
    #490 - Andreas Antonopoulos

    en-usApril 22, 2014
    How does Bitcoin enable instant transactions without prior arrangements?
    What are the tax implications of investing in Bitcoin?
    What lesson does the Mt. Gox case teach about cryptocurrency security?
    How are charities using Bitcoin for charitable giving?
    In what ways can social media enhance Bitcoin donations?

    • Revolutionizing Transactions with CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrencies enable instant, small transactions without prior arrangements or accounts, revolutionizing how we connect and transact. However, investors must consider tax implications as the IRS taxes Bitcoin as a commodity.

      Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offer a means of exchange that enables small, instant transactions without the need for prior arrangements or accounts. This direct and accessible method of transferring value has the potential to revolutionize how we connect and transact with others, especially when considering the large and growing number of significant transactions taking place. However, it's essential to understand the tax implications, as the IRS now taxes Bitcoin as a commodity, requiring the tracking of purchase and sale prices for capital gains calculations. Despite its volatility, some investors may still find value in cryptocurrencies as a part of a diversified portfolio, acknowledging the risks involved.

    • Bitcoin: A Long-Term InvestmentApproach Bitcoin as a long-term investment, prioritize security, and stay informed about market developments to mitigate risks and potential losses.

      Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not toys for day trading or quick profits. The market is highly volatile and unpredictable, leading most people to end up buying high and selling low, resulting in significant losses. Instead, Bitcoin should be treated as a long-term investment. Another important point is the history of Mount Gox, an early Bitcoin exchange. Originally designed for trading Magic the Gathering cards, it became one of the biggest Bitcoin exchanges but was not secure and was eventually hacked, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. This incident underscores the importance of security in the world of cryptocurrencies. In the early days of Bitcoin, there was no established price discovery mechanism, making it even more volatile. Prices fluctuated wildly, and the market was subject to manipulation and speculation. However, the introduction of larger exchanges and increased regulation has brought more stability to the market. Overall, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies present both opportunities and risks. It's essential to approach them with a long-term investment mindset, prioritize security, and stay informed about market developments.

    • The Mt. Gox Bitcoin heist response contrasted with traditional bank heistsThe Mt. Gox Bitcoin heist response differed from traditional bank heists due to the absence of a manhunt for the perpetrators, reflecting the nature of white-collar crimes and the centralized nature of Bitcoin storage.

      Despite the massive scale of the Mt. Gox Bitcoin heist, estimated to be between $500 million and $800 million, the response was significantly different from traditional bank heists. The speaker noted the absence of a manhunt for the perpetrators, comparing it to the infamous UK bank robbery involving Lee Murray, a mixed martial arts fighter involved in a high-profile heist with full military gear. However, the speaker pointed out that the Mt. Gox heist was not unique, as many banks fail and money disappears without significant manhunts due to the nature of white-collar crimes. The speaker also noted that Mt. Gox did not have individual Bitcoin accounts for users, instead collecting all Bitcoin into one large account, which is a common instinct towards centralized banking systems but can leave users vulnerable.

    • The Dangers of Centralized Control in BitcoinThe Mt. Gox case highlights the risks of centralized control in Bitcoin, where one man's failure to implement proper security measures and regulatory checks led to a massive theft. Decentralized Bitcoin offers a solution by eliminating the need for a central authority and reducing the risk of large-scale theft.

      The concentration of large amounts of money in the hands of individuals or institutions can lead to corruption and mismanagement. The Mt. Gox case serves as a cautionary tale of what can happen when an online Bitcoin exchange, controlled by one man, failed to implement proper security measures and regulatory checks, resulting in a massive theft. Mark Karpeles, or "Big Fat Face," as he was derisively called, was a well-intentioned entrepreneur who provided a crucial service in the early days of Bitcoin by establishing a marketplace for its trading. However, he was overwhelmed by the growing market and lacked the expertise to manage the vast sums of money flowing through it. Ultimately, the absence of robust controls and the pressure to cover up earlier mistakes led to the infamous theft. The Bitcoin system, with its decentralized nature and individual control over funds, offers a potential solution to this problem by eliminating the need for a central authority and reducing the risk of large-scale theft.

