
    4/26/23: Biden Threatens Veto On GOP Debt Plan, Trump Snubs GOP Debates, Bernie Endorses Biden, Harlan Crow's Secret Tax Haven, Tucker Employee Speaks Out, Fauci On Lockdowns, UN Harvard Censorship, Susan Rice Resigns Biden Domestic Policy

    enApril 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New podcast seasons and political tensionsJohn Stewart returns with The Daily Show Ears Edition, MTV's Challenge podcast All Stars 4 premieres, Katie Couric's Next Question has notable guests, Breaking Points prepares for 2024 election with premium subscriptions, and political debates focus on bills vs reforms amid tensions in Ukraine and US debt standoff.

      There's a lot of exciting new content coming to podcasts this season. John Stewart is back with The Daily Show Ears Edition, MTV's Challenge podcast All Stars 4 is premiering, and Next Question with Katie Couric has an impressive lineup of guests. Meanwhile, political podcast Breaking Points is gearing up for the 2024 election and seeking premium subscriptions for expanded coverage. In international news, tensions continue in Ukraine, and a debt standoff is brewing in the US. The debate between paying bills versus demanding spending reforms is at the forefront of political discussions.

    • Republican Divisions on Debt Ceiling BillHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces opposition from both Freedom Caucus and moderate Republicans in passing a debt ceiling bill, with contentious provisions on ethanol subsidies and climate change.

      Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces significant challenges in passing a debt ceiling bill through the House of Representatives due to opposition from both the Freedom Caucus and moderate Republicans. The Freedom Caucus wants concessions from McCarthy, while moderates are concerned about the impact of proposed cuts on their districts. The bill's contentious provisions include rollbacks on ethanol subsidies and efforts to address climate change. McCarthy plans to show he has 218 votes and present the bill to President Biden without negotiation. However, the bill's content is unlikely to be agreeable to Biden, and its prospects in the Senate are uncertain. The debate highlights the deep divisions within the Republican Party on fiscal and environmental issues.

    • Republican standoff over messaging bill could harm party's imageMcCarthy's negotiation skills face test; Gaetz's demands may weaken McCarthy; Unclear reasons for negotiation, potential negative media could harm GOP.

      The current standoff between Kevin McCarthy and Matt Gaetz over a messaging bill related to work requirements could have serious consequences for the Republican party if not handled carefully. McCarthy's reputation for negotiating effectively could be put to the test, and if Gaetz fails to secure concessions, McCarthy may appear weakened in the eyes of the public. The lack of clear reasons for Gaetz to negotiate and the potential for negative media coverage make this a risky proposition for the Republicans. If they push it too far, they could be in "serious trouble for the rest of this congress." However, McCarthy's recent success in getting the Freedom Caucus to agree to bare minimum demands is a positive sign, and he may be able to get the bill passed with enough votes. But the outcome is uncertain, and the potential for long-term damage to relationships cannot be ignored.

    • Power dynamics in Congress and voter disdain for major parties impact 2024 electionDespite voter dislike for both major parties and their candidates, polls suggest some voters may lean towards disliking one less, influencing the 2024 election outcome. Unpredictable voter behavior makes accurate forecasting challenging.

      The power dynamics in Congress, particularly for groups like the Freedom Caucus, can limit their ability to enact significant change despite having some leverage due to their members in Congress. Meanwhile, in the 2024 presidential race, a significant number of voters express disdain for both major parties and their candidates. However, data suggests that these voters may still lean towards disliking one candidate less than the other. For instance, in the 2020 election, Joe Biden was less hated than Donald Trump, as shown in polls. With 47% of voters expressing disapproval of both Biden and Trump, the outcome of the 2024 election could depend on how many of these voters ultimately decide to participate in the election. The emergence of alternative candidates, like Ron DeSantis, could also impact the dynamics of the race. Ultimately, the unpredictability of voter behavior makes it challenging to accurately forecast election outcomes based on polling data alone.

    • The 2024 Election: A Shift in Political LandscapeThe 2024 election is expected to see continued engagement from voters, with some willing to take risks and support candidates offering hope, despite questionable records or behavior. Republican base loyalty to Trump may influence the outcome, but voter motivation and base turnout will be key factors.

