
    47: Sound and Light Therapy: Heath Benefits & How They Work with Gail Lynn

    enSeptember 06, 2021

    About this Episode


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    Are you ready to heal your body or reconnect with your spirit?


    This week, Drew has a dynamic conversation with Gail Lynn all about modalities for healing. Gail Lynn is a rebel, visionary, and weaver of information. As a published author and the inventor of the Harmonic Egg™, Gail is here to share the power of sound and light as a therapy. 


    If you feel as though you lost your control through events such as sexual assault or even receiving a vaccine that you didn’t feel control over receiving, Gail shares an exercise you can do to gain back your control and empower yourself. 


    Whether you are working on reducing the time you spend with your black mirror or want to gain overall well, there is something here for you! In this episode, Gail and Drew talk through creative ways to reduce your screen time, what supplement to take to remove heavy metals or parasites, and unique morning routines to ground into your higher self. 


    There is a great deal of false information and misleading insight, Gail and Drew discuss how to feed through what’s out there ways and how to discern more for yourself. In this revolutionary period, energies are running wild. Gail offers up tools to protect yourself as an empath during this time. Always remember, love and joy are possible my friend!


    Key Ideas & Topics:


    -3 different types of healers: What they do and how to detect which one your healer may be.


    -Using music and light to induce meditation, healing, and inner peace.


    -Declaration of sovereignty to take your personal control back. 


    -The impact of having the COVID vaccine versus not being vaccinated.


    -Vaccine shedding- what this is, and how it shows up in your body and your life.


    -Morning rituals to help you stay optimal and connected to the other realms outside of this third density.


    -How to overcome the fear of not being able to travel any longer.



    “It's a shame that so many people are convinced just because somebody has got a white coat.” (24:14, Drew)


    “The nonverbal communication is such a blessing in my life.” (26:13, Gail)


    “We have to have caution in following or like listening to anybody. You are your own health advocate.” (34:15, Drew)


    “You need to start listening to your intuition. The cream will rise to the top, but, we're going to have to be more discerning.” (37:18, Gail)


    “You can't fear death because you're beyond death. You are literally eternal, infinite being created here to help humanity.” (44:40, Drew) 


    Further Resources/Links:

    Learn more about the Harmonic Egg Here:



    Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

    Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living by Barbara Marciniak


    Song: If I Were Brave by Jana Stanfield



    Where You Can Connect with Gail Lynn:


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    Recent Episodes from Drew and You Podcast

    83: 11 Simple Ways To Form Rock Solid Habits And Transform Your Life

    83:  11 Simple Ways To Form Rock Solid Habits And Transform Your Life

    In today's podcast, Drew Canole shares 11 profound ways to form rock solid habits and transform your life into anything you want it to be.

    1.  Start small: When forming new habits, it's important to start with small, manageable steps. For example, if you're trying to improve your physical health, starting with just a few steps or walking a short distance each day can be a great way to build momentum and stay motivated. The same can be applied to other areas of life, such as drinking more water or practicing gratitude. By starting with small steps, you can build up to bigger changes over time.

    2.  Track your progress: Keeping track of your progress can be a great way to stay motivated and see the progress you're making. Whether it's tracking the number of steps you take each day or the number of pages you read in a book, tracking your progress can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep going.

    3.  Make your habit harder to break: Setting reminders and removing temptations can make it easier to stick to new habits. For example, setting out your gym clothes the night before or removing junk food from your home can help you stay on track. Additionally, reminding yourself of your "why" - the reason you started the habit in the first place - can help you stay motivated when things get tough.

    4.  Celebrate small successes: Celebrating small successes can help keep you motivated and make the habit more enjoyable. Whether it's treating yourself to a spa day or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your progress, celebrating small successes can help you stay on track and build momentum.

    5.  Establish rituals and routines: Establishing rituals and routines can help you build habits more easily. For example, journaling in the morning, getting outside for some sun, or playing an instrument at the same time each day can help you build habits that become a natural part of your routine.

    6.  Visualize it: Visualizing your success can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Creating a mental picture of what success looks like can help you stay motivated and keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

    7.  Be consistent and patient: Building habits takes time, so it's important to be patient and consistent. Remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and that it's okay to take things slow and steady.