    • Covering up financial mistakes can lead to pyramid schemesTransparency and honesty are crucial in financial matters. Past mistakes should be learned from, not covered up, to avoid complex financial problems.

      Covering up early financial mistakes can lead to larger, more complex problems, often resembling a pyramid scheme. This was exemplified in a seventh-grade candy scheme and can be seen in more complex financial situations, such as the ongoing investigation of a Bitcoin trader. Pyramid schemes, where individuals recruit new members to pay earlier investors, are often a desperate attempt to cover up losses. However, transparency and honesty are crucial in financial matters. The Bitcoin system's public ledger provides a level of transparency that allows for the tracking of financial transactions and the exposure of potential fraud or mismanagement. It's essential to learn from past mistakes and avoid repeating them, rather than trying to cover them up. The ongoing investigation will reveal the truth behind the Bitcoin trader's actions and the extent of any financial losses or theft.

    • Rebuilding the Timeline of Mt. Gox Hack TransfersDespite the loss of funds from Mt. Gox hack, no bailouts or special deals were given. The culture of Japan and low crime rate might explain why the hacker hasn't been harmed. Negative impacts on Bitcoin exchanges and users led to a ripple effect. Keeping large Bitcoin sums on a phone is not recommended.

      While it's impossible to determine where the missing Bitcoins from the Mt. Gox hack went, we can rebuild a timeline of when they were transferred out of known controlled accounts. Contrary to popular belief, Mt. Gox did not receive bailouts or special deals to cover up their losses. The culture and low incidence of violent crime in Japan might be reasons why the hacker has not been harmed or killed. Many people and businesses, including Bitcoin exchanges like Tiger Direct and Overstock.com, were negatively impacted by the loss of funds from Mt. Gox, leading to a ripple effect. It's important to note that not all Bitcoin users store their coins in an exchange, and those who do are more likely to be affected. While a phone can store an unlimited amount of Bitcoin, it's not recommended to keep large sums on a mobile device.

    • Cautionary Tale of Centralization in CryptocurrencyDecentralization is crucial for security, but proper security practices and decentralized financial institutions are necessary to mitigate risks and prevent significant losses in the cryptocurrency space.

      While Bitcoin offers the potential for increased security through decentralization and multiple backups, the lack of proper security practices and centralization of control in the hands of a few can lead to significant losses and potential fraud. The Mt. Gox incident serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of decentralization and the risks associated with trusting a single entity with large amounts of Bitcoin. Despite the negative impact on those affected, the incident underscores the need for better security practices and decentralized financial institutions in the cryptocurrency space. Ultimately, the Mt. Gox failure did not inherently harm Bitcoin, but rather exposed the risks of centralized control in the cryptocurrency world.

    • The Importance of Security and Trust in CryptocurrenciesCompanies must prioritize security and trust in cryptocurrencies, learn from past mistakes, and embrace disruption to stay competitive.

      As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continue to gain popularity and disrupt traditional financial industries, it's crucial for companies to prioritize security and trust. The speaker shares a cautionary tale about the importance of assuming people are fallible and implementing controls to prevent fraud. On a positive note, the speaker also suggests that established companies, like Bank of America, could capitalize on their brand name and get involved in Bitcoin to stay competitive. The history of the telecommunications industry provides a relevant example, where companies initially resisted the decentralized internet but eventually had to adapt and create new businesses. Ultimately, it's a matter of who embraces the disruption first and outruns the competition. Human nature, with its tendencies towards following trends and playing it safe, can make it challenging for some companies to adapt, but those that do may reap significant rewards.

    • Technological advancements disrupt industriesBusinesses must stay informed and adapt quickly to technological changes to remain competitive.

