
    About this Episode

    Welcome to another episode of the Mindful Living Guide. I'm your host Stephen Downey and today we have an incredibly special guest, George Wilse, The Sustainable Life Coach.  

    When I first came across George on Instagram, I was instantly hooked on their inspirational videos and was grateful when they reached out to connect. As you can tell in the episode, we had an instant connection and I really enjoyed getting to know George on this episode. 
    We talk about a lot of things, from George's journey into coaching, to why the “reason why” is so important on anyone's journey to reach their goals.  As well as the importance of letting go of fear and being open to have conversations about our values and goals.  The conversation is summed up beautifully at the end when we discuss how we can create a sustainable life.
    Not forgetting that all important question: 
    What does Mindful Living mean to you?

    I really hope you enjoy this epoisode and follow George for more really inspirational content.

    Recent Episodes from Mindful Living Guide

    49 - Dee Reilly - Creating a Sustainable Practice

    49 - Dee Reilly - Creating a Sustainable Practice

    On this episode of the Mindful Living Guide I have a great chat with Dee Reilly of Whole Body Wellness

    Dee is a Psychotherapist, Craniosacral therapist, Yoga teacher and Reiki Master. Her journey into healing was inspired by her 4 wonderful children. She approaches healing from a whole body perspective, working with physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, helping her clients to slow down and to come home to themselves in this busy world. 
    Her passion for and curiosity around discovering ways to promote healing make her a sought after therapist and inspiring figure in the holistic health and wellness community. 
    We cover lots of great subjects in this episode:
    The power of the Energy at the Hill of Tara.
    How that impacts the sessions that Deidre takes at the Tara.
    Yin Yoga
    Siting with discomfort.
    The effect of nature on our systems.
    Awareness of where we are in our journey.
    Bringing play and light energy into day.

    Deirdre also discusses some great books
    Burnout by Emily Nagoski & Amelia Nagoski 
    Wintering by Katherine May
    Cycles of Belonging. Honouring Ourselves Through the Sacred Cycles of Life by Stella Tomlinson. 
    If you feel like connecting with Dee for a session, you can reach her at:


    Also dont forgot to ask her about the new Yin Yoga classes at the beautiful Bectivemilll Geodome.

    48 - Daragh Fleming - Lets talk about Mens Metal Health

    48 - Daragh Fleming - Lets talk about Mens Metal Health

    This week on the Mindful Living Guide, I have the pleasure of speaking to someone who is very well known in Ireland, Daragh Fleming of the Thoughts too Big blog

    Daragh is an author, freelance writer, and award-winning mental health blogger from Cork, Ireland. In 2022 his blog recently won Mental Health Blog of the year and has been an inspiration to many people. His extremly popular Book, Lonely Boy s about a man trying to be at peace with himself and his past, so that he can navigate his future.  A past that includes loosing a close friend to suicide at a very young age.

    In the Episode, we chat about Daraghs own journey with depression and how it leaves you in a Numb emotionless state as well as:
    - Break stereotypes: Allow men to express emotions without judgment.
    - Evolving attitudes: Shift towards accepting men's emotional expression.
    - Coping methods: Writing, exercise, sleep, hydration for mental health.
    - Balance solitude and socialization for better mental well-being.
    - Ownership of mental health through daily, controllable actions.
    - Humour as a tool to disarm shame and address challenges.

    We also touch on how having a strong mental attitude was a game changer recently when he was the victim of a blackmail attempt.  Daragh was able to take control back of the situation.

    You can check out our Show notes page for more info

    You can connect to Daragh below:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daraghfleming
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daragh-fleming/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaraghFleming
    Book: Lonely Boy

    47 - Sinead Kennedy - Getting to know our Inner-self

    47 - Sinead Kennedy - Getting to know our Inner-self

    Welcome back to Season 5 of The Mindful Living Guide! I am happy to be back after a few months break, and in this episode, I am excited to chat to Sinead Kennedy, a psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher who specializes in helping individuals navigate relationships, anxiety, and personal growth. Sinead's journey into the world of therapy and mindfulness was driven by her own experiences with anxiety and the desire to find ways to lead a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

    Sinead's approach to therapy and coaching is deeply rooted in mindfulness and self-compassion. She believes in the power of self-awareness, understanding the patterns that shape our lives, and creating space for personal growth. Through her work, Sinead helps individuals develop healthier relationships with themselves and others, cultivate mindfulness, and build the skills needed to navigate life's challenges.

