
    40. Time-saving tips for delicious meals & Why you need to start enjoying your food

    enAugust 12, 2021

    About this Episode

    I'm a big proponent for reconnecting with your food. AND I also recognize that we're busy AF and spending hours in the kitchen might not sound like your ideal end of day activity. Here's where these time-saving tips come into play, so you can enjoy your time spent in the kitchen, the food that comes out of it, and the rest of the time you get back to spend in whatever way fills up your cup. 


    There's a TON of nuggets in this episode, and don't forget to check out MacroClass101! Everything you need to know about tracking macros, understanding your biofeedback (what your body is telling you), and applying it to your busy life. 

    You can register HERE

    Recent Episodes from The Gym Rat’s Guide to Guacamole

    27: Habit Heroes: Small Changes, Big Impact

    27: Habit Heroes: Small Changes, Big Impact

    Join Gym Rats Arielle and Haley in a discussion all around creating habits, how to choose them, introduce them, create consistency, and build the healthy lifestyle that serves you best. As Arielle's baby girl is growing inside the womb, Haley's baby is growing outside the womb and making appearances within this episode. These tangential mama's are both sharing their tips and secrets toward building habits reasonably throughout all the stages of life, including when you are so busy it feels like its impossible to do anything for yourself.

    Find our Gym Rats on Social media:

    Arielle Bloom

    Instagram: @Arielle-bloom


    Haley Heaton

    Instagram: @balanced.living.co


    26: From Conception to Cradle: Mastering Prenatals for Fertility

    26: From Conception to Cradle: Mastering Prenatals for Fertility

    Join gym rats Arielle and Haley in a discussion around preconception prep and the main pillars to address in readying your body for creating, and growing, your mini me. The episode starts off with a catch up on Haley's experience with breast feeding thus far and how its always a great idea to reach out to professionals and get mutliple opinions. If you are looking for clear and simple tips to optimize your fertility, this episode gives an overview of how to address your mental, physical, and spiritual health specifically for fertility and pregnancy. Be sure to read what we consider the gold standard of everything pregnancy nutrition by Lily Nichol's: "Real Food for Pregnancy" and "Real Food for gestational Diabetes". Additionally, her new book "Real Food for Fertility" is out now.

    Find your gym rats:

    Arielle Bloom

    Instagram: @Arielle_Bloom


    Haley Heaton

    Instagram: @Balanced.living.co


    25. Butt Stuff: A Guide to Growing Your Glutes in the Gym

    25. Butt Stuff: A Guide to Growing Your Glutes in the Gym

    We love a good glute training session in the gym. Why? Not only did we (Haley and Arielle) both lose our glutes after giving birth, but we worked really hard for them before that! 

    Listen in this week for why glute training is so important, and what you can do to grow your glutes (without spending hours in the gym, or lots of money on plastic surgery).


    If you want to learn more about growing your glutes, or want to chat with Haley or Arielle more about any topics we've covered so far on the podcast, don't hesitate to reach out! 

    Find Haley on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/balanced.living.co/

    Find Arielle on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/arielle_bloom/


    24. Sleeping Safely: A Guide to Cozy Cosleeping with Your Baby

    24. Sleeping Safely: A Guide to Cozy Cosleeping with Your Baby

    Did you know that In other parts of the world, mothers cosleep with their babies from the day they are born?

    Cosleeping is really only stigmatized here in the U.S.

    In this week's episode, Arielle and Haley discuss cosleeping: the benefits, how to do it safely, and why even if you don't plan to cosleep you should know about the option for your own growing family. 

    Here are some resources mentioned in this week's episode:

    Safe Infant Sleep by Dr James KcKenna

    La Leche League International

    The Big Letdown by Kimberly Sears Allers


    Find Arielle on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/arielle_bloom/

    Find Haley on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/balanced.living.co/



    23. Revolutionizing Resolutions: A Fresh Start for the New Year

    23. Revolutionizing Resolutions: A Fresh Start for the New Year

    Do you set New Year's Resolutions?

