
    4/12/22: NATO Expansion, Elon vs Twitter, Inflation Data, Covid, Gen Z Misery, Kushner Corruption, Dem Warning, & Yemen Disaster!

    enApril 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Make Your Comeback TodayFurther education, cost-effective theme park tickets, effective supplements, staying informed, and supporting mainstream media can lead to improvements in various aspects of life

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's furthering your education with Purdue Global, saving money on theme park tickets, or investing in effective supplements, taking the next step can lead to significant improvements in your career, family, and personal life. Additionally, staying informed and being part of building a trustworthy and reliable mainstream media is crucial in today's world. The tragic event in New York serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and support during difficult times. So, make your comeback today, and don't forget to check out Purdue Global, Undercover Tourist, Symbionica, and Breaking Points.

    • Finland and Sweden Joining NATO: A Potential Escalation with RussiaFinland and Sweden are considering joining NATO, which could increase NATO's size, extend its northern flank, and escalate tensions with Russia. Despite risks, NATO members welcome the possibility, while Russia disapproves.

      Finland and Sweden are considering joining NATO as early as this summer, a move that could significantly increase the size of the Western alliance and potentially escalate tensions with Russia. This decision comes after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and has garnered strong support from the Finnish and Swedish populations. The potential addition of these countries would extend NATO's northern flank and increase the land border between NATO territory and Russia, posing significant strategic risks. Despite these risks, NATO members are welcoming the possibility of their inclusion. Russia has already expressed its disapproval and finds the situation untenable.

    • Historical Tensions Between Russia and NATORussia perceives NATO expansion as a threat, potentially leading to escalated tensions, especially regarding nuclear arms. Open discussions about NATO expansion implications are crucial.

      The ongoing tension between Russia and NATO, with Finland and Sweden potentially joining the alliance, has deep historical roots. Russia perceives NATO expansion as a threat to its security, especially in terms of nuclear arms. While some countries, like Finland and Sweden, may see joining NATO as a means of securing their sovereignty, it's important to consider the potential consequences. The past, including the 2008 debate over NATO expansion, offers valuable context. Fiona Hill, a Russian expert, warned against offering Ukraine and Georgia NATO membership due to Putin's opposition. However, her concerns were dismissed, leading to a lack of debate and a potential escalation of tensions. As we move forward, it's crucial to have an open and informed discussion about the implications of NATO expansion, especially considering the potential risks involved.

    • Considering the potential implications of NATO expansion to Finland and SwedenExpanding NATO to Finland and Sweden could inflame anti-Western sentiments in Russia, potentially leading to unintended consequences and increasing tensions. It's crucial to have a thoughtful and informed discussion about this issue, considering the potential consequences for US-Russia relations and global security.

      The expansion of NATO into Finland and Sweden could have significant geopolitical consequences and should not be taken lightly. The historical context of US foreign policy, as warned by experts like George Kennan and John Quincy Adams, emphasizes the importance of understanding other countries' strategic interests and the potential risks of foreign entanglements. Expanding NATO could inflame anti-Western sentiments in Russia, potentially leading to unintended consequences and increasing tensions. It's crucial for citizens to engage in informed debates and consider the potential implications before making such consequential decisions. The US has a history of thorough consideration of treaty obligations, but this practice has been lost in the post-Cold War era. The extension of NATO to Finland and Sweden would mean committing US resources and potentially putting American lives at risk if those countries are attacked. It's essential to have a thoughtful and informed discussion about this issue, considering the potential consequences for US-Russia relations and global security.

    • Claim of Russian use of chemical weapons in UkraineSkepticism is necessary when evaluating potential chemical weapon use in Ukraine. Verify claims before taking action to avoid escalation.

      The situation in Ukraine is complex and volatile, and recent reports of potential chemical weapon use require careful consideration and verification. The Azov Battalion's claim of Russian use of chemical weapons against a Ukrainian garrison has not been independently confirmed, but the potential consequences are significant. NATO leaders, including President Biden, have warned that such an act would be a red line, potentially leading to military escalation. However, the Ukrainian military unit making the claim is known for its far-right, nationalist affiliations, and there is a motivation for them to make such a claim. It is crucial to approach this situation with skepticism and to verify any claims before taking action. The stakes are high in this existential fight for Ukraine, and all parties involved must exercise caution to avoid further escalation.

    • Allegations of chemical weapon use in Ukraine and Musk's unexpected exit from Twitter boardInvestigations continue into chemical weapon use in Ukraine, while Musk stepped down from Twitter's board due to unclear reasons, maintaining his significant influence over the company.

