
    #451 - Derek Beres - Conspiracy Theories In New Age Cults

    enMarch 24, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The merging of conspiracy theories and spirituality: ConspiritualityDuring the pandemic, the convergence of conspiracy theories and spirituality, known as conspirituality, gained significant attention, diluting the meaning of 'conspiracy theories' and highlighting the seductive nature of beliefs and the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking.

      The convergence of conspiracy theories and spirituality, a phenomenon known as conspirituality, has become a pervasive dynamic on the internet, particularly in recent years. This overlap of beliefs, typically of new age varieties, was first academically coined in 2011 but gained significant traction during the pandemic. The term "conspiracy theory" has been diluted down to mean all manner of things, making it problematic and almost useless as a descriptor. Conspirituality can be traced back to the 19th century with the work of Emerson and Thoreau, but it's still a new concept that many are trying to understand. Despite its historical roots, the term gained significant attention during the pandemic, particularly due to the co-opting of the wellness and new age movement by far-right trolls and far-left spiritual yoga moms. This dynamic is a complex one, and it's important to recognize the seductive nature of conspiracy theories and the role that spirituality can play in shaping and spreading them. Understanding conspirituality can help us make sense of the information overload we're facing in today's world and the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in separating truth from fiction.

    • Historians face challenges in distinguishing truth from falsehood in conspiracy theoriesVulnerable individuals, especially those in spirituality and wellness communities, are susceptible to conspiracy theories due to isolation and lack of real-world connections and engagement in civics.

      The abundance of information and misinformation in today's digital age makes it challenging to distinguish truth from falsehood, especially in the context of conspiracy theories. Historians, like Dan, face this challenge when looking back at history, as sources can be skewed and unreliable. People without strong social support networks are particularly vulnerable to conspiracy theories, especially those in the spirituality and wellness communities who are isolated yet feel a false sense of security in their closed systems. The lack of real-world connections and engagement in civics can make individuals susceptible to conspiracy theories, which can have serious consequences when not viewed from a globalized perspective. The rise of social media platforms like Instagram has only amplified this issue.

    • Wellness community shift leads to spread of conspiracy theoriesThe wellness community's shift towards image-driven culture and distrust of mainstream news sources during the pandemic created an environment ripe for the spread of conspiracy theories, particularly anti-vaccine rhetoric.

      The wellness community, particularly on social media platforms, has seen a shift from deep philosophical discussions to an image-driven, lifestyle culture. This shift opened the door for conspiracy theories, such as QAnon, to infiltrate the community through hashtags and influencer networks. The first major conspiracy theory to gain traction was the belief that 5G technology caused COVID-19. However, this theory quickly faded as people's attention spans shifted to the next conspiracy. The real danger came with the anti-vaccine rhetoric, which aligned with the wellness community's belief in bodily sovereignty. This ideology, combined with the distrust of mainstream news sources during the pandemic, created a perfect storm for the spread of misinformation. Conspiracy theories often prey on the idea of having unique or exclusive knowledge, and this mentality is not new to the wellness community. It's essential to be aware of these common themes and agendas to protect ourselves from falling prey to misinformation and maintain a healthy, fact-based perspective.

    • Online groups can create polarized beliefsOnline groups can lead to a lack of trust and productive dialogue due to the formation of predictable beliefs and the difficulty in understanding individual nuances.

      The formation of online groups, fueled by the desire to belong and the seductive nature of in-group dynamics, can lead to the creation of polarized and predictable beliefs. These groups, which can span various political spectrums, often rely on the projection of certain avatars or expectations onto individuals, making it difficult for people to deviate from these preconceived notions. This can result in a lack of trust and productive dialogue, as well as an inability to understand the nuances of an individual's beliefs. The anonymity and convenience of social media exacerbate this phenomenon, making it essential for individuals to consider the potential consequences of their online actions and words. In essence, the allure of these online groups can create a false sense of connection and understanding, but it can also lead to a dangerous lack of nuance and empathy.

    • Online communication and sarcasm can lead to misunderstandings and fragile communitiesAvoid getting caught up in online arguments, engage in respectful dialogue, and remember that not everyone sees the world the same way.

      The use of sarcasm and group mentality online can lead to misunderstandings, fragile communities, and increased frustration. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the limitations of technology and communication, especially when dealing with diverse perspectives. The online world can make us feel morally superior through outrage and hate, but this approach does not lead to productive conversations or positive societal impact. Instead, it's crucial to remember that not everyone sees the world the same way and to engage in meaningful, respectful dialogue. The speaker's experience in journalism, music, and cryptocurrency, as well as his understanding of evolutionary psychology and biology, informs his perspective on these issues. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in the void of online arguments. Additionally, the speaker touched on the topic of America's perceived conspiratorial nature from an international perspective. He mentioned that their listenership is primarily from America, Canada, the UK, and Australia, and did not make a definitive statement about America being the most conspiratorial nation. However, he acknowledged the importance of understanding different perspectives and avoiding shouting into the void of the online world.

