
    4/27/23: Tucker Carlson Breaks Silence, Republican Debt Bill Barely Passes, China's Xi Pushes Zelensky Negotiations, Kamala's 2024 Kickoff, Disney Sues DeSantis, Nate Silver Out, Bernie Betrays Movement, Biden's High Chance of Death

    enApril 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring important topics through podcastsListen to podcasts for insightful conversations on mental health, personal development, culture, politics, and more. Support those that rely on listener funding.

      There are various podcasts available to listeners, offering a range of fascinating conversations and perspectives on mental health, personal development, culture, politics, and more. These podcasts include "Therapy For Black Girls," "Next Question with Katie Couric," "The Bright Side," and "Breaking Points." Hosts like Joy Harden Bradford, Katie Couric, Danielle Robae, and Krystal Ball invite listeners to explore important topics and share insights, while also providing a break from negativity. Additionally, some podcasts, like "Breaking Points," rely on listener support to continue providing in-depth coverage and analysis. So whether you're interested in mental health, culture, politics, or just looking for a weekly dose of positivity, there's a podcast out there for you.

    • Dominated by consensus and irrelevant debatesDespite media landscape challenges, seek out meaningful discussions on important issues like war, civil liberties, science, demographics, corporate power, and natural resources.

      The current state of political debates on television is largely irrelevant and unproductive, while important issues like war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, and natural resources receive little to no discussion. The media landscape is dominated by consensus among political parties and their donors, leading to a one-party state mentality. However, the truth will prevail, and there are still places where honest conversations are taking place. Another takeaway is that Tucker Carlson, despite his high ratings, may have been let go from Fox News due to a combination of factors, including embarrassing text messages, lawsuits, and advertisers pulling out. Despite the challenges, it's important to continue seeking out and engaging in meaningful discussions about the issues that matter.

    • Tucker Carlson's Sudden Exit from Fox NewsMedia industry is unpredictable, talent, ratings, allegations, and personal relationships can all impact careers

      The media landscape is dynamic and unpredictable, as evidenced by the sudden departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. While Carlson was a major talent and had a large following, his ratings had dropped and he had alienated some parts of the audience. Fox responded by replacing him, but it remains to be seen if his replacement, Tucker, will be able to match Carlson's impact and influence. The firing also came amidst allegations of a hostile work environment, and reports of personal issues between Carlson and Rupert Murdoch's ex-fiancée. The final straw may have been the revelation of text messages that raised concerns for the Murdoch family. The case of Tucker Carlson's departure serves as a reminder of the complex and multifaceted nature of the media industry, where talent, ratings, allegations, and personal relationships can all play a role in career trajectories.

    • The ideological divide between Trump and DeSantis influences media coverage and intraparty power struggleFox News' stance for DeSantis adds complexity to the Republican Party's power struggle, while McCarthy passes a debt ceiling bill with controversial provisions, potentially benefiting Republican-held districts.

      The ideological divide within the Republican Party between Trump and DeSantis, as represented by Tucker Carlson and Rupert Murdoch, is influencing media coverage and the intraparty power struggle. Fox News, with its highly rated host and significant sway, has taken a stance for DeSantis, which adds complexity to the business aspect of the situation. Fox News, at its core, is an ideological project, making the situation more intriguing. Meanwhile, in political news, Kevin McCarthy managed to pass a bill in the House to address the debt ceiling, despite opposition from the more conservative members of his caucus. The bill included controversial cuts and changes to various programs, with some provisions beneficial to Republican-held districts. Despite no Republicans voting for the Inflation Reduction Act in the House, some provisions within it could positively impact several districts, making the situation more nuanced.

    • Republicans face political risks for supporting Inflation Reduction ActDespite potential economic benefits, Republicans' support for the Inflation Reduction Act could harm them politically, with Democrats planning to use it against them in future campaigns. The debt limit standoff between Biden and GOP leaders also poses high political risks.

      The Inflation Reduction Act, despite controversy over certain provisions like ethanol subsidies, was able to secure votes from some Republicans due to the potential economic benefits for their districts. However, this vote could come back to haunt them politically, as Democrats are already preparing to use it against them in future campaigns. The debt limit standoff between President Biden and Republican leaders is expected to intensify in the coming weeks, with potential negotiations and political posturing. The long-term consequences of these negotiations remain uncertain, but one thing is clear: the political risks are high for both parties.