      The political landscape has shifted significantly since 2012, with people becoming more engaged in the drama and spectacle of politics. This trend is likely to continue, even among those who dislike specific candidates. The concept of the "Flight 93 election" suggests that some voters may be willing to take risks and support candidates who offer them hope, even if those candidates have questionable records or behavior. The Republican base, in particular, has shown a strong loyalty to Donald Trump, despite polling that suggests he may not be the most viable candidate in 2024. The calculus for these voters is that the country is already in a state of crisis, and they may prefer to "blow up the government" and see what happens rather than cooperate with the Republican party or be pragmatic. However, it's important to note that not all voters are motivated by the same passions, and the outcome of the 2024 election may depend on which side can mobilize their base to turn out and vote. While some pundits believe that Biden supporters may not be as passionate as Trump supporters, it's also possible that they are motivated by their strong dislike for Trump rather than a deep love for Biden. Ultimately, the election will likely come down to which candidate can inspire their base to turn out and vote.

    • Intense voter motivation in 2024 driven by fear and hatred towards certain candidatesPeople are motivated to vote in 2024 due to intense dislike for certain candidates, as seen in past elections and protests. Biden's broad appeal and lack of unlikability may contribute to his success.

      The 2024 presidential election could see intense voter motivation, with individuals willing to go to great lengths to vote against certain candidates. This was evident during the Women's March in 2018, the midterms in 2018, and the 2020 election, where people showed determination to remove an unpopular figure from power. Joe Biden's ability to appeal to a broader audience and not be as unlikable as others, such as Hillary Clinton, has also contributed to his potential success. Bernie Sanders, who endorsed Biden quickly after his announcement, did so to avoid any potential blame or responsibility for helping Trump's campaign. Trump, on the other hand, has threatened to skip debates, adding pressure on both Biden and his competitors, RFK Jr. and Marianne Williamson, to engage in debates. Overall, fear and hatred towards certain candidates are driving voter behavior, with hope for transformational change taking a backseat.

    • Trump skips GOP debates over bias concerns, Thomas's friend buys Saint Kitts citizenshipFormer President Trump avoids Republican debates due to perceived bias, while Supreme Court Justice Thomas's friend raises ethics concerns by purchasing citizenship from Saint Kitts and Nevis, highlighting the blurred lines between patriotism and personal gain in American politics

      Former President Donald Trump has announced his reluctance to participate in Republican debates due to perceived bias, specifically mentioning the Reagan Library as an example. Meanwhile, a new report reveals that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's friend and donor, Harlan Crowe, has purchased citizenship from Saint Kitts and Nevis, raising ethics concerns. The practice of buying citizenship from such countries, often referred to as tax havens or sovereign structures, allows the wealthy to park their money and potentially evade taxes. The revelation adds to the ongoing conversation about ethics in American politics, particularly within the Supreme Court. It underscores the reality that the upper echelons of American politics are increasingly populated by individuals with global connections and financial resources, blurring the lines between patriotism and personal gain.

    • Personal experiences shaping perceptions on the political fringesNegative experiences can influence contempt towards larger groups, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and transparency in public figures.

      The discussion revolves around the perception of those on the political fringes and how their experiences can shape their views of larger groups. Krystal Ball, for instance, had a negative experience with certain elements of the fringe left, which led her to have contempt for them and, in turn, express that contempt towards the left as a whole. Similarly, Clarence Thomas may have had a negative experience with a particular individual or group, leading him to have a disdain for them and potentially influencing his decisions on the Supreme Court. Another topic touched upon was the issue of ethics and disclosures in relation to Supreme Court justices and their financial transactions. The discussion also highlighted the importance of fact-checking and the potential for biased reporting in media. In conclusion, the conversation underscores the significance of personal experiences and their potential impact on shaping perceptions and decisions, as well as the importance of transparency and ethical conduct in public figures.

    • The social contract between the public and the Supreme Court is being questioned due to recent decisions.The need for transparency and accountability in the Supreme Court and other public institutions is highlighted by recent ethical concerns and legal actions.

      The social contract between the public and the Supreme Court, which had kept the Court somewhat separate from the political process, has been broken by recent decisions, leading to increased scrutiny of the justices' ethical guidelines and financial disclosures. This conversation about ethics needs to be a broader and deeper one, involving all justices, not just a few. Meanwhile, a former booking producer at Tucker Carlson's show, Abby Grossberg, is suing Fox News and Tucker Carlson, alleging a toxic and discriminatory work environment. She has recovered 90 recordings from her phones and has been subpoenaed by Smartmatic. The outcome of these developments remains to be seen, but they underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in all areas of public life.

