
    Podcast Summary

    • Physical and Behavioral Green Flags in a RelationshipMaturity, consideration, self-awareness, and individuality can be indicated by signs like preferring gold jewelry, good hygiene, and a unique personal style.

      There are certain physical and behavioral signs, or "green flags," that can indicate a healthy and compatible relationship dynamic. According to the speaker, these green flags include preferring gold jewelry over silver, disliking Crocs and Birkenstocks, owning Timberlands (specifically black ones), having good hygiene, carrying chapstick and gum, and having a unique personal style. These signs can indicate maturity, consideration, self-awareness, and individuality. While the speaker's tone may seem lighthearted, the message is clear: these green flags can be important indicators of a potential partner's character and compatibility.

    • Expressing Authentic Personality and Self-awarenessAuthentic self-expression and self-awareness are desirable traits, while inconsistent behaviors or lack of self-awareness can be red flags.

      Expressing personality and having self-awareness are important indicators of a person's character. The way someone expresses themselves, whether through their clothing choices or other behaviors, can reveal a lot about them. A person who expresses themselves authentically and has a clear sense of self is a desirable trait. Additionally, certain actions and possessions can also serve as green flags, such as owning a car, having tinted windows, and being an assertive driver. These things show that someone takes care of themselves and has confidence in their decisions. Conversely, a lack of self-awareness or inconsistent behaviors can be red flags. Ultimately, it's important to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues when getting to know someone.

    • Signs of a healthy relationship: substance over appearance, compassion towards animalsBeing selective on social media, waiting to declare love, and treating animals kindly show respect for boundaries, self-awareness, and empathy in a relationship.

      Being reserved and selective on social media, taking time before expressing love, and being kind to animals are potential green flags in a relationship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of substance over appearance, taking time to understand feelings, and compassion towards all living beings as signs of a healthy and genuine connection. Avoiding excessive sharing of personal information, waiting at least three months to declare love, and treating animals with kindness are behaviors that indicate a person's respect for boundaries, self-awareness, and empathy. These traits contribute to a strong and lasting relationship.

    • Noticing green flags in early stages of getting to know someoneShowing consideration, having a well-behaved pet, reading social situations, and maintaining a balanced perspective towards pets are green flags indicating maturity, empathy, and attentiveness in potential partners.

      Certain behaviors and traits exhibited by individuals can serve as green flags during the early stages of getting to know someone. These green flags include: showing consideration and thoughtfulness by sharing food or resources, having a well-behaved pet, reading the room and being aware of social situations, and being protective of one's image and reputation. These actions demonstrate care, respect, and thoughtfulness towards others, which are important qualities in a potential partner. Additionally, having a balanced perspective towards pets, recognizing them as companions but not replacing human relationships, is another green flag. These signs may not be overtly romantic, but they indicate a level of maturity, empathy, and attentiveness that can be valuable in a relationship.

    • Green flags in a relationship: Taking care, self-protection, and transparencyGreen flags include someone who cares for you physically and emotionally, stands up for themselves, ignores thirsty messages, and shows transparency through phone use.

      A green flag in a relationship is someone who takes care of you, both physically and emotionally. This includes people who help you remove lint from your hair or tell you when you have something on your face, as well as those who stand up for themselves when you get physical with them. Another green flag is being comfortable with guns for self-protection. On social media, ignoring thirsty messages and comments is a sign of confidence and self-respect. Lastly, leaving their phone face up and not being constantly glued to it shows transparency and trust. These behaviors demonstrate consideration, strength, and self-assurance, making them desirable traits in a partner.

    • Signs of respect in technology use during social interactionsPaying undivided attention, not making excuses for phone use, prompt texting, giving warnings, having a small circle, and being polite to customer service are green flags. Distractions, excuses, long response times, many close friends, and rudeness to customer service are red flags indicating a lack of consideration and respect.

      The way someone engages with technology and communication during social interactions can be a strong indicator of their interest and respect towards you. Green flags include giving undivided attention, not making excuses for being on their phone, texting back promptly, giving warnings before being unreachable, having a small circle of close friends, and being polite to customer service. Conversely, red flags include being consistently distracted by their phone, making excuses for not communicating, taking hours to respond, having too many close friends, and being rude to customer service. These behaviors reflect how considerate and in-tune someone is with your feelings and the importance they place on the relationship.

