
    4/18/24: Billions To Ukraine & Israel After Tax Day, Bibi Preps Iran Response, Kari Lake Total Abortion Ban, US Caught Hiding Israel War Crimes, Boeing Whistleblower Describes Criminal Coverup, UAW Expands In The South, Bob Menendez Blames Wife For Corruption, Trump Juror Drops Out

    enApril 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable high-quality products and unique experiencesKroger guarantees customer satisfaction, Papa Murphy's allows custom baking, Disney Cruises offer exclusive entertainment, and Breaking Points covers important news while expanding their reach

      Both Kroger and Papa Murphy's offer high-quality products at affordable prices. At Kroger, customers can enjoy guaranteed satisfaction with their brand products or get their money back. Papa Murphy's may not hand-make the pizza, but customers bring it home to bake it to their liking. Disney Cruises provide exclusive entertainment and savings through undercovertourist.com. Breaking Points is gearing up for the 2024 election and seeking subscriber support to expand their coverage. The news includes a potential foreign aid package, political fallout from Arizona's abortion ban, allegations of torture of Palestinian detainees, Boeing whistleblower testimony, Volkswagen unionization efforts, and Bob Menendez's defense strategy. To help grow the YouTube channel, listeners are encouraged to subscribe, give five-star reviews, and share favorite episodes with friends. Sagar's moderation of the zero hedge debate on Israel received positive feedback.

    • Understanding complex geopolitical debatesClear communication and understanding are crucial for effective political discourse, especially when discussing sensitive geopolitical issues. Defining terms and context is essential, as well as avoiding grandiose rhetoric and focusing on the facts.

      The complexity and difficulty of debating sensitive geopolitical issues, as evidenced in a recent debate about Israel's response after October 7th. The debate highlighted the challenge of defining terms and context, with some participants focusing on the bigger picture of occupation, peace deals, and historical context, while others were more focused on the immediate response. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of foreign aid and the perceived betrayal of principles by some politicians, specifically mentioning Speaker Mike Johnson's flip-flopping on Ukraine aid. The speakers expressed concern over the rhetoric and grandeur used by some politicians in justifying their positions, emphasizing that America, which is not at war, should be cautious in involving itself in foreign conflicts. Overall, the debate underscored the importance of clear communication and understanding of complex issues in political discourse.

    • US Budget: Military Spending vs Domestic NeedsProposed $94B for Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific sidelines crucial domestic needs like healthcare, minimum wage, and homelessness.

      The discussion highlights the significant disparity between the prioritization of military spending versus domestic issues in the US budget. Speaker Johnson's proposed legislation, totaling $94 billion for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific, is criticized for sidelining crucial domestic needs, such as healthcare, minimum wage, and homelessness. The funds allocated to these conflicts are perceived as excessive, with little to no impact on the ground, while the regions of the world that matter most to the US economy receive the least amount of investment. The speaker's plan, which relies entirely on Democratic support, is seen as a uni-party takeover and a continuation of the endless funding for conflicts, despite the financial burden on American taxpayers.

    • Historic Betrayal of Partisan Politics: McCarthy's Cooperation with Dems on Foreign AidMcCarthy's cooperation with Dems on foreign aid raises concerns about a uniparty takeover and misuse of taxpayer dollars, despite opposition from some GOP members and public skepticism.

      Speaker Kevin McCarthy's actions in working with Democrats to advance foreign aid packages, despite opposition from a significant portion of his own party, marks a potentially historic betrayal of partisan politics. This cooperation allows for majority votes to pass, bypassing GOP opposition, and raising concerns about a uniparty war exception takeover of governmental procedure. The use of taxpayer dollars to fund foreign aid, particularly in instances where services are not prioritized domestically, is seen as immoral and preposterous by some. The situation is further fueled by the deep influence of money and the deep state, leading some to consider drastic measures like refusing to pay taxes or taking to the streets in protest. The prioritization of foreign aid over domestic needs is a significant concern for many, especially when considering the wealth and advanced capabilities of nations like Israel, which already have universal healthcare. The administration's arguments for the necessity of this aid in defending against adversaries are being met with skepticism and outrage.

