anyone looking to foster authentic connections in an increasingly disconnected world and deepen the relationships that matter most.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/462

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #461 BITESIZE | 3 Simple Habits to Manage Stress and Build Resilience | Dr Tara Swart

    #461 BITESIZE | 3 Simple Habits to Manage Stress and Build Resilience | Dr Tara Swart

    Many of us don’t realise the profound impact that chronic unmanaged stress can have on our physical health, even if we’re eating well and getting plenty of movement each day.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 416 of the podcast with Dr Tara Swart, neuroscientist, former medical doctor & psychiatrist, lecturer at MIT, executive coach, and author of the best-selling book ‘The Source’.

    Chronic stress can have a huge impact on physical and emotional health. In fact, 80-90% of what a doctor sees on any given day is somehow related to stress. But did you know that it can also impact where our bodies store fat?

    In this clip we discuss the impact stress can have on our health, and Tara shares some of the most effective ways to manage stress and also build resilience.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/416

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #460 Finding Your Purpose at Any Age: Life Lessons from 103-Year-Old Dr Gladys McGarey

    #460 Finding Your Purpose at Any Age: Life Lessons from 103-Year-Old Dr Gladys McGarey

    At the age of 103, not only is today’s guest the oldest I’ve ever welcomed onto my podcast, but she’s also the oldest returning guest, too!


    Dr Gladys McGarey is the co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and the author of the fantastic book The Well-Lived Life: A 103-Year-Old Doctor's Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age. She began her medical practice at a time when women couldn’t even own their own bank accounts, and over the past sixty years, she’s pioneered a new way of thinking about disease and health that’s transformed the way we imagine health care and self-care around the world.

    In this wonderful and uplifting conversation, and with her trademark humour and compassion, Gladys offers profound insights on living with purpose, navigating adversity and finding healing within ourselves. 

    We explore how to avoid living with regrets, the importance of parents truly listening to and supporting their children and finding your unique purpose that ‘feeds your soul’. We also look at how we can bring a more positive attitude to negative experiences and how Gladys lives by what she calls her "5 Ls" - life, love, laughter, labour and listening.

    Still thriving at 103, she embodies staying curious, adaptable and active. During our conversation, she shares her views on ageing, believing in ‘ageing into health’ rather than ‘anti-ageing.’ She also stresses the importance of doctors listening to - and loving - their patients but that it’s ultimately us who are responsible for our own healing.

    Gladys’s century of life experiences has something to offer everyone. Her wisdom will inspire you to reflect on your own purpose, face life's challenges with resilience and make the most of the years ahead.

    It was an honour to speak to Gladys again and have such a deep and honest conversation with her. I hope you enjoy listening to her as much as I did. Her playfulness, humour, and can-do attitude remind us that it's never too late to learn, grow and make a positive impact on the world around us. 

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/460

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #459 BITESIZE | A Monk’s Guide To Happiness & How To Thrive in Hard Times | Gelong Thubten

    #459 BITESIZE | A Monk’s Guide To Happiness & How To Thrive in Hard Times | Gelong Thubten

    What if the most courageous, compassionate thing you could do in life, was to learn how to be with yourself?

    Today’s clip is from episode 387 of the podcast with Buddhist monk, meditation teacher and author of ‘A Handbook for Hard Times: A Monk’s Guide to Fearless Living’ - Gelong Thubten.

    In this clip he explains that when we distract ourselves by scrolling, overeating, or drinking for example, we’re pushing away emotional pain or discomfort – even if we may not realise it. But the discomfort is really in the pushing. If we can learn instead to sit with what’s making us uncomfortable, those emotions start to transform.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/387

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #458 Why You Dream: What Your Sleeping Brain Reveals About Your Waking Life with Brain Surgeon Dr Rahul Jandial

    #458 Why You Dream: What Your Sleeping Brain Reveals About Your Waking Life with Brain Surgeon Dr Rahul Jandial

    Have you ever woken up from a vivid dream and wondered about its meaning? Or perhaps questioned the purpose of dreaming altogether? It’s certainly a fascinating topic and one which I have never covered before on my podcast.


    This week, I’m delighted to welcome back Dr Rahul Jandial, a dual-trained neurosurgeon and neurobiologist. He is an expert in brain health, a world-renowned brain surgeon who routinely undertakes complex cancer operations and he’s also the author of the brand-new book, ‘This is Why You Dream: What Your Sleeping Brain Reveals About Your Waking Life’. 


    During our conversation, Rahul explains his belief, that we sleep, in order to dream. When we are asleep, our brains are not resting but instead shift into a different state where areas linked to imagination and creativity become more active.


    While dreams remain a largely unexplained phenomenon, Rahul shares his insights into common dream themes, the importance of dreams in childhood brain development, and the highly personal nature of dream interpretation. He also covers practical techniques for remembering dreams, the concept of lucid dreaming, the potential links between dreaming and future brain health, and also shares some profound insights about the brain at the time of death. 


    Throughout our conversation, Rahul emphasises that although dreams have captivated humans for centuries, they remain a mysterious and intensely personal aspect of our lives. However, if we approach our dreams with curiosity, they have the potential to gift us valuable insights about the contents of our minds and our emotions.


    The topic of dreams clearly resonates with many of you - I received over 1,000 comments and questions about dreams when I announced this upcoming episode on my Instagram page.  And, I’m happy to say that Rahul answers some of these questions throughout our discussion, offering his unique perspective as both a neuroscientist and a neurosurgeon.


