
    499. Andy & DJ CTI: Bud Light Backlash, Biden Admin Involved In Mar-A-Lago Raid & Louisville Bank Shooter

    enApril 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Various Podcast Formats and Encouraging SharingThe CTI Podcast offers different formats to engage listeners, including current events discussions, Q&A sessions, real talks, and full-length interviews. The hosts encourage sharing to spread personal development information and laughter.

      The CTI Podcast, hosted by Andy and DJ Cruz, offers various formats to engage listeners. These include current events discussions, Q&A sessions, real talks, and full-length interviews. The show aims to provide personal development information and encourages listeners to share it if they find value. The hosts believe in the importance of freedom and awareness in personal growth and business success. They ask listeners to share the show if it makes them laugh, learn something new, or provides a fresh perspective. The hosts also engage in light-hearted banter, as evidenced by their discussion about beard washes.

    • The speaker's plan to go incognito with a long hair and shaved beardThe speaker shares his appreciation for beards, historical presidents with beards, and his new YouTube channel for related content, along with his beard care routine.

      The speaker values his unique appearance, specifically his beard, and has a plan to go incognito by growing his hair long and shaving his beard when he retires. He also mentioned his new venture into YouTube content creation, inviting viewers to check out his website for related topics. The conversation also touched on historical presidents and their beards, with the speaker expressing his preference for a beard and sharing his admiration for those who have had one in office. The speaker also plugged his preferred beard care products and shared his routine for maintaining his beard. Despite the off-topic discussions, the speaker remained engaging and entertaining, inviting viewers to join him on this new YouTube journey.

    • Bud Light's partnership with a transgender influencer sparks controversyCompanies must balance efforts to appeal to younger audiences with potential backlash from traditional customer bases.

      Companies, like Bud Light, are facing increasing pressure to adapt to changing consumer demographics and cultural shifts, but these efforts can also spark controversy and backlash from certain customer bases. In the case of Bud Light, their partnership with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney led to intense opposition from conservative customers, resulting in decreased orders from distributors in rural and southern areas. The company's Vice President of Marketing, Alyssa Hernandez, had expressed a desire to update the brand's image and appeal to younger customers. However, the fallout from the Mulvaney partnership highlights the challenges of balancing these efforts with the potential to offend longtime customers. This tension was further highlighted when Lisa Herndon, the VP of Bud Light, deleted her LinkedIn profile after facing backlash for her pronouns in her bio. The incident underscores the importance of companies carefully considering the potential reactions to their marketing strategies and the need to navigate the increasingly polarized cultural landscape.

    • Balancing brand evolution and core identityCompanies must connect with diverse audiences while avoiding decisions that alienate long-time supporters. Representation and inclusivity are important, but meritocracy and marketing skills matter too.

      The evolution and inclusivity of a brand like Bud Light should not come at the expense of its core identity and consumer base. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding and connecting with diverse audiences while avoiding out-of-touch decisions that may alienate long-time supporters. The speaker emphasizes the need for representation and inclusivity but also stresses the significance of meritocracy and marketing skills in driving business success. The backlash against Bud Light serves as a reminder that companies must balance their commitment to diversity with the desire of consumers to enjoy their products without political agendas.

    • Cancel culture's unintended consequencesCancel culture can bring attention to issues and hold individuals/companies accountable, but it can also harm innocent parties and stifle free speech. Use it judiciously and encourage open dialogue instead.

      Cancel culture, which involves boycotting businesses or individuals due to perceived wrongdoings, is a double-edged sword that can have unintended consequences. The speaker argues that while it can be effective in bringing attention to issues and holding individuals or companies accountable, it can also harm innocent parties and stifle free speech. The current backlash against Bud Light for its association with a trans influencer is an example of this. While some may view it as a form of accountability for the brand's perceived transphobia, others see it as an attack on free speech and a replacement of women in various aspects of society. The speaker believes that cancel culture should be used judiciously and with consideration for the potential unintended consequences. Instead, they advocate for open dialogue and a free market where consumers make decisions based on their values and beliefs.

