
    4/19/22: Ukraine Escalation, 2024 Dems, Amazon Union, Mask Mandates, Taylor Lorenz, Testosterone Drop, Young Voters, & More!

    enApril 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying Connected on the Move and Disconnecting from PhonesAT&T's in-car Wi-Fi provides high-speed internet for multiple devices, while US Cellular encourages phone detox. Disney offers child-priced adult tickets and cable news faces trust issues. Russia escalates in Ukraine and mask rules change in US travel.

      Technology is enabling us to work and stay connected on the go, with AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi offering high-speed internet for up to 10 devices. Meanwhile, US Cellular encourages us to put down our phones for 5 minutes to reset our relationship with them. Elsewhere, Disney is offering adult theme park tickets at child prices, and cable news is facing challenges as people seek out more trustworthy sources of information. In the news, a major Russian offensive has begun in Ukraine, with the focus shifting to taking total control of eastern regions, and masks are no longer required on planes and trains in the US.

    • Conflict in Eastern Ukraine: Mariupol remains a key focusDespite efforts for a ceasefire, intense fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, particularly in Mariupol, causing displacement and suffering for civilians. The humanitarian situation is dire, and both sides are reportedly increasing troop presence and launching renewed offensives.

      The conflict in Ukraine, particularly in the eastern region, is far from over. Despite efforts for a ceasefire, intense fighting continues, with Mariupol being a key focus. Thousands have been displaced, and both Ukrainian and Russian forces are holding on, with civilians also trapped in the conflict zone. The humanitarian situation is dire, and there are reports of increased troop presence and renewed offensive on both sides. The use of indiscriminate weapons like cluster munitions adds to the devastation, with civilians bearing the brunt of the suffering. The conflict is likely to continue for years, with no clear end in sight. The situation is complex and the human cost is immense.

    • Use of banned cluster munitions in Ukraine conflictDespite international condemnation, Ukraine, US, and Russia continue to use banned cluster munitions, putting civilians at risk. Escalation of conflict due to military intervention calls could have unintended consequences.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has been marked by Soviet control, nuclear disasters, and recent invasions, has led to the use of banned cluster munitions, putting civilians at risk. The international community, including 100 nations, has condemned the use of these weapons due to their high failure rate and potential harm to civilians. However, the US, Ukraine, and Russia, which are not party to the convention on cluster munitions, continue to deploy them. The situation is further complicated by calls for military intervention from US politicians, which could potentially escalate the conflict and lead to unintended consequences. The potential danger of this situation cannot be overstated, and it is crucial for all parties involved to consider the long-term implications of their actions.

    • Risk of Devastating Conflict Between Ukraine and RussiaLabeling Putin as a war criminal and calling for his trial at The Hague could escalate tensions, potentially leading to military intervention and devastating consequences, including loss of innocent lives and increased risk of larger conflict involving NATO countries.

      The escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with the involvement of Western powers, could lead to a devastating conflict with unforeseen consequences. If we label Putin as a war criminal and call for his trial at The Hague, the next logical step could be military intervention. This could result in the destruction of Ukraine and the loss of countless lives, including those of innocent civilians and conscripted soldiers. It's crucial to consider the human cost of any actions taken and to strive for peace. The involvement of NATO countries like the UK, with their military presence and nuclear capabilities, increases the risk of a larger conflict. History shows that Western foreign policy, fueled by hubris, can lead to unintended consequences. We should learn from past mistakes and minimize our role in these conflicts to prevent unnecessary loss of life.

    • Ukraine peace efforts sidelined, 2024 Democratic primary speculationThe current administration's actions towards Ukraine indicate a lack of commitment to peace, while speculation about the 2024 Democratic primary suggests Kamala Harris may face challenges, with Pete Buttigieg, Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker, Gavin Newsom, and AOC also in contention, and Ro Khanna potentially emerging as a progressive challenger to Biden.