    • Congress Debate Over Military Aid: Controversy Over American Interventionism and Military Industrial ComplexSome lawmakers criticize the process of using military aid for allies to buy American weapons, raising concerns over financial benefits for suppliers and American interventionism, while others argue for standing by allies and defending freedom.

      The ongoing debate in Congress over military aid for Ukraine and Israel has become a contentious issue, with some lawmakers expressing concern over the potential financial benefits for American military suppliers. Critics argue that the process is manipulative and naked, as the money authorized by Congress is used to buy weapons and equipment from American companies before replenishing the stockpiles. This situation has led to a revolt on the far right, with some Republicans expressing disappointment and even considering ousting Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his position. Despite this, McCarthy has received support from figures like former President Donald Trump, who endorsed the plan and emphasized the importance of standing by allies and defending freedom. The debate raises questions about the role of American interventionism, the influence of military industrial complex, and the priorities of political leaders.

    • US House resolution could lead to increased military aid for IsraelThe US House resolution, which includes humanitarian aid for Gaza, may not address the root cause of the crisis and could be seen as a win for the military industrial complex and neocons, despite some Democratic concerns.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran, coupled with Donald Trump's approval, has given momentum to a controversial resolution in the US House of Representatives that could lead to increased military aid for Israel. This resolution, which includes humanitarian aid for Gaza, is expected to pass, despite some Democratic concerns and nervousness. The humanitarian aid, while seemingly beneficial, may not address the root cause of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which is the blocking of essential supplies by Israel. The passing of this resolution, which some argue is a corrupt bargain, is seen as a win for the military industrial complex and the neocons, regardless of public opinion.

    • Protecting Your Identity is CrucialInvest in identity theft protection, stay informed about global events, and prioritize a good night's sleep with a natural hybrid mattress.

      Identity theft is a serious issue that can happen to anyone, and it's important to take proactive measures to protect yourself. While you might think you're in control when you pick up or order food like Papa Murphy's pizza, the true makers are those who prepare the ingredients. Similarly, you might believe that your identity is safe, but with a new identity theft victim occurring every three seconds in the US, it's crucial to have protection like Lifelock. Meanwhile, international tensions continue to rise, with Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu defying global calls for restraint and using potentially US funds to build settlements in the Gaza Strip. It's a reminder that being informed and prepared is essential in today's complex world. So, invest in identity theft protection, prioritize a good night's sleep with a natural hybrid mattress, and stay informed about global events.

    • Israel and Iran on the Brink of War, Gaza Crisis SidelinedThe potential conflict between Israel and Iran could escalate, overshadowing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The US seems to be enabling Israel's actions, disregarding the danger to American service members and people.

      The situation in northern Gaza, marked by a humanitarian disaster and famine, has been overshadowed by the potential conflict between Iran and Israel. Despite reports suggesting that the US may have allowed Israel to carry out a retaliatory attack with minimal response, the Biden administration has not taken significant steps to prevent further escalation. Netanyahu and Israel are acting recklessly, and the US seems to be enabling their actions, disregarding the potential danger to American service members and people. Despite calls for restraint from world leaders, there is a strong possibility of a tit-for-tat escalation involving the US. Netanyahu, who has long advocated for the overthrow of the Iranian regime and military action against Iran, is using the current situation to shift the focus away from the suffering in Gaza and towards the perceived threat from Iran. The consequences of this dangerous game of brinkmanship could be catastrophic.

    • Collaboration leads to progress in various fieldsFrom pizza making to mattress crafting and politics, working together and understanding different perspectives can result in meaningful advancements.