    8.  Seek support from others: Surrounding yourself with supportive people can make it easier to build new habits. Whether it's finding a coach or mentor or simply sharing your goals with a friend or loved one, having support and encouragement can make a big difference in staying on track.

    9.  Take breaks when needed: It's important to take breaks and avoid burnout when building new habits. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to exhaustion and make it harder to stick to your goals over time. Remember to take care of yourself and find balance in your life.

    10.  Unplug from tech once a week: Taking a break from technology can be a great way to recharge and focus on yourself. Whether it's taking a day off from social media or unplugging from email for a day, finding time to disconnect can be an important part of building healthy habits.

    11.  Have a weekly check-in: Having a regular check-in with a partner, friend, or mentor can help keep you accountable and on track. Whether it's a business or health check-in, having someone to hold you accountable and offer support can make it easier to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

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    Get 20% off Organifi products at www.Organifishop.com by using the code DREW

    82: Discover Your Inner Artist: 10 Easy Techniques to Unlock Your Creative Side

    82:  Discover Your Inner Artist: 10 Easy Techniques to Unlock Your Creative Side

    In today's show, Drew Canole discusses how to increase creativity and connect with oneself and a higher power, leading to relaxation, motivation, and healing. He emphasizes the importance of reframing situations to put oneself in a state of elation and encourages seeing the world through the eyes of wonder to feel more connected, make wiser decisions, and experience more joy.

    Drew provides ten ways to achieve this state of wonder and awe. First, he suggests waking up and appreciating the world around youself, seeing with "wow" goggles, and meditating or praying all day long. 

    Second, he recommends getting uncomfortable and trying something new, such as buying a ticket to a random destination at the airport. 

    Third, he advises seeking out inspiring people who make one uncomfortable, humbling oneself, sparking conversations with strangers, and creating a vision board.

    Fourth, Drew highlights the power of music, finding inspiring music that impacts emotions, and drops one into the heart. They say music soothes even the savage beast, and although this sounds like a no-brainer, it really can make a huge difference in your life.  Choose the soundtrack of your life.  Don't let it be cars honking, words of complaining coworkers, or worse, the news!

    Fifth, he recommends reading books and viewing oneself as a student to learn something new every day. 

    Sixth, Drew suggests taking time off from technology, spending time in nature, and doing breath-work to tap into what is real. 

    Seventh, he encourages following one's dreams and avoiding being a cookie-cutter cog in the matrix for someone else.

    Eighth, Drew emphasizes the importance of learning something new every day, studying things one never understood, and opening up to AI. 

    Ninth, he suggests taking a trip, breaking out of a routine, and connecting with nature. 

    Lastly, Drew advises breaking out of a groundhog day mentality and seeing through the eyes of wonder.

    Throughout the podcast, Drew highlights the benefits of reframing one's perspective, practicing gratitude, and approaching life with a sense of wonder. By following these ten steps, he believes that one can achieve a more fulfilling, creative, and connected life.

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    81: The Secret Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise & The Power Of Visualization

    81:  The Secret Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise & The Power Of Visualization

    In today's podcast, Drew emphasizes the importance of exercise for mental health, and how physical activity can help regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Drew explains that exercising releases serotonin and dopamine, two essential neurochemicals that help regulate mood, and that a simple 30-minute exercise routine can boost serotonin levels by up to 80%.

    He recommends low-intensity cardio in Zone 2, which is an inclined walking pace that maintains an average heart rate of 115 beats per minute. Drew suggests that this form of exercise is excellent for mental health because it promotes a sense of accomplishment and well-being, which can translate into better decision-making in other aspects of life, such as work and relationships.

    Drew also stresses the importance of a vision board, which is a tool that can help people visualize their goals and stay motivated. He explains that vision boards can help people access their unconscious mind and tap into their innermost desires, which can be a powerful force for change. Drew shares his personal experience with a vision board, explaining that he didn't see any real results from his workouts until he started using a vision board to focus on his goals.

    In addition to exercise and visualization techniques, Drew also emphasizes the importance of mindfulness practices such as meditation, breath-work, and spending time in nature. He explains that these practices can help people stay focused on their goals, reduce stress and anxiety, and make better decisions about their health and well-being. Drew also recommends spending time with pets, as he believes that they can have a positive impact on our energetic body and help us connect with nature on a deeper level.

