
    About this Episode

    This week Daniel (Stormraige23_hs) and Jack (Maione) Johnson are back without poor old Lord Gribas who is off in Scottland enjoying... Scottish things. This week's talking points include: Post Nerf Decks on the rise, Jack's awkward theatre stories, Jack's Corner, Best Comeback of all time, Card Talk: What card is most likely to smoke weed? and we end with many many shout outs to incredible members of the community.

    Recent Episodes from Blizzlet: Hearthstone

    #338 Ur Mom's a 2 Cost Box

    #338 Ur Mom's a 2 Cost Box

    This week we talk about all of the fun Demon Hunter, the pretty strong Shaman cards, and the absolute busted crazy the nuts priest. It's... Woof what a time. 

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    # 337 Hoards, Wh*res, and Horus

    # 337 Hoards, Wh*res, and Horus

    While the cat is away the mice will... still talk a suprising amount of Hearthstone?! Boy howdy, this week we sure did talk about stuff. This will indeed be one of the episodes of all time. So strap in, starp on, and strap up to have a listen...but also lower your expectations. Plz. 

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    Blizzlet: Hearthstone (@blizzlet) / X (twitter.com)

    #336 The Usual Amount Of Hearthstone

    #336 The Usual Amount Of Hearthstone

    This week we get back to our normal episodes with much less Hearthstone talk. There's only a few cards to talk about but we go HEAVY on them. We talk about each of the three brand new cards and WE ALSO HAVE NEW BUMPERS!!!

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    #335 Whiz or Bang?!

    #335 Whiz or Bang?!

    This week there is SO MUCH NEWS!!!!!

    We start by talking about the year of the pegasus

    Then we talk about rotation and core

    Then we talk about all the BGs update


    That's... a lot...

    It's our longest episode ever... for very good reason. 

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    #334 Sendmeyourangrytweets (Ft. HapaBear)

    #334 Sendmeyourangrytweets (Ft. HapaBear)

    This week HapaBear joins us for a delightful and silly time. We talk about the state of BGs learn from Hapa, and talk about some real dumb twitter drama. 

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    #333 No Hinges Here

    #333 No Hinges Here

    This week it's just Stormraige and Smarms left unsupervised and the amount of chaos that happens this episode just... can't be contained or explained in any way shape or form. If this is your last episode listening to us thank you for sticking with us this long. 

    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    Lubb is in the air

    Lubb is in the air

    This week the crew talk about the barely still alive esport scene, the mini set meta, RIP to lubber, some of the cool new shop offerings, play Hearthstone Actually, and wrap it up with a Roll With It that Stormraige definitely wins. 


    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    RIP Duels

    RIP Duels

    This week the whole crew discusses the newest teaser for the Hearthstone mini set, Stormraige is a negative nancy about duels is shut down, and... it's a whole lot of not talking about Hearthstone this week if we're honest. It's very much a not hearthstone week. 


    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all

    Hearthstoner? I hardly know her

    Hearthstoner? I hardly know her

    This week Stormraige, Lore, and Smarms talk about all the different holidays plans they had.  Then they talk about how Smarms steals Stormraige's luck for Hearthstone and how he couldn't win if it meant saving his life. Then we play some new games! They're super fun! Maybe? Maybe.


    Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe

    Theme Song By: Se7enist. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5kmsQa4jBfiUwWLqOp64GX?si=eDCcsCUuRzOqvHqtKyarLA


    Blizzlet Merch: https://blizzlet.myspreadshop.com/all