    • Cancel culture's harmful impact on individuals and societyCancel culture, driven by mob mentality, can harm individuals and families, potentially leading to job losses and an echo chamber of intolerance. Encourage empathy and understanding instead.

      Cancel culture, driven by a dangerous mob mentality from both sides, has the potential to harm individuals and families, and could lead to an echo chamber of intolerance. It's important for Americans to discourage cancel culture and promote empathy and understanding. The size and influence of corporations, as well as external pressures, can contribute to this issue, potentially leading to job losses for the working class. While it's unclear if recent incidents were intentionally propagated, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences and work towards fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

    • American beer brands' actions leading to cultural demoralizationCompanies should avoid pushing controversial issues onto customers and be cautious about hiring individuals with controversial beliefs to prevent potential damage to brand reputation and societal harm.

      The recent actions of three major American beer brands, including Bud Light, have deeply affected the public's perception of them, leading to a sense of cultural demoralization. This demoralization, as some argue, could be a deliberate attempt to weaken American society and push people towards poverty levels, a tactic used in communist countries. Regardless of the intent, the consequences are clear: unemployment benefits ending, potential financial hardship for workers, and damage to brand reputation. Companies should be cautious about hiring individuals with controversial beliefs and avoid pushing controversial issues onto their customers. Cancel culture, while useful in resetting standards, can be detrimental to everyone and companies should focus on being pro-American and respectful of diverse opinions.

    • Tired of Political Divisions in Consumer ProductsExecutives should consider the impact on employees and unity of consumers before making politically charged decisions, avoiding cancel culture and potential job losses.

      People are tired of political views being forced into consumer products and the negative consequences it brings, including cancel culture and potential job losses for hardworking families. The speaker believes that companies, including Bud Light, should focus on unifying consumers rather than dividing them, and that executives should consider the impact on employees when making decisions. The speaker also criticizes the inconsistency of companies being labeled as repeat offenders for political controversies. Overall, the speaker advocates for empathy, grace, and a focus on bringing people together rather than dividing them.

    • Biden administration's involvement in Mar-a-Lago raid raises concerns of political persecutionThe Biden administration's access to Trump's records for a criminal investigation through a special access request sets a dangerous precedent for political persecution and could lead to a cycle of retaliation, raising concerns about fairness and impartiality in American politics.

      The Biden administration's involvement in the raid of former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, which was initially kept hidden from the public, raises serious concerns about the misuse of power and potential lies to the American people. According to legal experts, the FBI's access to Trump's records through a special access request from the Biden White House appears to be unlawful, as providing documents for a criminal investigation is not considered the current business of the White House. This incident sets a dangerous precedent for political persecution and could potentially lead to a cycle of retaliation. The speaker believes that the pendulum of politics has swung too far to the left and that the current administration is willing to go to great lengths to prevent Trump from regaining the presidency. The ongoing investigations and biased judicial system further fuel the belief that there is a systemic issue with fairness and impartiality in American politics.

    • Compromised justice system and executive branch manipulating electionsStay informed and actively participate in democratic process to prevent election manipulation

      The justice system and executive branch of the government are compromised, working in collusion to maintain power, and using manipulative tactics like bots and suppression of opposing viewpoints to create a skewed narrative. This illusion of public support for certain political agendas was highlighted in the 2016 and 2020 elections, with key states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona being targeted for vote manipulation. To counteract this, individuals in these areas are encouraged to organize and monitor the ballot boxes to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the upcoming elections. The people in power are desperate to hold onto power and have enough supporters to justify their actions, but the real numbers and support for opposing viewpoints are becoming increasingly apparent. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and actively participate in the democratic process to ensure fair and accurate elections.

