
    Podcast Summary

    • Deciding and Doing are DifferentUnderstanding the difference between making a decision and following through with action can help us save time and take control of the consequences of our choices.

      Making decisions and following through with actions are two different things, and it's important to recognize this to avoid wasting time. Additionally, every action we take is a result of a decision we make, and there are consequences, good or bad, that come with each decision. By understanding this, we can take control of our actions and the outcomes they bring. At Planet Fitness, they offer affordable fitness options without the pressure of upselling. Meanwhile, filling out the FAFSA form could help high school seniors secure scholarships and financial aid for college. In the self-control discussion, it was emphasized that deciding to do something and actually doing it are separate. It's essential to follow through with our decisions to avoid wasting time and energy. Moreover, every action we take is a result of a decision we make, and we are in control of the consequences that come with those decisions. By being aware of this, we can make more intentional choices and take responsibility for the outcomes.

    • The power to choose and adaptUnderstanding that discomfort from new choices doesn't mean they're bad, and considering consequences before making decisions can lead to positive growth.

      We have the power to choose our actions and the consequences that come with them. However, making a change and choosing something new or different can be uncomfortable because we're used to the familiar feelings and consequences. It's important to remember that just because something feels new or different does not make it bad. Instead, it's an opportunity to grow and adapt. For example, when we decide to make a change in our sleep schedule, we may feel excited and motivated at first, but when the morning comes and we're faced with the decision to get out of bed or stay in it, we may feel uncomfortable and want to stay in bed despite the negative consequences. It's essential to understand that staying in bed is a choice, and we must consider the consequences of both options before making a decision. By laying out the options and the consequences in front of us, we can make a clear and informed choice. Ultimately, the power to choose our actions and the consequences that come with them lies within us.

    • Choose the consequences of our actionsUnderstand that every choice comes with consequences, and focus on making conscious decisions to move towards our goals, rather than complaining about our circumstances.

      We have the power to choose the consequences of our actions, and we should only complain when we're moving towards what we want. Our choices come with both positive and negative consequences, and it's essential to understand these consequences before making a decision. For instance, when we decide to eat healthy to change our body, we may feel hungry and not fully satisfied, but we'll reap the benefits of looking and feeling better in the long run. Alternatively, if we choose to eat unhealthy food, we may feel full and satisfied in the moment but gain weight, feel guilty, and slow down our progress towards our goals. Ultimately, it's up to us to make conscious choices and accept the consequences that come with them. So, instead of complaining about our circumstances, we should focus on the power we have to shape our lives through our decisions.

    • Considering the pros and cons of a decisionEvery decision has positive and negative consequences. Weigh them carefully and choose the one that aligns with your goals and values.

      Every decision comes with both positive and negative consequences. It's important to weigh these consequences and choose the one that aligns best with your goals and values. Using the example of leaving a job, staying may offer stability and security, but could lead to misery and dissatisfaction. Leaving, on the other hand, may bring uncertainty and fear, but could lead to greater fulfillment and personal growth. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and it's important to consider the potential outcomes before making a decision. Don't be afraid to take risks and pursue what makes you truly happy, even if it means leaving your comfort zone.

    • Feelings vs ActionsUnderstanding feelings won't guide actions, focus on actions for personal growth and consistency.

      Relying solely on feelings to make decisions and take actions is unreliable and can hinder personal growth. Self-control requires preparation to overcome feelings that may not align with desired goals. It's important to understand that everyone makes mistakes and experiences inconsistent feelings, but focusing on actions rather than emotions can lead to greater control and consistency in life. Remember, your feelings are not a reliable indicator of whether to take action or not, and you have the power to choose your actions despite how you feel.

    • Feelings should not dictate actionsUse feelings for self-awareness, but don't let them stop you from taking action towards your goals. Trust in your inner strength to keep moving forward.

      While feelings can aid in self-discovery and awareness, they should not dictate actions. Instead, focus on taking actions, even if you don't feel like it. Use the analogy of climbing a mountain - allow yourself to complain as you climb, but don't stay at the bottom and whine. You have the power to control your actions and progress towards your goals. Even in difficult moments, tap into your inner strength and resilience to keep moving forward. Remember, you're stronger than you think and capable of more than you realize. Awareness is a powerful tool, but it also requires change. Embrace the challenge and trust that you have the ability to grow and overcome obstacles.

    • Recognize and accommodate different parts of yourself for effective self-controlVisualize inner parts as distinct entities, bring them to a council table, acknowledge and accommodate for self-control benefits, and promote a compassionate approach to personal growth.

      Becoming self-controlled involves recognizing and considering different parts of yourself, rather than discarding them. This can be done by visualizing these parts as distinct entities with their own desires and emotions, and bringing them to a metaphorical "council table" when making decisions. By acknowledging and accommodating these parts, you can make choices that benefit both yourself and them, leading to a more harmonious and effective approach to self-control. This method allows for a more compassionate and inclusive approach to personal growth, rather than pitting different aspects of yourself against each other.

    • Understanding all parts of oneself for true self-controlAcknowledge and address potential threats for effective self-control, understanding everyone communicates differently, physical action may be necessary.