      Industries can be disrupted at any time by new technologies, and those that fail to adapt may not survive. Moore's Law, which predicts the exponential growth of technology, has led to advancements in various fields, from camera phones with high-resolution images to the ability to make long-distance calls for free. This rapid pace of change can make it difficult for established companies to compete, as seen with the decline of Kodak and the payphone industry. Apple's decision to ban Bitcoin wallet apps from its App Store could be due to concerns over the technology's reputation and potential financial risks, as well as the company's desire to maintain its revenue stream through its own payment system. Overall, it's essential for businesses to stay informed about technological advancements and adapt quickly to remain competitive.

    • Apple's control vs. Android's experimentationApple's tight control may hinder innovation, allowing competitors to surpass them with more experimental features.

      Apple's control over certain technologies and markets, such as smartphones and iTunes, may eventually lead to its downfall as competitors catch up and surpass them with innovative features. The speaker's personal experience with Android phones and music platforms illustrates this trend. Apple's tightly controlled approach offers consistency but limits innovation, while the Wild West of Android allows for more experimentation and eventual improvement in quality. The cycle repeats as the controlled situation lags behind and eventually opens up to competition. This discussion also highlights the speaker's frustration with iTunes and its outdated interface, as well as the ease and convenience of buying music on Android devices.

    • Android leads smartphone market with 81% share, Apple has 19%Android dominates smartphone market due to affordability, Apple offers quality and seamless integration

      The smartphone market is dominated by Android with a global market share of around 81%, while Apple holds approximately 19%. The affordability of Android phones, particularly in larger markets like Asia, contributes to its popularity. However, this doesn't necessarily mean Android phones are superior to Apple's offerings. For instance, the iPhone 5s boasts the best smartphone camera according to some reports. Additionally, Apple's phones are known for their quality, reliability, and seamless integration of hardware and software. Despite the ongoing debate about specific features like camera quality and price points, it's clear that both platforms cater to different consumer preferences and needs.

    • User prefers iPad's features over camera capabilitiesUser values email access, online browsing, Flash content, design, and control on iPad, finding these features more important than a high-megapixel camera.

      The user values the ability to access email, go online, and use Flash content on the iPad over its camera capabilities. He also appreciates the iPad's stylish design and finds it more convenient for writing and memorizing content than using a notebook. The user also prefers the control, quality, and security offered by closed systems, such as the iPad, over the fragmentation and potential security issues of open systems. This preference is playing out in various areas of technology, including finance and finance technology like Bitcoin. While some may argue that more megapixels make for a better camera, the user believes that the iPad's camera is sufficient for most needs and that the device's other features outweigh the importance of a high-megapixel camera. The user also acknowledges improvements in camera technology, such as the Galaxy S5's camera, but ultimately finds that the device's other features are more important to him.

    • The smartphone industry has reached a saturation pointCompanies must innovate beyond incremental improvements to stay competitive in the technology industry.

      Technology innovation reaches a saturation point where incremental improvements become insignificant, and companies must find new areas to innovate. This was discussed in relation to the smartphone industry, where the initial differences between devices like the original iPhone and Android phones were vast, but over time, the differences became negligible. The open ecosystem of Android allowed for innovation in various areas, while Apple's closed system led to lawsuits over copied features. The new iPhone, expected in June, will likely face competition from well-designed Android phones like the HTC One M8, which offers unique features like dual cameras for improved photo quality. The debate over megapixels versus image quality was also touched upon, with the HTC One M8's four-megapixel "ultrapixel" camera being a point of discussion. Ultimately, the technology landscape is constantly evolving, and companies must adapt and innovate to stay competitive.

    • Android phones with advanced camera capabilitiesUsers can choose between Android devices based on preferred hardware and software, with advanced camera features and customizable operating systems being key considerations.

      Smartphones are increasingly replacing traditional cameras for the average person due to their convenience and advanced features. The new Android operating system, such as the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S5, now offer advanced camera capabilities, including background blurring, both in software and hardware. However, the decision between which Android device to buy ultimately depends on the user's preference for hardware and software, as well as the quality of the pre-installed software. Some users, like the speaker, prioritize the freedom and versatility of customizable operating systems over ease of use and pre-installed features. Despite criticisms, Windows continues to have a significant market share and offers a range of hardware options, including laptops and virtual machines for running multiple operating systems. The speaker expressed interest in Android notebooks for light computing needs. Despite some early challenges, Windows stores now sell a variety of hardware, including laptops and tablets. Ultimately, the choice between operating systems and devices comes down to personal preference and use case.