    • Debt Ceiling Standoff and Ukraine Crisis: Economic and Political ConsequencesThe debt ceiling standoff between the White House and Republicans could lead to severe economic and political consequences, while China's involvement in the Ukraine crisis adds complexity to the international response

      The ongoing debt ceiling standoff between the White House and Republicans could have severe economic and political consequences. Recent history suggests that such tactics have not worked in the past, and the tight voting margin in the Republican caucus gives significant power to more extreme members. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, where China has become increasingly involved in diplomatic efforts for a political settlement. The potential for an economic catastrophe looms large, and it remains unclear who will ultimately blink first. Another noteworthy development is the extraordinary phone call between Presidents Xi Jinping and Zelensky of Ukraine, which could signal a potential shift in the geopolitical dynamics of the conflict. The Chinese government's proposed peace deal has been dismissed by Ukraine, but the conversation highlights China's role as a potential mediator and the complexities of the international response to the crisis. The US, meanwhile, has admitted that it was caught off guard by the call, adding another layer of uncertainty to an already volatile situation.

    • China's Unexpected Call to Ukraine's President Amidst European ReactionChina's unexpected call to Ukraine's President was likely a diplomatic move to appease Europe and maintain neutrality in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, following European backlash over Chinese diplomat's comments on post-Soviet states' sovereignty.

      China's unexpected phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky came after Europe's strong reaction to Chinese diplomat's comments questioning the sovereignty of post-Soviet states. The call may have been a move to appease Europe and reclaim neutrality in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. China's diplomat's remarks were perceived as a slap in the face by countries like Latvia and Estonia, which have fought for their independence for decades. The hour-long call, in reality, was likely only half an hour due to translation needs. The conversation could lead to a different perspective for the Chinese on the conflict and demonstrate the importance of diplomacy in resolving international disputes. Despite the US public viewing China as biased towards Russia, China aims to maintain an impression of neutrality on the world stage.

    • Leaked documents reveal true toll of Ukrainian-Russian conflictDespite public disclosures, the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed or wounded is five times higher. Both sides suffer significant casualties, and the spring offensive could be a turning point.

      While the Western world may be focused on showing solidarity with Ukraine through flags and rhetoric, the reality on the ground is much more dire. Leaked documents reveal that the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed or wounded is five times higher than what has been publicly disclosed. This underscores the existential nature of the conflict, with both Ukraine and Russia suffering significant casualties. As the situation becomes increasingly difficult for Ukraine to draft and replace soldiers, the spring offensive looms as a potential turning point. The toll of the war is evident in the measures being taken, such as Russia's new draft law and Ukraine's drafting of older recruits. Any potential talks or diplomatic openings are crucial for the world, as the horrors of war continue to unfold.

    • Ukraine Conflict Impacts Lives and Political ViewsThe Ukraine conflict affects millions, with potential conscription and martial law. Politicians like Biden and DeSantis have differing views, with DeSantis advocating for a ceasefire and European involvement. However, the authenticity of these views is uncertain, and other issues dominate the primary race.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to impact millions of lives, with men facing potential conscription and the country under martial law. This situation has significant political implications, as evidenced by the differing views on Ukraine between potential Republican nominees, Joe Biden, and Ron DeSantis. DeSantis' comments on the situation in Ukraine highlight the need for a ceasefire and increased European involvement. However, the authenticity and commitment to these views remain uncertain. Despite the potential significance of foreign policy in voters' decisions, other issues such as Social Security, Medicare, and Disney have become more prominent in the ongoing primary fights between the two candidates. Vice President Kamala Harris' recent comments on understanding the moment in time have been criticized for lacking substance.

    • Concerns about VP Harris's performance and approval ratingsDespite efforts to boost her profile, VP Harris's approval ratings remain low, raising concerns for the Democratic Party in the 2024 election due to her age and health, and potential impact on Biden's presidency.

      There are concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris's performance and approval ratings, which could potentially impact the Democratic Party in the 2024 election. The White House and Biden campaign team are reportedly trying to boost Harris's profile and schedule, as her approval ratings are even worse than President Biden's. Harris's age and health, combined with Biden's advanced age, raise questions about who would take over if something were to happen to the president. Harris's numbers are particularly concerning, with approval ratings in the high thirties compared to Biden's at least in the low forties. The historical context of the age of the president and the risks associated with advanced age add to the concerns about Harris's potential presidency. The White House and campaign team are working to address these concerns, but the challenges are significant.

    • Team's support for candidate despite past failures and voter doubtsThe team's unwavering support for a candidate with a questionable past and doubts about her ability to serve another term raises concerns about their decision-making process and the democratic process as a whole.

      The team of the current president, despite knowing the candidate's past failures and inability to rise to the moment, continues to support her out of hubris and fear of admitting a mistake. This raises concerns about the responsibility and seriousness of their decision-making process, as they prioritize politics over the immense power and responsibility that comes with their positions. Additionally, recent polls indicate that a majority of voters, including Democrats, do not want the candidate to run again due to her age and doubts about her ability to effectively serve another term. Despite this, the primary process has been rigged to give the appearance of a coronation rather than a democratic process, limiting the public's ability to evaluate alternatives. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the candidate had advanced knowledge of a journalist's question during a recent interview, raising ethical concerns. Overall, the handling of the situation by the team and the candidate is outrageous and undermines the democratic process.