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    80: The Power Of Merciful Forgiveness, & 6 Ways To Stimulate The Parasympathetic Nervous System

    80:  The Power Of Merciful Forgiveness, & 6 Ways To Stimulate The Parasympathetic Nervous System

    This episode is about forgiveness and the amazing gifts that open up to us when we "let go and let God."  Drew shares his story of overcoming a traumatic childhood filled with abuse, drugs, and violence.  Drews tells of his heartbreaking experience when his father burned him with cigarettes for not putting his shoes on fast enough, left him outside to sleep in the rain, and stabbed his sister in the eye with a fork. 
    Despite the challenges he faced at such a young age, Drew managed to turn forgiveness into a superpower that has helped him heal and transform his life.

    Drew begins by explaining the psychological stages of forgiveness. He notes that the first step in forgiving someone is to acknowledge what they did and that it was wrong. The next step is to make the decision to forgive them, and then work on empathy by trying to understand why they did what they did. Drew suggests that sometimes people hurt others because they are themselves hurt, and that understanding this can help in the process of forgiveness. He emphasizes that forgiving someone does not mean justifying their actions or excusing them, but rather choosing to let go of the anger, sadness, and resentment associated with the pain.

    Drew explains that forgiveness can lead to special gifts and experiences, and shares a personal example:   He used to have a recurring dream about a monster that was very scary. Eventually, he realized that the monster represented his abusive father. Once he forgave his father, the monster in his dreams became friendly and the nightmares ceased. Drew notes that trauma can be fuel for transformation, and that waking up during the dream was a one of the supernatural gifts.

    Drew also stresses the importance of forgiving oneself, especially for people who struggle with addiction or negative self-talk. He notes that we also need to forgive family members, and suggests that reaching out to them to apologize or to let forgive them can be very healing.

    The podcast episode provides scientific evidence for the benefits of forgiveness. Drew explains that forgiveness can reduce anxiety and cortisol, improve mental health and emotional wound healing, and even improve physical health by lowering blood pressure. He notes that forgiveness can also increase trust and optimism, and lead to longer life and positive emotions.

    To help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, Drew suggests a few exercises, including deep breathing, singing or humming, gargling water, cold therapy (such as cold showers or immersing your face in cold water), and using a chi machine or doing wall sits. Drew emphasizes that forgiveness can also increase our "I am safe vibes," which can lead to even more benefits.

    Overall, the podcast episode offers a powerful message about the transformative power of forgiveness, and provides practical exercises and scientific evidence to support the benefits of forgiveness.

    Listen to Ho'oponopono Meditation for Healing, Forgiveness & Sleep here https://youtu.be/V8RpkTpP3gM

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    Share your feedback about this episode on instagram https://www.instagram.com/drewcanole/


    Drew and You Podcast
    enApril 17, 2023

    79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein

    79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein

     0:55 "I've always loved eyes.  Looking at people's eyes it's just, amazing.  So adding iridology where you can look at the iris and the sclerology being able to tell a lot about people's health, it was really eye opening for me."

     11:07 "We grow a lot of our own food, we source it locally from organic farmers. What you eat is 80% of your healing.  You're investing in your health or taking away from it."

    20:38 "My dad always had brown eyes... and then he had a heart attack and started juicing.  He has green eyes now.  When you start juicing you start pulling toxins out."

    32:11 "I'm a holistic practitioner, so I don't just look at eyes.  I've been very blessed that I can consider nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle."



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    78: Healing Journeys & The Truth About Main Stream Psychedelic Journeys

    78:  Healing Journeys & The Truth About Main Stream Psychedelic Journeys

    8:10 "It was almost like I couldn't be silent anymore.  I couldn't NOT speak.  There was a day when I just reached my tipping point."

    18:20 "I think for each of us it's different.  I just happen to be like, I'm someone who's always had a strong constitution.  I want to know the truth, I want to know the reality, even if it's uncomfortable, even if it's really heavy or difficult."

    33:45 "When I feel LIFE on something, that is an indication for me to take a step in that direction."