      The current administration's actions indicate a lack of genuine commitment to peace in Ukraine and instead, a push for regime change. This was made clear by Ron Klain's statement that there is no off ramp for Putin. Furthermore, speculation about the 2024 Democratic primary reveals that Vice President Kamala Harris has been overshadowed by Pete Buttigieg in the rankings, despite her position as sitting vice president. The list, which places Biden first, Pete second, and Kamala third, raises questions about her effectiveness in the role and her ability to secure the nomination. Despite his lack of natural charisma, Sherrod Brown's labor politics and ability to win in tough states make him an appealing contender. Other names on the list, such as Cory Booker, Gavin Newsom, and AOC, also face challenges in securing the nomination. The Sanders camp's reported involvement in setting up the field for 2024 has led to speculation about Ro Khanna as a progressive challenger to Biden, highlighting the ongoing tension between Sanders and Warren supporters.

    • Political coalitions and power dynamicsUnderstanding the complexities of political coalitions, grassroots input, and elite endorsements is crucial for navigating the unpredictable nature of political movements.

      The ongoing jostling for position within the Democratic Party, as seen in the recent Washington Post article about Pete Buttigieg surpassing Kamala Harris in polls, highlights the complex dynamics of political coalitions and the influence of various power players. The speaker expresses frustration with attempts to impose a candidate on the grassroots base without their input, drawing parallels to the MAGA movement and the unpredictability of political allegiances. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of elite endorsements and the impact they can have on a candidate's perceived viability, even if they don't sway grassroots supporters. Ultimately, the speaker underscores the importance of understanding the nuances of political movements and the various forces at play within them.

    • Uncertainty in Democratic Primary RaceDespite Biden's presidency, no clear front-runner emerges in Democratic primary polling. Majority of Americans support Amazon workers' unionization.

      The Democratic primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination is wide open, with no clear front-runner according to recent polling. Joe Biden, who was assumed to be the presumptive nominee due to his current position as president, only received 21% of support from Democratic-leaning voters in a YouGov poll. This is significantly lower than Donald Trump's 43% and even surpassed by Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders, each with 14%. The lack of consensus within the Democratic party is remarkable, especially considering the uncertainty surrounding Biden's potential re-election bid. Another significant takeaway is the overwhelming support for Amazon workers to unionize, with 75% of Americans in favor and 83% of young voters expressing their approval. Despite the company's high approval rating, many people believe that Amazon workers deserve better treatment and a say in their workplace. This issue transcends political affiliations, with even older Trump supporters expressing their support for unionization. These developments underscore the complexity and unpredictability of the current political landscape, as both the Democratic primary and the labor union movement continue to evolve.

    • Working conditions and treatment of Amazon workersGrowing awareness of essential workers' role leads to shift in favorability towards unions, shown by Amazon Labor Union's success in Staten Island. Significant development in pandemic response with TSA's decision to stop enforcing traveler mask mandate.

      The working conditions and treatment of employees at companies like Amazon have become a major concern for many Americans during the pandemic. The indignities and automated systems that workers face have led to feelings of dehumanization and depression. However, there is a growing awareness and consciousness of the essential role these workers play in society, leading to a shift in favorability towards unions. The Amazon Labor Union's success in Staten Island, despite being in a traditionally conservative area, shows the importance of grassroots movements and staying independent from political agendas. Furthermore, the TSA's decision to stop enforcing the traveler mask mandate is a significant development in the ongoing pandemic response.

    • Federal judge strikes down mask mandate for travelMask mandates for travel on planes, buses, and trains have been struck down. Private institutions and localities may still require masks, but the majority of the US no longer enforces them.

