
    44 - Body Confidence, Comparisonitis & Your Inner Critic w/ Caitlin Eichperger

    enDecember 14, 2020

    About this Episode

    On this episode of the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina has a conversation with Caitlin Eichperger about body confidence, comparison-itis, and how to better approach your inner critic. Caitlin is a life coach who specializes in helping clients with perceptions of self-image, body positivity, and body confidence and acceptance. 


    Body image is one’s own perception of their body through the filters or lenses of both societal beauty standards and the conditioning one experiences within their own culture or family system. Body image and acceptance affects anyone and everyone who has a body, and Caitlin reminds listeners that any person can have insecurities about their body regardless of how one may look. Body positivity and body confidence is not exclusive to any body type or shape, so showing acceptance 


    Comparison is a form of judgement we use to discern between options, however, comparison and judgement become ineffective and do not serve us whenever we use them to put ourselves down while we lift others and their qualities. Instead, Caitlin suggests that we celebrate the differences rather than use any of these to negate the qualities or characteristics that we notice within ourselves. Wasting time wanting to be someone or something else is also a waste of your lifeforce when this time could be used accepting and celebrating yourself instead of internally fighting any unchangeable things about you. 


    Together, Marina and Caitlin break down what it means to be body confident, explain self and body acceptance, and discuss tips for reconnecting and reframing the thoughts and behaviors that don’t continue to serve us anymore.    


    Things You Will Learn

    On this episode, you will learn the differences between body image, body positivity, and body confidence, as well as ways in which you can start to approach your inner critic in a way that better serves you. 


    Social Media

    Let me know what you want to hear on future episodes, or tag me in a screenshot on Instagram @iammarinaperry. Or follow Caitlin and her coaching on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caitlineichperger/

    Recent Episodes from The Marina Perry Podcast

    101 - Emotional Intelligence & how to create a winning CEO mindset w/ Kyra Yang

    101 - Emotional Intelligence & how to create a winning CEO mindset w/ Kyra Yang

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Kyra Yang, a Certified Hypnotherapist that helps 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs design a winning CEO mindset, to discuss emotional intelligence. Kyra has been responsible for generating multi millions in new revenue and higher entrepreneurial fulfillment for her clients by overcoming self sabotage and deep mindset blocks around money, visibility and success. By leveraging neuroscience, Kyra helps break mental bottlenecks in business to help unveil your utmost potential so that you can amplify your success and happiness sustainability. 


    When Kyra got started in entrepreneurship, she started to notice that a lot of the people she worked with were having stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. Even if they were creating new levels of success, they were still feeling a very low quality of life. That’s when she realized the emotional intelligence and the mindset component were so crucial for entrepreneurs to actually sustain this level of success and continue to break into more.


    People think if they work for themselves, they’ll be free of all of these stressors from working the daily grind. And yet, entrepreneurship for many people is more stressful and less abundant. The reality is you just have more success and more money, but you're still the exact same person. If you have a perfectionism cycle or a scarcity loop running, the pressure to sustain that level of success that is self-created is so high. 


    When you have more positive thoughts or a positive belief system, that then results in thoughts that release positive emotions, greater confidence, and we move forward. That's naturally gonna increase your energy. There's a lot of pressure to be a certain way, and it’s natural to doubt yourself. The good thing is we can start to reframe imposter syndrome as moving towards an even bigger goal. Of course, it's gonna feel uncomfortable because we haven't been there before, but that doesn't mean that we can't do it.


    Learn all this and more on this episode of the Marina Perry Podcast!


    What You Will Learn:


    1. Why entrepreneurship can be so stressful

    2. What you can do to harness passion and energy into a more sustainable state

    3. Tips for dealing with imposter syndrome and self-doubt


    100 - Moving through the Betrayal Wound & Healing From Heartbreak w/ EJ Love

    100 - Moving through the Betrayal Wound & Healing From Heartbreak w/ EJ Love

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, EJ Love returns to the podcast to discuss healing from heartbreak and betrayal. EJ is a trauma-informed, conscious sexuality, and thought leader, specialising in transparent and authentic conversations. 


    EJ has recently experienced heartbreak. When these things happen, the journey we end up on is facing a lot of our own shadows and darkness, and having to feel the grief and loss of a relationship. There's always two sides to every story, and EJ is someone who likes to come with as much curiosity, compassion, and responsibility as possible. 