    • The Need for Practical Leadership in Divisive TimesRecognize the need for savage leadership that prioritizes the people's wellbeing, understand realities of everyday life, and replace establishment politicians with anti-establishment figures for meaningful reform.

      The current state of political discourse in the country is deeply divisive, with many people focusing on personal dislikes rather than the issues at hand. The speaker argues that people need to recognize the need for practical, "savage" leadership that prioritizes the wellbeing of the people over personal comfort or power. He also emphasizes the importance of having leaders who understand the realities of everyday life and are committed to serving the public. The media, according to the speaker, contributes to this divisiveness by propagating us against each other, and it's up to citizens to come together and replace establishment politicians with anti-establishment figures who will put the country's interests first. Ultimately, the goal should be to recognize our shared struggles and work together to bring about meaningful reform.

    • Reforming the Political System for the BetterAdvocating for term limits, no lobbying, no fines, no insider trading, a favorable tax code, voter reform, limiting voting rights to those paying into the system, and having someone with a genuine understanding of everyday people in power can help restore trust and respect in the US political system.

      Significant reforms are needed in the political system to ensure those contributing to the country have a greater say in its direction. The speaker advocates for policies such as term limits, no lobbying, no fines, no insider trading, a favorable tax code, voter reform, and limiting voting rights to those paying into the system. He believes this imbalance in the system is causing the country to be misrepresented and skewed, leading to a loss of trust and respect from other nations. He emphasizes that all Americans, regardless of race or background, are fundamentally the same and need to come together to address these issues. The speaker's ultimate goal is to have someone with a genuine understanding of the struggles of everyday people in power, make the necessary changes, and then step down. He believes this would prevent the country from being seen as stupid and divisive by the rest of the world.

    • Louisville Shooting: 5 Dead, 8 Injured, Suspect Bought Gun Legally 6 Days PriorA recent shooting left 5 dead and 8 injured. The suspect, a former bank employee, legally purchased the weapon used just days before. Some argue for addressing mental health instead of gun control.

      The recent shooting at an old national bank in Louisville, Kentucky, left five people dead and eight injured. The suspect, a 23-year-old former bank employee, purchased the weapon used in the attack legally just six days prior. While the White House has called for gun control measures in response to the shooting, some argue that mental health issues should be addressed instead. The suspect in this case identified as he/him on LinkedIn and attended the University of Alabama. The shooting follows a pattern of mass shootings, with some pointing to far-left ideologies as potential motivations. The speaker in this discussion expresses frustration with the ongoing gun control debates and suggests that armed security and addressing mental health should be prioritized.

    • Addressing the root causes of disillusionmentThe solution to violent acts isn't gun control, but rather addressing the root causes of disillusionment and equipping young people with necessary skills and knowledge.

      The current generation of workers has been raised on the belief that their feelings matter and that they'll succeed just by showing up, leading many to feel disillusioned and hopeless when they encounter reality. This sense of disillusionment, combined with the attention economy created by social media, can push some individuals to commit violent acts in a desperate attempt to feel seen and heard. The solution is not gun control, but rather addressing the root causes of this disillusionment and equipping young people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the real world. It's important to remember that criminals don't care about gun laws, and the Second Amendment is a safeguard against potential attempts to limit individual freedoms.

    • Perceived Threat to Capitalist Republic and Gun ControlSome people fear that gun control efforts are an attempt to replace the capitalist republic with a communist system and that politicians are out of touch with the majority's value of gun rights, leading to concerns about weapon confiscation during unrest.

      There is a perceived attempt by certain groups to replace the capitalist republic with a communist system, and gun control is seen as a significant part of this effort. Some people believe that those advocating for gun control are insulated from reality and out of touch with the majority of the population, who value their right to bear arms. The fear is that in the event of mass unrest, a third party entity may be called in to confiscate weapons. It was suggested that making laws against certain behaviors, such as gun ownership, would not solve the problem as criminals would still have access to weapons. The conversation also touched on the frustration with politicians for not addressing other criminal activities and focusing on gun control instead.