    • Mobile phone cameras: Balancing advanced features and daytime image qualityApple and Lumia lead in mobile camera quality, but new technologies like 3D photography are still rough around the edges. Apple may eventually adopt digital currencies, but it's expected to do so more slowly than others.

      While some mobile phones offer impressive camera technology, the trade-off for advanced features, like 3D photography, can result in subpar daytime image quality. The two leading options for high-quality mobile cameras are the Lumia and the iPhone. The Sony Xperia 2 also boasts a strong camera. Some manufacturers, like Sony, are experimenting with dual-camera systems to enable 3D photography, but the technology is still in its infancy and lacks the polish of more established options. The first iterations of new technologies are often rough around the edges, but their disruptive potential can drive innovation. Apple, known for its controlled environment and focus on polish, is likely hesitant to adopt Bitcoin wallets due to the associated risks and potential disruption to their payment network and rumored digital currency plans. However, the trend towards digital currencies is strong, and Apple is expected to eventually adopt them, albeit more slowly than others. In the near future, we can expect better, user-friendly apps to manage Bitcoin and other digital currencies, making the technology more accessible to the average user.

    • Understanding Bitcoin WalletsBitcoin wallets don't store coins but rather the keys to unlock them, progress is being made towards simpler wallets, and the ultimate goal is to provide new tools for the Bitcoin economy.

      The term "Bitcoin wallet" can be misleading as it doesn't actually store coins but rather the keys to unlock them on the network. The technology and user experience of Bitcoin are still in their infancy and geeky, with the culture and terminology yet to fully align. However, progress is being made with the development of HTML5 wallets that run in browsers, bypassing the app system. The ultimate goal is not to replace traditional financial systems but to provide new and innovative tools for communication and transactions within the Bitcoin economy. This economy is experiencing a wave of innovation and opportunity, with numerous startups hiring and the Bitcoin community growing.

    • Transforming complex technologies into mainstream toolsSolving Bitcoin's challenges of complexity and usability could lead to the creation of new industries and decentralized financial services, similar to the internet's evolution.

      Identifying and solving complex problems in emerging technologies can lead to the creation of new industries and innovative solutions. Using the example of the internet and its transformation from an unnavigable network to a mainstream tool, Bitcoin presents similar opportunities. Currently, Bitcoin faces challenges such as complexity and usability, but solving these issues could lead to the development of new industries and decentralized financial services. The comparison to the internet's evolution shows that simplifying complex technologies and making them accessible to the masses is a proven path to success. Recent advancements in Bitcoin, like multi-signature capabilities, demonstrate the progress being made towards this goal.

    • Multi-sig technology enhances Bitcoin transactions with increased security and trustMulti-sig technology in Bitcoin enables secure and trusted transactions by requiring multiple digital signatures, beneficial for businesses, trusts, and escrow accounts. Decentralized arbitration services offer flexibility and choice for buyers and sellers, shifting from traditional centralized systems.

      Bitcoin transactions involve digital signatures for authorization, and multi-sig technology allows for increased security and trust through requiring multiple signatures for transfers. This can be useful for businesses, trusts, and escrow accounts. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin also allows for a market of arbitration providers, giving buyers and sellers the power to choose the rules and trust level for their transactions. This decentralization is a shift from traditional centralized systems where arbitration is imposed, and it's already leading to the growth of a market for these services. The technology is advancing rapidly, and it's making it easier and faster to use Bitcoin for transactions with added security and trust. The potential for this technology goes beyond what we've seen before, and it's opening up new possibilities for various industries and applications.

    • Adding an extra layer of security with multi-signature accountsMulti-sig accounts require multiple approvals for transactions, adding an extra layer of security. Users can keep one signature, backup another, and choose a risk checking service to assess transactions for potential fraud.

