
    4/14/23: Krystal Reacts To Leaker Arrest, Jen Psaki Insists She's A Real Journalist, VA Teacher Shot By Student, Krystal and Kyle Interview Norman Finkelstein

    enApril 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A family's past mystery and a young Air National Guardsman's leak of classified documentsInvestigating family history and sharing sensitive information online can be intriguing, but come with risks and potential consequences.

      The story of a family's past can be a mystery that drives people to uncover the truth, even if it comes with a risk. This was demonstrated in a podcast about a family's great great grandmother's supposed murder by the mafia in Sicily. The host, despite warnings, decided to investigate and encouraged listeners to join him on his journey. Meanwhile, in current events, a young Air National Guardsman, Jack Texara, is under investigation for leaking classified US intelligence documents related to the Ukraine war. The documents were shared in an online gaming chat group, where Texara was a leader. The group's members were mostly young men and teenagers, and Texara reportedly had anti-government views. It's unclear why Texara leaked the documents, but it highlights the potential risks and consequences of sharing sensitive information online. Both stories remind us of the allure of uncovering the truth, but also the importance of considering the potential consequences.

    • Media focusing on leaker identity instead of content implicationsJournalists should prioritize investigating the content of leaks over identifying the leaker to maintain their independence and objectivity, providing accurate information to the public.

      During a recent news event, major outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post focused a significant portion of their resources on identifying the leaker, rather than investigating the content of the leaked documents. This raises questions about the priorities of mainstream journalism and whether they should focus more on the implications of the leaks rather than the identity of the leaker. Jen Psaki, a former White House press secretary, recently claimed to see herself as a journalist, but her definition of journalism is broad and includes government actors, which some argue is a conflict of interest. It's important for journalists to maintain their independence and objectivity in order to provide accurate and unbiased information to the public.

    • Jen Psaki's role change raises impartiality concernsJen Psaki's transition to MSNBC journalist raises concerns about her impartiality. A tragic school shooting incident in Virginia highlights the importance of addressing warning signs and ensuring school safety.

      Jen Psaki's transition from political operative to journalist at MSNBC raises valid concerns about her impartiality and commitment to holding power accountable, regardless of party affiliation. The discussion also highlighted a tragic case in Virginia where a six-year-old brought a gun to school and shot his teacher, and the mother has since been criminally charged for negligence. The incident underscores the importance of addressing warning signs and taking appropriate actions to ensure school safety. Additionally, the teacher involved in the shooting has taken legal action against the school for failing to protect her and other students.

    • A tragic school shooting incident and its aftermathEarly intervention is crucial for addressing children's behavioral issues. Schools and parents should work together to ensure safety and address threats promptly.

      The Washington Post reported on a tragic incident at Richneck Elementary School where a 6-year-old boy shot and injured his teacher, Abigail Zwerner. The boy had previously exhibited disturbing behavior, including taking Zwerner's phone and making threats to classmates. The school administration and the boy's mother have faced criticism for their handling of the situation. Research suggests that children's behavioral patterns are often influenced by their home environment. The mother has been charged with reckless endangerment and improper handling of a weapon. The school should have taken more action to address the boy's behavior and involve his parents. This incident highlights the importance of addressing children's behavioral issues early on and the responsibilities of gun owners and schools in ensuring safety. The discussion also touched upon the political campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Norman Finkelstein, with the latter being praised for his insightful commentary.

    • A class-based political campaign and agenda gained traction in 2020Bernie Sanders' socialist agenda resonated with voters due to economic stagnation and wealth inequality, highlighted by effective political slogans like 'Medicare for all' and 'green new deal'.

      The Bernie Sanders campaign in 2020 brought to light a long-simmering political possibility that had previously been considered implausible: a class-based or class struggle political campaign and agenda. For decades, Bernie Sanders had advocated for a socialist agenda, but the times had not been right for it. However, beginning in the 1980s, there was a stagnation in wages and a polarization of wealth, which set the stage for Bernie's message to resonate with a critical mass of people. Sanders' success in defining clear, effective political slogans, such as "Medicare for all," "abolish student tuition and debt," and the "green new deal," contributed to his campaign's success. Ultimately, Sanders' campaign highlighted the potential for a class-based political movement, which had become increasingly relevant in the face of economic stagnation and wealth inequality.

    • The Close 2020 Democratic Primary Race between Bernie Sanders and Joe BidenBernie Sanders came close to winning the 2020 Democratic primary but failed to mobilize supporters after losing, leading to disappointment and anger among some. Key endorsements played a significant role in shaping the outcome.

      The 2020 Democratic primary was a close race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, with Sanders coming very close to winning until the South Carolina primary. Had he won, it's likely he would have secured the nomination and possibly even defeated Trump in the general election. However, Sanders failed to follow through on his promise to bring masses of people into the streets and push for a radical agenda once he lost the campaign. Instead, he chose to try to influence Biden behind closed doors, leading to disappointment and visceral anger from some of his supporters. The discussion also highlighted the role of key endorsements, such as Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden and Obama's intervention in the campaign, in shaping the outcome of the primary.