    • The Impact of Conspiracy Theories and Conspirituality in the Wellness IndustryPrivilege, lack of democracy, and jumping to conclusions based on limited information can fuel conspiracy theories and conspirituality in the wellness industry. Recognize that no one is an expert in everything, and be cautious of internal division and biased news sources.

      Conspiracy theories and conspirituality, particularly in the wellness industry, can be prevalent in countries with a large expat population or those perceived as less democratic. These beliefs often stem from a sense of privilege and the assumption that everyone should have the same access to certain lifestyle choices. The current political climate, with debates over masks, vaccines, and international conflicts, serves as a reminder of the importance of democracy and the dangers of jumping to conclusions based on limited information. Furthermore, it's crucial to recognize that no one is an expert in everything and that people, including influencers, can shift their focus and monetize new topics quickly. Lastly, the idea that internal division causes conflict is a common theme in conspiracy theories, with the belief that individuals or world leaders lack the necessary spiritual or emotional understanding to resolve issues. The term "mainstream media" is also questioned, as it may not accurately represent the complexities and biases within various news sources.

    • Media landscape's complexity and the role of media figuresSkepticism towards media figures shapes the standards for different outlets, requiring a critical approach to separate fact from fiction in the media environment.

      The media landscape is complex and diverse, with various entities having different incentives and standards. While established media outlets are expected to adhere to journalistic standards due to their history and resources, new media figures also play a significant role in shaping public discourse. The speaker's increased skepticism towards media figures, including corporate press and independent producers, stems from observing inconsistencies and errors from those in positions of power. This skepticism, in turn, affects the standards held for different media outlets. Ultimately, the media environment requires a discerning and critical approach to separate fact from fiction.

    • Admitting mistakes and showing humility in public discourseAuthentic conversations and focusing on issues are crucial for progress and healing, while admitting mistakes and learning from them is essential for personal and societal growth.

      The importance of admitting mistakes and showing humility, especially in public discourse, cannot be overstated. However, doing so can be challenging due to the consequences of being seen as weak or non-loyal by opposing sides or one's own. This issue is further complicated by the online discourse that often lacks forgiveness and is binary in nature. Conspiracy theories and spirituality cults offer a sense of in-group mentality and can potentially exploit new technologies like virtual reality to indoctrinate followers. The speaker emphasized the need for authentic conversations and focusing on issues rather than fixating on misinformation. Ultimately, the ability to admit mistakes and learn from them is crucial for progress and healing.

    • The spiritual appeal of conspiracy theoriesConspiracy theories' spiritual elements provide a sense of connection, control, and camaraderie, often overriding facts or evidence, leading to potential isolation and family strife.

      The spiritual element in conspiracy theories adds to their appeal by providing a sense of connection and camaraderie, which can be particularly seductive for those seeking purity and control over their bodies and thoughts. This feeling can override facts or scientific evidence, leading people to trust and even join online communities, despite potential negative consequences such as isolation and family strife. The use of spirituality in conspiracy theories is not new, with examples found in the terrain theory versus germ theory debate and historical cults. Even practices like yoga and Buddhism, which promote ego dissolution, can be co-opted in these communities due to the higher level of psychological needs they fulfill.

    • Seeking Comfort and Survival Mechanisms in Uncertain TimesDuring crises, people may turn to spirituality or conspiracy theories for comfort and survival mechanisms. Be aware of potential manipulation and indoctrination, especially during times of grief or significant life changes.

      During times of uncertainty and loss, people become more vulnerable to indoctrination and may seek comfort and survival mechanisms through various means, including spirituality and conspiracy theories. This is particularly true for those who have been accustomed to a high level of comfort and privilege, as the pandemic has shown us that what we consider our basic needs and survival thresholds can be taken away. Those who become conspiracy theory leaders often have a strong presence and communication skills, allowing them to effectively reach and influence others in times of instability. The line between spiritual exploration and conspiracy theories can be blurry, but it's important to be aware of the potential for manipulation and indoctrination, especially during times of grief or other significant life changes.

    • Maintaining humility and skepticism as creators on TikTokAcknowledge limits of knowledge, correct mistakes, and be discerning about who deserves attention and trust when creating content on TikTok.

      While platforms like TikTok can be addictive and a potential source of influence, particularly for those selling attention in the form of content or products, it's crucial to maintain a healthy skepticism and humility as creators. Unlike some influencers who may position themselves as authorities, it's essential to acknowledge the limits of our knowledge and correct any mistakes. Feedback from audiences can be challenging to manage as creators scale up, and it's essential to be discerning about who deserves our attention and trust. The distinction between creating content for value and creating content to manipulate or exploit is a crucial consideration for anyone engaging in the content creation economy.

    • The importance of genuine engagement and emotional connection in communicationEffective communication requires vulnerability, openness, and emotional connection. Performative ignorance or uncertainty hinders productive debates. Invite diverse perspectives and engage in respectful, open discussions to foster meaningful dialogue and learning.