    In this episode, Sinead shares her insights on mindfulness, the impact of anxiety, the art of setting boundaries, and fostering healthy relationships. She discusses her own journey, the importance of self-compassion, and offers practical tips for parents dealing with anxious teenagers.

    If you're curious about how mindfulness and therapy can positively impact your life, and if you're seeking guidance on building healthier relationships and managing anxiety, this episode is a must-listen. Sinead's compassionate and down-to-earth approach to these topics provides valuable insights that can inspire and empower you on your own journey toward mindful living.

    Check out the Show notes for this Page:

    Website: www.sineadkcoaching.com
    Facebook: https://shorturl.at/lAF29
    Instagram: https://shorturl.at/cpI16
    LinkedIn: https://shorturl.at/ltuEK
    Therapy: www.here4youtherapy.com

    Don't forget to check out Sineads new Facebook Group:

    46 - Helena Dilleen - Embracing a Mindful Life

    46 - Helena Dilleen - Embracing a Mindful Life

    This week I speak to a fellow Mindfulness expert, Helena Dilleen of Giddy Studios about how we can embrace a Mindful way of living.  

    Here are some of many topics we chat about:

    • Mindfulness is always there for us.
    • How you can always go back to Mindfulness.
    • Experiencing life through Informal Mindfulness practice.
    • The power of sound when the Mind is wondering.
    • Removing the barriers to our practice.
    • Labelling our Emotions.
    • A Compassionate approach to our Mindfulness Practice.
    • Kristin Neff’s work, Fierce Self Compassion.
    • Self Soothing Methods.
    • How Mindfulness practice helped with the transition from the physical Studio.
    • Doubling down on gratitude in challenging times.
    • Breaking down barriers to Mindfulness.
    • Embracing the right tools at the right time.
    • Embracing the Climb in life with Mindful tools.

      ..and of course that all important question
      What does Mindful Living mean to Helena?

    45 - Brian Downes - We all gain from Meitheal

    45 - Brian Downes - We all gain from Meitheal

    This week we are chatting to Brian Downes, Adventurer, Performance Nerd and Resilience expert.  

    Once of the core concepts that we speak about is old Irish tradition called Meitheal.  Meitheal describes how neighbors would come together to assist in the saving of crops or in other tasks Brian talks about how this sense of community can be used today to bring people together for the greater good. 

    We cover many topics in our conversation:

    How earning money was not the most important thing in life.

    Following his passion in Coaching, creating Performance nerds with John McNamara.

    The impact of climbing Irelands highest Mountain at 11.
    How failure should be part of the process.
    How Spirituality and Mindfulness has helped with Brians journey.
    Mindfulness Activities like cooking that bring Brian into the Present Moment. 
    The impact of bringing people into Nature in the mountains.
    The origins of Meitheal in Ireland and how it how it helps with Collaboration.
    Tips for working with a busy Racing Mind. 



    Not forgetting that all important question:
    What does Mindful Living mean to Brian? 

    You can see more details on our Show Notes Page. 


    Don't forget to use the new reply button on Spotify to let me know what you thought of the episode! 


    44 - Niamh McDonnell - Lessons for Living your Best Life

    44 - Niamh McDonnell - Lessons for Living your Best Life


    This week I am chatting to Niamh McDonnell, Life Coach and all round inspirational Personal about how we can set ourselves up to live our best life.

    Niamh is a NLP Mindset Coach, helping others to achieve their goals through the power of the Subconscious Mind. Eliminating feelings of inadequacy or feeling stuck. Helping others to live the best version of themselves and helping to move back negative ways of thinking. Championing others to live the life they were born to live.