    • Employee Speaks Out Against Problematic Messaging on Tucker Carlson Show, Faces Backlash and ConsequencesSpeaking out against problematic messaging in media organizations can lead to backlash, including being shut out of meetings, mocked, and demoted. Those who challenge dominant narratives may face risks and challenges, but their actions can also inspire change and spark important conversations.

      The dynamic between a media figure and their team can lead to ideological clashes and consequences for those who challenge the status quo. The discussion revolves around a former employee's experience on the Tucker Carlson show, where she raised concerns about the lack of diversity and problematic messaging. Her criticisms led to backlash, including being shut out of meetings, mocked, and eventually demoted. This situation escalated during the January 6th coverage, where she disagreed with Tucker's conspiracy theories about the FBI's involvement in the Capitol attack. Her departure from the show and subsequent interviews with media outlets have been met with praise for speaking out against Fox News, but her credibility is questioned due to the incentives in corporate media to criticize Fox. Ultimately, her experience highlights the potential risks and challenges for those who challenge the dominant narratives within media organizations.

    • Authenticity and Integrity in MediaEngaging with controversial figures doesn't endorse their ideologies, but it provides an opportunity for rebuttal and debate. Authenticity and integrity in media require addressing controversial topics with a critical and thoughtful approach.

      Belief in the content being produced and promoted is important for those involved, especially when it comes to media personalities and their guests. Hypocrisy, such as publicly condemning certain figures while privately profiting from them, raises questions about authenticity and integrity. The media landscape caters to various perspectives, and ignoring or dismissing unpopular voices can lead to their amplification. Engaging with controversial figures doesn't necessarily endorse their ideologies, but it does provide an opportunity for rebuttal and debate. Ignoring or avoiding these conversations may not be effective in countering harmful ideologies, and it's crucial to address controversial topics with a critical and thoughtful approach.

    • Perspectives on Toxic Work Environments and Dr. Fauci's Role in the PandemicDiffering views on toxic work environments and Dr. Fauci's role in pandemic decisions highlight the need for clear communication and transparency to avoid ambiguity and misinformation.

      During the discussion, it became clear that there are differing perspectives on the existence and definition of toxic work environments, as well as the role of individuals like Dr. Fauci in making significant decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker argued that Dr. Fauci's public statements could be considered toxic based on standard corporate HR definitions, but acknowledged that this might say more about HR departments than the situation itself. In relation to Dr. Fauci, it was noted that he has taken varying stances on his involvement in the decision to shut down the country during the pandemic, with some politicians using this ambiguity for political gain. The speaker suggested that Dr. Fauci could clarify his role and provide more transparency to help the public better understand the complexities of the situation.

    • Dr. Fauci's pandemic response criticized for inconsistencies and lack of transparencyDr. Fauci's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic response has faced criticism for perceived inconsistencies, lack of transparency, and dismissive messaging, fueling public frustration and mistrust, particularly over mask usage and herd immunity.

      Dr. Fauci's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic response has been a subject of controversy due to perceived inconsistencies and lack of transparency. He has been criticized for blaming the CDC and the public for misunderstanding public health guidelines, while also being criticized for not being more forthright about the vulnerability of certain populations, such as the elderly and morbidly obese. Dr. Fauci has acknowledged some communication errors but continues to deflect blame, invoking divisiveness as a detached phenomenon. His approach has fueled public frustration and mistrust, particularly regarding his early stance on masks and herd immunity. Despite some accountability admissions, his overall messaging has been perceived as dismissive and inconsistent, contributing to confusion and resistance to public health measures.

    • Criticisms of Dr. Fauci's pandemic statements and UN, Harvard, and tech giants' censorship effortsDr. Fauci's inconsistent statements on pandemic vulnerability and lab leaks have faced criticism for lack of transparency. A new report reveals UN, Harvard, and tech companies pushing for censorship, raising concerns about freedom of information and suppression of dissenting viewpoints.

      Dr. Fauci's handling of the pandemic, particularly his statements on vulnerability and lab leaks, has been subject to criticism due to perceived inconsistencies and potential misunderstandings. His approach to defining gain of function and lab leaks in interviews has raised concerns about transparency and accountability. Meanwhile, a new report reveals efforts by the UN, Harvard, and tech giants Facebook, Google to push for censorship worldwide, which raises questions about freedom of information and potential suppression of dissenting viewpoints.