      True self-control comes from acknowledging and understanding all parts of oneself, rather than discarding them when making choices. Leo shares his personal experience of learning this lesson through physical confrontations. He grew up being bullied and had to protect himself, leading to a protector aspect that still exists within him. In a recent situation, he was provoked and attacked, not just because of the car damage, but because the aggressor showed signs of further aggression. Understanding the importance of acknowledging and addressing potential threats is a crucial aspect of self-control. It's not just about high-level communication, but also being able to communicate effectively at different levels when necessary. This includes being physically protective when necessary. It's important to remember that everyone communicates differently, and sometimes, physical action may be the only way to get the message across.

    • Considering logical actions over emotional reactionsReflect on past actions, learn from mistakes, and make decisions that bring you closer to your goals, even when emotions cloud your judgment.

      Self-control is about making decisions that bring you closer to your goals, even when emotions cloud your judgment. The speaker shared an experience of reacting violently in a threatening situation, but later reflected on how he could have responded more thoughtfully. He emphasized the importance of considering logical actions over emotional reactions, and avoiding habits that make it harder to maintain self-control, like substance use. The speaker also encouraged asking oneself what action supports the achievement of desired goals, and emphasized the importance of self-reflection and learning from past experiences.

    • Recognizing and Choosing: The Key to Self-ControlSelf-control comes from facing temptations and making conscious choices, not eliminating them. Recognize consequences and make things easier for self-practice.

      True self-control comes from facing temptations and making conscious choices, rather than eliminating them entirely. The speaker shares his personal experience with smoking and food, explaining that removing temptations doesn't build resilience or self-control. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of recognizing the consequences of our actions and choosing not to give in to them. The speaker also suggests making things easier for ourselves to practice self-control, such as meal prepping, and avoiding things that make it harder. He concludes by offering a free 1 on 1 Zoom call to the highest donor each week for a Q&A session.

    • Embrace engagement and feedback for growthEngage with others for personal growth, leave comments, and utilize resources like FAFSA for affordable education and fitness at Planet Fitness

      Engagement and feedback are essential for personal growth and validation. The speaker encourages viewers to leave comments and connect with him, emphasizing the importance of their input. Additionally, they mention the affordability and inclusivity of Planet Fitness and the ease of applying for financial aid through FAFSA for high school seniors. The speaker does not come across as pushy, instead promoting accessible opportunities for fitness and education. Overall, the message is about connection, growth, and taking advantage of available resources.

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    What do you regret in your life? When I asked this question on social media a few weeks back, I was surprised by how many of you were quick to share the things you wish you’d done – or not done. There were others who take a ‘no regrets’ approach to life. It’s clearly a topic that resonates. And my guest on today’s podcast has an interesting and useful take on why that is.

    Daniel Pink is a bestselling author and researcher specialising in human behaviour, creativity, work and business. His books have won multiple awards, have been translated into 42 different languages and he has sold millions of copies around the globe. In his latest book, The Power of Regret: How Looking Backwards Moves Us Forwards, Dan asserts that regret is a misunderstood and useful emotion that when used correctly, can help us lead happier, more fulfilled lives. The key, he says, is to recognise it as a signal, telling us what we should do next.

    Through Dan’s extensive research, he’s identified four core categories of regret. He found that no matter what the context, be it romance, career, travel or family, people’s feelings fell into one of these four camps: Boldness Regrets (‘if only I’d taken the chance’); Foundation Regrets (‘if only I’d done the work’); Moral Regrets (‘if only I’d done the right thing’) and Connection Regrets (‘if only I’d reached out’).

    Society tells us not to look back and instead to focus on the positive. But Dan’s view is that regrets aren’t there to be ignored. Sitting with the discomfort of a regret allows us to unpick it and understand what our values are. No regrets, says Dan, means no growth.

    We cover so many different themes throughout the conversation and Dan shares plenty of practical advice on how we can use regret to improve our now and our future.

    I really enjoyed chatting with Dan and I think this is a powerful conversation that will cause you to reflect on your own life and your own relationship with regret. I hope you enjoy listening!

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    Mark Manson On How Your Concept Of Who You Are Is F*cking You Up (Replay)
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    Dan Pink || Normalize Regret

    Dan Pink || Normalize Regret

    Today we welcome Dan Pink who is the New York Times bestselling author of When, Drive, A Whole New Mind, and To Sell is Human. Dan’s books have won multiple awards, have been translated into 42 languages, and have sold millions of copies around the world. His articles and essays have also appeared in The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, Slate, and other publications. His most recent book is called The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. 

    In this episode, I talk to Dan Pink about regret. Dan collected regrets from over 15,000 people across different countries and sorted them into four major categories. He shares insights from his research and shows us how to reframe regret so we can live out the rest of our lives with more authenticity and purpose. We also touch on the topics of happiness, mortality, philosophy, post-traumatic growth, and personality.

    Website: www.danpink.com

    Twitter: @DanielPink



    02:52 The universality of regret

    05:40 Demographic differences in regrets

    11:53 Free will and fatalism

    15:47 What could have beens

    19:13 Action vs inaction

    24:12 The four core regrets

    28:40 Regret done right

    36:04 Debunking “No regrets”

    37:59 We don’t talk enough about mortality

    41:20 Deathbed regrets

    42:38 Regret and gratefulness

    45:40 Treat yourself with kindness

    47:30 Shame, guilt, remorse 

    48:21 Do public figures experience more regret?

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