
    Podcast Summary

    • Applying ancient wisdom to modern psychologyExploring the evolutionary roots of human behavior can enhance positive psychology's goal of improving lives

      Our ancient past can provide valuable insights into improving our psychological well-being in the present. Glenn Gare, a professor of psychology and founding director of evolutionary studies, argues that the same reasoning behind the paleo diet and lifestyle can be applied to our emotional and social functioning. He calls this approach "paleopsychology" or "positive evolutionary psychology." While positive psychology focuses on improving people's lives, evolutionary psychology adds a unique perspective by considering the evolutionary roots of human behavior. Gare hopes to encourage more people to explore this perspective and apply it to their lives in positive ways. The fields of positive psychology and evolutionary psychology emerged around the same time in the 1990s, and they share the goal of improving human lives, but evolutionary psychology offers a unique evolutionary perspective that complements positive psychology.

    • Understanding Human Well-being through Positive Psychology and Evolutionary PsychologyIntegrating positive psychology and evolutionary psychology can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of human well-being, recognizing that human satisfaction comes from various pathways beyond just happiness. Positive psychology can help fill in the gaps in evolutionary psychology by focusing on positive emotions and well-being.

      Positive psychology and evolutionary psychology, two influential fields in understanding human behavior, have largely operated in isolation from each other. While positive psychology focuses on making people happier, evolutionary psychology sheds light on the evolutionary origins of human emotions, relationships, and behaviors. However, the authors argue that integrating these two perspectives can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of human well-being. They noted that at a symposium of positive psychology research presentations, none of the presenters considered an evolutionary perspective. The authors aim to bridge this gap by exploring how positive psychology goals can be advanced within an evolutionary framework, recognizing that human satisfaction comes from various pathways beyond just happiness. Additionally, while evolutionary psychology is known for examining the darker aspects of human motivations, positive psychology can help fill in the gaps by focusing on positive emotions and well-being.

    • Exploring the complexities of human behavior from an evolutionary perspectiveWhile evolutionary psychology sheds light on human behavior, addressing both its darker and brighter aspects is crucial for a comprehensive understanding.

      While evolutionary psychology offers valuable insights into human behavior, it can be met with resistance due to the focus on potentially uncomfortable or controversial topics. For instance, research on the darker aspects of human nature, such as sexual selection and mating strategies, can raise PR issues and be perceived as justifying negative behaviors. However, there are also evolutionary perspectives on the brighter sides of human experience, such as altruism and community interactions. It's essential to acknowledge and explore both aspects to promote a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Despite the progress in this field, misconceptions persist, and it's crucial to address these misconceptions and broaden the public's awareness of the full scope of evolutionary psychology.

    • Mortality patterns in young adulthood explained by evolutionary psychologyEvolutionary psychology sheds light on why young men have higher mortality rates due to intense mating competition, leading to antisocial behaviors and external causes of death.

      Evolutionary psychology, specifically the area of mortality and gender, provides valuable insights into societal functioning and health issues. Dan Krueger's research at the University of Michigan, in collaboration with Randy Nessie, revealed that men are more likely to die at every age but particularly during young adulthood (15-25). This increased mortality rate is linked to the intense and competitive nature of mating and mate selection. The peak in male mortality during this period is relevant as it's when men are most likely to engage in antisocial behaviors, join gangs, and cause violent crimes. Krueger also noted that external causes of death, such as fights, homicide, and car crashes, are more prevalent among young men. Understanding these patterns can help us address important social issues and improve public health policies. The misconception that evolutionary psychology is irrelevant to modern society overlooks the significance of these findings.

    • Mismatch between evolved traits and modern worldOur ancestors evolved in one environment, leading to traits beneficial for survival. Today, these traits can cause challenges and unhappiness due to mismatches with modern life.

      Young male risk-taking behavior, as discussed by Daley and Wilson, is a natural feature of male development, not an indication of idiocy. This behavior, from an evolutionary perspective, can be seen as a risky strategy that, on average, led to greater reproductive benefits for our ancestors, despite the potential for early death or adverse outcomes. This idea of a mismatch between our evolved traits and the modern world is a powerful concept, and it can help explain many of the challenges and unhappiness people experience in today's society. Using the analogy of a fish out of water, we can understand that our ancestors evolved in one environment, and we now live in another, leading to numerous mismatches and suboptimal ways of living. This idea of mismatch is a simple yet profound way to understand many of the complexities of human behavior and experience.

    • Mismatched experiences and their negative consequencesOur modern experiences can be at odds with our ancestral environments, leading to stress, anxiety, and maladaptive behaviors. Understanding these mismatches from an evolutionary perspective can help us determine which ones to keep and which to improve.