    There's a lot of people who say, “well, I didn't lie.” But not telling a truth is withholding authentic communication and sometimes it's more painful. Many people relate conflict to death, so if they go into conflict, they might die. There's a fear of loss of respect, especially if the person they're conflicting with is related to them being productive or gaining resources. 


    Many women have had the story told that their beauty, attractiveness, and beliefs are there for a man's pleasure. Yet, in EJ’s experience, personally and professionally talking to men, they really love boundaries, feedback, and information because it gives them confidence. Being able to consciously explore sexuality after her uncoupling has been uplifting for EJ in her own journey. It helps to understand that no one else needs to love or see her partner in his wholeness other than her. 


    Learn all this and more on this episode of the Marina Perry Podcast!


    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background on EJ Love and her work in conscious sexuality and thought leadership

    2. Her story around betrayal and uncoupling in her recent relationship

    3. What conscious sexuality is and how it can help us heal from heartbreak


    99 - WTF Is Light Language? w/ Narelle Clyde

    99 - WTF Is Light Language? w/ Narelle Clyde

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Narelle Clyde, a spiritual mentor and life coach, to unpack light language. Light language is a multi-dimensional form of communication that speaks directly to the heart, soul, body, energy field of human consciousness, and also animals and nature. It is a healing frequency that can transmute anything into a loving frequency.


    If you think about stuck emotions, traumas, and other difficult experiences we can have that get congested in the body, light language works as an energy healing tool to transmute through it. We already use light in traditional medicine to heal and explore the body. X-rays, for example, are a certain frequency of light. Humans are multidimensional beings. So we are here on this 3D earth plane as physical beings, but we also exist through other dimensions. Research has shown that there are up to 13 dimensions, and we exist in them all. So through those dimensions, we have access to different frequencies. 


    Narelle  has received quite a bit of pushback over her career from people who can’t make sense of her work, but in deciding to take light language seriously in her own life, she did a live stream online about who she was, what she does, what light language is, and what she uses it for. From there, everything just blew up in the best way. This universe went “yes, this is alignment; this is your fullest expression.” And clients started coming in from everywhere.


    It's a nuanced experience, and a piece of a cosmic puzzle. It's a return to more wholeness, which arguably is a return to greater light. The purpose of life is to be happy, and yet we know with the epidemic we have of depression, anxiety, and the pharmaceutical culture, we’re in a lack of happiness. The worst thing we can do is think about it and let it ruminate because we send ourselves in a spiral and it's soul destroying. We need to be in charge of who we are and who we want to be, and light language is a tool available to you if you seek it out.


    Learn all this and more on this episode of the Marina Perry Podcast!


    What You Will Learn:


    1. What light language is

    2. Narelle’s background and how she came into light work

    3. How we can utilise light language to come into our higher selves

    98 - Trust. The Misunderstood Superpower

    98 - Trust. The Misunderstood Superpower

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina hosts a solo episode to discuss the human superpower of trust. Too many of us don't have enough trust— in ourselves, in life, or in others. As a result, we essentially lack safety, and when we lack safety, we seek to control more. We shrink, we contract, and we don't live fully expressed and liberated. Trust is so fundamental, yet there are mistaken beliefs that we hold around it.


    Trust is not actually earned. It can be, but that's not actually how it exists. Trust is only ever given, so even when someone proves themselves trustworthy, you can still withhold trust. And if someone proves themselves to not be trustworthy, you could still give them trust. 


    There are categories of trust that Marina teaches to the coaches she certifies through the school of growth. These categories include capability, character, and commitment. These categories work together to establish trust. You might love someone's character and commitment, and think they’re such a good person. They just have the purest heart and you adore them, but maybe they are useless at doing the things you need. So they lack the capability arena of trust for you. 


    There are ways you can try and extend more trust if you can break down where there’s a potential lack of trust. If you see someone in their wholeness, in their capability, and affirm that verbally, they now have a capacity to grow into it. This is how we get to be more impactful leaders in any area in our lives. When someone breaks that trust and betrays us, we get to see someone's true colours. We get to make a choice, and we’re the better for it because if we hadn't given that trust, we run the risk of staying in that situation longer.