      Multi-signature (multi-sig) accounts can offer an additional layer of security for cryptocurrency transactions. For instance, a two of three account requires any two out of three signatures for authorization. Users can keep one signature, backup another, and give the third to a risk checking service. This service assesses transactions based on the user's history and potential fraud risk. Users are then notified to confirm or cancel the transaction. The choice of risk checking services is flexible, allowing users to pick the best one. This system is more secure than traditional methods, as it resembles the secure environment of established systems like Apple, while the wild world of cryptocurrency can be compared to downloading software from BitTorrent. Users should be cautious and only invest a small percentage of their funds in cryptocurrencies, and avoid putting all their savings into it. Additionally, there have been instances of people losing access to their cryptocurrencies due to misplaced wallets or hard drives.

    • Exploring Opportunities from Lost Bitcoin Hard DriveLosing a hard drive with Bitcoin can lead to new opportunities, sharing Bitcoin addresses for transactions is simple, QR codes enable easy Bitcoin payments, technology integration enhances daily life, and data security is crucial.

      The discussion touched upon the potential for new opportunities arising from the loss of a valuable item, specifically a hard drive containing Bitcoin. The conversation also highlighted the ease of sharing Bitcoin addresses for donations or transactions, and the potential for using QR codes to receive Bitcoin payments. Furthermore, the conversation showcased the integration of technology, such as smartwatches, into daily life and the potential for innovative uses of such technology. Lastly, the discussion emphasized the importance of data security and the potential risks of not properly disposing of digital data.

    • Charities Use Bitcoin for Impactful GivingCharities like Sean's Outpost and BitGive Foundation use Bitcoin for charitable causes, enabling fast, transparent, and accessible donations through various methods, reaching a larger audience through social media.

      Bitcoin is being used effectively for charitable giving. Charities like Sean's Outpost and BitGive Foundation are utilizing this digital currency to make a significant impact on people's lives. For instance, Sean's Outpost was able to feed 60,000 meals to homeless people in Pensacola, Florida using Bitcoin donations. The ease and speed of transactions, as well as transparency, make Bitcoin an attractive option for charitable causes. Additionally, the ability to send and receive Bitcoin through various methods, such as QR codes and screenshots, makes it accessible for individuals to contribute. The potential reach of social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook further amplifies the impact of these donations. The story of Newsweek's identification of Bitcoin's creator serves as a reminder of the transformative power of this technology and its potential to bring about positive change.

    • Protecting Satoshi's PrivacyThe Bitcoin community rallied to protect Satoshi's privacy and prevent harm, donating Bitcoin to charity in response to Newsweek's irresponsible journalism.

      The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, should be left unknown to protect their privacy and prevent potential harm. Newsweek's erroneous identification of a man in Los Angeles as Satoshi and subsequent publication of his personal information led to dangerous consequences. The Bitcoin community came together in a display of generosity, donating large sums of Bitcoin to charity in real-time. Despite Newsweek's right to publish, the irresponsible journalism resulted in significant harm to the innocent man. Privacy and security are essential in the digital age, and the Bitcoin community serves as an example of the power of collective action for good causes.

    • Bitcoin Community Rallies Around Innocent ManThe Bitcoin community showed compassion and solidarity by raising over $150,000 in Bitcoin to support an innocent man falsely accused of being Satoshi Nakamoto, demonstrating the decentralized and supportive nature of the network.

      The Bitcoin community came together to support an innocent man wrongfully accused of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, through a successful fundraiser. The individual, Dorian Nakamoto, was subjected to unwarranted media attention and faced significant personal harm. In response, the Bitcoin community, demonstrating the decentralized and compassionate nature of the network, raised over $150,000 in Bitcoin to help Dorian. This not only provided financial assistance but also showed solidarity and support during a difficult time. It also served as a reminder of the power of the community to counteract the negative effects of irresponsible journalism.