    • Exporting censorship practices under disinformation preventionInternational organizations, funded by the US and EU, are training activists to pressure social media platforms to censor content, potentially silencing alternative viewpoints and infringing on freedom of speech, blurring the line between disinformation prevention and censorship.

      The United Nations and other international organizations, with funding from the US and EU, are implementing programs aimed at exporting censorship practices from the Western world to other countries under the guise of combating disinformation. The UN's "Social Media 4 Peace" program, for instance, is training activists in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, and Kenya to pressure social media platforms to censor content deemed potentially harmful or manipulative/deceptive. However, this censorship can extend beyond actual manipulative or deceptive content, potentially silencing alternative viewpoints and infringing on freedom of speech. The line between legitimate disinformation prevention and censorship is becoming increasingly blurred, and these efforts can be seen as an export of Western classical liberal values, which have been distorted into outright censorship.

    • Impact of Susan Rice's resignation on Biden's policiesSusan Rice's departure from Biden's policy committee influences the direction of his administration's policies on immigration, gun control, climate, infrastructure, and more. The choice of her successor is crucial as it determines the implementation during the remaining 18 months of Biden's first term.

      The exportation of Western values, including the push for democratic infrastructure, can be exploited for authoritarian purposes. This was highlighted by the resignation of Susan Rice as director of Biden's Democratic policy committee, which will significantly impact the direction of his administration's policies on immigration, gun control, climate, infrastructure, and more. The choice of Rice's successor will be crucial, as it will determine the implementation of these policies during the remaining 18 months of Biden's first term. The complexity of governing in the US, with its overlapping jurisdictions and competing interests, makes it increasingly difficult to pass legislation and spend money effectively. The lack of focus on policy in the US contrasts starkly with the development of infrastructure in other countries. The appointment of Rice's successor is not a topic that will likely generate viral attention on YouTube, but it is a significant decision that will have far-reaching consequences.

    • Challenges in Selecting a New OMB DirectorDespite strong policy experience and influential backgrounds, potential candidates Neera Tanden, Tom Perez, Tara McGuinness, Anne O'Leary, and Sarah Bianchi face challenges in becoming the next OMB director due to bipartisan resistance, handling of past controversies, and political maneuvering.

      The process of selecting a new OMB director for the Biden administration has been filled with challenges. Neera Tanden, a nominee with strong policy experience and a large following, faced bipartisan resistance in the Senate and was not confirmed. Instead, she was promoted to the influential position of staff secretary. Another potential candidate, Tom Perez, who has executive experience as a former Labor Secretary and DNC chair, may be hindered by his handling of the chaotic Iowa caucuses. Tara McGuinness, a policy expert with a reputation for getting things done, could be a dark horse candidate. Anne O'Leary, a longtime policy player from the Clinton world, is also a contender, known for her ability to efficiently implement policies. Sarah Bianchi, the deputy US trade representative, is another potential choice, known for her experience in navigating complex political situations. Overall, the selection process highlights the importance of finding a candidate who can effectively implement the administration's policy agenda while avoiding scandal and palace intrigue.

    • Biden's Economic Team: A Mix of Progressives and CorporatesThe Biden administration's economic team includes progressives and corporates, with Katherine Tai and her deputy Bianchi representing opposing views. Nira Radia, a polarizing figure, is also in contention for a role, indicating the administration's independence from the left.

      The Biden administration's economic team is shaping up with a mix of progressive and corporate figures. Katherine Tai, the US Trade Representative, is seen as a progressive, while her deputy, Bianchi, who has a corporate background, is tasked with keeping her in line. Nira Radia, a well-known figure in Democratic circles, is a contender for a role, despite her polarizing reputation. The administration's decision to consider Radia, despite her polarizing image, could be a strategic move to show independence from the left. The outcome of these personnel decisions could impact the implementation of Biden's agenda, with potential implications for infrastructure spending and other policies. The intrigue surrounding these appointments promises to provide plenty of drama and potential consequences for all involved.