    So whether you're a vivid dreamer or someone who rarely remembers their dreams, this episode offers a captivating glimpse into our sleeping minds.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/458

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #457 BITESIZE | The Secrets to Reversing Your Age and Living Longer | Dr Mark Hyman

    #457  BITESIZE | The Secrets to Reversing Your Age and Living Longer | Dr Mark Hyman

    What if you could slow down ageing or even reverse it?

    Today’s clip is from episode 338 of the podcast with medical doctor and best-selling author Dr Mark Hyman. 

    His latest book, Young Forever: The Secrets To Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life, challenges us to reimagine our biology and the entire process of ageing.

    In this clip Mark explains how our daily food choices influence the speed at which we will age, and shares some powerful research showing that we we might be able to reverse our biological age by up to three years in just eight weeks.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/338

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #456 How Smartphones Are Rewiring Our Brains, Why Social Media is Eradicating Childhood & The Truth About The Mental Health Epidemic with Jonathan Haidt

    #456 How Smartphones Are Rewiring Our Brains, Why Social Media is Eradicating Childhood & The Truth About The Mental Health Epidemic with Jonathan Haidt

    Today’s episode is about a topic that I am truly passionate about - the introduction of social media and smartphones into all aspects of our lives - and what impact this is having on us individually, collectively and, perhaps most urgently, what impact is this having on our children.


    Jonathan Haidt is arguably one of the worlds’ most eminent psychologists. He is a Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business and the author of 4 best-selling books, including his latest The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.


    In this episode, Jonathan and I explore how the fundamental differences between online and real-world interactions are affecting young people's social, emotional and cognitive development. We discuss why girls face unique risks on social media, from damaged relationships and reputations to harassment, and how gaming and pornography are shaping boys' expectations of relationships.

    Jonathan also shares some eye-opening data about the link between a decline in teen mental health and the widespread adoption of smartphones and social media. He emphasises the need for collective action to create healthier norms around technology use, both at home and in schools.

    We dive into practical strategies for parents, including setting clear boundaries and prioritising hobbies and family time. Our conversation also touches on the challenges of navigating technology use in a world where the pace of change has been so fast.

    Jonathan remains optimistic that we're nearing a tipping point and outlines four key norms we can all adopt with our children—even if they’re already dependent on their phones throughout the day. We also discuss in detail what we believe schools could be doing to help their students have less screen time and the importance of collaborating with other families to support healthier habits.

    As a parent and a doctor, I'm deeply concerned about the mental health crisis facing our children and young people. But if, as a society, we can come together to raise awareness and take purposeful action, we can create a healthier future for the next generation.

    I think this is one of the most important conversations that I have ever had on my podcast. Jonathan and I both believe that the rewiring of our children’s brains to be one of the most urgent societal harms that needs addressing.  My hope is that you find this conversation eye opening, enlightening and thought provoking - and I very much hope it prompts you to take action.

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/456

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #455 BITESIZE | The Surprising Truth About Exercise and Keeping Your Brain Healthy | Dr Tommy Wood

    #455 BITESIZE | The Surprising Truth About Exercise and Keeping Your Brain Healthy | Dr Tommy Wood

    It's easy to believe that we have to dedicate lots of time and energy to exercise. That, unless we're pushing ourselves to our limits, it's not worth doing. But my guest this week disagrees - as do I.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 404 of the podcast with medical doctor and neuroscientist, Dr Tommy Wood.

    Like myself, Tommy is passionate about empowering you to take control of your health by simplifying the wealth of existing information and giving you practical, realistic recommendations.

    In this clip he shares his current perspective on movement and why you don’t need to exercise for hours to gain benefits for your body and your brain.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/404

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #454 How To Live Your Life Without Regret, The Importance of Speaking Your Truth & Why Silencing Yourself Impacts Your Health & Happiness with Africa Brooke

    #454 How To Live Your Life Without Regret, The Importance of Speaking Your Truth & Why Silencing Yourself Impacts Your Health & Happiness with Africa Brooke

    How often do you stop yourself from saying what you really think for fear of being rejected, punished, or not fitting in? Whether it's sharing our true thoughts at work, online, or with loved ones, self-censorship can prevent us from fully expressing ourselves and living authentically. It can also have profoundly negative consequences for our health and happiness.


    This week’s guest is Africa Brooke, an internationally recognised consultant, accredited coach, public speaker and podcaster. She’s also the author of the wonderful new book, The Third Perspective: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance.

    In our conversation, Africa explains the different ways in which we silence ourselves and the severe consequences, over time, when we don’t change course. She also explains the importance of creating a culture where everyone has room to mess up, stumble, learn and grow - privately and publicly - without the overwhelming pressure to be perfect.

    Africa shares her journey with addiction and reveals how it taught her valuable lessons about the importance of self-honesty and authentic expression for personal wellbeing and growth. She emphasises that the path to overcoming self-censorship starts with self-awareness, taking responsibility for our values, and practising honest expression, even if it feels uncomfortable.

    We also explore how we can better approach disagreements with others, the importance of avoiding absolutist thinking and how we can model healthy expression for our children, by showing up as our imperfect selves - by living and speaking our truth, we build trust and give them permission to do the same.


    I think Africa is someone who is talking about a crucially important topic in the most beautiful, profound and compassionate way. My hope is that this conversation serves as a powerful reminder of the freedom and wholeness that comes with authentic self-expression and how embracing our true voice is a courageous and transformative act.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:



    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/454

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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