    • Newsweek's Alleged Exposure of Bitcoin's CreatorNewsweek's hasty and unsubstantiated accusation of a retired man as Bitcoin's creator violated his privacy and potentially put him in danger. The Bitcoin community rallied behind him, emphasizing the supportive nature of the cryptocurrency space.

      The journalistic integrity of Newsweek came under question after they published an article accusing a retired man of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, without sufficient evidence. The man's privacy was violated, and his personal information was made public, leading to potential danger. The Bitcoin community came to his defense, highlighting the charitable nature of the Bitcoin space. However, it was later revealed that the new management of Newsweek was responsible for the article, and their actions were driven by a desire to make money through controversy. The incident underscores the importance of responsible journalism and the potential risks of reckless accusations. The Bitcoin community's response also showcased the generosity and support within the cryptocurrency space.

    • Skepticism towards space tourism and Bitcoin adoptionThe speaker questions the value of high-cost, limited space tourism and expresses caution towards Bitcoin's volatility, emphasizing the importance of extended stays on the moon and stable financial investments.

      The speaker expresses skepticism towards space tourism, specifically the high cost and limited experience offered by current space travel companies. He believes that the ultimate goal should be traveling to the moon for an extended stay, with all the luxuries one can imagine. The speaker also shares his thoughts on Bitcoin adoption, acknowledging its potential but expressing concerns about its volatility and the risks involved for businesses. The conversation also touches upon the irony of countries with weak rule of law being the first to ban Bitcoin. Overall, the speaker's perspective is a mix of excitement for technological advancements and caution towards their practical applications.

    • Power Plays and Conflicts in a Changing World: Russia's Control Over Natural Gas and the Currency CrisisRussia's control over natural gas and the global currency crisis are leading to power plays and conflicts between world powers. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offer individuals financial control and security in an unstable world.

      We are living in a time of significant geopolitical change and economic upheaval. The era of cheap energy is coming to an end, and this is leading to power plays and conflicts between world powers. Russia's President Putin, like a mobster, has seized control of a major natural resource, natural gas, through Gazprom. This control over Europe's energy supply has given Putin immense power, leading to conflicts and power plays, most notably in Ukraine. At the same time, the world is facing a currency crisis and the most significant one in three generations. Amidst this instability, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are emerging as potential solutions for individuals to maintain control over their money, particularly for those in exploitative situations like sex work. The conversation around Bitcoin's potential to empower the poor was sidetracked, but the underlying point remains: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offer a level of financial control and security that is increasingly valuable in an unstable world.

    • Bitcoin transactions are pseudonymous but can be linked to other identifying informationWhile Bitcoin offers privacy, associating transactions with other identifiable info can compromise it. Ethical considerations in tech businesses are crucial.

      While Bitcoin transactions may be pseudonymous, meaning they can be linked to other identifying information, the Bitcoin addresses themselves cannot be directly traced to IP addresses without specific surveillance or monitoring. The technology behind Bitcoin, which is based on cryptography, is the same technology used to secure bank networks and other sensitive systems. However, if Bitcoin users associate their transactions with other identifiable information, such as a physical address or a publicly shared donation address, their privacy can be compromised. The speaker, who raised funds for a charitable organization by sharing an embarrassing photo of himself, emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in tech businesses and the unique understanding of transparency in the tech community.

    • Bitcoin's cryptography is secure and trusted in various industriesBitcoin's encryption and use in industries make it a secure method for digital asset storage and transfer. Clear and relatable explanations on podcasts like the Joe Rogan Experience help demystify Bitcoin, increasing public interest and understanding.

      Bitcoin's cryptography is trustworthy due to its use in various industries, making it a secure method for storing and transferring digital assets. The encryption of Bitcoin wallets through passwords and secondary passwords ensures that even if data is stolen, the keys remain hidden. Bitcoin's educational impact is significant, with many individuals becoming interested in it after listening to informative discussions like the one between Andreas Antonopoulos and Joe Rogan. Antonopoulos' clear and relatable explanations of complex concepts have helped demystify Bitcoin for the general public, reducing confusion and misinformation. The freedom and accessibility of podcasts, like the Joe Rogan Experience, mirror Bitcoin's decentralized nature, enabling direct human interaction and the exchange of ideas and information without intermediaries.