      The situation regarding alleged chemical weapon use in Ukraine is complex and uncertain, with investigations ongoing and no definitive evidence or claims from key figures. The potential implications for NATO and the international community are significant, making it essential to proceed with caution and seek clear evidence before taking action. Elon Musk's involvement with Twitter took an unexpected turn when he decided not to join the board of directors, despite initially agreeing to do so. The reasons for his change of heart remain unclear, but it may have been due to the fiduciary responsibilities and restrictions that come with being a board member. Regardless, Musk remains Twitter's largest shareholder and will continue to have a voice in the company's future.

    • Elon Musk's tweet could lead to significant changes at TwitterElon Musk's tweet about changing relationship with Twitter's board could result in a hostile takeover, potential CEO/board changes, and impact on free speech

      Elon Musk's recent tweet about his changed relationship with Twitter's board could potentially lead to significant changes at the company, including a possible hostile takeover. Musk, who had previously agreed not to acquire more than a 14.9% stake in Twitter, is now free to pursue larger ownership and could force changes at the CEO and board levels, as well as in the company's governance. The impact of Twitter, with its 300 million daily active users, on news, politics, and other aspects of life makes these developments noteworthy. While the possibility of a hostile takeover is a concern, some employees may be more worried about Musk's interpretation of free speech and his past use of Twitter to profit from securities transactions, despite SEC investigations and fines. Ultimately, the future of Twitter and its role in public discourse may depend less on the actions of individual billionaires and more on government regulation to ensure fair and open discourse for all.

    • Elon Musk's potential Twitter takeover and economic challengesMusk's bid for Twitter could lead to a power struggle, with Twitter's unique governance structure making it susceptible to hostile takeovers. The US faces record-high inflation rates, driven by energy and food prices, and the ongoing war in Ukraine exacerbating the situation.

      The current situation surrounding Elon Musk's potential involvement with Twitter involves complex issues of corporate governance and the influence of major investors like Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, BlackRock, and State Street. Musk's bid for Twitter could lead to a significant power struggle, but Twitter's unique governance structure makes it more susceptible to hostile takeovers. Additionally, the United States is experiencing record-high inflation rates of 8.5%, the highest since 1981, with gas prices accounting for half of the March spike. The ongoing war in Ukraine has exacerbated the situation by causing increased gas and food prices. Core inflation, excluding energy and food prices, has also seen a worrying increase of 0.6% over the past three months. The Putin price hike narrative, used by some officials to explain the inflation crisis, is seen as misleading and disrespectful to the American people. Overall, these events highlight the complexities of corporate power dynamics and the significant economic challenges facing the United States.

    • Inflation's Complex Nature and the Fed's Pressure to ActThe current inflation situation is more complex than supply chain disruptions, with services inflation adding to the trend, putting pressure on the Fed to act quickly, potentially leading to faster rate hikes and balance sheet reduction, increasing the risk of a recession, and straining households' budgets and quality of life.

      The current inflation situation is more complex than initially thought, with services inflation joining the trend, indicating a broader issue beyond supply chain disruptions. This situation puts the Federal Reserve under pressure to act quickly, potentially leading to faster interest rate hikes and balance sheet reduction, which could increase the risk of a recession. Inflation, which is already high, continues to escalate, with food, gas, and now service prices increasing significantly. The compounding effect of these price increases, especially in essential areas like housing, food, and gas, is putting a significant strain on households' budgets and quality of life. The potential recession could have severe consequences, including increased mortality due to lack of access to healthcare and nutritious food, mental health issues, and substance abuse. The Fed's tools to address inflation are blunt and take time to show results, increasing the risk of overshooting the mark and triggering a recession. The current economic landscape, with a broken Congress unable to respond effectively, leaves the Fed as the only viable tool to combat inflation, making the situation particularly challenging for working people and families trying to make ends meet.

    • Latest Inflation Report and Economic ChallengesThe inflation report and Fed's response could lead to a recession, with high food, gas prices, slow wage growth, and ongoing COVID-19 concerns. Precautions and staying informed are crucial.

      The latest inflation report and the Fed's response to it, including raising interest rates and reducing their balance sheet, could push the economy towards a recession. This comes as people continue to deal with high food and gas prices, and wage growth not keeping pace. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 situation persists, with some areas reinstating mask mandates despite the availability of vaccines, therapeutics, and other measures to mitigate the virus's impact. The federal government, including the White House COVID czar, is considering extending mask mandates for public transportation. Schools should follow the same guidelines as the rest of the community regarding mask usage. It's a challenging time with economic and health concerns, and it's essential to stay informed and take necessary precautions.