      On Monday, a federal judge in Florida struck down the mask mandate for travel, including planes, buses, and trains, stating that the CDC exceeded its statutory authority. The CDC is currently reviewing the decision and the Department of Justice will determine if they will fight it. Several organizations, including airlines and Uber, have already dropped their mask mandates. While some private institutions and localities still require masks, the majority of the US no longer has mask mandates for indoor and outdoor settings. This marks a significant shift in the national response to COVID-19 and its impact on everyday life. Despite some fearmongering, it is unlikely that lockdowns will return due to widespread availability of vaccinations and a shift in public opinion. People are free to wear masks if they choose to do so for comfort or personal preference.

    • Culture War: Libs of TikTok vs. Journalist Taylor LorenzThe anonymous account 'Libs of TikTok' has gained influence in the culture war debate, but journalist Taylor Lorenx doxed its owner, revealing her name and fueling online harassment. The Biden administration's stance on remote work versus returning to the office remains uncertain.

      The anonymous account "Libs of TikTok," which makes fun of liberal TikTok users, has gained significant influence in the culture war debate. The account, which has around 650,000 followers, has been run anonymously to protect the owner from online harassment. However, journalist Taylor Lorenz doxed the woman behind the account, revealing her name and accusing her of fueling the right wing's outrage machine. Despite Lorenz's claims of online harassment against herself, her actions against the Libs of TikTok owner are a clear example of the very thing she criticizes. The Biden administration's response to the ongoing debate over remote work versus returning to the office remains uncertain, with some officials advocating for a return to normalcy despite the availability of vaccines. The culture war continues to be a contentious issue, with both sides using various platforms to amplify their messages.

    • Blurred lines between public figures and private citizensThe use of harassment as a tactic in political discourse raises concerns, and it's crucial to maintain a clear distinction between public figures and private citizens to prevent further incitement and harm.

      The article discussing a TikTok account criticized for doxing a journalist, while raising valid concerns about the account's influence and the blurred line between public figure and private citizen, also showcases a level of hypocrisy. The journalist in question has publicly expressed sensitivity to criticism and harassment, yet the article itself reveals personal information about the anonymous TikTok user, potentially inciting harassment. The account's power lies in its ability to clip and share controversial statements made by public figures, sparking widespread reaction. The larger issue at hand is the use of harassment as a tactic in political discourse and the importance of maintaining a clear distinction between public figures and private citizens.

    • The Libs of TikTok account's success is organic and reflects diverse views in societyThe Libs of TikTok account emerged from organic movement, sharing extreme liberal content with commentary, reflecting diverse views, and sparking feelings. Avoid silencing or attacking, engage in meaningful dialogue instead.

      The Libs of TikTok account, which has gained significant popularity for highlighting controversial content from liberal TikTok users, did not come out of nowhere but rather emerged from an organic movement. The account's success can be attributed to the resonance of the content it shares, which has sparked feelings of frustration and disillusionment among some people. The account primarily reposts extreme examples of liberal content and adds commentary, and while some may find it divisive, it is a reflection of the diverse views present in a democratic society. The instinct to silence or attack the account and its creator, rather than engaging in meaningful dialogue, is not conducive to a healthy democratic discourse. Additionally, the journalistic practice of attempting to dox or expose individuals without providing them with adequate time to respond is questionable and undermines the principles of fairness and accuracy.

    • The politicization of declining testosterone levels in menDeclining testosterone levels in men is a serious issue with potential impacts on individuals' health and broader societal trends. It's important to focus on facts and potential solutions rather than politicizing the issue.

      The politicization of health and wellness, specifically the topic of declining testosterone levels in men, has become a significant cultural issue. This was highlighted in a recent promotion for Tucker Carlson's documentary on the topic, which received backlash from some liberal commentators. While the specific individuals involved may be polarizing figures, the underlying issue of declining testosterone levels and its potential societal consequences is a serious matter that warrants attention and discussion. This phenomenon, which has been occurring for decades, can have significant impacts on individuals' mental and physical health, and potentially on broader societal trends. It's important to move beyond the politicization and focus on the facts and potential solutions to address this issue.

    • Factors contributing to low testosterone levelsObesity, poor lifestyle choices, lack of sleep, and excessive alcohol use can negatively impact testosterone production. Making small changes can lead to significant improvements in both mental and physical health.

