
    About this Episode

    Sometimes you need to change inside yourself for your manifesting to take flight. And, sometimes you need to change your outside world. Figure out what YOUR inner/outer ratio is. If your manifesting isn’t working, chances are you need to listen to this episode that explains where you should actually be focusing your energy. Take your manifesting to the next level with at Flowdreaming.com.

    Recent Episodes from Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo

    BONUS: The Beautifully Broken: An Episode About Hope and Healing with Freddie Kimmel

    BONUS: The Beautifully Broken: An Episode About Hope and Healing with Freddie Kimmel
    Today’s episode is a powerful story of hope and healing. Freddie Kimmel’s life exploded when a series of chronic illnesses swept through him. When so many people would give up, instead, he went all in, into a world of alternative therapies and healing that totally transformed his health and life. Now, he guides others in their “What do I do now?!” journey after a diagnosis. Freddie and I talk about how to begin your healing journey, and what can you expect along the way as you heal emotionally, energetically, mentally and spiritually…as well as physically. Find Freddy at and be sure to check out his podcast “The Beautifully Broken.”

    724: Special Series -  Underearning Empaths

    724: Special Series -  Underearning Empaths
    Get deep with me into why empaths and Highly Sensitive People tend to undervalue and under-earn their truth worth. Let’s break this pattern and use Flow and energy to shatter the ceiling of under-earning. Leave this episode with a definite energy shift and feel confident in reaching your next income level.  For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.

    723: The Wild and Wonderful Sisterhood of Weird

    723: The Wild and Wonderful Sisterhood of Weird
    Pretend for a second that the weirdest thing about you is the absolute best thing about you. For example, your social anxiety? Golden. Your tendency to overshare? Brilliant! Your fascination with neatly folding all your socks? Incredible. Today we’re going on an exploration in our minds where we look at something we think are positively weird or alienating about ourselves and strive to see it through a whole new lens. If you were the kid who always felt left out, uninvited, made fun of, or otherwise learned to hide parts of yourself…then let’s reclaim them with love and wonder. Today, we play with reframing feelings about yourself so you can see what a treasure you are.  For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on Youtube, or download the Flowdreaming app.

    BONUS: Becoming Magnetic: Manifest Deep, Authentic Love  with Emyrald Sinclaire

    BONUS: Becoming Magnetic: Manifest Deep, Authentic Love  with Emyrald Sinclaire
    How do you become absolutely magnetic…irresistible to a perfect loving partner? It starts within, at least that’s what my guest Emyrald Sinclaire believes. She’s a love and manifestation coach, and today we pull back the covers on the ease and flow of finding your perfect partner. And if you’re already in a partnership, we’ve got some tips for you, too. Learn about soulmates, masculine and feminine energy, and how your own personal growth journey affects your relationships. Learn more about Emyrald Sinclaire  and check out her podcast, Manifest it ALL (Abundance. Love. Life of Your Dreams).

    722: Let’s Flowdream to Unlock More Love in Your Life

    722: Let’s Flowdream to Unlock More Love in Your Life
    Today we do a live Flowdream to unleash more love in your life. Feel the connection, intimacy, and genuine love for both yourself and others washing through you. You are deserving, worthy, and able to be fully seen, loved, and adored. But, that starts with you, IN you. Come feel your inner worth and love. And, if this tickets you, check out the Flowdreamign Mastermind at https://flowdreaming.com/flow-mastermind/

    721: My Bright Red Aura

    721: My Bright Red Aura
    Does the color of your aura really matter? And can a camera actually catch it on film? I hope you laugh and enjoy this playful take on a pretty unnerving experience in my life….the day that captured MY red aura and the semi-meltdown that ensued… Visit me at .com for my blog, free guided downloads, and more.

    BONUS:  Balanced, Abundant and Beautiful with Rebecca Whitman

    BONUS:  Balanced, Abundant and Beautiful with Rebecca Whitman
    What does "life imbalance" actually look like? Do you think you'd just "know it when you see it?" My guest Rebecca Whitman shares her 7 Pillars of Abundance and how attending to each can help reset your inner world and get you back to feeling good again. Learn about the Elegant Warrior, the importance of routines and practices, and more as Rebecca shares her wisdom on crafting happy, balanced life. Be sure to check out her podcast “Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant” and visit her website for some yummy gifts:

    720: Potent Ways to Grow Your Inner Worth Practically Overnight

    720: Potent Ways to Grow Your Inner Worth Practically Overnight
    We all assign ourselves a value… a value in the marketplace, a value to others, a value to the world, and a value to ourselves. Usually, we’ve never even looked at or thought about what we’re “worth.” In this episode, we’ll peek into our worth and adjust it upward as needed. Prepare to feel better about yourself and your life than you’ve felt in a long time. For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on YouTube, or download the Flowdreaming app.

    719: 4 Signs You’re Disconnected from Your Power and How to Get It Back

    719: 4 Signs You’re Disconnected from Your Power and How to Get It Back
    Feeling powerless, frustrated, stuck? These are all indicators that your inner power has gone missing. Let’s find it again (or simply just pop it up)! Your inner power is the fuel for your life. YOU set the tone for your day. YOU let the world reflect itself back to you, not the other way around. Today we pump up your inner power, energy, and flow! For more insights or to learn how to Flowdream for free, visit , visit Flowdreaming on YouTube, or download the Flowdreaming app.

    BONUS: What’s It Like to Be a “Psychologist Medium?” with Guest  Dr. Amy Robbins

    BONUS: What’s It Like to Be a “Psychologist Medium?” with Guest  Dr. Amy Robbins
    Explore the overlap of death, surrender, psychology, and mediumship in this special interview with “Life, Death & the Spaces in Between” podcast host and clinical psychologist Dr. Amy Robbins. We dig deep into how mediumship and intuition influences people’s decisions and the strange, potent beauty that comes from integrating these into a therapeutic setting. Visit  for more or check out her podcast, "Life, Death & the Space Between."