
    About this Episode

    Ozempic has been in the news a lot recently with lots of Hollywood stars claiming it is a wonderdrug that has helepd them lose weight. Have I got an opinion on this? Of course! In today's episode I share my thoughts on using medications for weight loss and some of the questions to ask yourself if you are considering it.

    Just a gentle warning that I am not neutral in this episode - I do share my views on it but I hope some of the points I mentioned give you things to think about!


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    Recent Episodes from Mind Over Diets with Dr Aishah Iqbal

    #57 How to Stop Using Food as a Reward and Transform Your Emotional Eating Habits

    #57 How to Stop Using Food as a Reward and Transform Your Emotional Eating Habits

    Do you find yourself using food as a reward for completing tasks or simply making it through another day? We’ve all experienced moments of weakness when it seems like nothing can get us out of our funk, so naturally, we turn to one guaranteed mood-booster: Food.

    But have you ever stopped to consider why you resort to food as your primary source of comfort and excitement? This episode will help uncover the underlying reasons behind our seemingly innate habit of rewarding ourselves with snacks instead of something healthier – and guide readers on the path towards breaking this cycle.



    To be in the chance to win a free coaching call lasting 30 minutes, make sure you take these steps:

    1. Leave the podcast a review
    2. Take a screenshot and send it to aishah@doctoraishah.com


    Free Resources

    Stress Eating Workshop - https://www.doctoraishah.com/stress-eating-join 

    Follow on tiktok & instagram @doctoraishah

    #55 How to Self Coach Yourself: Achieving Mindset Shifts with Weight Loss Coaching

    #55 How to Self Coach Yourself: Achieving Mindset Shifts with Weight Loss Coaching

    Having a coach by your side throughout your weight loss journey is a something that can offer support, guidance and accountability. After coaching hundreds of women, I believe we should all have the skills to be able to coach ourselves in a similar way. To be able to hack into your minds thinking to help create the results you want is so important in putting control back into your hands.


    Are you searching for an effective self-coaching strategy to create lasting mindset shifts? Discover the secrets in this insightful podcast episode.



    To be in the chance to win a free coaching call lasting 30 minutes, make sure you take these steps:

    1. Leave the podcast a review
    2. Take a screenshot and send it to aishah@doctoraishah.com


    Free Resources

    Stress Eating Workshop - https://www.doctoraishah.com/stress-eating-join 

    Follow on tiktok & instagram @doctoraishah

    #54 Data-Driven Weight Loss: Transforming Your Journey with Jo Westley, Behaviour Analyst

    #54 Data-Driven Weight Loss: Transforming Your Journey with Jo Westley, Behaviour Analyst

    In this episode, I am joined bu behaviour analyst Jo Westley. We discuss reveals the power of data in your weight loss journey. Discover the essential metrics you should be tracking, from food intake and exercise routines to sleep patterns and stress levels, and learn how these insights can guide your decision-making for optimal progress. Jo provides practical steps to start collecting and analyzing your own data, equipping you with the tools to take control of your health and achieve lasting success. Don't miss this enlightening conversation as we explore the profound impact of data-driven strategies on your weight loss goals.



    Free Resources

    Stress Eating Workshop - https://www.doctoraishah.com/stress-eating-join

    Follow on tiktok & instagram @doctoraishah

    #53 Losing weight safely while breastfeeding

    #53 Losing weight safely while breastfeeding

    Being a new mum is challenging; on top of the sleepless nights and caring for your little one, you may also find yourself asking how to manage losing weight while breastfeeding. Are you feeling like that extra baby weight just won't come off? Like, surely everyone says breastfeeding is supposed to help!


    Don't worry, plenty of other new moms have been in your shoes! You don't need to deprive yourself of proper nutrition or turn to unhealthy fad diets – with some guidance, you can make lifestyle modifications that will help both you and your baby stay healthy during this wonderful time. In this blog post, we'll discuss best practices when it comes to losing weight while breastfeeding so that you can get back into pre-baby shape safely and effectively!