      The role of making a Papa Murphy's pizza is not just limited to the people who prepare the ingredients, but also the one who bakes it. Meanwhile, in the world of sleep, the collaboration between Lisa and West Elm has resulted in a natural hybrid mattress that prioritizes premium materials, meticulous craftsmanship, sustainable practices, and even social responsibility. On the political front, the ongoing debate in Arizona regarding the abortion ban has shown a divide among Republicans, with some pushing for exceptions while others are holding firm. Kerry Lake, a Senate candidate, has also shifted her stance on the issue, acknowledging the practical realities and the need for a common-sense approach. In summary, whether it's making a pizza or crafting a mattress, or navigating complex political issues, finding common ground and understanding different perspectives can lead to meaningful progress. Don't miss out on the Taco Grande Pizza offer from Papa Murphy's or the opportunity to upgrade your sleep sanctuary with a Lisa mattress.

    • Arizona Republicans keep extreme abortion law due to organized minority groupsRepublicans in Arizona face political threats from organized minority groups over abortion, potentially damaging their electoral chances and shifting the landscape towards Democrats

      The Arizona House Republicans' decision to keep an extreme abortion law on the books is driven by the power of organized minority groups within the Republican Party. This issue, which is increasingly a fringe position in American society, can be politically threatening to Republicans who may face primary challenges if they don't toe the line. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some Republicans who previously supported more moderate abortion positions are now flip-flopping, leaving voters confused and disappointed. This issue, along with others, has led to a shift in the electoral landscape in Arizona, with the Senate and House races now leaning Democratic. The situation is particularly damaging for Kerry Lake, who has faced numerous problems in her campaign and now must address her past positions on abortion. Additionally, the Cook Political Report specifically cited the 1864 abortion ban and the upcoming ballot initiative to repeal it as significant factors in these rating changes. The Republican Party's fundraising struggles, which are not limited to Arizona, may also contribute to their electoral challenges.

    • Abortion impacting Republican fundraising and public perceptionThe unpopularity of recent abortion bans is hurting Republican fundraising and public support, while Democrats capitalize on the issue to motivate voters and donors.

      The abortion issue is significantly impacting the Republican Party's fundraising abilities and public perception. The unpopularity of recent abortion bans, such as the one in Arizona, is demonstrated in a poll showing that a majority of voters disapprove of the ban, including a significant number of Republicans. The Republican Party's hard-line stance on abortion, established over decades, is making it difficult for them to backtrack and change their position without losing support from their pro-life base. Meanwhile, Democrats are capitalizing on this issue to motivate their voters and donors. Additionally, the Republican Party's messaging on the issue, such as Senator Marsha Blackburn's comments on Griswold versus Connecticut, is not helping their cause. Overall, the abortion issue is creating a toxic political environment for the Republican Party, and they are struggling to navigate it effectively.

    • UN report reveals torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees by Israeli authoritiesThe UN report exposed shocking allegations of torture and ill-treatment against Palestinian detainees by Israeli authorities, including beatings, sleep deprivation, and threats to harm family members. US policy towards Israel and Palestine, which prioritizes Israeli actions over Palestinian ones, is a major concern.

      The UN report revealed disturbing allegations of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees by Israeli authorities. Detainees were subjected to beatings, sleep deprivation, forced into cages, and attacked by dogs. Threats of injury or death to family members were used as coercion. UNRWA staff members were also detained and interrogated under torture, with their confessions obtained under duress. The US, which had led the charge in defunding UNRWA, is implicated in the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The report confirms previous reports of torture against Palestinian detainees, and the moral relativism in US policy towards Israel and Palestine is a major concern. The assumption of good intentions for Israeli actions and the assumption of worst intentions for Palestinian actions, regardless of evidence, is a problematic dynamic.

    • US inaction on Israeli human rights abusesThe US government has received reports of Israeli military and police units involved in extrajudicial killings, rapes, and torture, but has failed to take action, raising concerns about US commitment to human rights laws and potential complicity.

      There are serious concerns regarding human rights abuses by Israeli military and police units, as revealed in a ProPublica report. These units have been linked to extrajudicial killings, rapes, and torture, some of which occurred before the recent conflict in Gaza. The US State Department has received recommendations to sanction these units but has failed to act. This raises questions about the US government's commitment to upholding international human rights laws and the potential complicity in these abuses through continued military aid. The issue is not limited to the conflict in Gaza, as the incidents under review took place in the West Bank. The US has a history of turning a blind eye to similar abuses, such as rape and the use of US equipment to transport children for sexual exploitation in Afghanistan. These actions undermine the rule of law and the moral foundation of US foreign policy.