    • From Cape Town competition to California avocadosExplore the excitement of Cape Town competition on MTV's podcast and learn about the story behind California avocados and their ideal growing conditions

      We're bringing you closer to the action of an exciting competition taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, where old school legends, modern power players, and ex lovers are battling it out for a prize of $300,000. You can tune in to MTV's official challenge podcast on various platforms like iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts, as we'll be there to cover every episode for you. Meanwhile, let's shift gears and talk about something completely different - California avocados. These fruits are not just tasty, but they also come with a rich backstory. California's ideal climate, with its full of rich soil, gentle rain, and friendly sunshine, makes it the perfect place for avocados to thrive. Local farmers put in their heart and soul into growing these avocados sustainably. So, when you open up a California avocado, you're not just getting a fruit, but a story shaped by California's unique conditions. These avocados are in season now, and you can learn more about them by visiting californiaavocado.com.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

    RFK JR EXCLUSIVE: Biden Unfit To Serve, Dem Party Nomination, New Vanity Fair Allegations

    RFK JR EXCLUSIVE: Biden Unfit To Serve, Dem Party Nomination, New Vanity Fair Allegations

    Saagar is joined by RFK JR to discuss Biden's debate collapse, if he is fit to serve, would he accept the Dem nomination, new allegations from Vanity Fair, and MORE!


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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

    Saagar discusses MAGA lawyer vs Liberal on Trump immunity, SCOTUS guts government agencies, Biden polling collapse after debate, key Dems knives out for Biden, Dem elites shutdown Biden replacement talk.


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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    Saagar discusses Morning Joe flips on Biden campaign, Kamala collapses defending Biden debate, Biden donors revolt, Pod Save bros fall in line, White House covers up old man moments, 72% say Biden not cognitively capable of being President, far right stuns Macron in French elections, and Glenn Greenwald sounds off on Biden age. 


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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    Related Episodes

    Episode 35- Professor Griff (Public Enemy) with Christina Tobin

    Episode 35- Professor Griff (Public Enemy) with Christina Tobin
    Christina Tobin interviews Professor Griff of hip-hop legends Public Enemy before Free & Equal’s Open Colorado Gubernatorial Debate on October 8th, 2014, moderated by Griff. In the interview they discuss why musicians/artists with integrity and insight shouldn’t be shunned from speaking truth to power, how the election system is corrupted by things such as the Electoral College, the illusion of choice between major establishment political parties and candidates, and how music and activism go hand in hand with shifting the consciousness of the masses, especially the youth, to create a better world for the entire human family. Professor Griff is the author of several books, including The Psychological Covert War on Hip-Hop, about how hip-hop was once a vessel for speaking truth to power, but was subsequently and deliberately subverted by corporate America. This action brought an end to the intelligence and political prowess of groups like Public Enemy, which helped uplift and empower the minds of blacks as well as all people throughout the world; replacing them with the open display of apathy, reverence of materialism, and corporate product placement as we see with modern commercial rappers and ‘reality’ television. Chuck D of Public Enemy referred to this phenomena as the continuation of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program, which covertly created a rift within the Black Panther movement in the 1970′s, targeted civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and has now culturally targeted the cause of liberation by corrupting the music that helped to politically awaken so many people in the early days of hip-hop’s true form, speaking truth to power.

    SPECIAL: Candidate debates and how to fix them

    SPECIAL: Candidate debates and how to fix them

    An ongoing storyline on The Georgia Politics Podcast is the efficacy of the modern day debate format and ways to improve them so that they give voters more useful information. Joining the panel for this special episode is Shruthi Balachander, a Georgia Secretary of State Ambassador and member of Student Leadership Johns Creek.

    Georgia just saw some of its top tier candidates, most notably Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker, wrap debates with the Atlanta Press Club. They stood behind podiums and answered questions from moderators in what many would describe as a traditional debate. There were no big surprises, and both candidates probably walked off the stage thinking that not much in their race has changed.

    We don’t know yet how many people tuned in, but its safe to say that it will be a small number. The question is why more people don’t tune in and how do we, the public, convince more people that they should?

    Shruthi recently helped Student Leadership Johns Creek put on debates for local races in the north Metro Atlanta community. She details the format they used and the process for picking questions, getting answers from candidates, and addressing issues in real time. This give much of the discussion on scalable potential fixes context.

    At the end of the day, the panel concludes that there is plenty of blame to go around for debates not “working” anymore, but does offer alternatives that could reach more people and affect the outcomes of more races.

    Connect with Shruthi on LinkedIn

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    Preston Thompson @pston3

    Hans Appen @hansappen

    Proud member of the Appen Podcast Network.