    • Andreas Antonopoulos's Podcast and Upcoming Live ShowsAndreas Antonopoulos encourages listeners to follow him on Twitter and listen to his podcast 'Let's Talk Bitcoin'. He has upcoming guests and live shows in Tucson and Phoenix. Use code word 'Rogan' for savings on LegalZoom and Onit.com.

      Andreas Antonopoulos, a well-known figure in the Bitcoin community, encourages listeners to follow him on Twitter @Aantonop and listen to his podcast "Let's Talk Bitcoin" available on iTunes. He recently celebrated the 100th episode and has upcoming guests such as Steve Maxwell, David Tal, Greg Fitzsimmons, and Joey Coco Diaz. Antonopoulos also mentioned his upcoming live shows in Tucson and Phoenix. He thanked his sponsors, including LegalZoom, Dollar Shave Club, and Onit.com. Antonopoulos will be in Tucson at Hotel Congress, which has around 150-200 seats and regularly hosts shows. He encouraged listeners to use the code word "Rogan" for savings on LegalZoom and Onit.com. Antonopoulos's podcast provides a wealth of information on Bitcoin and he releases new episodes every three months.

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    Bitcoin Is Not a Currency

    Is the granddaddy of crypto actually a currency? That’s one heck of a question, especially since many have touted it as exactly that. Bitcoin was supposed to be this decentralized thing that would allow regular people to buy and sell independently of any government system and its fiat currency. However, the way things have developed have prompted many to ask what Bitcoin actually is. Is it a currency, a commodity, or an asset? 

    Well, it definitely is not a commodity. A commodity is a tangible good that can be used to actually make things. Its value comes from its usefulness and how much value society places on that use. Bitcoin by its nature is not tangible and can’t actually be used to make anything. 

    What about currency? It is called a cryptocurrency after all. Yet, what makes something a currency? It has to be easily transported and transferred to another party at little or no cost. In a sense, Bitcoin is easy to transport because it is strictly digital. You can carry the code or the password to your Bitcoin account around with you in your pocket. However, transferring it is difficult. It actually costs far too much money in electricity and fees to move it from your account to another to justify using it to make purchases. Imagine buying a $1.50 cup of coffee for two hundred dollars just because of all the transfer costs. Not that buying such a small item with it is even possible. Bitcoin can only be divided so much, and given the value of a single Bitcoin, even a Satoshi (the smallest Bitcoin unit) is worth over three dollars as of this writing.

    That leaves its value as an asset. Anyone who bought Bitcoin ten years ago, or even two, and seen the value of their investment skyrocket in the time since will definitely attest to the currency’s value as an asset. If you dropped two hundred on it ten years ago and cashed out today, you would definitely be a millionaire several times over. In a way, it is even better than gold. This is because while that shiny rock does a great job storing value, it doesn’t really increase in value. What does that mean? Basically, you can use the same amount of gold to buy a suit today as you would have used fifty years ago. While it is worth more dollars than it was then, that’s only because the dollar is worth less. Yet, the value of gold remains the same, with minor fluctuations. 

    Bitcoin however is currently increasing in dollar value at a pace that far exceeds inflation, making it a better investment for growth. At least for now. It has proven exceptionally volatile, increasing or decreasing in value by tens of thousands based on tweets from certain high profile people, or a government policy change. 

    How did we get to that point? Why did Bitcoin reach a point where it isn’t a currency, and probably never will be? How did it become a valuable but volatile digital asset? Because it wound up being tied to the U.S. dollar. It didn’t necessarily need to be tied to the dollar but the investment behavior of many drove the public perception in that direction. As soon as people started talking about it in terms of dollars, the die was cast and now the coin that started it all is inextricably linked to a centralized fiat currency. Which in turn means that Bitcoin is now a centralized asset, though it is supported by a decentralized network. 

    Perhaps the people behind Bitcoin dreamed too big. Maybe they didn’t understand the dangers of putting it out for everyone right away. It might have been different if that had begun smaller, in a specific ecosystem. 