    Find out how to safely and effectively lose weight while breastfeeding! We cover best practices when it comes to nutrition, lifestyle modifications, exercising tips, and more in this essential guide for new moms.



    To be in the chance to win a free coaching call lasting 30 minutes, make sure you take these steps:

    1. Leave the podcast a review
    2. Take a screenshot and send it to aishah@doctoraishah.com


    Free Resources

    Stress Eating Workshop - https://www.doctoraishah.com/stress-eating-join 

    Follow on tiktok & instagram @doctoraishah

    #52 The Nourish Method - Redefining Lifestyle, Sleep & Stress Management for Weight Loss Coaching with Dr Aileen Alexander

    #52 The Nourish Method - Redefining Lifestyle, Sleep & Stress Management for Weight Loss Coaching with Dr Aileen Alexander

    This episode I am joined by a dear friend and fellow doctor Dr Aileen Alexander. Dr Aileen is a well-being and weight loss coach for professional women, TEDx speaker, Medical Doctor & former NHS General Practitioner.

    She’s spent the last 7 years helping women to prioritise their well-being and find balance in life so they can manage stress, increase their energy and lose weight sustainably without restriction or relying on willpower.

    Connect with Aileen:

    TEDx Talk - Why Traditional Diets Don’t Always Work:  https://youtu.be/0t0V7UtB4MY
    Website: www.doctoraileen.com
    Instagram: @doctoraileen__  https://www.instagram.com/doctoraileen__



    To be in the chance to win a free coaching call lasting 30 minutes, make sure you take these steps:

    1. Leave the podcast a review
    2. Take a screenshot and send it to aishah@doctoraishah.com


    Free Resources

    Stress Eating Workshop - https://www.doctoraishah.com/stress-eating-join 

    Follow on tiktok & instagram @doctoraishah

    #51 Weight Loss Accountability - how to hold yourself accountable?

    #51 Weight Loss Accountability - how to hold yourself accountable?

    How do you hold yourself accountable when it comes to losing weight? The reason why we get attracted to working with weight loss coaches or join weight loss groups is because we want accountability. We want a way to make sure we will do what we say we do. But what can we do to hold ourselves accountable? The groups and coaching program are a short term solution, which is great. Though we also need to think about how we personally hold ourselves accountable in the long run.


    Have a listen to my thoughts on this topic in this week's podcast episode.



    Also check out:

    #50 Using the mind to transform weight loss with Dr Amruti Choudhry

    #50 Using the mind to transform weight loss with Dr Amruti Choudhry

    In this episode, I am joined by fellow doctor and weight loss coach Dr Amruti Choudhry. We talk through Amruti's own journey with her weight management and how finally working on her mind led her to lose over 40kg of weight! She now works as a weight loss coach supporting other women to do the same. 

    Follow Dr Amruti's work:




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    #49 Are you investing in yourself?

    #49 Are you investing in yourself?

    Investing - it's a hot topic. Are you investing for your future?

    I'm not talking about putting your money away into shares or stocks. I'm talking about investing into YOUR wellbeing. Your time, effort, energy, money - are you spending it on your growth? Everyone needs to invest. Invest into their wellbeing and health because THAT investment will surely open up the doors of opportunity and growth.



    Also check out:

    #48 Work, Motherhood and Life - How to find a balance with Dr Kiran Rahim

    #48 Work, Motherhood and Life - How to find a balance with Dr Kiran Rahim

    In this episode, I am joined by the amazing Dr Kiran Rahim, paediatrician and mother to 3 young children. She shares with me her experiences of being a mum and juggling her career. This conversation is refreshing and empowering, a lovely reminder of the beauty that motherhood is.

    Follow Kiran on her on instagram: www.instagram.com/drkiranrahim



    Also check out:

    #47 Self Sabotaging Weight Loss - is this really what is going on?

    #47 Self Sabotaging Weight Loss - is this really what is going on?

    Self Sabotage - a statement many of us make when we find ourselves falling out of the routine of making change. Does that mean it is really self sabotage? What is self sabotaging? How can we redefine what we mean by this statement? We talk about this on the podcast this week so be sure to tune in!



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