    54:11 "Everybody likes to talk about the great reset, and then there's the great awakening.  That's kind of like the counter to that.  We want to be part of the great awakening.  We want to resist this and counter that and instead come into truth and light and love."

    1:13:22 "Consciousness is the final frontier.  They talk about space out there, what they're really interested is not outer space, it's inner space.  They still do not understand consciousness, and they need to in order to build AI."

     1:22:19 "God created our minds.  He created our bodies, he created our consciousness to operate in certain ways.  He gave us a gate.  When you're in these altered states, that gate is down, and you're very susceptible to the spirit world."


    instagram jessie_thethinker

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enApril 03, 2023

    77: Raw Communication and Honesty With Chase Ramey

    77:  Raw Communication and Honesty With Chase Ramey

    1:27 "Right now i have a pre-breakfast breath practice, where i'm taking ten inhalations, as deep as i can, two thirds through the belly, one third through the chest."

    8:54 "It's the difference between the teacher and the mentor.  The mentor is somebody who's lived it.  They've experienced it.  They probably have both left brain and right brain wisdom and knowledge, but they're not just a default to what code and curriculum would suggest. "

    16:12 "I knew in her eyes that it was over.  So I didn't try to salvage.  So I said fine, I'm out of here."  

    23:28 "I'm a firm believer that everything in life should be a relationship, and let's get as raw and vulnerable as possible."

    34:30 "As an entrepreneur, how do I bring that element of play and get familiar with it such that it's almost like a tool in my tool belt, and merge it with the highly productive lanes of life that I exist in?"

    46:13 "I think for a lot of women it's "is what I'm doing enough? Is this okay and is it enough for you?"



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    76: NAET Allergy Elimination & Chinese Medicine With Valerie Jakobsen

    76:  NAET Allergy Elimination & Chinese Medicine With Valerie Jakobsen

    5:10 "I guess I've never used the word healer at the beginning to think of myself.  However, I was certainly on a healing journey."  

    14:00 "If you really come to the truth of the reality that you are loved and that your boundaries are in tact, you don't need to outsource your power..."

    24:10 "Suffering is the disconnection and the disallowance of what is here on this plane, what we signed up for. It can be navigated very wisely when we have that connection.  The right resources will show up."

    36:15 "We believe very strongly in deep, deep levels of intimacy.  Which is why we love monogamous relationships.  The deeper you go down, the more you see the divine."

    51:10 "there's this level of selection of food and supplements that can be used when one is embodied.  Before that point, I think it's important to have a guide."



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    75: Introduction To New German Medicine With Melissa Sell & Steven Ravnstag

    75:  Introduction To New German Medicine With Melissa Sell & Steven Ravnstag

    Melissa and Steve join Drew to talk about German New Medicine, also known as Germanic Healing Knowledge, which was started by Dr. Hamer.  Dr. Hamer noticed a pattern that a specific conflict preceded the development of specific types of cancer. He also discovered five biological laws of nature after reviewing 10,000 patient cases. 

    A conflict shock is something that catches an individual off guard, and the body always does something that is sensible and meaningful in response. The body's adaptation can be traced back to a conflict shock if the response occurred absent an injury, deficiency, or poisoning.



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    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.

    Drew and You Podcast
    enMarch 13, 2023

    74: Staying Healthy & Free As The Global Powers Close In With Kyle Kingsbury

    74:  Staying Healthy & Free As The Global Powers Close In With Kyle Kingsbury

    We'll resume after the holidays on January 3rd everyone!  


    2:25 "Anything that could harmonize my body, which is the tuning fork, would allow me to soften and accept what's going on in the world."

    4:26 "Corporations run this country. "

    8:27 "It's not so you can download a movie in 3 seconds. It's so they can monitor you."


    12:14 "That was conspired by the deep state..."


    17:31 "My path is one that marries the old indigenous way of living with the modern."


    27:17 "Your spine is what holds everything together, and if I'm not holding myself together mentally, that will show up in my spine."



    How to eat, move and be healthy - Paul Chek
    the nourishing traditions book of child and baby care - Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon
    Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil - Paul Levy
    Easy Strength: How to Get a Lot Stronger Than Your Competition-And Dominate in Your Sport - Dan John and Pavel Tsatsouline


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    Drew and You Podcast
    enDecember 20, 2021