    • Showing respect and kindness to everyoneBe courteous, respect older people, give deeper compliments, accept compliments graciously, use eye contact, and demonstrate self-awareness, empathy, and good communication skills to build strong relationships.

      Regardless of social status, wealth, or age, everyone deserves respect and consideration. Green flags include being courteous, respecting older people, giving deeper compliments, and accepting compliments graciously. Eye contact is also important as it shows engagement and attentiveness in conversations. Remember, respect is a two-way street and it's important to treat everyone with kindness and politeness. Additionally, compliments should be genuine and not expected in return. Overall, these behaviors demonstrate self-awareness, empathy, and good communication skills, which are essential in building strong relationships.

    • Signs of a healthy and authentic relationshipEye contact during conversations, silence and focus during workouts, financial freedom, fun-loving attitude, and social media presence are green flags for a healthy and authentic relationship.

      There are certain behaviors and traits that can be considered "green flags" when it comes to dating. According to the discussion, these include being able to hold eye contact during conversations, being silent and focused during workouts, demonstrating financial freedom and not being concerned about appearances, and being able to have fun in a smart and appropriate way. Additionally, if someone posts you on their social media or consistently shows that they're in a relationship, it can also be a good sign. However, it's important to note that influencers or people with a large online presence may not publicly display their relationships for various reasons. Overall, these green flags indicate that the person is confident, authentic, and focused on their own well-being.

    • Identifying Green and Red Flags in RelationshipsPay attention to compatibility indicators like music taste, independence, and self-awareness (green flags). Be cautious of unhealthy obsessions or lack of resilience (red flags). Authenticity and open-mindedness are essential in relationships.

      Paying attention to certain aspects of someone's interests, behaviors, and attitudes can be indicators of compatibility and depth in a relationship. The speaker shares several examples, including music taste, lack of interest in sports, preference for handling situations independently, and standing firm behind what they say. These "green flags" suggest maturity, self-awareness, and confidence. Conversely, the speaker warns against being with someone who is a "die-hard fan" of sports or someone who calls the cops at the first sign of conflict. These "red flags" may indicate an unhealthy obsession or a lack of resilience. Ultimately, the speaker encourages being open-minded and authentic in relationships, valuing the qualities that bring people closer together.

    • Green flags in relationships: signs of a healthy partnerLook for a partner with a good sense of humor, healthy jealousy, selective social media use, doing good deeds, quiet strength, and openness to others' opinions. Authenticity and self-validation are also crucial.

      Certain behaviors and traits can serve as "green flags" when evaluating potential partners. These green flags include having a good sense of humor, displaying healthy levels of jealousy, being selective with social media content, doing good deeds without the need for recognition, knowing when to keep quiet, and being open to holding space for others' opinions. These traits demonstrate depth, maturity, and consideration, making them valuable indicators of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of authenticity and not seeking validation through social media or external sources. Instead, focus on the value of doing good things for their own sake.

    • Evaluating potential partners: Emotional and sexual self-control, discipline, curiosity, and conflict resolution skills matterLook for partners with self-control, discipline, curiosity, and conflict resolution skills for a stable and trustworthy relationship. Emotional connection and trust are essential, built through actions on early dates. Curiosity and asking 'why' questions foster effective communication.

      When evaluating potential partners, looking for green flags such as emotional and sexual self-control, discipline, curiosity, and ability to handle conflicts are important indicators of a stable and trustworthy relationship. The speaker emphasizes the significance of emotional connection and trust, which can be established through a partner's actions on the first few dates. Discipline and self-control demonstrate a person's ability to resist impulses and maintain commitment, while curiosity and asking "why" questions show a willingness to understand and communicate effectively. Lastly, being open to handling conflicts without fear or defensiveness builds a foundation for resolving disagreements and fostering a healthy relationship.

    • Actions showing care and accountabilityDemonstrating concern, making amends, and taking responsibility for actions are essential for a healthy relationship.