    Learn all this and more on this episode of the Marina Perry Podcast!


    What You Will Learn:


    1. The basic fundamentals of trust and how it’s formed. 

    2. Background on the fundamentals of trust. 

    3. Personal examples of how trust is built and demolished.


    The Marina Perry Podcast
    enApril 24, 2023

    97 - Why Resilience is More Important than Intelligence for Kids w/ Lynne Kendall

    97 - Why Resilience is More Important than Intelligence for Kids w/ Lynne Kendall

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Lynn Kendall to discuss resilience in children and what we can do to bolster and amplify it. Lynn has over 35 years in the education system inside of Australia's schools and studied psychology. She created her own program called the Resilience Tutor built on the idea that resilience trumps intellect when it comes to what we need to instil in our children. 


    Statistics and studies show our children are in desperate need of support systems, due in part to social media and the current cultural climate of the world. Lynn got started in resilience after witnessing so many kids struggle with everything from academic work to social skills in schools. In an effort to get to the route of the problem, she went into the field of psychology and worked as a school psychologist. However, helping kids as a psychologist required waiting for something bad to happen first. So, she was still seeing kids struggle and felt like her current path wasn’t able to help them. 


    This led her to focus on a preemptive program based on teaching skills to navigate the world in terms of their emotions, thoughts, energy, and how it links to every experience that kids have in life. It comes from a proactive space that allows children to understand who they are within their space. They are able to take these skills out into life and have tools to help them perform better. 


    A large part of this approach is picking about the mistakes and beliefs we think are fueling our behaviours because behaviour is the outcome. Behaviour is what we see. So when we see a tantrum or meltdown, or we’re seeing anger and frustration because when we actually unpack what behaviour is, we realise it’s all emotion. What Lynn does differently in her programs is teach emotion from an energy perspective. 


    Emotions can be very complex for kids, and they can’t always work out what’s happening because they don’t yet understand life or where they fit in society. If we are not used to being present with ourselves, we cannot hear ourselves. We cannot feel ourselves. We are literally absent and outside of ourselves. Self-mastery is the foundation of self resilience. With higher levels, kids get the opportunity to modify their identity. So if we go back to the “behaviourally challenged” children, or ones identifying as “dumb” or “slow” or “problem children,” they have the chance to reclaim their self-identity and transform. 


    However, not all weaknesses are bad or even need to be changed. Helping kids know their uniqueness, strengths, and knowing what they want to achieve in this lifetime, can work toward achievement. We're not all academic and we weren't all born to be academic. The system is one-fit-all, and that doesn't work in the way that enhances the diversity of the world that we live in because our world is becoming more and more diverse. 


    If they are capable of connecting to themselves emotionally first, and then socially, with resilience, compassion, and curiosity, we start seeing happier, healthier, and more confident children who grow into happier, healthier, and more confident adults.



    What You Will Learn:


    1. What led Lynn to studying psychology and developing her Resilience program, the Resilience Tutor.

    2. The foundational values of her program.

    How the Resilience Tutor helps kids become happier, healthier, and more confident in themselves, their life, and their place in society.

    The Marina Perry Podcast
    enApril 11, 2023

    96 - Client Spotlight Series: Caitlin's journey from armoured and anxious to confident and free

    96 - Client Spotlight Series: Caitlin's journey from armoured and anxious to confident and free

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Caitlin, someone Marina met through Pure Health Club who also participated in Dream Builder. She’s done the program multiple times, and started out as a PT. She now works as a confidence coach and has built her dream life thanks to the confidence and empowerment she built in her life. 


    Holistic health and nutrition has always been close to Caitlin’s heart, and as soon as she learned about Marina’s business and mission, she knew immediately she needed to work with her. She was very much focused on how she wasn’t good enough, and was living in a lot of fear. She felt like a complete fraud and didn’t know what she was doing. What led Caitlin to dive deep into her work with Marina and seek out Dream Builder was letting go of that fear and resistence.


    At that point, Caitlin was trapped in a defensive state, and the intimate groups of Dream Builder forced her to work through that resistance. She had no idea what she was doing or where she wanted to go in life, so the first Dream Builder planted seeds around self-sovereignty, awareness, and figuring out what she wanted. The second time, she was experiencing a lot of change in life, and the program got her to the otherside of that situation. The third time she took Dream Builder, she saw herself in a future she never considered and reached out to achieve that next level. 