    TARTLEcoin for example is meant for use within the TARTLE ecosystem. It is something that anyone can earn through simple actions and can be easily transported and transferred in a matter of seconds at extremely low cost. It even has a specific value in that each one grants you priority when buyers are looking for data too. Everyone can access and use it and everyone knows exactly what it is for. Perhaps this will be a better way, one that avoids the dollar trap.

    What’s your crypto worth? www.tartle.co


    Tcast is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


    What's your data worth?


    Find out at: https://tartle.co/


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    TPP430: Bitcoin: What property investors need to know

    TPP430: Bitcoin: What property investors need to know

    Before you get involved in Bitcoin, what should you know about it?

    Well, you’re about to find out in today’s episode.

    We’re temporarily diverting away from property because Bitcoin is such a hot topic right now.

    But what’s more concerning, is that people are wanting to jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon without understanding what it is or how it works.

    Rob & Rob love taking on complex subjects and breaking them down into understandable, digestible bits of information. So, if you’re clueless about Bitcoin, this is the episode for you.


    In the news

    This week’s news story had to be none other than Nationwide’s House Price Index which shows annual house price growth has hit 10.9%.

    Average property prices have also gone up from £238,000 to £242,000 in a month!

    The report puts this down to people still wanting to move out of city areas and gain more space, which we’ve seen happening throughout the pandemic.

    So, for anyone who’s got a property portfolio under their belt, they’re likely to be pretty happy right now.


    Hub Extra

    For this week’s Hub Extra, we’re giving you a trio of books for you to get stuck into.

    The first one is an easy read and it’s ‘Bitcoin Billionaires’ by Ben Mezrich. We’ve actually recommended this book before but it’s a brilliant story about the origins of Bitcoin.

    The second and third books are for you to continue your Bitcoin learning.

    We’ve got ‘Inventing Bitcoin’ by Yan Pritzker and ‘The Bitcoin Standard’ by Saifedean Ammous. These two books aren’t the most entertaining books to read but if you’re wanting to understand the technical side of Bitcoin then they do just that.

    We recommend listening to them on Audible and you’ll have them boxed off in a few hours.


    Let’s get social

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week!

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Bitcoin, the Evil Spawn

    Bitcoin, the Evil Spawn

    Late Confirmation is a CoinDesk production.

    For more information, visit www.CoinDesk.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    SBF TRIAL: Inside Sam Bankman-Fried's Trial Defense Episode 1

    SBF TRIAL: Inside Sam Bankman-Fried's Trial Defense Episode 1

    Just days before Sam Bankman-Fried landed in a Brooklyn prison for breaking his bail agreement, he agreed to answer questions from the Coinage community. It would become his last interview before he was admitted to Metropolitan Detention Center. Surprisingly, he provided about 50 pages of documents outlining his defense strategy. In this exclusive series, we explore exactly what SBF says led to FTX downfall, and discuss SBF’s exclusive defense strategy with experts, including the former prosecutor who took down Bernie Madoff.

    In Episode 1, we take a closer look at SBF's right-hand woman: Caroline Ellison. One of three FTX executives who have pleaded guilty, along with Gary Wang and Nishad Singh, Caroline Ellison was CEO of Alameda Research, SBF's bespoke trading firm that operated on FTX. 

    Caroline admits that she committed crimes during her time as the head of Alameda. SBF said he was unaware — and says it's precisely because he was unaware of just how badly Caroline was running Alameda that its collapse took down FTX. But does that defense stand a chance at trial?

    “It's tough for an MIT graduate who comes off as kind of a master of the universe type to argue that he's an idiot,” says Marc Litt. 

    You can read and watch Coinage’s full reporting on SBF’s legal defense at Coinage.Media. Watch our full trial coverage at https://www.coinage.media/sbf-trial

    Read the full Coinage Article.

    Sign up for the daily CoinDesk SBF Trial Newsletter.

    Credits: Wondercraft AI Voice, Coinage and CoinDesk.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.


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