      Our modern experiences can be mismatched with our ancestral environments, leading to potential negative consequences. Using examples from fish and monkeys, the speaker explains how these animals' experiences in captivity are not conducive to their natural needs and result in stress and maladaptive behaviors. Similarly, humans in the modern world engage in experiences that were not part of our ancestral environments, such as interacting with strangers frequently or using technology for communication. These mismatches can lead to stress, anxiety, and other negative effects. However, the evolutionary perspective also provides us with the tools to question and potentially improve these mismatches. The challenge is to determine which mismatches are beneficial and which are not, such as the convenience of having water in a bottle versus having to go to a stream to get it. Overall, the evolutionary perspective offers a powerful lens through which to examine and potentially improve our modern experiences.

    • Anonymity in Modern Communication: A Double-Edged SwordAnonymity in modern communication can lead to both benefits and risks, including increased connection and antisocial behavior. Be aware and take steps to mitigate potential negative impacts.

      Modern communication systems, particularly social media, have become a significant part of our lives, offering numerous benefits such as instant access to information and the ability to connect with people from all over the world. However, these systems also introduce numerous mismatches that can negatively impact our psychological health. For instance, under ancestral conditions, communication was face-to-face, and anonymity was rare. Today, however, we communicate anonymously with strangers through screens, leading to numerous mismatches. Research shows that humans evolved to be wary of anonymous communication, and professions that require anonymity, like clowns, are often met with suspicion. Furthermore, studies have shown that hiding one's identity can lead to antisocial behavior. So while modern communication systems offer many benefits, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

    • Group dynamics impact individual behaviorGroup settings can lead to reduced personal responsibility, causing increased instances of taking more than one's fair share or antisocial behavior

      Group dynamics can significantly influence individual behavior, particularly when it comes to taking resources or exhibiting antisocial behavior. In a group setting, the concept of diffusion of responsibility comes into play, where individuals feel less personal responsibility for their actions due to the presence of others. This can lead to increased instances of taking more than one's fair share or engaging in behaviors that might not be considered socially acceptable when one's identity is hidden. This phenomenon can be traced back to our evolutionary past, where reciprocal altruism played a crucial role in shaping human behavior. However, in modern contexts, dealing with strangers and situations outside the bounds of our evolved psychology can lead to unexpected outcomes that may challenge our expectations of reciprocal altruism. Ultimately, understanding these dynamics can provide valuable insights into human behavior and help us navigate complex social situations.

    • The misalignment of modern education with natural ways of learningModern education systems may not optimally align with natural ways of learning, leading to issues like attention problems and over-prescription of pharmaceuticals. Pre-westernized societies provide examples of play-based, peer-learning education.

      Modern public education systems, as we know them, may not be optimally aligned with natural ways of learning and development, according to research from an evolutionary perspective. Peter Gray, a scholar at Boston College, argues that the age stratification, focus on secondary knowledge, and lack of play and natural interactions in schools can lead to issues such as attention problems and the over-prescription of pharmaceuticals. Katie Gruskin, a student in an evolutionary studies seminar, delved deeper into this idea, tracing the origins of public schools to factory models and finding significant differences in learning and education in pre-westernized societies, where children learned from their peers while playing and interacting. The contrast between the factory-like modern education system and the more natural, play-based learning of pre-westernized societies invites us to question the assumptions behind our current educational practices and consider alternative approaches.

    • Insights from Evolution: Nomadic Learning and KindnessNomadic learning methods, like group work and projects, enhance school feelings and academic performance. Kindness, an evolutionary adaptation, fosters trust and cooperation, making it a desirable trait across cultures.

      Our evolutionary past can provide valuable insights into modern education and social behaviors, such as kindness. Katie's research in evolutionary behavioral science revealed that students who experienced nomadic learning methods, like group learning and project-based experiences, reported better feelings towards school and academic performance later on. Kindness, from an evolutionary perspective, is essential for securing and maintaining relationships, including romantic partnerships. Research shows that kindness is a desirable trait across cultures for both men and women, as it fosters trust and reciprocal altruism. Kindness evolved as an adaptation to help individuals get along and build strong social ecosystems, ensuring long-term relationships and cooperation within a group.

    • Emotions like anxiety and depression served important functions in human evolutionAnxiety and depression may have evolved to help individuals address threats and cope with prolonged stressors

      Kindness and social connections played a crucial role in human evolution, as they helped ensure survival when individuals couldn't rely solely on their own resources. From an evolutionary perspective, negative emotions like anxiety and depression may serve important functions, rather than being merely unwanted states to be eradicated. Anxiety, for instance, might have helped motivate individuals to address threats and complete tasks, while depression could have served as a response to prolonged stressors or losses. By considering the evolutionary functions of these emotions, we can approach their treatment with a more nuanced perspective, focusing on managing and controlling them rather than eliminating them entirely.