    Haley and Arielle don't, but they do something else (they argue even better) instead! 

    Listen in on this episode for:

    • Baby reflections and updates from Haley
    • Setting intentions vs goals at the start of the new year
    • Questions to reflect on from the past year
    • When to actually set goals for the year
    • Treating your family like a small business
    • Shirtless Andrew Huberman (you're welcome 😉 )


    If you need support in identifying and setting your goals, reach out and let's chat! 

    Find Arielle here: https://www.instagram.com/arielle_bloom/

    Find Haley here: https://www.instagram.com/balanced.living.co/



    22. Miracle in Motion: Haley's Birth Story

    22. Miracle in Motion: Haley's Birth Story

    Just a few short weeks ago, Haley and her husband JP, welcomed their baby boy into the world! 

    Arielle and Haley sit down to chat about Haley's home birth experience, including her very short labor, and Haley shares some of her insights as a first time home birthing mama. 

    As always, find us on Instagram:

    Find Arielle here: https://www.instagram.com/arielle_bloom/

    Find Haley here: https://www.instagram.com/balanced.living.co/


    21. Decoding Personalities: Navigating the Enneagram for Self-Discovery and Growth

    21. Decoding Personalities: Navigating the Enneagram for Self-Discovery and Growth

    Join the Gym Rats this week as we talk to our guest, Jess McElroy! 

    Jess is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and Enneagram Coach. In this episode, we dive into what the Enneagram can show us about ourselves, we figure out Arielle's Enneagram, and we talk about how you can get your own Enneagram identified if you're interested! 


    Find Jess here:





    20. Transforming Your Physique: Unveiling the Secrets of Body Recomposition

    20. Transforming Your Physique: Unveiling the Secrets of Body Recomposition

    Join the Gym Rats as we talk about the basic principles of body recomposition! 
    Use these basic principles in your training and nutrition to achieve the body composition you want. 


    Arielle's 12-week Strength/Hypertrophy Program:


    Use the code STRONGYEAR24 to get the program for $55 until 1/6/24! 


    Other Hypertrophy programs we love:



    Paragon Training Methods:




    19: Gifts of Presence: A Minimalist's Approach to Holiday Giving

    19: Gifts of Presence: A Minimalist's Approach to Holiday Giving

    Join the Gym Rats in discussing why Millenials are obsessed with Minimalism and how it helps your health. The ladies dive into how this translates into the holidays and ways we can utilize love languages, experiences, and practical needs a part of our gift giving strategies. Explore all things personality tests, like aura quizzes, and how that correlates to your organization/pull towards minimalism and ways you can start to incorporate it into your life. 


    Mind Body Green Aura Quiz:


    Mystic Michaela Know your Aura Quiz:


    Haley's Favorite Holiday Movies:

    1. The Night Before
    2. The Fatman
    3. The Grinch
    4. The Family Stone

    Arielle's Favorite Holiday Movies:

    1. Love Actually
    2. The Grinch
    3. The Holiday

    Find your hosts on social media:





    18: Perfume to Poison: The Dangers of Fragrance and Healthier Alternatives for Your Home

    18: Perfume to Poison: The Dangers of Fragrance and Healthier Alternatives for Your Home

    Join the Gym Rats in discussing how scents effect our health and how we can find healthier alternatives to purchase or to make at home. Ever wondered what ingredients are used to create the fragrance in your perfume, candles, laundry detergent, wall plugins, etc? Well Arielle and Haley break down some of the common materials found in these products, what we know about their manufacturing and their effects on our health. Between carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, and others, learn how you can shop smarter and create delicious holiday scents out of natural ingredients that don't negatively impact your health and positively impact your nose!

    Mentioned Resources:

    EWG Skin Deep




    Trash Panda


    Home made scents:


    Make your own candles:



    Find your hosts:

    Arielle Bloom



    Haley Heaton