    Dream Builder was the thing that allowed Caitlin to step in and own her next step in life. Listen now to hear more about what Dream Builder can do for you. 


    What You Will Learn:


    1. An inside look at Dream Builder
    2. Background on Caitlin and what brought her to the program
    3. How Dream Builder can benefit you
    The Marina Perry Podcast
    enFebruary 04, 2023

    95 - Client Spotlight Series: Lauren's journey from manipulative martyr to liberated self-love

    95 - Client Spotlight Series: Lauren's journey from manipulative martyr to liberated self-love

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Lauren, who has been on the show in the past, to discuss her experience with the growth work program, Dream Builder. Dream Builder is a three day workshop meant to help you reach your higher self and build your dream life. 

    Lauren is a sex and relationship therapist, a sex educator, and an adult entertainer. She loves to combine her fields to give people a safe space to explore their sexual expression. Lauren did Dream Builder back in 2015, when she was raising three kids and caring for her husband’s traumatic brain injury. She was also dealing with a lot of PTSD from dealing with her husband’s accident as well as child loss. 

    Dream Builder allowed Lauren to take radical responsibility for herself and her life, which was a huge game changer. After Dream Builder, Lauren had a fourth child and felt empowered enough to leave a relationship that was not serving her. Dream Builder allows you to let go of what’s not serving you, so despite Lauren’s relationship ending, her ex-husband is still in her life. They are best friends, he is one of her biggest supporters, and it is a much healthier relationship. You are worth the heartache and pain to change your life.   


    What You Will Learn:


    1. An inside look at Dream Builder
    2. Background on Lauren and what brought her to the program
    3. How Dream Builder can benefit you
    The Marina Perry Podcast
    enFebruary 01, 2023

    94 - Client Spotlight Series: Carol's journey from caged by her limits to exploring new horizons

    94 - Client Spotlight Series: Carol's journey from caged by her limits to exploring new horizons

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by her client, Carol to discuss her experience with Dream Builder. Dream Builder is not just about learning new things, but also learning about yourself through experience and self-discovery. The goal of Dream Builder is to reach to your higher self and build your dream life.


    Carol is originally from Ireland, and is a graphic designer, editor, and mother. She did dream builder in 2016 when she was feeling a bit lost in life. She wanted to find direction and purpose, but wasn’t sure where to go. If you feel stuck, change is what your system is calling for, so Carol signed up for Dream Builder. She had no idea what she was signing up for, she was new to Australia, and had a gut feeling that this was what she needed to do.


    Dream Builder is a fast-track degree in yourself. Learning how we personally do things, and how our minds work differently in the same situations. The program is very layered, designed to help you take accountability for your stuff and put you back in your power. It also helps us to step into compassion and change ourselves for the better.



    What You Will Learn:


    1. An inside look into the program, Dream Builder.
    2. Carol’s story on building her dream life. 
    3. How you can build your dream life through Dream Builder.
    The Marina Perry Podcast
    enJanuary 31, 2023

    93 - How Stress Serves Us. Breathwork, Cold Therapy & The Wim Hof Method w/ Benjamin Berry

    93 - How Stress Serves Us. Breathwork, Cold Therapy & The Wim Hof Method w/ Benjamin Berry

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined by Benjamin Berry to discuss breathwork and how it plays into healing and recovery. Benny has dedicated his professional career to assisting the community in times of need. From an Ocean Lifeguard, Underground Search & Rescue Team Leader and a Firefighter, he has been faced with some of the most challenging circumstances that can be presented to humans. 


    Through injury, Benny not only found the power to take his physical health into his own hands, but the ability to connect with the essence of what it is to be human. With breathwork and cold exposure guiding him, his life broadened from rolling through the motions of everyday living, to the expansion of discovering himself as his own man with the power to choose the life he wants to live.


    We breathe in oxygen and blow out carbon dioxide, and in exhaling, we’re influencing our blood and urinary system into going into a deep rest and repair state. Breathwork allows us to take control of our oxygen intake and be a catalyst to that repair cycle. Many people are unaware that our body is an ecosystem. We forget it’s not the one thing, it’s the overflow and bringing harmony to the system. There’s a pushback in using very powerful breathwork and playing with this tool because people are afraid of their own power.