      Genuine understanding and emotional connection are essential for effective communication and productive debates. The speaker shares his observation that some individuals, particularly those in the conspirituality realm, performatively display ignorance or uncertainty as a smokescreen, rather than genuinely engaging with the uncertainty or complexity of a topic. He emphasizes the importance of vulnerability and openness, as exemplified by figures like Lex Friedman, who connect emotionally with their own ignorance and are willing to learn from others. The speaker also highlights the value of inviting diverse perspectives into discussions and engaging in respectful, open debates, which he has found to be rare in the conspirituality sphere. Overall, the speaker's message is that genuine engagement and emotional connection are crucial for meaningful dialogue and learning.

    • Exploring the Effectiveness of Sarcasm and Confrontation in Online DiscourseWhile sarcasm and confrontation can engage audiences and grow a following, they can also limit productive conversations. Finding ways to communicate effectively and respectfully is crucial for meaningful engagement online.

      The use of sarcasm and confrontational tactics in online discourse can be effective in engaging audiences and growing a following, but it can also limit the ability to have meaningful and productive conversations. The speaker, who has an academic background in religion, values the ability to connect with others through shared understanding, but finds it challenging to do so in the low attention span mediums of social media. The speaker also discusses the debate over the effectiveness of deplatforming in curtailing the growth of controversial creators, and shares their observation that some influencers intentionally use threats of deplatforming as a way to build anticipation and grow their following on alternative platforms. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding ways to communicate effectively and respectfully, even in the face of disagreement and adversity.

    • Content creators using mainstream platforms to funnel audiences to less regulated spacesContent creators using mainstream platforms to spread misinformation and offensive content, raising ethical questions about responsibility and regulation.

      Some content creators use mainstream platforms like YouTube and Twitter as a front end to funnel audiences to less regulated platforms like Telegram, where they may share controversial or offensive content. This raises ethical questions about the responsibility of these content creators and the role of social media platforms in regulating harmful speech. It's also challenging to ensure consistency and transparency across different platforms. Furthermore, the concept of an ethical cult is debatable, as power dynamics and competing interests can make it difficult to maintain ethical practices as groups grow in size. Ultimately, while freedom of speech is important, it's crucial to consider the potential harm caused by misinformation and offensive content. It's a complex issue that requires ongoing dialogue and collaboration between content creators, social media platforms, and users.

    • Finding balance in group experiences and avoiding extremismBe mindful of group dynamics and avoid pushing personal agendas, while promoting open-mindedness and dialogue to prevent ideological extremes.

      The use of the term "cult" can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to group experiences that can be powerful but should not cross the line into spiritual or ideological territory. The speaker, who has experience as a group fitness instructor, emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between leading an experience and not trying to take it out of the room and attract larger audiences. The speaker also discusses the idea of horseshoe theory, which suggests that the far left and far right are not as different as they may seem and that both sides can become increasingly dug in and unwilling to engage with opposing ideas. While the policies of the left and right can be vastly different, the sentiment of becoming more ideologically entrenched and unwilling to engage with diverse perspectives is a common thread. It's important to be aware of this trend and strive for open-mindedness and dialogue, rather than censorship or extremism.

    • The Anti-Vaccination Movement's Evolution and Crossover BeliefsThe anti-vaccination movement has expanded beyond vaccine skepticism to include anti-mask sentiments, mask efficacy skepticism, and even tactical training and armed preparedness, forming new communities and subcultures on the internet.

      The current societal landscape is witnessing a complex interplay of sentiment and policy, with various ideologies and movements merging in unexpected ways. The anti-vaccination movement serves as a notable example, as it has evolved from a stance against vaccines to encompass anti-mask sentiments, skepticism towards mask efficacy, and even tactical training and armed preparedness. This convergence of seemingly disparate beliefs has led to the emergence of new communities and subcultures, some of which can be considered cult-like in nature, albeit without a clear charismatic leader. The Internet, as a platform for the dissemination of these ideas, has played a significant role in facilitating these connections and crossovers. For those interested in staying informed about these developments, Derek Barris's website (derekbarris.com) and podcast (conspirituality.net) are valuable resources.

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    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality
    Rob Kurzban is a psychologist and an author. What is morality? Why did it come about? Have humans always had it? Is it universal or temporary? Does it exist as a truth independent of humanity or is it entirely contingent on our culture? Expect to learn the evolutionary psychology of abortion policy, where the evolution of morality came from, the best examples of modern moral rules you might not think about, the biggest issues with being a moral hypocrite, the role that reputation plays in judging someone’s morality, how wisdom can help us overcome our biological hardware and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at https://plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

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    An Archetypal Mosaic Interview Exclusive with the leading authority on Jewish mysticism and translator of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Professor Daniel C. Matt.

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    Daniel C. Matt is a leading authority on Jewish mysticism. For twenty years, he served as Professor at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He has also taught at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Matt is the author of The Essential Kabbalah (1995), God and the Big Bang (1996), and Zohar: Annotated and Explained (2002). He is the translator of the complete The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, available via Amazon.com in both regular and limited collector's editions. A digital version will be available soon. 


    Host Website: MikhailTank.com


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