    • Bernie Sanders believed he couldn't influence Biden from within and mobilize protestsBernie Sanders felt he couldn't shape Biden's policies internally nor lead protests externally

      Bernie Sanders, according to the discussion, believed he couldn't both influence Joe Biden from within the system and mobilize his supporters for mass protests if needed. Sanders, who raised young people's expectations high during his campaign, appeared to believe that Biden, a conventional politician, would not respond positively to such pressure. Despite their personal friendship, Sanders believed his influence on Biden was limited. However, it's important to note that this analysis is based on the speaker's interpretation and not on any definitive evidence from Bernie Sanders himself.

    • Democratic Party's Shift to Identity PoliticsThe Democratic Party's focus on identity politics, referred to as 'wokism', is an attempt to create a new base as the white working class has largely defected.

      The term "wokism" has been used extensively by the right wing to criticize the Democratic Party's focus on identity politics, but it's important to understand what the author means by the term. According to the author, wokeism refers to the Democratic Party's attempt to create a new base by focusing on identity politics, as the white working class has largely defected from the party. This shift was evident in the Democratic National Conventions in 2016 and 2020, where the working class was barely mentioned and identities took center stage. The author argues that this focus on identity politics is a response to the mass defections of the white working class and an attempt to create a new base for the Democratic Party. It's crucial to understand the context and meaning behind political terms to have productive conversations and avoid misunderstandings.

    • Identity politics derailing class-based politicsThe Democratic Party and influential figures use identity politics to silence class-based discussions and promote the appearance of progressivism among wealthy liberals, stifling important economic equality solutions.

      Identity politics has been used as a tool by the Democratic Party and certain influential figures within it to derail class-based politics and the rise of candidates like Bernie Sanders. This is evident in the media's coverage of Sanders during his campaigns, with outlets like the New York Times and MSNBC, which are known for their wokeness, being some of his most vocal critics. This phenomenon allows wealthy liberals to appear radical and progressive while not having to sacrifice any privilege. The weaponization of wokeness to stop a class-based politics is a concerning development, as it stifles important discussions and solutions for economic inequality. The historical parallel of Leonard Bernstein inviting the Black Panthers to his home, only for it to be criticized by a journalist, serves as a reminder of the potential backlash against those who challenge the status quo.

    • Historically, being on the left meant making sacrifices, but contemporary identity politics focus on individual identity and pronouns instead.Historically, leftist movements required sacrifice, but contemporary identity politics prioritize individual identity over class issues, potentially hindering systemic change

      Being on the left, or being part of social and political movements for change, has historically involved a willingness to make sacrifices. This was exemplified by figures like Rosa Luxembourg, who spent much of her life advocating for socialist causes and enduring imprisonment. However, in contemporary discussions about identity politics and wokeism, there seems to be a shift away from this ethos of sacrifice and a focus on individual identity and pronouns. This shift is not in line with the fundamental tenets of Marxist thought, which have always recognized the importance of class as the primary political issue, while also acknowledging the existence of non-class issues. The current trend of identity politics, on the other hand, appropriates these issues and locks off the focus on class, potentially hindering more fundamental change.

    • Dismantling power structures for true representationFocus on dismantling power held by the top 1% and promoting genuine equality, rather than just diversifying faces in power.

      The desire for representation and inclusion in the ruling class, or the 1%, is a realistic expectation due to the vast income inequality in society. However, merely bringing in diverse identities without addressing the underlying power structures and systems is not sufficient. Instead, it's crucial to focus on dismantling the power held by the top 1% and working towards organizational and structural change. The handing out of large sums of money to certain individuals may seem like a solution, but it often functions as a life insurance policy for the elites, ensuring loyalty and maintaining the status quo. It's essential to remember that identity politics and wokeness, while related, are separate conversations. Wokeness, as defined here, refers to authoritarianism in the name of perceived social justice. The focus should be on dismantling power structures and promoting genuine equality, rather than simply diversifying faces in positions of power.

    • Being critical of 'wokeness' from a left perspective is necessary, but beware of right's disingenuous crusadeAvoid oversimplifying 'wokeness' as everything the right doesn't like, recognize right's authoritarian actions as a form of 'wokeness', acknowledge complexities, and promote progress without resorting to name-calling or authoritarian methods.

      While it's important to critique "wokeness" from a genuine left-wing perspective, we must be careful not to feed into the right wing's disingenuous crusade against it by defining it as everything they don't like. The right's authoritarian actions, such as banning books and enacting anti-trans bills, can be seen as a right-wing version of wokeness. However, there are also gray areas where legitimate questions exist, such as abortion and trans issues. It's crucial to acknowledge these complexities and avoid labeling those with differing opinions as bigots or imbeciles. Ultimately, we should focus on promoting social progress while resisting impediments that hinder it, without resorting to authoritarian methods or name-calling.