    • Preselected Journalists and Scripted InterviewsThe practice of preselecting journalists for presidential interviews and scripting their questions is a topic of debate, with some viewing it as a necessary measure for efficient communication and others seeing it as an attempt to control the narrative.

      The preselection of journalists for presidential interviews and the scripting of their questions has become a contentious issue, with some arguing it's a game designed to control the narrative, while others see it as a necessary measure for efficient communication. The recent instance of a journalist being given a verbatim question for an interview with President Biden sparked criticism, with some viewing it as an embarrassment for both the journalist and the president. However, others argue that the media's treatment of Biden's access to press conferences and interviews is hypocritical, given their past criticisms of Trump's limited engagement with the media. Ultimately, the issue raises questions about transparency, accountability, and the role of the media in democratic processes.

    • Democratic Primary: Beyond Biden and SandersDespite media dismissal and lack of coverage, alternative candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson have gained significant support in the Democratic primary race, with Fox News poll results showing Biden at 62%, Kennedy at 19%, and Williamson at 9%.

      The Democratic primary race is no longer a two-person contest between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, as evidenced by the significant support for candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson, despite media dismissal and lack of coverage. Fox News poll results show Biden with 62% while Kennedy and Williamson have 19% and 9% respectively. This indicates a clear appetite among voters for alternatives, yet the Democratic party appears to be blocking a fair primary process. The media's treatment of these candidates, who have gained considerable support, is also noteworthy. It's essential to acknowledge and engage with these candidates, allowing them to debate their ideas, as they have met the qualifications for participation in a debate. The DNC's decision to rig the system, as admitted by some members, is unconscionable and antithetical to democratic principles. Meanwhile, in unrelated news, Disney is suing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the takeover of its theme park district, alleging government retaliation for opposing the "Don't Say Gay" law.

    • Dispute between Disney and Florida Governor over control of landGovernor DeSantis tries to retaliate against Disney for opposing 'Don't Say Gay' bill, Disney regains control through development deal, potential implications for free speech and corporate self-governance unclear.

      The ongoing legal dispute between Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stems from the governor's attempt to retaliate against Disney for their opposition to Florida's controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill. The situation escalated when Disney, just before DeSantis appointed new board members, passed a development deal that effectively took control back from the board. DeSantis, who has faced criticism from Republicans like Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, is now scrambling to respond and has floated various ideas, including building a state park or a prison near Disney World. However, the outcome of this complex legal dispute, which hinges on Florida property law, is uncertain, especially considering Disney's significant resources and stake in the matter. The potential implications for free speech and corporate self-governance add another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vs Disney: Political ImplicationsThe ongoing dispute between DeSantis and Disney could negatively impact DeSantis' political standing, distract from other issues, and potentially strengthen Trump's criticisms.

      The ongoing dispute between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Disney over special district rights has the potential to significantly impact DeSantis' political standing, particularly in relation to former President Donald Trump. While some Republicans may support DeSantis' actions, a significant number are skeptical of punishing companies for their political or cultural stances. Additionally, the resources and legal prowess of corporations like Disney make this a lengthy and costly battle, potentially distracting from other issues. Furthermore, the college-educated, affluent segment of the Republican base, who are typically pro-business, are less likely to support DeSantis in this issue. Trump, on the other hand, has already used similar controversies to his advantage, and a loss for DeSantis could provide ammunition for Trump's criticisms. Overall, the outcome of this dispute could have substantial implications for both DeSantis' political image and the broader Republican Party.

    • The demise of the blogger era in mediaThe blogger era's failure to adapt to changing business models and unexpected election results led to the downfall of once-prominent media companies. However, some independent figures have survived and thrived in the evolving media industry.

      The media landscape of the 2010s, characterized by independent bloggers and click-based business models, is no more. Nate Silver, a prominent figure of this era, is leaving ABC News after Disney layoffs impacted his company, 538. This news comes as a reminder of the demise of other once-prominent media companies like BuzzFeed, Vice, and Gawker. The blogger era's failure to adapt to changing business models and the unexpected election results in 2016 contributed to their downfall. Despite this, some independent figures have managed to survive and thrive. The media industry continues to evolve, and those who can adapt are likely to succeed.

    • The reliability of polling data in predicting election outcomesDespite criticisms and challenges, polling data can still provide valuable insights, but it's crucial to consider the margin of error and potential inaccuracies.

      The reliability and significance of polling data in predicting election outcomes have been questioned since the unexpected results of the 2016 election. Nate Silver, a prominent pollster and data analyst, has faced criticism for his business decisions and the decline of his polling website, 538. Despite the challenges, Silver's models and predictions can still provide valuable insights, but it's essential to consider the margin of error and the potential inaccuracies of polling data. In the current political landscape, the lack of clear and inspiring agendas from major political figures, such as President Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, highlights the importance of scrutinizing campaign promises and staying informed about political developments. Sanders' decision to endorse Biden, despite his previous progressive stance, serves as a reminder of the complexities and compromises of the political process.