    • US treatment of Israel vs other countriesDespite procedures for investigating human rights abuses in other countries, the US often ignores or sidesteps them when it comes to Israel, raising questions about selective accountability

      The US government's treatment of Israel differs significantly from how it handles potential human rights abuses in other countries. While there are processes in place to investigate and address such issues in other nations, when it comes to Israel, these procedures are often sidestepped or ignored. This was evident in the latest instance regarding potential violations at an Israeli refugee camp, where the US State Department responded with vague promises of investigation but no concrete actions or conclusions. This selective approach raises questions about why Israel is singled out for different treatment and undermines efforts to hold the country accountable for potential human rights abuses.

    • Whistleblowers raise concerns over Boeing's prioritization of profits over safetyWhistleblowers allege Boeing cuts corners, prioritizes profits, and retaliates against those who speak out, potentially risking structural failure and safety issues in Boeing planes.

      There are serious concerns regarding the safety of Boeing planes, specifically the 787 Dreamliner and the 777, raised by whistleblowers who claim they were retaliated against for speaking out. These individuals allege that Boeing is prioritizing profits over safety, and that corners are being cut during the manufacturing process, increasing the risk of structural failure. One whistleblower even claims that tiny gaps in plane parts have not been properly filled, leaving debris lodged in 80% of these unfilled gaps, which could easily result in a fire. Another whistleblower alleges that employees have been jumping on plane parts to get them to fit, and that none of the stress testing is addressing these issues. These concerns are compounded by the fact that some safety records have gone missing, and one whistleblower claims they were handed over to the federal government, only to be lost or misplaced by Boeing. The FAA, which is responsible for ensuring the safety of commercial aviation, is also under scrutiny for its relationship with Boeing, with some former employees claiming that the FAA has effectively outsourced its regulatory capabilities to the company. These issues raise serious concerns for the safety of millions of Americans who fly on Boeing planes every year, as well as for our military personnel who rely on Boeing aircraft.

    • The Sacrifice of Safety in Commercial Aviation and the UAW's Unionization EffortsBoeing's profit-driven mindset led to safety compromises, causing catastrophic failures. The UAW's successful negotiations with the Big Three inspire unionization efforts, including at Volkswagen's Tennessee plant.

      The pursuit of profit in the commercial aviation industry, specifically in relation to Boeing, has led to a sacrifice of safety and a lack of effective government regulation. This has resulted in catastrophic failures that were not previously part of commercial aviation. The importance of this issue goes beyond Boeing, as it symbolizes a deeper rot in regulatory agencies and complex industries. Meanwhile, in the labor sector, the UAW's successful negotiations with the Big Three have sparked a wave of unionization efforts, with Volkswagen's Tennessee plant currently voting to become the first foreign commercial car maker to unionize in the United States. Despite the challenges in organizing in the South, the UAW feels confident about their prospects due to a local, worker-led movement and a super majority of workers expressing their desire to unionize.

    • Unionization efforts in the South gaining momentumWorkers in Tennessee and Alabama are pushing for unionization due to a more pro-union climate, better wages, and benefits. Inspired by UAW's success at Volkswagen, they face opposition but remain determined to make a change.

      The unionization efforts in the South, specifically in Tennessee and Alabama, are gaining momentum due to a more pro-union climate under the current administration and the NLRB, as well as the desire for better wages and benefits among workers. The UAW's success in organizing Volkswagen workers in Tennessee has inspired other workers to push for unionization, despite opposition from some politicians and business leaders. The changing demographics and economic growth in these states may also lead to a shift in attitudes towards unions. Additionally, unions are more popular than ever before, and workers are looking to the success of unionized workplaces as a model for their own lives. Despite intimidation tactics and fears of plant closures, workers are determined to make a change and are not deterred by the potential risks. The unionization efforts in the South represent a significant test case for the future of labor organizing in the Sun Belt.