    • Authoritarian Tendencies on Social Issues: Left vs RightBoth left and right can hold authoritarian views on social issues, but their expressions and actions differ. Acknowledge complexity, foster respectful dialogue, and avoid dismissing opposing views as irrational.

      Both the left and right can display authoritarian tendencies when it comes to social issues, but their expressions of certainty and legislative actions differ. The speaker acknowledges that societal beliefs and understandings evolve over time, and what is considered controversial today may not be in the future. However, they caution against dismissing opposing views as uninformed or irrational, as this can lead to a polarized public conversation. The speaker also draws attention to historical examples, such as the eugenics movement, where both the left and right held authoritarian views, and the consequences were disastrous. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the complexity of these issues and fostering an open and respectful dialogue. In the current context, the speaker expresses concern about people without scientific or medical knowledge speaking authoritatively on trans issues and attempting to legislate against it. They argue that the left, while sometimes using goofy language, generally advocates for live and let live, whereas the right often legislates against certain groups. The speaker encourages a more nuanced and inclusive approach to these issues.

    • Left and Right Stifling Free SpeechBoth left and right exhibit problematic behaviors towards free speech, with the left imposing taboos and stifling discourse on campuses, while the right uses derogatory language and denies ideas without merit. Maintaining open and respectful dialogue is essential for individual growth and success.

      Both the left and right are exhibiting problematic behaviors when it comes to free speech and legislative actions. The left, particularly on college campuses, is imposing taboos and stifling discourse through legislation, while the right is using derogatory language and denouncing certain ideas without merit. The authoritarian tendencies on both sides are masking the importance of maintaining open and respectful dialogue. The left's dominance in university spaces and news organizations does not make it the sole perpetrator of these issues. The right also has its own codes of conduct and authoritarian crackdowns on speech in conservative environments. The importance of fostering a culture of free speech and respectful discourse is crucial for preparing individuals to compete effectively in the real world.

    • Gen Z's Potential for Progressive ChangeGen Z's authentic activism and diverse communities offer hope for progressive change, despite economic struggles and performative activism.

      The speaker, who wrote a book about the sabotage of progressive movements, expresses hope for the new generation, specifically Gen Z, despite observing some issues like performative activism and economic struggles. The speaker finds hope in the seriousness and authenticity of Gen Z's activism, such as the Starbucks labor movement and Amazon labor union, as well as their willingness to form diverse communities due to housing affordability. The speaker also highlights the progress made in reducing racial divisions, as evidenced by the naturalness of interracial relations during recent protests. Overall, the speaker sees potential in Gen Z to take up the mantle of class politics and create meaningful change.

    • The power of connection and solidarity among diverse studentsYoung people, particularly the working-class and first-generation, are ready to fight for their beliefs. Effective movements require strong leadership and organization to succeed, and recognizing the importance of the class struggle is essential for driving meaningful social change.

      The authentic connection and solidarity among diverse, working-class, and first-generation students in educational institutions like CUNY offer hope for societal change. Young people, particularly those under 30, showed their readiness to take action and fight for their beliefs, as demonstrated by Bernie Sanders' surprising success in galvanizing them during his campaign. However, for any movement to be effective, it requires both strong leadership and organization. The failure of movements like Black Lives Matter to provide these elements can lead to disillusionment and cynicism among young people. Ultimately, recognizing the importance of the ongoing class struggle and maintaining humility in the face of complex issues are essential for driving meaningful social change.

    • The importance of personal growth and learning from past mistakesEmbrace growth, learn from past mistakes, and remain committed to core beliefs. Be inspired by figures like Rosa Luxembourg and practice critical self-reflection to avoid repeating errors.

      Personal growth and adaptation are essential aspects of life, even for those deeply committed to their core beliefs. The speaker emphasized the importance of learning from life experiences and making amends for past mistakes, without abandoning one's fundamental values. He admired figures like Rosa Luxembourg, who made significant sacrifices for their beliefs, and felt a sense of responsibility to convey the lessons he learned from his own experiences. The speaker also emphasized the importance of critical self-reflection and avoiding repeating past errors. Despite his past errors, such as deplatforming those with opposing views, he remained committed to understanding what was good from his life's involvement in politics and striving for improvement. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of growth, self-reflection, and the influence of inspirational figures on personal development.

    • Forgotten Women and Their Captivating TalesListen to Womanica podcast to discover intriguing stories of women who shaped history but were later forgotten

      The past is filled with intriguing stories of women who have been forgotten by history. From fraudsters who evaded authorities in the 17th century to novelists who taunted the Nazis and faked their own deaths, these stories leave us wondering, "what happened next?" Jenny Kaplan, host of the daily podcast Womanica from Wonder Media Network, invites listeners to explore these captivating tales. Tune in to Womanica on the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts to discover these forgotten women and the impact they had on history.

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    Discussion follows. 


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