    • Encouraging thoughtfulness and excellenceThe spread of misinformation and ignorance can lead to dangerous consequences. It's important to strive for excellence and voice informed opinions to create a better future.

      People need to be more informed and thoughtful in their opinions, especially on topics they don't fully understand. The speaker expresses concern that the spread of misinformation and ignorance can lead to dangerous consequences, including the potential for societal decline and the creation of a society with vast income inequality. The speaker advocates for a cultural revolution that encourages individuals to strive for excellence and to voice their opinions on important issues. Ultimately, the speaker believes that it is up to each of us to raise our standards and work towards creating a better future for ourselves and for the country.

    • A deliberate plan to weaken AmericaThe current political climate is a deliberate plan to weaken America, executed by individuals compromised by America's biggest enemy, China. Focus on saving the country by setting aside differences and finding capable leaders, regardless of political affiliations.

      The current political climate in America is not a series of random events, but a deliberate plan to weaken the country and make its population less capable of defending it. This plan, according to the speaker, is being executed by individuals who are compromised by America's biggest enemy, China. The speaker argues that cultural weapons like cancel culture, feminism, and political correctness have been intentionally introduced to create a weak population. The speaker urges people to put aside their differences and focus on what's important: saving the country. They suggest that voters may need to consider voting for the "other team" to achieve this goal. The speaker acknowledges that some may find this suggestion difficult due to their beliefs about certain political figures, but emphasizes that the focus should be on finding someone capable of doing the job, rather than someone with perfect character. The speaker expresses concern that America is in danger of becoming unrecognizable if people do not start recognizing and addressing the true nature of the current political situation.

    • Politicians Changing Personas for Personal GainPoliticians prioritize personal gain over addressing societal issues, with social media amplifying the trend. Authentic representation and commitment to societal improvement are essential.

      The political landscape has become a stage for individuals to change their personas for personal gain, rather than focusing on solving the problems of everyday Americans. This was highlighted by the discussion about a Tennessee representative who transformed himself into a polarizing figure to gain attention and progress in his career. The use of social media as a tool for clout chasing has exacerbated this issue, leading to a lack of authentic representation and a failure to address pressing issues. The example of Justin Pearson, who changed his stance on defunding the police, underscores this concern. It's crucial for us to recognize this trend and encourage genuine commitment to the betterment of our society instead of being distracted by superficial changes.

    • Jeeps Marketed as Waterproof but Actually Water-ResistantJeeps, particularly Jeep Wranglers, can run with water inside but are not truly watertight or sealed from the outside, making them water-resistant, not waterproof.

      Jeeps, specifically Jeep Wranglers, are marketed as waterproof but are actually water-resistant. This was highlighted in two separate incidents where women were rescued from submerged Jeeps. In one case, a woman was rescued from a Jeep in a lake in Texas, and in another incident, a woman was rescued from a sinkhole with her vehicle partially submerged. These incidents demonstrate that while Jeeps can run with water inside, they are not truly watertight or sealed from the outside. It's essential to understand the difference between water-resistant and waterproof when considering purchasing a Jeep or any other vehicle.

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    Support Catalina's campaign: https://bit.ly/3LQAgkB

    Follow Catalina on Instagram: https://bit.ly/38KrV4B

    Follow Catalina on Twitter: https://bit.ly/3apUjcH

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    Catalina Lauf is a 29-year-old Congressional candidate for the 11th district of Illinois. She was born in Illinois and grew up in Woodstock as the daughter of a Guatemalan immigrant mother and a Chicago-born business-owner and entrepreneur father.

    About Co-Host:

    Adam “Sos” Sosnick has lived true rags to riches story. He hasn’t always been an authority on money. Connect with him on his weekly SOSCAST here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4s_zB_R7I0VW88nOW4PJkyREjT7rJic

    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: booking@valuetainment.com

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