      Genuine care and accountability are key indicators of a healthy relationship. When someone is more concerned about reestablishing closeness and clearing their name, rather than acknowledging their wrongdoings, it sets up a risk and creates mistrust. On the other hand, actions like checking in when noticing a change in behavior, making an effort to reschedule canceled plans, and staying calm and controlled during arguments, demonstrate care, concern, and accountability. Additionally, taking responsibility for one's actions and acknowledging how they have hurt someone is crucial for building a strong and healthy relationship.

    • Recognizing empathy, self-awareness, and acceptance in relationshipsEmpathy, self-awareness, and acceptance are key green flags in relationships. They build trust and strengthen bonds through understanding, problem-solving, and creating a safe environment.

      Understanding and addressing the reasons behind someone's emotions, making changes when uncomfortable, and not judging others are important green flags in relationships. When someone tries to understand why something bothers you, it shows empathy and a desire to connect. Making changes when uncomfortable demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth. Not judging others for their likes and interests creates a safe and accepting environment. These behaviors build trust and strengthen the bond between individuals. Additionally, attempting to solve problems independently before seeking help and being open to constructive feedback are also valuable green flags. Overall, these actions show respect, consideration, and a genuine care for the well-being of the other person.

    • Expressing feelings and taking responsibilityEffective communication and accountability are crucial for building trust and healthy relationships. Expressing feelings honestly and taking ownership of actions, good or bad, shows maturity and respect.

      Effective communication and taking responsibility for one's actions are important green flags in a relationship. The ability to express both good and bad feelings, and to understand when to assume blame, shows maturity and trustworthiness. Using the example of buying a vape, the speaker emphasizes that if one tries a product and doesn't like it, it's their responsibility to bear the cost, not the seller's. This demonstrates accountability and respect for others, which are valuable traits in any relationship. Overall, being open about one's feelings and taking ownership of one's actions are essential components of building trust and fostering healthy connections.

    Recent Episodes from Aware & Aggravated

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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    132. The Power Of Recommitting

    132. The Power Of Recommitting

    In this episode Leo reminds you of your strength and is your voice of reason to push you when you consider giving up. He shares the insight and perspecgives that keep him going in an attempt to motivate you and keep you on track. Stop wishing you were a little bit weaker so you could break. You're stronger than that! 





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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usJune 09, 2024

    131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)

    131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)

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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usJune 02, 2024

    130. Lessons From Loneliness

    130. Lessons From Loneliness

    In this episode Leo flips the narrative of loneliness and shares what he's learned that has made being/feeling lonely less painful. Your perception of isolation is what determines the experience. It can feel bad or good depending on how you view it. This episode will help anyone dealing with loneliness.










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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usMay 26, 2024

    129. Things Secretly Making You Lazy

    129. Things Secretly Making You Lazy

    In this episode Leo talks about laziness and explains why the "soft life" is not the best approach from his personal experience. He gives examples of things causing the new epidemic of laziness in society that people aren't aware of on the surface. If you need motivation, this episode is for you.










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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usMay 19, 2024

    128. You’re Not Burnt Out. You’re Limiting Yourself

    128. You’re Not Burnt Out. You’re Limiting Yourself

    In this episode Leo explains what it feels like to be burnt out when functioning on a lower level than your potential is capable of, and how to flip your life around. A "basic" or "simple" life will ruin you. If this found you, you're meant for more.










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    Aware & Aggravated
    en-usMay 12, 2024

    127. Lack Of Discipline Makes You Ugly

    127. Lack Of Discipline Makes You Ugly

    In this episode Leo talks about discipline from a lot of new angles. This is a reupload of his most popular episode since he's on tour. New episodes will be coming going forward, but this one is still so relevant and a great reminder! 










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    125. Things I No Longer Do

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    “Anxiety is a d*ck killer!”

    If you are interested in running a book club in your city, send an email to: DTYEHBBookClub@gmail.com 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    Support a Local Bookstore: https://bookshop.org/books/don-t-text-your-ex-happy-birthday-and-other-advice-on-love-sex-and-dating-9798212185622/9781419755491

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    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


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    037 - She Is Not Your Rehab with Matt Brown

    037 - She Is Not Your Rehab with Matt Brown

    It’s been a belief of mine for a while now that many of the most messed up and avoidable issues we have on a global scale are the result of dysfunctional, disconnected, and discontent men.