    I have been following Niamh for a while, so it was great to sit down and chat to her.
    We cover a great range of topics

    • Taking active responsibility for your life.
    • Learning from lessons from challenges.
    • Embracing our inner child.
    • Journalling tips and the power of Gratitude.
    • Feeding the Soul from the inside.
    • Viktor Frankl.
    • Living in Autopilot.
    • Discipline through consistency.
    • Byron Katie – The Works.
    • Trusting in the Universe.
    • Mindfulness while hiking to Everest Base Camp.
    • Mantra: I am worthy.
    • Love of being in nature on your own.
    • Bringing self-love into your life.
    • Powerful Affirmation: I am willing to let Life Love me today.
    • Letting go of what We Think, People think of us.

    …and that all important question:
    What does Mindful Living mean to Niamh?

    43 - Paula Byrne - A Mindful Approach to the Menstrual Cycle

    43 - Paula Byrne - A Mindful Approach to the Menstrual Cycle

    This week on the Mindful Living Guide I will be talking to Paula Byrne, the creator of the Mindful Cycle about the Menstrual Cycle.  
    Paula has brought her love of Mindfulness and her education in Menstrual Cycle Coaching to create a program that is making a big difference for many women.  I love here passion for this work as well as the compassion that she brings to it.   As a Dad, I really learned a lot from chatting to Paula and I am very grateful to have her on the show.

    We chat about a lot, including:

    Paula’s experience with Endometriosis.
    Studying with Lisa De Jong.
    Adjusting her energy with the Eb and flow of her Cycle.
    The crossovers with Mindfulness and what she was learning in Menstrual cycle coaching.
    The importance of creating safe places for opening conversations about Menstrual cycles.
    The 4 seasons of a cycle by Alexander Pope.
    Embracing our differences.
    Advice for Parents.
    Tips for Self-Compassion.

    As well as that all important question.
    What does Mindful Living mean to you?

    42 - George Wilse - Creating a Sustainable Life

    42 - George Wilse - Creating a Sustainable Life

    Welcome to another episode of the Mindful Living Guide. I'm your host Stephen Downey and today we have an incredibly special guest, George Wilse, The Sustainable Life Coach.  

    When I first came across George on Instagram, I was instantly hooked on their inspirational videos and was grateful when they reached out to connect. As you can tell in the episode, we had an instant connection and I really enjoyed getting to know George on this episode. 
    We talk about a lot of things, from George's journey into coaching, to why the “reason why” is so important on anyone's journey to reach their goals.  As well as the importance of letting go of fear and being open to have conversations about our values and goals.  The conversation is summed up beautifully at the end when we discuss how we can create a sustainable life.
    Not forgetting that all important question: 
    What does Mindful Living mean to you?

    I really hope you enjoy this epoisode and follow George for more really inspirational content.

    41 - Laura Hilliard Brady and Amanda Ringrose - Resilience Through Empathy and Self-Care

    41 - Laura Hilliard Brady and Amanda Ringrose - Resilience Through Empathy and Self-Care

    Joining me today on the Mindful Living Guide are two incredible guests, Laura Hilliard Brady and Amanda Ringrose. 

    In this episode, we delve into the topic of Resilience, healing and self-awareness, and boundaries. Our guests emphasize the importance of taking the time to reflect on ourselves and understand what's truly important to us. They share their insights on the importance of setting boundaries and understanding that not everyone is going to have a good day.  They mention techniques like zipping up and looking up to change one's energy field, and the idea of sending love and kindness to others.  Why gratitude is so important in shifting our vibrational energy.

    Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

    • Growth is a constant process, and everyone has the opportunity to grow every day.
    • Our thoughts shape our beliefs and experiences.
    • Affirmations with intention can change the energy behind them.
    • People often struggle with their true identity.
    • Kindness and love, including self-kindness, is important for overall well-being.
    • Visualising sending love and kindness to yourself can help to build self-love.
    • The power of Gratitude as well as setting boundaries.
    • The course "Energy Resilience Workshop Leader", the first ITECH accredited course awarded in Ireland.