    • Understanding Different Types of DepressionGrief depression and withdrawal depression have distinct causes and adaptive responses. Grief depression arises from loss and leads to seeking support, while withdrawal depression results from failure and isolation. Understanding these patterns can inform potential treatments.

      Depression can have different causes and therefore, different adaptive responses. The loss of a loved one can lead to "grief depression," where people reach out to others for support, while an error or major failure can result in "withdrawal depression," where individuals tend to isolate themselves and overthink the situation. These patterns are adaptive given the context in which they arise. Additionally, emotional states such as severe depression, anxiety, and loneliness were likely less common in ancestral societies due to the constant presence of supportive social structures. Today, with the shift to urbanized environments and fewer social connections, these emotional states have become more prevalent. Understanding the different causes and adaptive responses to depression can provide valuable insights into its nature and potential treatments.

    • Reconnecting with awe in natureSpending time in nature and experiencing awe-inspiring moments can help us reconnect with important emotions and re-sensitize ourselves to the natural world.

      Our modern world has desensitized us to natural experiences and emotions, such as awe, due to the availability of artificial stimuli. From an evolutionary perspective, awe may have been a more ancestrally significant emotion, as it helped our ancestors stay aware of their environment and potential threats. Spending time in nature and experiencing awe-inspiring moments, such as the sunrise or the night sky, can provide a sense of connection to the natural world and help us re-sensitize ourselves to these important emotions. Additionally, the concept of a supernormal stimulus explains how modern products and experiences can be artificially amplified versions of things we naturally gravitate towards, leading to desensitization and a need for more intense experiences.

    • Reconnecting with ancestral ways for a richer lifeFilter modern noise, focus on family, naturalistic activities, and simple pleasures for a more authentic, naturalistic life.

      Living a richer and more fulfilling life today means considering the costs of modern technologies and lifestyles, and reconnecting with our ancestral ways. This includes eating natural foods, surrounding ourselves with genuine relationships, and finding deep love and connection. The modern world offers many conveniences, but it also creates guilt and dissatisfaction. Effective people are those who can filter the noise and focus on what truly matters, such as spending time with family, pursuing naturalistic activities, and enjoying simple pleasures. Ultimately, it's essential to question the value of material possessions and status, and consider how we can live more authentic, naturalistic lives.

    • Understanding the impact of modern life on our evolved systemsTechnology companies must consider human evolved psychology to create less addictive digital experiences and minimize unintended consequences.

      Our constant exposure to hypernormal stimuli and always-on availability, as demonstrated by passing by a Krispy Kreme shop while on the way to the gym, can lead to unintended consequences. Paleo psychology, which explores the mismatch between our evolved systems and modern life, could provide valuable insights. It's crucial for technology companies to understand human evolved psychology to minimize unforeseen liabilities and make our digital experiences more meaningful and less addictive. If not, we might look back at this period with regret, much like we do with past harmful practices. To stay updated on Glenn Gayer's work in this area, visit his website (glengaer.com) or his Psychology Today blog (Darwin's Subterranean World).

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    Modern Wisdom
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    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

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    How the Desire for Status Explains (Pretty Much) Everything

    How the Desire for Status Explains (Pretty Much) Everything

    Being famous. Knowing someone famous. Getting a laugh after telling a joke. Getting a good grade. Getting likes on a social media post. Winning a video game. Cooking a tasty meal. Being good looking. Having inside knowledge. Sharing a good recommendation.

    We often think of status exclusively in terms of wealth, but it's actually at play everywhere, in every situation where we get the feeling of being of value, where we feel ever so slightly elevated in our relative social position. The universal human desire for status greatly influences our culture, as well as our own behavior and the ups and downs of our mood. We would all do well then to understand status better, and my guest today can help you do that. His name is Will Storr and he's the author of The Status Game: On Social Position and How We Use It. Today on the show, Will walks us through why status in its infinite forms is so important to people, the ways it can be gained through dominance, virtue, and success, and how status games take place both within groups and between them. We talk about the good of status — how it can give us a psychological high and motivate the pursuit of skill, competence, and achievement — as well as its dark sides, including the way that a loss in status, and the resulting feeling of humiliation, leads to depression and violence. Will explains how status can be gained by enforcing the rules of a group and punishing those who seem to be lowering the overall status of the tribe, and how this punitive dynamic plays out online. We also discuss how when you try to eliminate certain status games by making things equal, people just find other status games to play, and that when one hierarchy is destroyed, another simply rises to take its place. We end our conversation with what we can do, if the status game is inescapable, to play it in a healthy way.

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