    To expand upon that, even more, I think we have a problem with how we portray what a healthy and mature man is, and we lack adequate passages and initiations into true grown-ass mature manhood.

    As a result, we have many men, through no fault of their own, going about life still running some outdated and adolescent psychology. When I say ‘no fault of their own’ I mean we learn what we learn growing up, we model what is modelled to us and so at the point of just going about living how we’ve learnt to live and to make our way in the world we do just that; our best with what we’ve learnt and been given.

    But unfortunately, many of us fall short in being healthy men - which, hopefully, you can start to see, is totally understandable when we haven’t had a healthy idea of wTF that is.

    So - dysfunctional, disconnected, discontent, disenfranchised even - and we have men who are too in their head, or too in their anger, or too in their fists, or too in their sensitivity, we have men who can’t find the middle ground of being a useful, healthy and mature men and member of commnuity.

    This certainly isn’t to shame on men - fuck no - it’s to point out some shit that hasn’t been working for us and direct us to how we can be better, for ourselves and those we influence.

    It’d also not to totally blame men for the world’s wrongs - fuck no - but it is to offer some shit that we get to own and improve upon.

    One of the incredibly obvious ways in which men who haven’t learnt how to deal with the shit from their past and truly grow into healthy manhood cause damage in the world is violence on themselves and violence on others.

    We have shelters for battered women and victims of family violence - all incredibly important and much needed things. But one thing we absolutely need is work and support for men to heal, grow, and become safe, mature, and loving men so we can prevent the violence in the first place.


    In this Episode:

    Enter Matt Brown (and his wife Sarah) - founders of She is not your rehab - a powerful organisation and movement working to change ideas of masculinity through supporting, educating and empowering men to transform the pain of their past instead of transmitting it onto others.

    They have made some huge waves globally, even getting The Rock himself into a campaign of theirs.

    Beyond that, they have done remarkable work both in places like New Zealand’s high-security prisons, throughout the community, and in Matt’s barbershops My Father’s Barber.

    Matt and I discuss his own story from a “volatile childhood” of abuse and violence to healing his own pain to starting to cut hair in order to connect with men, and then the forming of She is not your rehab and the wonderful work they are doing.

    I trust you will get something from it - as might a man in your world, please pass it on to anyone you think will benefit from it. I had a great chat with Matt and am a HUGE supporter of their work. You can find out more about him and the work they’re doing and how to access the book below.

    As always, if you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Where to find Matt and She Is Not Your Rehab:

    Matt’s Bio:

    Matt Brown, is a New Zealand born Samoan and an internationally acclaimed barber, hair artist, communicator, husband, and father of three children known for ‘giving great cuts’ and ‘inspiring great men.’

    He is a survivor of family violence and childhood sexual abuse and shares his story with the men who frequent his busy Christchurch and Palmerston North barbershops, My Fathers Barbers, as a way to foster vulnerability, healing, and connection. He has facilitated multiple barbering programs inside Christchurch Men’s Prison, Te Puna Wai O Tuhinapo, a Christchurch youth justice facility and was named a Corrections NZ patron in 2020.

    Matt has cut everyone from All Blacks to the Wu Tang Clan but his true calling; he believes lies in his work to redefine societies view of masculinity and to help end the cycle of domestic violence affecting whānau all over New Zealand.

    In 2018, Matt and Sarah partnered with the Ministry of Social Development as ambassadors for their ‘It's not OK Campaign’ and are proud ambassadors for the work of Aviva Families, a family violence service centre in Christchurch. In collaboration with them, Matt hosts a men’s anti-violence support group from his barbershop.

    Together they co-founded She Is Not Your Rehab and launched the concept in Matt’s 2019 TEDx talk. He says the movement is an invitation for men to acknowledge their own childhood trauma and to take responsibility for their healing so that they can transform their pain instead of transmitting it to those around them.

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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    “Let's do this damn thing!”

    If you are interested in running a book club in your city, send an email to: DTYEHBBookClub@gmail.com 

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    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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