    • The clash between populist and elitist approaches in the Democratic PartyThe ongoing debate between Bernie Sanders' populist vision and Joe Biden's elitist perspective risks disillusioning progressive voters and further entrenching the elitist wing of the party, but younger generations remain committed to real change.

      The ongoing debate within the Democratic Party between populist and elitist approaches to politics, as exemplified by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, has significant implications for the health of American democracy. Sanders' populist vision, which emphasizes expanding democracy, enlisting new voters, and trusting in the American people, was a radical departure from the elitist perspective, which views voters as untrustworthy and insists that the serious people must dictate the political process. Sanders' endorsement of Biden, despite their policy differences, is a tragic turn that risks disillusioning progressive voters and further entrenching the elitist wing of the party. While Sanders remains committed to his policy goals, his full capitulation to the establishment means that these issues may only matter on the margins. The younger generations, however, remain less cowed by the political class and are more likely to continue fighting for real change.

    • Age-related concerns for President Biden's re-electionPresident Biden, at 80 years old, faces valid concerns about his ability to effectively lead the country due to his age, with risks of dementia and other health issues increasing exponentially. An open and honest discussion is necessary to ensure the nation's well-being.

      As President Joe Biden has announced his intention to run for re-election in 2024, the age-related questions surrounding his ability to effectively carry out the duties of the presidency cannot be ignored. The discussion around this issue brings up historical precedents, such as Ronald Reagan's second term in office, where age became a topic of debate. Reagan, who was 73 at the time, faced criticism about his ability to handle the job due to his age. He responded by demonstrating his mental and physical fitness during debates and public appearances. However, it's important to note that Reagan's age-related concerns were relatively minor compared to Biden's. At 80 years old when he took office, Biden is already older than Reagan was when he left office. Furthermore, the average age of a nursing home patient in the US is only one year younger than Biden would be when he starts his second term. Additionally, the risk of dementia and other health issues increases exponentially with age. These factors raise valid concerns about Biden's ability to effectively lead the country, especially in times of crisis. It's crucial for the American public to have an open and honest discussion about these issues to ensure the well-being and stability of our nation.

    • Aging increases health risks and limits our abilitiesBy age 86, odds of no serious health issues are low. Acknowledge limitations and consider implications in decision-making.

      As we age, the risk of developing critical illness significantly increases. By the age of 86, the odds of having no serious health issues are less than 20%. Joe Biden, who was encouraged to run for president after his son's death, recognized his limitations and made the decision not to run, understanding the responsibility of holding the most important job in the world while nearing the end of one's life. It's essential to acknowledge our limitations and consider the implications when making important decisions. This information may not be easy to think about, but it's crucial to understand. As Katie Couric begins her new season of Next Question, listeners can look forward to fascinating conversations with notable guests like Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, and Hillary Clinton. California avocados, grown under ideal conditions, offer a reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves and making responsible choices.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Insecure’s Kendrick Sampson Is At Peace With Disturbing the Peace

    Insecure’s Kendrick Sampson Is At Peace With Disturbing the Peace

    Insecure social justice warrior, Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38) checked in with Yes, Girl! Podcast and boy was it a treat! Ahead of his upcoming film, Miss Juneteenth, Kendrick dropped gems on the origins of the widely-celebrated - but often misunderstood - Juneteeth holiday.  He also poured out his heart and vision for Black mental health and how we can resist unjust systems in America and reimagine justice. Check out the full episode and use #YesGirlPodcast to share mental health practices that have been helpful for you during this time.

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    8/30/23: Florida Slammed By Hurricane Idalia, Biden Impeachment, DeSantis Heckled After Shooting, Park Ranger Rams Through Climate Protest, Biden Civil Rights Claim, US Declassifies Chilean Coup, Jen Psaki On Abortion, New Medicare Price Negotiations

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    Ryan and Emily discuss Hurricane Idalia hitting Florida, McCarthy reportedly supporting Biden impeachment, DeSantis heckled after racist mass shooting, climate protesters confronted by police, Biden makes dubious Civil Rights Act claim, US declassifies Nixon era Chilean coup docs, Jen Psaki contradicts herself on abortion, and Alex Lawson joins to break down Biden's new pharma price negotiations.

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    6/13/23 EXCLUSIVE: RFK JR Returns To Breaking Points

    6/13/23 EXCLUSIVE: RFK JR Returns To Breaking Points

    Krystal and Saagar are joined again by RFK Jr to discuss his 2024 presidential run and a range of topics concerning Biden's age, Elon and Freedom of Speech, UFO's and more!

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