    • Impact of COVID-19 on Democratic parties and votersThe COVID-19 pandemic and related policies have shifted voter allegiances, particularly among moms, due to frustration over school closures. Economic concerns, specifically inflation, have now taken center stage.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting policies, such as mask mandates and school closures, have significantly impacted the political landscape, particularly for Democratic parties. The frustration over these issues, especially regarding schools, has led some voters, particularly moms, to shift their allegiances. The economy, specifically inflation, is now the top concern for Americans, making the COVID-related issues a sideshow. The damage has already been done, and mask mandates in certain places, like Philadelphia, may further impact Democratic turnout. The rising rates of depression among young people are a concerning cultural trend, driven by several factors including social media usage, academic pressure, economic instability, and the pandemic. It's important to acknowledge the complex interplay of these issues and their impact on individuals and society as a whole.

    • Mental health of American high school students deteriorating, particularly for LGBTQ teensSocial media overuse, lack of real-life interactions, constant news exposure, and increased parental pressure are contributing to the deteriorating mental health of American high school students, with LGBTQ teens being disproportionately affected.

      The mental health of American high school students has deteriorated significantly over the past decade, with nearly half reporting persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. This trend is not equal among all demographic groups, with LGBTQ teens being particularly affected. Four factors contributing to this issue include the overuse of social media, a lack of real-life social interactions, the constant exposure to bad news, and increased parental pressure. Social media can be a problem when it replaces real-life interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The lack of social interactions can be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting lockdowns. The constant exposure to bad news can add to stress levels for both parents and children. Lastly, increased parental pressure to succeed academically and socially can contribute to stress and anxiety in children. Despite some positive trends in areas like underage drinking and school bullying, the overall decline in sociological behavior and the rise in mental health issues are concerning.

    • Teens' Increased Loneliness and Political CorruptionTeens' excessive screen time and overprotective parenting can lead to loneliness and mental health issues. In politics, both parties engage in hypocrisy, with Jared Kushner receiving $2 billion for a questionable investment fund.

      While teens may appear to be engaged in social media, they are experiencing increased loneliness and lack of real-life connection, which can contribute to mental health issues and even suicide. This is due to a combination of overprotective parenting and excessive screen time. On a different note, the conversation about corruption in politics has become bipartisan, with both Democrats and Republicans engaging in hypocrisy. One notable example is Jared Kushner, who received $2 billion from the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund for his fake investment fund despite concerns about his inexperience and excessive fees. This corruption not only raises ethical concerns but also undermines the public's trust in government officials.

    • The influence of foreign money in American politics, particularly from corrupt regimes, is a major issueFormer public officials should be banned from taking foreign money to prevent foreign influence in American politics

      The influence of foreign money in American politics, particularly from corrupt despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia, is a major issue that needs addressing. Jared Kushner, a former advisor to Donald Trump, received $2 billion from the Saudis, which is more than former Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, despite being less experienced and less competent. This money comes from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, which is used strategically to buy influence in the West. The demand for subjugation from the Saudi regime extends beyond Jared Kushner and Steve Mnuchin, and it's time for a complete ban on former public officials taking foreign money. The recent French presidential election was a clear indictment of neoliberalism and a rebuke of the establishment center-left and center-right ideologies. It's crucial that we agree on this issue and enact a ban to keep our country free from foreign influence.

    • French Socialist Parties' Decline and the Challenges for Western SupportThe French election results challenge the assumption that Western support for NATO and the EU will remain strong, as a majority of voters opted for anti-NATO and anti-EU candidates. The leftist Melenchon's surprising strength and the antipathy towards the lesser evil argument offer a warning for Democrats facing similar situations.

      The traditional socialist parties in France have seen a significant decline in power, with the center-left candidate receiving only 1.7% of the votes in the recent presidential election. This unexpected result challenges the conventional wisdom about strengthening Western support for NATO and the EU, as a clear majority of French voters opted for candidates who are broadly anti-NATO and anti-EU. The strength of the leftist Melenchon was also a surprise, and his voters will likely decide the final results. While it's unlikely that they will ultimately go to the far-right candidate Le Pen, a significant number of Melenchon voters stayed home in the first round, and turnout dropped overall. This antipathy towards the lesser evil argument and the waning effectiveness of this tactic is a warning for Democrats facing similar situations. The French election also offers a cautionary tale for Democrats who govern as elites and attempt to play the culture war, as it has not been an effective strategy. Macron's sliding political fortunes serve as a reminder that a narrow win and a thin grip on power can barely cover the thorough indictment of the neoliberal ideology that they represent.

    • Saudi-Houthi Ceasefire: A Temporary Reprieve or a Step Towards Peace?The recent ceasefire in the Yemen war is a temporary truce, not the end of the conflict. The UN is working to negotiate a peaceful resolution, but the role of the US and the newly formed Yemeni leadership council is crucial.