    As well as that all important question:
    What does Mindful Living mean to you?

    About our guests:
    Laura Hilliard Brady is a licensed “Heal your life” workshop leader, holistic therapist, yoga teacher, rainbow yoga teacher, and past dancer with over 30 years of experience in the health industry. With a passion for mindfulness and the power of our words, Laura has attended over 1000 hours of courses and workshops to deepen her knowledge and understanding of topics such as the Polyvagal theory, Heart Math, TEB, EFT, and more. Laura has worked with companies and teams to help people tap into mindfulness, the law of attraction, spiritual growth, and the power of movement and breath.

    Amanda Ringrose is a specialized relationship coach, mentor, and licensed social worker with over 30 years of experience in mentoring, teaching, and relationship dynamics. Amanda has worked with individuals and families, helping them emerge and transform their lives, and find their voice to forge a new space for themselves. Amanda's approach introduces clients to the field of neuroscience, helping them navigate their internal systems and understand the impact of their relationship with themselves, which shows up in other areas of their lives.

    I hope you find this episode as inspiring and educational as I did. If you want to learn more about Laura and Amanda's business and their "Energy Resilience Workshop Leader" course, be sure to check out their website, www.mindbodyresilienceschool.com.

    As always, thank you for tuning in to "The Mindful Living Guide." We'll be back next week with more insights and tips for living a mindful life. Until then, take care and be well.

    40 - Enda O'Doherty - I'm Fine, on the outside.

    40 - Enda O'Doherty - I'm Fine, on the outside.

    When you think of Endurance Athletes, few are more resilient than today’s guest. 
    Running 9 marathons in 8 days from Belfast to Waterford is hard enough or climbing to the top of Kilimanjaro.  However, try doing that while carrying a washing machine.  Yes, I said a washing change!  That is exactly what Enda O'Doherty did to raise awareness for Mental health.

    For anyone who does not already know Enda , here is some background on him:

    Enda O’Doherty, an inspirational speaker and endurance athlete who has taken on some of the world’s toughest challenges. His endurance, drive and passion and ability to convey a message have made him a much sought-after speaker. His ability to write and present a bespoke presentation sets him apart. Enda’s endurance C.V. is astounding! He has pushed his physical and mental limits far beyond marathon running. He has completed Iron Man Sweden and Iron Man UK, one of the world’s toughest endurance races, with a 4 km swim, followed immediately by a 180 km bike ride, followed by a full marathon.

    As we discuss in this episode, the washing machine is such a good analogy for people struggling with Mental Health.  Many of us are walking around carry a massive load on our backs that no one can see until it becomes too heavy to carry anymore.

    I am very grateful to Enda for taking the time to chat to me.  Only last week he was speaking at The Pendulum Summit in Dublin and was the standout speaker for people I spoke to, who attended the Conference.

    In this Episode, we talk to Enda about

    • How he grounded himself before his talk at Pendulum.
    • His Journey with the Washing Machine.
    • Sharing our Load and asking for help
    • How he planned for any failure on the Mountain.
    • Enda’s limitless belief in what can be achieved.
    • The amazing cover on his book – I’m Fine.
    • The level of dishonesty during his journey with Alcoholism.
    • Pursuing happiness, on a daily basis.
    • What does Mindful Living mean to Enda?
    • Embracing those tough days.
    • The beauty in his early morning walks.
    • How happiness is different for everyone.

    You can also check out Enda on his own Podcast, The Might, Mini Podcast.  I have all of Endas connection details on our show notes page as well as links to support networks that may help, if you are struggling yourself and could do with extra support.

    If you are new to our Podcast, I would encourage you to look back at some of the past episodes and see how Mindful Living can mean something different to everyone. The most important thing is to embrace what works for us so we can be more present in our days and appreciate our Moments, as they happen.

    You can find out more about Enda and how to contact him on our show notes page.