    • Unionization landscape shifting towards mandatory electionsAttempts to remove voluntary union recognition could lead to more union victories, industry-wide wage increases, and companies raising wages in response to unionization efforts.

      The unionization landscape in the US is undergoing significant changes, with some companies facing increased pressure to recognize unions voluntarily due to the potential benefits for their employees and the industry as a whole. Alabama lawmakers' attempts to remove the option for voluntary union recognition could shift the balance further towards mandatory elections, potentially leading to more union victories and industry-wide wage increases. Even if unions are not successful, the mere threat of unionization can force companies to improve wages and benefits to retain employees. This ripple effect can impact various industries and the economy as a whole. Companies like Amazon and Tesla have already raised wages in response to unionization efforts. Overall, the unionization trend is setting the pace for better compensation and working conditions across industries.

    • Menendez's Split Trial StrategySenator Menendez plans to blame his wife for accepting bribes in his defense during his corruption trial, while the details of the alleged bribery scheme involving gold bars, cash, and luxury items with his name on them raise questions about his involvement

      Time is running out to take advantage of child prices for adult theme park tickets at Undercover Tourist, making a Walt Disney World vacation more affordable. Meanwhile, in the world of politics, Senator Robert Menendez, under indictment for alleged corrupt dealings, is planning to blame his wife for keeping the truth from him and accepting bribes in their defense. This split trial strategy may allow him to avoid negatively impacting her separate trial. However, the details of the alleged bribery scheme involving gold bars, cash, and luxury items with Menendez's name on them raise serious questions about his involvement and knowledge. Regardless of the trial outcome, Menendez's political career appears to be in jeopardy, with voters already rejecting him in the Democratic primary.

    • Jury Selection Challenges in Trump's Legal ProceedingsDespite political climate, jurors must focus on case specifics and remain impartial during Trump's legal proceedings. Selection process evaluates potential jurors' social media and statements for impartiality.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against a public figure, such as Donald Trump, bring up significant challenges in assembling an unbiased jury. The political climate surrounding the figure makes it difficult for individuals to remain impartial, as seen in a potential juror's candid interview about her feelings towards Trump and his policies. The Supreme Court's high bar for corruption convictions adds to the complexity of these cases. Despite the challenges, it's crucial for jurors to focus on the specifics of the case and set aside their personal opinions. The selection process involves evaluating potential jurors' social media presence and statements to ensure impartiality.

    • Jury selection for Trump indictment case ongoing with focus on potential jurors' social media habits and news sourcesAnalysts debate potential impact of jurors with legal backgrounds, concerns about biases arise, a liberal nurse was dismissed, diversity of news sources among potential jurors indicates mixed opinions and awareness levels, Trump's team may prefer less news-engaged jurors

      The jury selection process for the Trump indictment case is ongoing, with potential jurors' social media habits and news gathering sources being scrutinized. Some analysts suggest that jurors with legal backgrounds could benefit Trump, while others raise concerns about potential biases. A nurse named Crystal, who identified as a liberal and stated "no one is above the law," was recently dismissed from the jury pool due to public attention on her participation. The diversity of news sources among potential jurors suggests a mix of opinions and levels of awareness of the case. If Trump's team is looking for unbiased jurors, they might prefer individuals who are less engaged with the news.

    • Jurors in Trump impeachment trial have diverse news habitsJurors in Trump impeachment trial come from diverse backgrounds and consume news differently, making the trial outcome uncertain.

      The jury selection process for the Trump impeachment trial involves individuals with varying opinions and news consumption habits. One juror, a self-employed IT consultant from Puerto Rico, finds Trump "fascinating and mysterious," while another gets her news from Apple News and helps keep her son informed. These jurors, along with others, will have their every word and action scrutinized during the trial. Trump's only hope lies in the direction the trial is heading. The information age presents an overwhelming amount of news sources, but trusted sources like The Economist offer expert analysis to help navigate the news landscape.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

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