      The recent ceasefire in the war between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis was facilitated by a mutual agreement to halt hostilities, following a unilateral ceasefire declaration by the Hourebels. The UN envoy, Hans Cronenberg, was able to build on this momentum to secure a two-month truce. However, it's crucial to remember that this ceasefire does not mean the end of the conflict. The question now is whether a newly formed 8-member presidential leadership council in Yemen will negotiate with the Houthis or consolidate forces against them. The US plays a significant role in the conflict as it provides military support to Saudi Arabia, making it essential for any potential resolution. The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is a major concern, and the US's complicity in the conflict through its military assistance to Saudi Arabia has been a significant factor. Recent Houthi attacks on targets in Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi have escalated tensions and highlighted the need for a peaceful resolution.

    • A ceasefire in Yemen brings hope for relief from humanitarian crisisThe recent ceasefire in Yemen, while a positive step, does not yet address the root causes of the humanitarian crisis. Urgent action is needed to provide relief and address the secondary effects of the war.

      The ongoing conflict in Yemen, which has seen hundreds of thousands of civilians suffer from starvation, disease, and lack of access to clean water and medical facilities, may finally be seeing some signs of resolution. The recent ceasefire, the first week of which saw no reported air strikes, could bring much-needed relief to the humanitarian crisis. However, the situation remains dire, with secondary effects of the war causing the majority of deaths. The conflict has been costly for all parties involved, and there are hopes that the Saudis and Emirates may soon decide that the costs outweigh the benefits. Americans can also take action by urging their representatives to support a war powers resolution, which would reassert congressional authority over US involvement in the conflict.

    • New formats, announcements, and savings for premium subscribersEnhance your daily life with new show formats, premium subscriber announcements, savings on adult theme park tickets, a greener and more comfortable sleep solution, and improved indoor air quality.

      The upcoming live show on Thursday promises new formats and exciting announcements for premium subscribers. Additionally, viewers can save money on adult theme park tickets at child prices through Undercover Tourist, and improving indoor air quality is essential with Easy Breathe Ventilation System. Furthermore, Leesa's new natural hybrid mattress offers a greener and more comfortable sleep solution. Overall, these tips aim to enhance your daily life and experiences, whether it's through entertainment, travel, or home improvements. Don't miss the live show on Thursday, and remember to prioritize a good night's sleep with Leesa's eco-friendly mattresses. Finally, ensure proper indoor air quality to maintain a healthy home environment.

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    Here's what the trio got into with help from guest hosts, Becca Szkutak and Anita Ramaswamy:

    Some of these stories are still evolving as we type, but don't fret - we'll catch you up in the new year.

    Of course, we can't sign off without saying thank you to all of you for sticking by us during this rollercoaster of a year, and we can't wait to see you in 2023!

    Equity drops at 7 a.m. PT every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, OvercastSpotify and all the casts. TechCrunch also has a great show on crypto, a show that interviews founders, one that details how our stories come together, and more!

    Credits: Equity is hosted by TechCrunch's Alex Wilhelm and Mary Ann Azevedo. We are produced by Theresa Loconsolo with editing by Kell. Bryce Durbin is our Illustrator. We'd also like to thank the audience development team and Henry Pickavet, who manages TechCrunch audio products.

    Russian troops pour into the East as Ukraine warns of a new offensive

    Russian troops pour into the East as Ukraine warns of a new offensive

    Day 349.

    Today, we bring you updates from the front lines as Russian reinforcements build-up in the Donbas amid Ukrainian warnings of an upcoming offensive.

    Plus, we welcome back to the telegraph Gabriella Jozwiak to update us on her work looking at the impact of the war on Ukrainian children.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    With thanks to Gabriella Jozwiak , @GabriellaJ

    Here are the organisations Gaby spoke about today:

    Unicef - https://www.unicef.org/emergencies/war-ukraine-pose-immediate-threat-children

    Save The Children - https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/where-we-work/europe/ukraine?cid=pse-gpukrainecefppc_R33002008-uad_001-3C92188EB&ppc=true&matchtype=e&s_keyword=save%20the%20children%20ukraine&adposition=&s_kwcid=AL!9048!3!596369848706!e!!g!!save%20the%20children%20ukraine&&ppc=true&matchtype=e&s_keyword=save%20the%20children%20ukraine&adposition=&gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCzttFUZfUHzVKUOHmsyIPxXKyFOePcdWGvxs6Hwe8wPns9V2wY-02itxoCXD0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

    Street Child - https://street-child.org/news-media/street-child-stands-with-ukraine/?gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztmYlXo64PJ-0C1sdwhghulSgsfCQU2vXq0YgjOrnK4aaA1XLaEySUBoC4zEQAvD_BwE

    Laptops For Ukraine - https://laptopsforukraine.com/

    UK to Ukraine (Generators) - https://www.uktoukraine.com/

    The Ministry Of Education And Science Of Ukraine Fund For Reconstruction And Restoration - https://mon.gov.ua/eng/united24-zbir-koshtiv-na-vidbudovu-sferi-osviti-ta-nauki-ukrayini

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.