    It's work, but it’s a different kind of work and you have this power within you. The conscious mind drifts aside and allows us to sit with ourselves. This allowed Benjamin to separate himself from his pain and injury and start to heal from within. It’s about the desired outcome and it’s a skillset that takes time and development. It’s incredibly accessible to everyone, whether you do it on your own or take classes and develop community.

    Benjamin highly recommends working with someone to guide you through the process, but it is work you can do on your own. He encourages listeners to look outside their normal archetype and play around with passion until you find answers. Listen now and learn more on what breathwork can do to help you discover your deeper self. 


    What You Will Learn:


    1. What breathwork is and how it can help stimulate healing.
    2. Background on Benjamin Berry and his journey.
    3. How to access your energy and discover your true path.


    Additional Links:






    Benny has dedicated his professional career to assisting the community in times of need. From an Ocean Lifeguard, Underground Search & Rescue Team Leader and a Firefighter, he has been faced with some of the most challenging circumstances that can be presented to humans. 


    Through injury, Benny not only found the power to take his physical health into his own hands, but the ability to connect with the essence of what it is to be human. With breathwork and cold exposure guiding him, his life broadened from rolling through the motions of everyday living, to the expansion of discovering himself as his own man with the power to choose the life he wants to live.


    Benny is a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and now works full time delivering workshops based on this method and other practices he has utilised throughout his career and his own journey of personal health and growth.


    My mission/message:

    To spread love and create community! It doesn't bother me how this is done - through exercise, meditation, mens/womens groups etc. In my case, I do it through breathwork and cold exposure, but I get just as amped joining other people on their journey of creating spaces where people can truly be themselves and feel powerful in doing it.

    92 - Candid Chats: Allowing Your Sexuality to Evolve w/ Lauren Violet

    92 - Candid Chats: Allowing Your Sexuality to Evolve w/ Lauren Violet

    This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina is joined once again by Lauren Violet for a second dive into the topic of sexuality, sexual trauma, and the ever-evolving relationship we have with sex. How sexually free we are is not directly related to how much sex we’re having, but rather how we approach the concepts of sex and sexuality.


    For Lauren, she was raised to view sex was for married people, not for pleasure or fun, and taking part in it outside of marriage was viewed as sinful. For most of her early life she abstained because that was what she thought she was supposed to do. As a teen, she indulged in other pleasures, but she knew she didn’t want to have a one-on-one relationship, get married, or have kids. She didn’t identify as monogamous, or even heterosexual, and many of her first sexual experiences were with women. 


    In her twenties, she fell in love with a man and explored a monogamous path. After the breakdown of that relationship, she abstained from sex despite having embraced it during the relationship and discovered she really enjoyed it. Her decision to abstain was a direct result from sexual trauma within that relationship. Sexual trauma, assault, and violation typically happen with someone you know and is not uncommon in domestic relationships. It happens across all genders, in all walks of life, all relationships, and we have to move through them. They are a part of our sexual evolution. 


    If you or someone you know is experiencing or dealing with an older experience, reach out to someone. There are people trained in sexual trauma that can help you through that experience. 


    As part of her evolution and healing, Lauren explored many different types of relationships before transitioning into an exclusive polyamorous relationship and then ultimately pivoting back to monogamy. An exclusive polyamorous relationship is between three or more people where all people involve are only dating each other. Relating and communication between partners is challenging whether you have one or multiple, and whether a relationship works or not is not based on the style, but on the effectiveness of the individual, communication, and emotional regulation. 


    There’s a fluidity to how we relate to one another that’s present even in couples. How our context evolves will change the trajectory of how we relate to others, and it’s important that we feel safe to explore the ebbs and flows of our evolution whichever way it takes us.  Exploring our own sexuality and embracing our natural evolution allows us to better connect with ourselves and our partner(s). Listen now to learn more about Lauren Violet, sexual evolution, and working through sexual trauma.

    What You Will Learn:


    1. Background of Lauren Violet and her experience with sex, sexuality, and sexual trauma.
    2. How sex, sexuality, and relationships are ever-evolving.
    3. Polyamory and the fluidity within all types of relationships.