      Obesity, bad lifestyle choices, lack of sleep, and excessive alcohol use are major contributors to the current crisis in testosterone levels. These factors are interconnected, as obesity can lead to lower testosterone levels, which in turn can lead to further unhealthy behaviors. Additionally, sleep deprivation and excessive alcohol use can also negatively impact testosterone production. The good news is that making even small changes in these areas can lead to significant improvements in both mental and physical health. Beyond these key factors, there are also other options for boosting testosterone, such as herbs, supplements, and red light therapy. It's important to prioritize hormone health, despite the cultural stigma surrounding the topic. The current trend of accepting unhealthy behaviors and minimizing their consequences is a dangerous one, and can have serious long-term consequences, including declining sperm count. The devastating poll for Biden highlighted the alarming trend of young voters abandoning the Democratic party, with only 21% approving of his performance. This is a concerning development, as younger generations are typically more health-conscious and may be more receptive to messages about the importance of hormone health. It's crucial to prioritize our health and well-being, and not let cultural narratives dictate our choices.

    • Young voters feel ignored and disrespected by the Democratic PartyYoung voters are disconnected from the Democratic Party due to broken promises on key issues and dismissive attitudes towards their concerns, potentially leading to decreased voter turnout or support for alternative candidates.

      Young voters feel ignored and disrespected by the current political establishment, specifically the Democratic Party. This disconnect is evident in broken promises on key issues like student debt, marijuana legalization, and labor rights. Young voters also face contempt from the Democratic Party, with leaders dismissing their concerns and priorities. These issues, combined with a lack of significant progress on key areas like jobs, climate, and healthcare, could lead young voters to stay home in future elections or even support alternative candidates. In the case of labor rights, young voters are leading the charge for unionization, but established institutions like the NLRB face challenges in implementing these changes due to objections from corporations like Amazon. Overall, the disconnect between young voters and the political establishment could have significant consequences for future elections and the direction of the country.

    • Amazon's opposition to RWDSU unionization effortsDespite Amazon's questionable tactics and objections to election results, the RWDSU continues to make progress towards unionizing workers, drawing support from those concerned about workers' rights and Amazon's history of labor issues.

      The RWDSU, represented by Seth Goldstein, is facing intense opposition from Amazon in their efforts to unionize workers at various facilities. Amazon has employed questionable tactics, including threats, surveillance, and disciplinary actions against union supporters, and has even objected to election results using baseless objections. The union has filed numerous unfair labor practice charges against Amazon, many of which have been upheld. Despite these challenges, the RWDSU has continued to make progress, even with limited resources and the involvement of a Democratic polling firm working on Amazon's behalf. Goldstein was drawn to the cause due to Amazon's history of racism and the opportunity to challenge the NLRB's controversial labor decisions. The union's determination and resilience in the face of Amazon's formidable resources and tactics is a compelling story of grassroots activism and the ongoing struggle for workers' rights.

    • Breaking Points thanks premium subscribers and welcomes new partnersHosts express gratitude to supporters and introduce new team members, focusing on labor and DC politics.

      The hosts of the Breaking Points show expressed their gratitude to their premium subscribers and lifetime members for enabling them to continue producing high-quality content. They also announced the addition of two new partners, Max Alvarez and Ryan Grim, to focus specifically on labor and DC politics, respectively. The hosts emphasized their commitment to delivering valuable content and thanked their audience for their support, especially during challenging times. They also reminded viewers that they would have content throughout the week despite not having a full show on Thursday. Additionally, they encouraged listeners to prioritize mental health and shared sponsor messages for BetterHelp and US Cellular.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

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    Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:

    WhatsApp: +1-202-922-0220


    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lucasskrobot

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasskrobot

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucasskrobot

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    Be a change maker, weave your destiny, own the future.

    Thank you for listening, and as always you can find me at:





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