
    45] Andrea Beniačová | "Pomáhať druhým mi dáva zmysel."

    en-auDecember 01, 2020
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    About this Episode

    Našou ďalšou legendou je Andrea Beniačová, ktorá vidí svoj zmysel v pomáhaní druhým. Hovorí, že najlepšie je začať s pomocou vo svojom okolí. Ona sama so svojím manželom vlani strávila tri mesiace na severe Thajska v sirotinci pre deti, ktoré sa narodili HIV pozitívne. Hovorili sme o tom ako práca dobrovoľníka v "Agape Home" vlastne vyzerá, koľko detí tam žije a či je čoho sa obávať pri kontakte s deťmi. Čo ju vlastne motivuje? Ak chcete vedieť ako môžete pomôcť aj vy, vypočujte si novú episodu Legend Element Podcastu o hrdinoch okolo nás. [ Moderuje: Naďa Uváčiková ] 

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    Recent Episodes from Legend Element Podcast

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    83] Markéta Kucharíková a Michal Benko | Půl roku dodávkou kolem Austrálie

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    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    82] Ondřej Lorenz | Lítání není nadlidskou schopností

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    81] Helaina Wright | "Scuba diving never let me down."

    81] Helaina Wright | "Scuba diving never let me down."

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    79] Ryan Parsons | "King of the Big Air" in the heart and soul

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    Flair Captures | Lifestyle Photographers
    Your lifestyle & adventure photographers based in Australian Sydney. Elopements, portraits and more!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    77] Daniel Vinkl | Sailing je sport na celý život

    77] Daniel Vinkl | Sailing je sport na celý život

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    76] Martin Cupák | "Windsurfing je důležitý faktor v mém životě."

    76] Martin Cupák | "Windsurfing je důležitý faktor v mém životě."

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    AirBuddy | Easy Tankless Diving
    AirBuddy is a compact dive gear that doesn’t require any heavy air tanks. Dive anywhere and anytime!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    75] Ursula Adams | About extreme trail-running and a greater sense of purpose

    75] Ursula Adams | About extreme trail-running and a greater sense of purpose

    Ursula Adams is an Australian extreme trail-runner and lover of rock climbing, mountain biking & hiking. In this episode we talk about her incredible running journey how she went from 5km to 100km in less than a year. We talk about importance of positive mindset, support of friends and how to overcome challenges. Listen to this “zero to hero” story of an inspiring and courageous woman who is now getting ready for 160km race through the mountains of Kosciuszko. When she decided to run this extreme competition, she also set a goal to do this run for a higher purpose and bring awareness to domestic violence and violence against women. Feel free to become part of her journey and join her survey "100 miles, 100 conversations"! [ Host: Marketa Melounova ]

    Flair Captures | Lifestyle Photographers
    Your lifestyle & adventure photographers based in Australian Sydney. Elopements, portraits and more!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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    74] Benny Mason | About mountain biking and taking risks in life

    74] Benny Mason | About mountain biking and taking risks in life

    Do you want to know where are the best mountain biking spots in Australia?  About this and more we talked with Benny Mason, an unstoppable Australian mountain biker. Benny has been riding for more than 20 years now and enjoys narrow single-tracks in the bush and jumps. We talked about the pure freedom and joy which brings this kind of sport, also about crashes and the importance of taking risks in life. As he said: “You have to live your life, you can’t protect yourself from life.” Benny also shared with us one of his worst falls which happened on a single-track while in Czech Republic.  [ Host: Marketa Melounova]

    Flair Captures | Lifestyle Photographers
    Your lifestyle & adventure photographers based in Australian Sydney. Elopements, portraits and more!

    Legend Element | Live Your Adventure
    Australian adventure movement. Follow your passion and anything is possible!

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